I Need You To Hate Me // Im N...

By WritingRey

361K 17.7K 13K

*COMPLETED* Nayeon is a 25 year old experienced teacher. She knows how to deal with troublemaking students, h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
New Story!
New book!
New Book!

Chapter 28

5.1K 265 91
By WritingRey

"Ah Y/N, you're home already." Nayeon said as she unlocked her apartment's door and saw Y/N sitting on the couch.

"Ah yes. There weren't many customers today so my boss let me go early." Normally the teacher is the one that arrives first since Y/N's always working after school. 

"I missed you, babe." The older smiled and crawled next to Y/N hugging her.

"I missed you too, seongsaengnim." Y/N kissed the crown of Nayeon's head. 

"I need to tell you something. I got a call today and apparently they found me a new guardian. I'm meeting her tomorrow." The student explained. Nayeon pulled away from Y/N so she could take a look at the girl's face.

"Ow they did? That's good to hear." 

"You don't look very happy." Y/N chuckled.

"No, no I am happy for you. It's just I'm sad that you'll be leaving me. I got so used to living with you and now you'll be leaving." The older explained.

"Aw, don't be sad. I'll still visit you as much as I can and you'll still see me at school." 

"I barely even saw you when you were living here because you work until late and yes I see you at school but I can barely talk to you because of those stupid rumors." Nayeon was actually the one that was dealing well with the rumors but now it's starting to affect her as well.

"Hey, hey." Y/N got closer to Nayeon and grabbed her hands into hers caressing them with her thumb. "It's just a couple of months. After I graduate I'll get a job and earn money and when I have some money, I'll move in with you." Nayeon's eyes widened upon hearing that.

"Y-you will?" 

"Yes, only if you want that too." 

"Of course I'd want that. But Y/N you don't have to earn money to live here. You can live here for free you know that. You don't have to worry about money." Y/N shook her head. No way she'll let her girlfriend pay for everything.

"Stoooop, I don't want you to be my suga momma." Y/N is disgusted by even thinking about it. 

"Why? Don't you think it's kinky?" Nayeon smirked. She knows that Y/N doesn't like it when she talks like that, but Y/N has been teasing her a lot lately so she wants to get back at her. 

"NOOO, stop unnieeee, don't be like that." Y/N yelled and shook her head and hands in disgust. 

"Don't teenagers use that word nowadays?" To be honest, Nayeon doesn't really know what that means, oops.

"That doesn't mean you have to use it too. You're old, so please don't ever say that again."

"Yah! I'm not old, stop saying that!" The older hit Y/N's shoulder.

"Okay grandma." Y/N smirked.

"What time will you meet your new guardian tomorrow?" Nayeon sighed. Even when she teases Y/N first, she's the one that ends up getting teased.

"After my session with Seulgi unnie." Y/N has been going to therapy ever since she went there for the first time. She still doesn't like going and the amount of questions Seulgi asks annoys the shit out of her, but surprisingly Seulgi has been giving her great advice on how to control her anger. She's not there yet, but she believes she will be soon.

"Can I come with you? I wanna meet her. I need to make sure that this time your guardian is a good one." 

"Sure, you can come. They haven't told me much about her except that she's a woman in her 30s and her name is Tiffany." Y/N explained.

"I really hope she's a good woman. Promise me you'll be good to her."

"Yah, why are you assuming that I'm gonna be bad to her?" 

"Because you're like that to everyone. Don't chase her away by being an asshole. Be nice, okay?" Even though Y/N has been improving, she's still an asshole and she's still rude. Nayeon is scared that she might chase the new guardian away with her attitude.

"Fine, fine. I'll be nice. It's gonna be hard but it's only for a few months. I think I'll manage." Y/N sighed.

"Good girl." Nayeon whispered into the younger girl's ear.

"You know that it makes me weak when you do that." Y/N admitted.

"I know, that's why I did that." Nayeon smiled and before Y/N could say anything she pulled the student into a kiss. They made out on the couch for a while, both forgetting that they actually have stuff to do. Nayeon needs to grade some assignments and Y/N has homework. Well, that's funny, Y/N wasn't going to do her homework anyways.

