Healing Hale | Scott McCall

By enchantingherondale

280K 5.6K 1K

Brooklyn 'Brooke' Hale had fled the small town of Beacon Hills six years ago when she thought she lost all of... More

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4.2K 110 24
By enchantingherondale

✪ 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓞𝓯 𝓦𝓸𝔀 ✪

It was dark out now and Stiles had still made no progress on the jeep. Brooke drew the jacket she had been given closer to her body as a breeze blew past. She hadn't been tortured in particularly warm clothes.

"Work faster, Stiles." Malia commanded, eyes scanning the terrain around them. Stiles' head snapped to her, a look of disbelief on his face. "There's something out here with us." the werecoyote informed him, the boy instantly understanding.

"Lydia," Stiles complained, "could you please hold the light still for a second? It's really hard to see anything when you're shaking it like that." He was sat on one part of the jeep as he worked with another, Lydia holding a flashlight for him to see.

"I'm shaking it like this because we're in the middle of nowhere with your broken down jeep and we're being attacked by yet another razor-clawed monster. And I'm terrified." She shot back.

"Well, just be slightly less terrified." Stiles told her, glancing at the strawberry blond for a second before his focus went back to the jeep. "And hold this."

He handed her a black box with wires coming from it. Brooklyn looked at him skeptically, "That's not important is it?" she asked.

Stiles looked at the Hale girl sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "I don't know, I hope it's not."

"Oh my god." Brooke mumbled under her breath, her eyes growing wide. The Stilinski boy went back to trying to fix his jeep, Lydia and Brooklyn sharing a look.

Hearing Malia roar, the three of them whipped their heads towards her. "Hey, Malia!" Stiles shouted when the werecoyote ran off after whatever she had spotted.

"Kira, go!" Lydia commanded before turning towards Stiles who was preparing to go after them, "You. Fix the jeep."

"Stiles, focus!" Brooke demanded as the Stilinski looked like he was still going to chase after the two girls. He gave both the Martin and the Hale a look as he begrudgingly complied.

A few minutes later and Stiles had managed to get the jeep working again. Which conveniently lined up with the return of Kira and Malia. Brooklyn's eyes shined purple as she watched the two run back over.

The Hale girl limped over to the werecoyote seeing the wound on the girl's stomach. Brooke placed her hands on Malia's shoulders, her eyes glowing a brighter shade of purple as she healed her.

"Thanks." Malia told the girl once there was no sign of the injury ever being there, Brooklyn nodding in reply. They all climbed into the jeep after that; Malia and Stiles in the front and the other three girls in the back.

"You..." Stiles turned his head towards the werecoyote next to him only taking his eyes of the road for only a couple seconds, "You please don't do that ever again!" he exclaimed.

"Do what?" she asked.

"I... I thought you just took off. I thought you were running." he explained.

"I was running." Malia said, a cute, confused expression on her face.

"No, I mean, like, I thought you were leaving." Stiles told her.

Brooke had a smirk resting on her face as she watched the pair's interaction. Something was going on between the two and she knew it.

"I wouldn't leave without you." the werecoyote confessed.

"Really?" Stiles questioned.

"I would never leave without you." she looked back at Kira, Lydia and Brooke, "Them I would leave."

The three girls wore annoyed looks as Stiles glanced back at them briefly, "Yeah. Uh, it's progress." Stiles muttered.

Lydia huffed, then looked at Kira and Malia, "Did you see anything?" she questioned.

"Barely." the werecoyote replied, "It had a strong scent, though."

"Like what?" Brooke asked.

"Like death."

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

The baby blue jeep pulled up at la iglesia. The five of them hastily getting out, Brooke taking a while longer as the pain was still tormenting her body.

They saw Scott and Braeden carrying Derek between them. The group walked closer but stopped when they caught sight of what Brooklyn's dad looked like.

Tears welled up in the Hale girl's brown eyes as they raked over her father. "Is that him? Is that Derek?" Malia asked.

"Uh, sort of." Stiles answered, his eyes flicking over to Brooke to take in her reaction.

And he was right. It was Derek, but it wasn't.

There stood Derek Hale, but teenage.

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

Running in out of the rain, Scott, Lydia, Stiles and Brooklyn ran into the animal clinic; the alpha carrying a, now unconscious, teenage Derek.

Deaton cleared the table, helping the boys lay Brooke's dad on it. "Wow." the veterinarian stated as he had a good look at the werewolf.

"Wow? Wow as in, 'I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do,' kind of wow? Cause that's the kind of wow we were hoping for." Stiles exclaimed.

Deaton looked at the boy dubiously, "I think you might be overestimating my abilities." he stated.

Brooke bit on her bottom lip, hugging herself. She was so worried for her dad. What if they couldn't fix it? What would happen then? Questions swarmed her mind, the uncertainty of it all making her very anxious.

She grabbed ahold of her dad's hand but she furrowed her eyebrows when she noticed something wrong. "He's cold. Really cold." she told the group, her voice small.

"Do you think this is permanent?" Scott asked. He placed a hand on Brooklyn's back, rubbing it to try and bring her some comfort.

"I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate." Deaton replied. He started examining the Hale boy, shining a light in his eyes. "This is well beyond my experience."

"So what do we do with him?" Stiles inquired.

"Until he wakes up? Probably not much." the veterinarian answered, "It might be best to leave him with me. He'll be safe here."

Stiles shot him a look, "You mean from Kate?"

"If she's alive and she is what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past that gate."

"Why would she want to do this to him?" Brooke asked.

"Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be any good for anyone but her." Deaton said.

