I Still Want You

By benandmirandalover

10.6K 267 103

It seemed as if Miranda moved on so Ben did too. More



1.9K 33 10
By benandmirandalover

Ben sat with his phone in his hand contemplating on calling Miranda, but he decided against it, he need to give her time to heal her wounds, like he agreed, but truthfully he missed her so much. He had found what he had been looking for his whole life and her wanting a break was killing him but he knew it was best for her.

Months eventually passed and Ben was keeping himself busy. He made it easier for her and gave a guy named Pierre lattes to keep him off of her surgeries and he even avoided the attending's lounge and locker room.

Ben was on his way to his first patient of the day, also making sure his residents did their rounds when he heard commotion. He walked into the patients' room and heard a nurse fussing with his residents.

"Good morning, uh what's going on." Ben asked confused.

His intern began to speak but was cut off by the nurse. "Your Resident is an idiot." The nurse said folding his arms

" First of all don't disrespect him, and can we please be professional adults and let's not argue in front of a patient." Ben said getting pissed off and ushering his hands towards the door.

" Excuse me mam. I apologize for my co-workers showing unprofessional attitudes. " Ben said sincerely and walked out of the door.

Ben met the both of them in a meeting room and Ben listen to the nurse's unreasonable concerns.

" It's an epidural, things like this happen, this is normal. You don't get to speak to any of my Residents this way; they are still learning, things like this will happen, if you haven't notice this is a teaching hospital, Kevin you may excuse yourself, I'll handle this" Ben said walking out of the room once again. Ben walked to nurses' station and open his patients' chart. Just as Derek walked up.

" Hey what's going on?" Shepard asked.

"Dr. Warren's Resident punctured the Dura of your patient from this morning during what should have been a routine epidural." The nurse said looking at Derek, leaning on the counter.

"Okay first of all there is no such thing as anything routine. After a patient had surgery and you have no right to yell at my Resident." Ben said calmly.

"It was spinal fluid all over her bed. " Eli raised his voice.
Ben was starting to get pissed off, he didn't know who this little boy was talking to, he really needed to grow up.

"How is the patient?" Derek asked.

" I just checked on her, she is stable and pain free." Ben said looking over at Eli.

"Your Resident was sloppy and rough." Eli said with his arm crossed clearly showing that he was agitated.

"You have no idea how difficult epidurals are." Ben said looking at this arrogant idiot.

"Because I'm a nurse." Eli questioned.

Ben was honestly tired of talking with him, he had no respect for others. "Watch your tone with me." Ben scowled at him and use his warning voice.

"Or what? What are you going to do?" Eli yelled.

" Okay guys, guys Break it up.. walk away.. We are done. Walk away. " Derek said holding his hands up.

When Derek and Ben walked to the other side of the counter Derek spoke " I get why you are mad at the guy, but if you are going to have a fight about Bailey, do it on your own time." Derek said.

"Fight about Bailey." Ben questioned " wait- wait nooo Ba- Bailey's with him." Ben asked pointing in the direction of Eli with disbelief.

"I should go." Derek said turning around.

"Wait like they went to dinner once or twice?" Ben asked trying to get to the bottom of this.

"You really don't want to know." Shepard said.

" Shepard?" Ben said worried.

"Like don't go into the conference room 8 or 9 without knocking." Derek said whispering. "Oh- come onnn." Ben said hurt.

"You asked." Derek said feeling bad.

"Does she talk about him?" Ben asked.

"yeah she said his hands had a kind of tenderness, some kind of magic." Derek said being smart.

" You are an ass." Ben said seriously. " How long has this been um going on?"

" Its been months, just don't yell at my nurses even the men." Derek said walking away.

" Sure- drop a bomb and then just walk away." Ben yelled.
He was really hurt about this and pissed. "Months." He repeated to himself in disbelief. Here he was waiting for her and she already moved on. Ben tried to push these thoughts out of his mind and continued on to the rest of his day.