Their make out session suddenly got interrupted by the doorbell.

"Ugh, who's that? Are you expecting someone?" Y/N asked when they pulled away.

"I'm not, are you?" Y/N shook her head.

"I'll get it." Nayeon said as she stood up and went to the door. When she opened it, she saw Sana standing in front of her.

"Ah, Sana what are you doing here? Come in." Nayeon widened the door for Sana to enter. What is she doing here? Y/N thought to herself. On the other side Nayeon doesn't look shocked to see Sana in front of her. Sana actually used to visit her a lot, but she stopped coming when Nayeon told her that Y/N lives with her for now. Jihyo actually visits a lot as well but luckily she hasn't been coming lately.

"I got bored, so here I am. Ah Y/N you're here as well. Hello." Sana smiled.

"Hi." Y/N said and stood up going to the kitchen.

"Unnie, what's wrong with your lipstick?" Sana smirked. She can already guess what happened before she came. Y/N seems annoyed by the interruption.

"Euhm nothing." Nayeon blushed. She didn't know what to say.

"You two need to be more careful. What if Jihyo came and saw Y/N here? You know that she comes here a lot too."

"Yeah, you're right. Coffee?" Nayeon asked and Sana nodded. She made some coffee and handed one cup to Sana and the other one to Y/N. 

"How long will you be staying here Y/N?" Sana asked and Y/N glared at her. Their conversation didn't go well last time but Ms. Minatozaki is acting like nothing happened.

"None of your business." Y/N answered and Nayeon hit her shoulder.

"Be nice to my friend." Nayeon warned.

"She's actually meeting her new guardian tomorrow, so I guess she'll move out in a couple of days." Ms. Im added.

"Oh that's good. It will reduce the risk of you two getting caught."

"Yah, why are you talking like we're dating or something? She's just staying here."

"Yeah, yeah, stop lying I know your secret. I know the rumors are true, no need to hide from me." 

"Then why are you hiding the fact that you like Dahyun?" Nayeon chuckled and Sana chocked on her coffee which made Y/N smirk.

"Unnie! Don't say that! She's just my student." Sana tried to defend herself with no success.

"Yeah, yeah. It's not fun getting teased is it?" 

"There's a difference. You and Y/N are actually dating. I'm not dating Dahyun." Sana shook her head.

"Not yet." Nayeon smiled.

"I'm just waiting for her to graduate okay? I know that she likes me, I've known for a while now, but she's not the type of student to take risks like Y/N over there. So she won't accept my feelings even if she feels the same." Sana explained and Y/N raised her eyebrows.

"Okay, maybe she won't take the risk. But how about you, would you?" Nayeon asked.

"I don't think I could. I don't wanna risk my job." Sana answered and Y/N chuckled. Both the girls's eyes travelled to where Y/N was standing.

"Don't act like you haven't done things already that would put your job at risk." Y/N said going closer to them. It really annoys Y/N how Sana acts like she's a perfect teacher but underneath it all she's a gangster who has had sexual relationships with students before. 

"What do you mean Y/N?" Nayeon asked. She's really confused. She has noticed that Sana and Y/N aren't in good terms with each other. At first she shrugged it off because Y/N is like that with all her teachers, but this feels different it feels like something else went on between the two.

"Nothing. She just acts like she's this perfect teacher when in fact she's not. But anyways I don't wanna disturb you guys, so I'm going to Momo's place." With that Y/N escaped the conversation. 

"Don't be late!" Nayeon yelled after Y/N.

"I won't!" Y/N replied and left the apartment.

"Why does Y/N hate you so much?" Nayeon thought this was her chance on finding out more.

"Doesn't she hate all teachers?" Sana joked.

"This feels different. Did something happen between the two of you?" 

"N-no, what could have happened?" Sana lied.

"Are you sure nothing happened? You seem hesitant." 

