Forgotten Daughter๐Ÿ’™


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Read to find out how YB stop showing Kind attention so she did the unthinkable. More

New Main Characters
New House
Mental Health


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Kind POV

Ok so last week I stayed with DK and his friends and we all got to know each other. I'm closer to DK,Ace, and Silent.




I also found out that Ace has a little sister named London. She 14 and he said he was gonna let us meet when I have my birthday bash. I also start 11th grade tomorrow because summer break is over. Silent got my hair done and nails done last week.

6:37 am

Ugh I got school today but it's whatever. I'm finna hop in the shower and put on my clothes.

(The shirt is a fur crop top)

I walked downstairs and seen the twins eating cereal. I fixed some pancakes and some bacon for me and Sev. I ate and then washed the dishes. I grabbed my car keys and then had Sev to drop twins. It was currently 7:53 and I had to be at school by 8:15 and Homeroom lasted for 15 minutes. I stay a total of 25 minutes from school and I had to go through metal detectors so I need to hurry up.


I finally made it and now I'm gonna be late because I had to get gas. But I'm just gonna go by the office and get a tardy slip and then go to 2nd period after I drop my slip off to Homeroom.

I also figured out that Silent is 18 so he in 12th grade. And London is in 9th grade about to be 15 years old. When I got to 2nd period I seen a group of girls. They looked like they were talking about me. But I could honestly care the fuck less. By me being smart I had like 4 12th grade classes and 3 of those classes Silent was in. At like 1:25 I had lunch and 1 class after that and I could go home. I had a total of 6 classes and my Homeroom was my only 11th grader class. But it was a few 11th graders in some of my 12th grade classes.


I didn't wanna eat what they were eating so I met up with Silent and we went and got some Wendy's. When we made it back to the school it was 1:47 but we still had a whole 30 minutes left to eat and stuff.


I just got done eating and was on the way to my last class which was gym. They had some type of auditions for cheerleading, majorette, basketball, and some more stuff but I wanted to play volleyball so I grabbed a paper and wrote my name on the form for audition. We would have to try out for the teams next week on Thursday and Friday at a pep rally at the end if they called the number you were then you made the team. But in gym everybody was really on their phones and stuff so I guess we weren't doing anything today this was also one of my classes with 10-12th graders.

In the Parking Lot

When I got outside I seen a lot of people around my car. So the closer I got the more I seen people rubbing and taking pictures on it. I actually got mad because the duck are y'all dumbass kids doing. I pressed the button to unlock the doors and walked to the car.

Kind-Get. Off. My. Car.

They all got off and looked at me. I then seen Silent walk over and I guess they got scared because they left. I opened my door and seen Silent walked up to my car.

Silent-Call me Demario
Kind-Why they scared of you
Silent-Drug Lord
Kind-Where we gonna be at today
Silent-Corner store on yo street
Kind-Ite just let me go home and change and imma walk down there

He gave me a kiss on my cheek and walked to his car. I started my car and pulled out.

(Should I change her character to Blasian or keep it how she is now)

1 hour later

I just made it home because I picked up the twins from school. I went up to my room and took a shower and got dressed. I heard Sev come in the door while I was in the shower so imma make him take my pictures. I put on a gray shirt and some black tights with my black boots.


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I walked to my car and drove instas of walking kind felt lazy. I pulled up and parked at a gas pump. I got out and walked up to the gang and seen Mattia and the rest of them pull up. I guess Kairi seen me because he pointed ,e out and they all walked up to me.

Mattia-Hey Kindly
Kairi-Why haven't you been around
Kind-Do I know y'all or sum. Oh my god I'm so sorry y'all want a picture
Silent-Wait a minute nigga who you calling a hoe
DK-She ain't no hoe

(Should she date Silent or DK)

Mattia-Sorry bitch
Ale-I think this was a misunderstanding Mattia shut the hell up and I'm sorry about that Kind he's just mad that he cheated on you with Jenna and now she's cheating
Kind-As she should
Robert-Ale you didn't have to say all that
Ale-And Mattia didn't have to cheat but he did and I lost my best friend and I'm sorry
Kind-Ale you got my number use it the twins miss you anyway

He nodded and walked away.

Roshaun-Wait they don't like anyone else
Kind-Nope just Ale and Kai

I turned around and looked at Silent,Ace, and DK and started talking to them.

Kind-Y'all tryna hit up the mall or sum like what's the move today

They all agreed and we all went to the mall. So we all got in Ace car and my car and rode to the mall. But Ace wanted to pick up London so we went and got her first while me and DK headed for the mall and waited for them.

Walked Out The Mall

I learned that London biological mother died and her father is a Baton Rouge rapper. And it made me think of my mama and daddy. But she got a brother named Durk. So they decided let's stay with Kind tonight so DK hopped in the car with Ace nem and they went to get clothes. I heard that they were going out of town Friday and coming back Monday and I guess I'm going because I want to but we going to Baton Rouge so I might get to see my daddy.

Part 2 may be uploaded tmar

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