The next day Ben was going to the nurse station to hand the nurses his charts and update patient information; when he turned around towards the elevator, he saw Miranda and the Nurse talking. He was holding her hand and she was smiling up at him.

All Ben could do was just stand there and watch. It hurt him to even look at them together, but he couldn't tare his eyes away. Derek came up and walk on the other side of him.

" They look happy." Ben said saddened.

" Yeah they do, I guess I'll be seeing you at the deck tonight." Derek said walking away.

Ben stood and watched as the elevator opened and she backed in with him, pulling his hand.

Ben rolled his eyes and walked away.
Ben ended up going to the Deck again tonight and he hammered nails into it for five hours. He decided it was time to go home so he could be rested for tomorrow's shift.

When Ben got home he got into the shower and he was thinking about everything, he wanted Miranda to be happy even if it was not with him.

He wanted it to be him, but she didn't pick him. She was the most beautiful woman in the world to him, she was incredibly smart, driven, and successful. He loved her and he thought she felt the same way, but obviously she didnt and did not reciprocate those feeling. The crazy thing about it is he would do it all over and over again, even though they would break up in the end. He decided that he needed to move on as well.

Its been a few weeks and Ben was back to his normal self. He was still giving Pierre lattes, he just didn't want to see her.

"Hey you ready for this meeting, i heard it was going to be long and that they were bringing in someone." Knox asked catching up to Ben.

Ben nodded walking through the doors "it shouldn't be the meeting is only for those who work with maternity."  Ben said finding a seat and sitting down.

In walks the chief and what Ben suspects is the woman they were bringing in. Brown hair waving, brown sparkling eyes, and she was confident. Ben's mouth drop a little and he couldn't seem to take her eyes off the unknown woman, she was different.

Webber goes to the head of the table as always, and the mysterious brunette follows suit, standing beside him, eyes scanning the room ,their eyes met, He felt nervous all of a sudden, he hasn't felt this way in months.

The sound of Webber's voice broke him out of the staring contest with the woman and directed his attention to the Chief. "Ladies and gentlemen, first I'd like to thank you all for being here and being punctual "Now, I'm sure you've all noticed that I didn't arrive alone. This is Dr. Kimberly Williams, a spectacular obgyn/fetal/neonatal surgeon from UCLA.

We have a VIP patient coming in and I personally requested her to come here to consult on this case. Dr. Warren you will be assisting, Dr. Williams. I've cleared your surgical schedule so there wouldn't be any distractions while you come up with a plan of action, this patient is hard to keep under.

The patient will be arriving tomorrow morning, but you and Dr. Williams can go through the charts and scans to get familiarized with the case." Both Kimberly and Ben nodded in approval, sharing a small smile with each other.

The rest of the meeting went as planned and before he knew, all of the doctors were leaving the conference room and going to their seperate floors, when a tap on Ben's shoulder made him stop and turn around to see Dr. Williams staring at him bright eyed with a dimpled smile.

"I'm looking forward to working with you." Kimberly said smiling.

"Me too." Ben responds with his own sexy smile.

Kimberly's heart started to beat faster at the sight. She knew as soon as she saw this handsome man, she would be smitten. How was she supposed to work with this man and remain professional.

"Looks like we will be spending some time together for the next few days. Hope that doesn't ruin any plans of yours?"

"Please, helping a women keep her baby's safe and spending time with a beautiful woman is hardly a hardship." Ben replied, blushing at his admission that was supposed to stay in his head. Although, he was rewarded with a sweet laugh.

They stop infront of an office door, Ben opened it up letting Dr. Williams walk in first. "Shall we come up with a plan for our patient, Dr. Williams?" Ben asked as he sat at the table, gesturing Kimberly to have a seat.

"We shall." The women replied with a dimpled grin, making Ben smiled. It was contagious.