"Yes, I'm sure." Nayeon doesn't believe it at all. She knows Sana for a while now and she knows that the woman cannot lie. She's obviously lying right now. 


Y/N just ended her session with Seulgi and is waiting for her girlfriend to pick her up so that they can go meet her new guardian. After waiting for like 5 minutes Nayeon's car was in sight and Y/N hopped in. They drove to the adress that Yuri unnie gave Y/N. Yuri unnie is the one that helped Y/N a lot when she was in an orphanage. She's also the one that helped Y/N find a new guardian. 

"We're here." Nayeon said when the gps told them that they've arrived.

"Ah there's Yuri unnie." Y/N smiled and they went out of the car.

"Ah Y/N how have you been? You haven't visited the orphanage in a while." Yuri hugged the girl. This was the first time that Nayeon saw Y/N being nice to someone other than herself.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just have been busy with school and work. How are the kids doing?" 

"Eh they're okay, they miss you." Y/N used to visit the orphanage whenever she had time. But lately she hasn't been going because it just brings back bad memories.

"This is Nayeon unnie by the way. Unnie this is Yuri unnie." Y/N introduced them to each other.

"Is she your girlfriend Y/N-ie?" Yuri unnie smiled and Y/N just nodded. This is the first time that the girl admitted to someone that they're dating, she trusts Yuri so she doesn't see any harm on telling her the truth.

"Alright let's go in. Tiffany is waiting." Y/N and Nayeon followed Yuri silently to an appartment and knocked on the door.

"Ah you must be Y/N! I'm Tiffany, nice to meet you." Y/N's possible new guardian opened the door and shook hands with Y/N.

"Is this your friend?" Tiffany asked gesturing to Nayeon.

"Girlfriend." Y/N replied harshly and the mood became kinda awkward.

"Ooh nice to meet you..."  Tiffany wanted to say her name but she doesn't know it.

"Nayeon. Im Nayeon. And nice to meet you too." The teacher said with a smile. Tiffany widened the door so that the three could enter.

"Let's sit and talk." The woman suggested so they sat down at a table. 

"So Tiffany here is actually a good friend of mine. When I told her about your situation, she said that she was interested in becoming your guardian. I also told her that you have no place to live so she'd be glad to take you in." Yuri explained.

"Is this where you live?" Y/N asked.

"Yes, if I become your guardian, then you'll live here as well." Tiffany answered with a smile. 

"How old are you?" Y/N asked  harshly and Nayeon hit her leg under the table since they're sitting next to each other. Y/N hissed from the pain and looked at her girlfriend who was glaring at her. There's nothing wrong with the questions that she's asking. It's just the way she asks them.

"I'm 31. Why?"

"You know I'm almost 18 right? And I'm guessing you know about my past and family as well. So why would you want to take me in?" Y/N doesn't mean any harm by asking this question. She's just really curious.

"How about you show her around and get to know each other while I get to know our Y/N-ie's girlfriend huh?" Yuri suggested and Tiffany nodded. Y/N was about to protest but Nayeon interrupted her.

"I think that's a great idea." Nayeon said and Y/N just glared at her.

"Follow me." Tiffany stood up and Y/N did what she was told.

"This is the bathroom and that there is the guest room. It will be your room if you agree on staying here. It's not that big, so I think it will be okay." The room was actually pretty big in Y/N's eyes, especially compared to her old place.

"And here we have the balcony." Tiffany said as she opened the door to the balcony and Y/N followed.

"Wow." Y/N raised her eyebrows.

"The view is amazing isn't it?"

"Yeah. I like it a lot." You could literally see the entire city from the balcony. It was beautiful.

"To answer your previous question. When Yuri told me about you, I related to you a lot because I have gone through similar things. I grew up without parents as well and I never had an adult by my side. When I heard about your situation I felt bad that you were going through this all by yourself. I just want to help you."

"You know I come from a family of gangters right? There's a slight risk of being my guardian." Y/N wants to make sure that Tiffany knows everything before she agrees on becoming her guardian. She doesn't want her to find out later and throw her out.

