The elemental bender

By scorch1000

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Expelled from beacon, abandoned and disowned by friends and family. Jaune leave in the emerald forest and is... More

Earth bio
Air bio

Water bio

167 3 0
By scorch1000

Waterbending, one of the four elemental bending arts, is the hydrokinetic ability to control water in all of its various forms.

Water is the element of change. The moon is the source of power in waterbending, and the original waterbenders learned to bend by observing how the moon pushed and pulled the tides.

The fighting style of waterbending is mostly fluid and graceful, acting in concert with the environment. Waterbenders deal with the flow of energy; they let their defense become their offense, turning their opponents' own forces against them. Even when waterbenders do take an attack stance, their moves always appear to flow from one to the other.

Waterbending's strength is its great versatility. Rather than supporting a separate set of offensive methods, waterbending employs defensive techniques that can be transformed into attacks and counters, defense into offense. Instead of simply deflecting an attack, waterbending's defensive maneuvers focus on control, achieved through turning an opponent's own strength against them, rather than directly harming the opponent.

Waterbending abilities and techniques

Breath of ice: A waterbender can use the water vapor in their breath to rapidly freeze objects or opponents. For a more advanced version of the technique, the user takes a deep breath and exhales the air as a cloud of freezing mist.

Ice blade: Waterbenders can create a sword-like blade of ice.

Ice bullets : launch shards of ice opponents.

Ice column: Similar to the earth column technique used by earthbenders, a waterbender can shoot a pillar of ice up from the ground to knock their opponent off their feet.

Ice creeper: A waterbender can send a ray of ice on the ground, speeding at an opponent to freeze them. This technique freezes a trail of water beginning with the waterbender performing the move and ending with their targets freezing.

Ice disc: A waterbender can create a cylindrical column of ice and proceed to slice razor-sharp sections of it off and send them at an opponent.

Ice floor: With a sufficient amount of water available, a skilled waterbender can cover a large area of the ground with ice, trapping their enemies' feet in ice while allowing them to slide around. The size and length are all determined by a waterbender's control, and more powerful benders can create larger floors.

Ice hook: Waterbenders, if creative enough, may form a hook out of ice which they can use to climb vertical surfaces.

Ice line: Waterbenders can create lines of twisting ice columns to knock out their opponents.

Ice projectiles: Waterbenders are able to rapidly shoot projectiles of ice at their opponents.

Ice wall/ice shield: Waterbenders are able to freeze water in front of them, creating a shield or even a large wall of ice.

Ice spear: The ice spear is a waterbending move that involves freezing a stream of water into a spike and firing it at the intended target.

Iceberg spike: Waterbenders can shoot small shards of ice at their opponent, or cause a giant spike to protrude from a body of water.

Phase change: Waterbenders also possess the ability to alter the physical state of the water they manipulate, between liquid, solid and gas, at will. Changing the phase of water allows for multiple techniques in the course of a battle, from encasing an opponent in ice to hiding behind a wall of mist. Ice and steam/fog can also be molded in a diverse range of shapes. Ice provides a degree of hard lethality since it can be molded into spikes or blades to pin down or impale opponents. Steam or mist can obscure a battlefield and mask movement. Waterbenders also possess the ability to breathe an icy mist that freezes water and other substances.

Snowball: Waterbenders can create a snowball capable of fighting. The shape, size, and length are all determined by the waterbender's control, while more powerful benders can create larger balls.

Streaming the water: it is a move that draws water from a source that waterbenders move around their bodies. This move is thought to be used for basic training so that beginning waterbenders can get a "feel" for water, but it is, in reality, useful move performed by waterbenders of every skill level.

Water ball: Similar to the bubble technique and the ice prison technique, a waterbender can trap their opponent in a ball of water.

Water boxing: To perform this technique, waterbenders surround their fist with a small amount of water and punches their opponent.

Water bracket: Skilled waterbenders can create a water bracket capable of cutting. This technique is a useful move performed by waterbenders of every skill level.

Water bullet: The water bullet is a move where a waterbender bends a large amount of water and sends it in a forceful blow toward their target. It is similar to a water jet, but it is more for a quick use since the jet takes more concentration. It is basic yet useful because it takes little time to perform and has a significant effect on the target.

Water cloak: A waterbender can use their water as a form of armor with tentacle-like arms. The bender can use these arms to grab objects or enemies, whip enemies, blast enemies with water, and freeze them. If a waterbender has less water available, he or she can simply form the arms instead of the entire cloak.