"Oh my God that did not happen to you." Kimberly exclaimed laughing so hard at the story Ben just told her.

"It really did. My mom has pictures." Ben responded
"Wow, you really cut it all off."

"Yep all of my kindergarten pictures I have no hair."

"Wow." Is all Kimberly could say as she got herself under control. They had finished discussing the patient they shared. Coming up with a perfect plan and going over it multiple times.

Ben was blown away by the passion that Kimberly had for her specialty and could see that she was an incredible surgeon.

Ben just so happened to look at the clock on the wall in the room and frowned when he saw he had 20 minutes until he had to pick up his brother up, who's car was in the shop.

"Sorry to have to cut this short, but I have to pick my brother up from work in about 20 minutes. His car is in the shop" Ben sadly relayed.

"Oh... I didn't realize we've been here that long. I'm sorry."

"No worries, I enjoyed myself." Ben flashes her a breathtaking smile.

"Me too Dr. Warren."

"I think we're past the formalities. You can call me Ben or Benjamin."

"Then you can call me Kim or Kimberly."

Ben gathered his things and they both left the office.
"After we meet our patient tomorrow, I'm off. If you want, I can show you around the hospital... maybe buy you a cup of coffee?" Ben offered, trying not to sound as nervous as he did.

"Actually, after we meet our patient, I was just going to go back to the hotel. I had nothing else planned for the day." Kimberly replied ,the butterflies in her stomach not backing down.

"Well if you have no plans, how about we leave the hospital together and get a cup of coffee at my favorite place? And, I can give you an amazing tour of Seattle."



"You're on." They both get into the elevator and left telling eachother good bye.

"So, did you bring something to change into? We will probably be doing a lot of walking...you know, if you still want that tour."

"Yup, I have another set of clothes and more comfortable shoes in my car. I can just change at the coffee shop?"

"Sounds like a plan. Shall we?" Ben gestures towards the door.

"Yay! I'm super excited!"

Arriving at the coffee shop, Ben held the door open for Kim and they are met with the heavenly smell of aromatic coffee and pastries. Mouths started to water just thinking about the choices they were bound to have. Coming up to the counter, they are greeted by a young blonde haired employee.

"Welcome to the Cafe crema, what can I get for you?" She asks the women.

"I'll have a large mocha latte and a banana nut muffin. Kim?" Ben asked the woman next to him.

"Oh... uh... I'll have..." kim stammered looking at all the options.

"Get whatever you want." Ben insisted

"Umm... I'll have a large caramel macchiotto and one of those amazing looking glazed donuts over there."

"That'll be $12.75." The cashier said... Ben handed over a $20.

"You didn't have to pay for mine." Kim said into Ben's ear as the cashier left the register to place their order.

"I asked you to come, so I pay." Ben responded.

"Well thank you. That's very sweet."

They choose a booth next to the window to sit in as they drunk their coffee and ate their food.

"So Benjamin... have you always lived in Seattle?" Kim asked, genuinely interested in getting to know him.

"Yes all my life." Ben chuckled , taking a sip from his latte.

"You never wanted to leave?" She questioned.

" I travel alot but i always come back. Seattle isn't so bad. You get used to the weather and when the sun is actually out, like today, it's beautiful."

The two talk some more and finished up their coffee. "You want another one." Ben said standing up.

"No i'll have a strawberry Milkshake though." Kimberly said smilling, Ben stared at her for a minute.

He started thinking about Miranda thats all she drunk was strawberry Milkshakes. She even had a milkshake break during work. He shook his head walking up to the register getting a coffee and a strawberry milkshake. They two walked outside and basked in the sun shining down on them.

"So I was thinking we could walk around downtown for a little bit, check out some shops and a few other places, and when the sun goes down, I can take you to the Space Needle. It's best to see the city from the Needle at night." Ben suggested as they walked down the sidewalk.

"Sounds perfect."

Ben had a great time with Kimberly he has been seeing her for two months now. She invited him out to LA for a conference and then showed him around.