"Yes, like I said I already know everything. Yuri told me that you're a good kid, but she did warn me about your attitude though. Apparently you can be an asshole at times." Tiffany chuckled and so did Y/N.

"Yah, how can she say that? I improved a lot." Y/N joked.

"Can I tell you a secret? I was actually an asshole as well when I was a teenager, so I know why you're being like this. Like I said I relate to you a lot. I think we'll get along." Tiffany really hopes that Y/N thinks the same.

"Honestly, I was scared before coming here but you seem okay and you're not that annoying." 

"Thanks. I guess that's a compliment?" Tiffany raised her eyebrows.

"It actually is a compliment, I'm just not that good at delivering them." Y/N laughed and so did the older woman. Y/N laughing with someone she barely knows? That's new.

"Let's return to Yuri and your girlfriend."

"Don't you mind that I have a girlfriend?" Y/N asked while they were walking back to the others.

"I don't mind that your father is a gangster so why would I mind that you have a girlfriend? You two look very good together." Tiffany smiled.

"And Y/N what you think?" Yuri asked as soon as they returned. Y/N was a bit hesitant she looked at Nayeon for an answer but Nayeon didn't give any reaction.

"Let's do it." She answered after thinking for a bit.

"Alright, Tiffany and I will take care of everything. You don't have to worry." Yuri smiled as she caressed Y/N's shoulder.

"When do you want to move in?" Tiffany asked.

"Eeuuhm, the day after tomorrow?" 

"That's good, you can come anytime you want." Y/N nodded. After that the four of them just talked getting to know each other better. 


After they left Tiffany's apartment Y/N and Nayeon decided to go for a walk. It's a bit late so it's dark outside. It's the perfect time and weather to go for a walk.

"So you're moving out in two days huh?" 

"Yeah, it seems surreal honestly. I'm gonna miss you unnie." Y/N really wants to hold Nayeon's hand right now, but she can't. There's always the risk of someone seeing them.

"Yah, don't act like we're breaking up. If you don't come to see me, I will come to see you. What do you think of Tiffany by the way? What did you guys talk about?" 

"She told me that she went through similar things as me, that's why she relates to me a lot. I think she's okay. She's a bit annoying, but I don't think she'll bother me that much."

"Yah, you better not fall for her." Nayeon stopped in her tracks.

"Unnie, don't be funny. Why would I fall for her?" Y/N laughed as she stopped as well.

"She's really pretty and you obviously like older women." 

"Are you perhaps admitting that you're old?" Y/N smirked.

"Yah! She's way older than me." Nayeon hit Y/N's arm.

"No need to be jealous, seongsaengnim. I only have eyes for you." Y/N winked as she started walking again.

"All jokes aside, I think she's nice. I think she'll be a good guardian." Nayeon can read people well and she can tell that Tiffany will take care of Y/N. 

"I honestly don't really care how she is, what she does, who she is, as long as she just lets me live with her." Y/N really doesn't care about all of that, she just needs a place to live and Tiffany's place seems perfect. 

"You won't forget me right?" Nayeon suddenly said with a seductive voice pulling Y/N's arm and standing very close to her. Y/N's heart is beating so fast right now.

"Y-y-ah! Why would I forget you?" The student stuttered

"You better don't." The older caressed her girlfriend's cheek.

"Unnie, we're in public."

"Is that an excuse for me to stop touching you? I can see you blushing." Nayeon smirked as she grabbed Y/N's collar.

"Unnie stop doing that." Y/N said weakly but Nayeon pulled her closer and put her lips on the younger ones kissing her with full love. They're addicted to each other's lips so it makes it hard for them to stop but Y/N remembered that they're still in public so she pulled away before the kiss got heated.

"I wish we could do this without being so scared." The student confessed caressing Nayeon's cheek.

"Me too Y/N, me too. Now let's go home and continue, yeah?" Nayeon sighed and with that Y/N smiled and they went home as fast as they could.


A/n: Hope you liked this chapter, pls vote & comment. Thank youuuu

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