Stiles scoffed, "And bad for everyone else."

"You guys should probably go home. He doesn't look to be in any danger. So maybe the rest of you should get some sleep? It is a school night. You all need to start taking care of your own lives again." Deaton told them.

"Someone should stay with you." Scott stated.

"I'll stay." Brooke responded. Everyone looked at her worriedly, she wasn't in the best condition herself, she was the one who needed rest the most.
"I've missed six years of school, one more day won't hurt."

"Brooke." Scott told her softly, positioning himself so that he was in front of her, "I think you should get some rest. You have just escaped from hunters yourself."

"Scott, if anything happens to him and I'm not here. I..." Brooklyn started saying before Lydia cut in.

"I'll stay. If anything happens I'll call you straight away but you should get a good night sleep so that you can heal. Plus, my grades are fine."

Brooke still looked doubtful, "I don't know.." she sighed, looking between her dad and Scott.

Scott gently grabbed her face in his hands, her eyes instantly locking in his. "Please." he whispered, giving her a sincere look.

She sighed, caving, "Okay." she muttered. "But if anything happens, and I mean anything, you call me." she said pointing a finger at Lydia.

"I will." the strawberry blonde promised.

"I'm so not okay with this." Stiles put in, his hand waving in Lydia's direction.

The banshee rolled her head towards the Stilinski, "Stiles, go." she demanded.

"No." he stated stubbornly. His lips pressed together into a tight line.

"Call if anything happens." Scott repeated before taking Brooke's hand and hauling his best friend towards the door.

"Nope, still not okay with it." Stiles continued to protest, trying to get out of Scott's grip. "Not going anywhere." he told them.

The alpha got him all the way out of the room, "All right, just cause you're stronger..." Stiles mumbled.

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

Scott had an arm wrapped around Brooklyn's waist as he led her through his front door. The pair had dropped of Stiles and headed here since Brooke, understandably, didn't want to be alone right now.

The pair walked in silently, spotting water dripping from a leak in the roof into a pan placed in a specific spot on the floor. They also saw Mr McCall asleep on the couch.

They weren't looking where they were going because of this and Scott ended up kicking a tool box with his foot. The clattering noise it made woke the agent immediately, he scrambled up looking around confusedly before his eyes landed on his son.

"Scott?" Mr McCall questioned tiredly, moving off the couch entirely. His eyes then landed on the Hale girl next to his son, "And Brooklyn?"

"Hey dad. What's with the tools?" he asked. The Alpha kept a hand on the girl's back but tried not to make it too obvious in the hopes to avoid an awkward conversation.

"Oh, I was just, uh, getting started on a list of repairs you guys need done. What time is it?" Mr McCall said, walking a little closer to the pair.

"It's, um," Scott looked over at the small clock that read five minutes past four and turned it away from his father, "midnight." he stated.

"We were supposed to have dinner. We had a deal. When your mom has a night shift, we have dinner." the FBI Agent told his son. He turned to look at Brooklyn who was hoping it was too dark in the room to see any bruises, "But it looks like you were busy."

The two teenager shifted uncomfortably before Brooke stuck her hand out, "It's nice to officially meet you sir, I'm Brooklyn." She put a pleasant smile on her face hiding any wince from the sudden movement of her arm.

Mr McCall smiled back and shook the girl's hand, "It's nice to officially meet you too. I hope Scott is treating you well." he told her, having not forgotten the earlier comment from Stiles.

She quickly looked back at the McCall boy before turning back to the Agent with a bigger smile, "He is." she stated.

"Well," Mr McCall looked strictly at Scott, "tomorrow night. Dinner."

"Great." Scott nodded. "We're going to go upstairs now." the Alpha told his father, beginning to lead Brooke to his room.

"No funny business!" Mr McCall called after the pair, the two teenagers faces flushing in embarrassment. Scott hummed back to his father quickening his pace before the FBI Agent could say something worse.

Scott and Brooke made it to the boy's bedroom and the werewolf gave the healer a jumper to sleep in since she only had the jean jacked she borrowed for warmth.

The two settled in the McCall boy's bed facing one another not touching quite yet. "Scott," Brooklyn started meeting his chocolate eyes with her own, "do you think dad will be okay?"

Scott grabbed the girl's hand, relaxing her a little. "We'll do everything we can, I'll do everything I can." he told her, not wanting to promise anything, after all, none of them knew exactly what to do.

Brooke nodded sadly but she did smile a little when Scott said he'd do everything he could. A few tears left her eyes when she thought about what would happen if they couldn't reverse it.

Hating it when she cried, Scott pulled the girl into his embrace hoping that it would comfort her. She rested her head on his chest while he wrapped an arm around her waist and placed the other hand on her head to stroke let hair soothingly.

The Hale girl grabbed a little of the boy's shirt in her hand, surrounded by his scent as she sniffled. "It's going to be okay." Scott reassured her continuing to say little things like that, that didn't mean a lot but meant the world to Brooke.

She'd never liked being vulnerable in front of anyone, it wasn't as though she hid her feelings but she was hardly ever this powerless. With Scott, though, she felt is she was even the littlest bit worried or unsure about something she could tell him and he'd be there for her.

That was something she'd only ever had with family.

So she definitely wasn't going to take that for granted.

It didn't take long before the tears stopped and in the safety and warmth of Scott's arms, she felt herself drifting off.

Like it was their routine, Brooklyn whispered to the McCall boy, "Goodnight, Scott."

Placing a small kiss on her head, smiling a cute, puppy-like smile he whispered back, "Goodnight, Brooke."

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