Miranda was sitting at the nurses station when a woman approached the desk. She was dressed nicely in a black dress.

"Excuse me." Kimberly said asking the nurse.

"Yes how may I help you."

"Can you do me a favor and page Dr. Warren."

"Yes of course Dr. Williams."

"Dr Williams." Miranda repeated. She had never seen or heard of her before.  She took in the woman's appearance one more time.

She looked to be about the same age as her. Miranda got up and walked around the corner still looking at the nurses not to be seen.

She watched as Ben came jogging up to the desk. Miranda listen to their conversation.

"Hey you." Ben said reaching Kimberly.

"Hey." She said hugging him.

"Sorry I missed our reservations the surgery ran long and there was some complications."

"It's okay I know how it is. We can just order something and go back to your place if you like." She replied rubbing his chest.

Miranda was taken back by this "go to his place." She mumbled.

"Thats fine with me. Let me go grab my bag."

Miranda watched as they walked off. She hasn't seen Benjamin since she broken up with him almost a year ago. She couldn't believe he was seeing someone, grant it she was doing this thing with Eli, but man she didn't expect to hurt like this.

She wondered if they were serious, but then again they were going back to his apartment. Miranda was in desperate need of a drink.

Two days later Miranda was in the hall with her residents when she seen Richard walking with Dr. Williams. Miranda rolled her eyes. She was ready for this women to go home and she hasn't even met her yet.

Miranda turned on her feet to go. check on her patients. "Dr. Bailey. Come here for a minute." Richard  said and Miranda groaned. Miranda walked over to them and she stood.

"Hello I'm doctor Kimberly Williams. I have heard so much about you and how much of a fantastic surgeon you are." Kimberly said.

"Dr. Miranda Bailey. So how long are you going to be here." Miranda asked and Richard gave her a questioning look as she shook her hand.

"Oh I have a surgery that Dr.Webber called me here for, so I'm going to be here for about a week but my boyfriend is here now so I might be popping in as much as I can." Kimberly started.

"Oh. Boyfriend." Miranda gasped, she hurried and masked her hurt that she felt panged in her chest.

"Yeah, hot anesthesiologist. Benjamin Warren. Thanks to Dr. Webber for introducing us and putting him on my case. " Kimberly responded smiling. 

"Oh." Miranda said rolling her eyes putting her hands in her pocket nodding her head

"Do you know him."

"I know him alright." Miranda mumbled.

"Look I gotta go, it was nice meeting you. Dr. Webber walk with me for a minute. I have a consult that I need to ask you about." Miranda asked walking away.

When they got around the corner. Miranda hit Webber on the arm as hard as she could. 

"You introduced that women to my Ben." Miranda said gritting her teeth.

"Ow how is he your Ben when you have Eli." Richard asked staring her down.

"Well he is." Miranda mumbled pushing her hair behind her head.

Was she wrong for feeling this way. Yeah she had Eli but she had him only for sex. Miranda groaned shaking her head.

The next day Miranda went to the O.R. board. She gasped when seeing his name. B. Warren. She played with her necklace as she thought about being in the same space as him. Something she missed, too much surprisedly.

"Good morning" Miranda looked up at the man who produced his smooth tone voice, instantly making her nervous and putting a tingle in her stomach.

"I'm in your o.r." Ben said crossing his arms
"I can see that." Miranda said with her mouth opened. Still looking at the board.

"Good. Because I was avoiding you and now I'm not. See, I'm told you're dating a nurse and kudos to you, 'cause who doesn't love a nurse, but I've been bringing lattes to some dude in scheduling named Pierre so he'd keep me out of your surgeries."

She started to say something, but Ben continued on "You know, I wanted to make it easier for you since you told me you were being held together by tape… and glue." Miranda had a sly smile, trying to see where this was going "But now that you're being held together by a male nurse, I'm gonna let Pierre go ahead and get his own lattes." Miranda looked at Ben, gazing up at him in his eyes for the first time in months and she gasped.