Water gimbal: Skilled waterbenders can create a gimbal, or two rotating rings of water, in the sky, around their bodies. This has both defensive and offensive capabilities, such as being used as a cannon.

Water jet: High-pressure jets can be used to force opponents back or even blast clean through a target if focused enough. Water jets are primarily used if the user has the intent of severely hurting their opponents.

Water lashing: The ability to shape water into a super-sharp edge or point for a split-second, enabling a waterbender to cut through metal, wood and stone.

Water manipulation: Almost all forms of waterbending involve moving and shaping a body of water to the waterbender's desire. By simply levitating a large mass of water, waterbenders can move water anywhere they wish, even parting it under the surface of a lake or sea, allowing them to walk along the bottom of a basin without the need to swim. These large bodies of water can also be used as weapons, either by shaping them into gigantic whips, swung repeatedly at a target as a snake-like body, formed momentarily into a razor-sharp edge that can cut through even metal, or simply dropped onto an opponent to smother them or put out a fire. On the sea or ocean, waterbending can be used to create giant maelstroms.

Water pressure manipulation: Waterbenders are also able to manipulate water pressure, allowing them to use water to grasp other objects or cut through without simply parting around them. Water can be used as a semi-solid while being able to move and flow like a liquid. Water can be pressurized to such a level where it can slice through metal.

Water ring: A skilled waterbender can create a ring of water around their body which can be used for both defense and offense, such as shooting ice shards or sending water whips at their opponent.

Water rope: A waterbender can create a rope capable of grabbing objects or enemies, as well as whipping enemies. This technique is similar to the water cloak.

Water wall/water shield: Water can be molded into a variety of shapes and can be used to deflect an attack, trap opponents in a viscous body, reshaped and propelled at attackers before they can recover, or solidified into a shield of ice. This diversity and ability to swiftly change to suit the situation is what makes the waterbender's defense so adaptable. Although usually protective, the shield needs some type of compression or else it will not be effective.

Water whip: The water whip is a commonly used move that involves creating a lashing tendril of water to swipe at an opponent. The shape, size, and length are all determined by a waterbender's control, and more powerful benders can create larger whips, or ones of greater finesse. The whip can be sharpened into a blade that can slice through metal with relative ease,

Wave: By moving a large mass of water without separating it from its original source, advanced waterbenders can create waves of nearly any size. They do this by using an upward movement that raises the source, which they subsequently send away in their desired direction. This can be used to sweep opponents away or even as a form of transport, with the bender surfing on the crest of the wave. This same process can be used to propel waterborne crafts.

Waterbending master level

The mark of a master waterbender is the ability to swiftly change from one state of water to another and rapidly switch techniques during combat, keeping the opponent off guard while constantly adapting to the enemy as demonstrated by Master Pakku. For example, he deflected a stream of water away from himself, froze it, and used it to slide behind Katara and counterattacked.

Bubble: Capable waterbenders are able to cross large bodies of water by creating a bubble around themselves and their fellow travelers, maintaining a supply of air for their journey.

Ice cover: A master waterbender can create an ice cover to cloak their opponent, and resembles the ice prison.

Ice dome: An advanced technique, a waterbender may surround a foe in a sphere of water and freeze it, trapping their opponent inside.

Ice drill: By turning the tip into ice, waterbenders control massive amounts of water into a spiraled frozen drill.

Ice ladder: This technique can be used for quick scaling of vertical surfaces when no other options are available.

Ice prison: This technique covers an opponent in a prison made of ice. By finely controlling the position of the person within, this technique can restrict the motions of an opponent's hands, thus rendering them powerless.

Ice ramp: Waterbenders can manipulate ice as a means of short transportation for themselves or others.

Ice sled: An advanced version of the ice ramp, master waterbenders can craft a sled out of ice and propel it forward with their bending at speeds that rival those achieved by motorized transportation, such as snowmobiles, ice shoes, and ice skateboards.

Ice tunneling: Waterbenders are able to swim through thick ice with the same ease as through water, allowing them to surprise their foes.

Maelstrom: In a large body of water, a waterbender can create a gigantic whirlpool.

Mist-stepping: A variation of the dust-stepping and fire-stepping techniques used by earthbenders and firebenders, respectively, a fast waterbender can use tiny pillars of ice to quickly scale a building.

Multiple water whips: An advanced waterbending move similar to the single water whip, except it deals with more than one whip, usually four or five. This technique seems to be able to inflict a large amount of damage.

Octopus form: A body of water formed around the user into multiple whip-like limbs which can be used to grasp or strike an opponent or to intercept incoming attacks.

Partial ice whip: Waterbenders can take hold of the end of an opponent's water whip and locally freeze the opposite end in order to trap their opponent and pull them in closer.

Razor rings: An experienced waterbender can create multiple simultaneous water rings capable of cutting.

Water dome: A master waterbender can create a water dome that can be used for both offense and defense, the shape and size all dependent on how much water there is available.

Water run: Waterbending masters can run on water at high speeds, in addition to riding on foreign objects with the same purpose.

Water pinwheel: This move involves the user moving a large mass of water and spinning it vertically around him/her.

Water spout, water vortex, or water tower: This high-level technique involves controlling a whirlpool-like pillar of water, rotating it and directing its movements at the same time, making it easier for the user to dodge attacks. In accordance with the water spout's constantly shifting and coiling movements, it forms a giant snake of water around the lower body, elevating them from the surface of the water.

Special techniques

Bloodbending: Bloodbending is a specialized sub-skill and a rare variation of waterbending, a sinister application of the principle that water is present in every living organism, thus making them bendable objects themselves. This tecnique is referred to as the highest level of waterbending.By definition, bloodbending is a technique that allows a bender to enforce his or her will to an organism. Initially, it was thought that bloodbending could only be done during the full moon, where waterbenders are at their most powerful. (Jaune only use this against bad guy when he has no choice and on the moon)

Healing: Waterbenders can sometimes use a unique sub-skill: the ability to heal injuries by redirecting energy paths, or chi, throughout the body, using water as a catalyst. Waterbenders can use their abilities to heal by surrounding a sick or injured person with water, which glows during the process.

Going further, a skilled waterbender is able to separate and completely extract the water from plants for more effective utilization just as they are able to separate the water from mud, sand, and even polluted river systems, etc. In the case of plant life, this process will leave behind the withered remains of all the affected plant life or even making them collapse in the case of large trees.

Solutions: It has been shown that waterbenders can manipulate any mass of liquid consisting of some water.

Steam manipulation: A technique that allows waterbenders to manipulate steam, and can also be used to manipulate fog or moisture. It can be used to freeze people or objects or to create cover.

Waterbending is greatly strengthened and enhanced during the night, due to its lunar affinity. During a full moon in particular, waterbending is greatly enhanced, to the point where a single waterbender can overpower multiple opponents with relative ease.

waterbenders carry water skins of various sizes to provide them with a source of water in places where it is scarce, such as deserts and urban locations.

The traditional waterbending styles of the Northern and Southern Water focus on graceful, fluid movements for their attacks. These styles frequently make use of switching the state of water from liquid to ice and snow. It is with this technique that the waterbenders built their large polar cities. The Northern waterbending style seems to traditionally perform more defensive, strategic, and architectural techniques in waterbending, while the Southern waterbending style seems to be more aggressive and offensive than the Northern style.

modernized waterbending to mainly include short blasts and blocks. the waterbenders often use sharp, quick, boxer-like punches when bending, allowing the players to stay light on their feet and able to dodge incoming attacks on the field.

Waterbending is based on a style of taijiquan (also known as t'ai chi ch'uan, or tai chi for short), specifically the Yang and Chen style. It is an internal Chinese martial art that features slow movements and elegant forms that evoke the feel of flowing water.

Like taijiquan, a waterbender's main advantage is the ease with which he or she can control his or her opponent, not simply harming them. Both arts were influenced by ancient healing practices; people would channel their "energy paths" within themselves to areas of the body where healing was necessary. They also share a specific focus: body alignment, breath, and visualization. Finally, a waterbender can typically find that softness and breathing are more effective for his or her ability than hard aggression, just as a practitioner of taijiquan does. In taijiquan, the qi must flow through the body like water, and the energy is driven from the internal balance and by breathing.

The pro-bending style is more reminiscent of mixed martial arts fighting, as seen with the wide variety of techniques used in the sport to waterbend.
(Jaune will use traditional water bending and modern water bending. The water bending style katara and korra. Blood bending katara)

Jaune doing rain liquid magic (0.07) intro and flooded(0.36) outros

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