He knew about her sexual activities with Eli and she was honestly embarrassed. She couldn't understand why she thought he wouldn't have found out in the first place.

Miranda was thinking so hard and she was trying to think of something to say but she didn't know. "See you in surgery," Ben said and before she could respond, he'd turned and walked away. Miranda watched him walk away as she played with her necklace somemore.

When Miranda got to the O.R. she began to scrub in. She saw Ben through the window fixing his instruments and getting ready.

She continued to scrub in before she walked in and let the nurse gown and glove her. She got started on her patient, but she could feel the tension in the room. This is not how normally her and Ben would be in the O.R. This is where they had their first "date" because their surgery had been pushed back and they couldn't go out, so they did 21 questions.

Many times she wanted to ask him about the doctor he was dating but she refrained.

Miranda was wrapping up on the surgery. "okay last stitch." Miranda said out loud.

" Hand me the dressing please?" Miranda said talking to a scrub nurse. " Pretty snappy huh?" Miranda said trying to make conversation with Ben, she just wanted to hear his voice.

"Hmm." Ben asked looking up.

" It goes fast, like magic." Miranda replied and put the dressing on the stitches.

" Magic." Ben said closing the chart. And setting on top of the machine.

" Hey can I have the chart." Miranda said holding her hand out.

Ben took off his mask and ignored her. Miranda clicked her teeth, grabbed it and walked to the other side of the room to take her gown off. After she was finished she grabbed the chart and walked back over to him.
"Uh is there a problem?" Miranda ask pointing.

" Not that I'm aware of." Ben said looking at her. " Because I'm doing my best to be pleasant, but I don't owe you and explanation. That I happen to be -" Miranda didn't even know what to call what she was doing.

" Sleeping with a nurse. I believe is the words your looking for" Ben said helping her find the words.

" You and I broke up." Miranda whispered.

" You basically told me to wait for you." Ben said seriously.

"What? I did no such thing. "Miranda said confused.

"ahh but ya did. You said it was too much, something horrible had just happened. You were traumatized. You couldn't handle a relationship. It wasn't me, it was you. "Ben explained

" okay that is not fair and look I still can't handle a relationship, the kind of thing that you and I were...look what I'm doing right now is nothing like that." Miranda tried to explain.

" Then what is it ?" Ben questioned with his arms folded. Well hell Miranda wish she knew the answer her damn self. She couldn't find the answer. Ben raised his eyebrow waiting for an answer.

" Look if you have a problem with me, take it up with Pierre." Miranda said turning to walk away. Ben grabbed her arm to stop her.

"What Ben, I don't know why you are so mad anyway. You have Dr. Williams to keep you company." Miranda said snatching away from him.

" She doesn't even play a role in this situation and you know it. You hurt me Miranda. You think I would be okay see the woman I was in love with, with another man. I waited for you for a year and a half and then in the end I found out, by someone else and my own eyes that the woman that I cared about didn't care about me."

"That's not true I did care about you, I do care about you." Miranda said looking up in his eyes.

"Then for the life of me I can't phantom why you would choose someone else."

"Ben I -

"Oh there you are Ben, I'm glad i didn't miss you." Kimberly said bursting through the door.

"Oh yeah I just finished up this surgery like five minutes ago."

"Oh great so lunch then." Kimberly asked.

Ben watched as Miranda looked at him, here big brown eyes matching his and then she walked to go grab her chart.

"Yeah that'll be great." Ben replied.

"Excuse me." Miranda said infront of Kim. So she could leave out of the door.
"Wow that looked intense what happened."

"Um we just had a little disagreement about a wrong choice in a procedure which affected both of us." Ben said walking with her to the door.

"Oh wow, I'm sorry. Seems like I'm on her bad side too. I don't think she likes me at all."

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