Steven Universe Daughter Scen...

By RoseRedRewrites

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I'm not good at writing descriptions, so it's all in the title for this book. This book uses OC's. I do not... More

Finding A Baby.
First Words.
Jasper Bonus: Re-homed.
First Steps.
Rose Quartz Bonus: Baby Brother.
Greg Catch-up.

Meeting The Others.

502 2 3
By RoseRedRewrites


Garnet warped home, little Estelle asleep in her hair. She gently moved her towards her chest as Pearl greeted her from across the room, not looking up. Amethyst didn't either.

"Steven bomb!" Came a cry from above Garnet's head.
Then laughter.

"Hello Steven."

He smiled a goofy grin before noticing the snoring bundle held below him.

"Whoa! Garnet, did you have a baby?"

Amethyst spat out the water she had been drinking and Pearl jolted around with concern.

"WHAT!" She yelled.

"Yeah, what!"

"Calm down guys, I didn't have her. I found Estelle on my last mission." Garnet stated, still staring at the small child.

Pearl let out a breath of relief, while Amethyst almost looked disappointed.

Steven climbed down and gushed over the sleeping life form. "Wait, you called her Estelle. Does that mean we're gonna keep her!?!"

The other two gems in the room had already walked over and looked at Garnet with approval and support. The Fusion smiled at him.
"Yes Steven."


Amethyst fed Michelle small chunks of the plainest doughnut she could find, laughing at the mess.
She wiped it off of the baby's cheek and blew a raspberry.
Michelle giggled, reaching out to do the same to her Mother. Her Mother, no doubt.

Amethyst let her do so, quite sloppily.

The purple gem opened the door and greeted the others with a smile.

"Hey guys, guess what!"

"What?" Replied Steven, Garnet and Pearl.

"Look what I found!" Everyone turned to look at Amethyst and froze.

Michelle giggled at their shocked faces.

Steven broke the silence. "Wow, I didn't know you were a Mother!"

Pearl spoke next, rambling on and on, Steven was still talking and even Garnet joined in.

"Whoa guys, hold up! Michelle isn't mine biologically or whatever. I found her on the streets. Don't have a heart attack or anything."

Garnet and Pearl sighed in relief.

"Wait," Steven started, "You called to her as Michelle. Does that mean you're going to keep her?"

Amethyst hesitantly turned to Garnet for approval.
She seemed to be looking into it. Afterwards, she smiled and answered everyone:

"Yes, Steven, it does." The Fusion looked at the purple gem, dead in the eyes.

"You're going to be a great Mother."

Amethyst chuckled at this. "Heh. Not that great."
Michelle let out a loud snore, causing the room to erupt in laughter.


Pearl gently carried the infant into the temple, one of her fingers playing with Dawn's baby hand. She balanced her on her hip and opened the door steadily.

"Hello everyone, I have an announcement to make. Please let me finish before asking any questions."

Everyone turned to look at Pearl and immediately noticed the baby. She cleared her throat and continued.

"This is Dawn, originally named 'DeeDee' by her birth Mother. I found her in a basket, up in a tree with a note asking the finder to look after her. I-" Pearl took a deep breath. "I would like to do so-if you're all okay with it," she finished.

Steven and Amethyst had their eyes and mouths wide open, while Garnet was deep in thought. Her visor flashed as she took it off, revealing her calm expression and gaze.

A chorus of gasps quickly filled the room in response.

All three of her eyes drilled into Pearl's two as she asked her three very important questions.
"Are you sure you can look after Dawn, and still preform well in missions?"
Pearl nodded.

"Are you sure you can provide her with an education, and a healthy social life?"
Pearl nodded again.

Garnet put her hand on the gem's shoulder, as her gave somehow became more intense. "Are you sure you can love her as your own daughter, without neglecting Steven?"

"...Yes, I'm certain."

The fusion smiled and put her visor back on.

"Then we can keep her."

Pearl put Dawn down on the sofa and hugged Garnet.

Steven and Amethyst joined in, and the infant giggled in her pride.

"I just have one question... WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!"


Peridot sat in the dry bathtub with a cute (but dirty) baby girl. Shelby cooed and giggled, playing with her little toes. Peri watched her with interest and fondness. How did a being so small have such a big effect on her? She didn't know.

Finally noticing the dirt covering Shelby, Peri decided to clean her-but how? Time for another search on Steven's phone-he wouldn't mind.

Humming to herself, Peridot left the bathroom in search of Steven's Portable, Hesitantly Obtained Network Ecosystem, or P.H.O.N.E. for short. Instead of being free to complete said task, the blonde was confronted by Garnet, Amethyst and Steven. They all looked panicked, surprised and relived that Peridot was out of the bathroom, humming.

"Good day, fellow gems. I see that you have noticed that I am no longer sulking on the bathroom tiles. The reason being-I have found a new human companion!"

"Steven wasn't enough, huh?" Amethyst joked.

"What!?! No, that's not what I meant, I-"

"Relax Peridot, we know. Amethyst was just kidding."

"Oh, well I... I knew that. Obviously."

"Who is your, 'new human companion' anyway?" Steven asked, his voice laced with curiosity.

"And when will we get to meet them?" Amethyst followed, now interested.

"I suspect it will be soon." Garnet muttered.

"Your suspicions are right! You can meet her right now!" Peridot practically bounced off the walls with excitement and enthusiasm.

"She's in the temple!?!" Steven's question was answered by a quick nod. The green gem led them back into the bathroom. The miserable country music had been replaced by upbeat campfire songs, making the atmosphere feel lighter than it was. Inside the bathtub sat a dirty, yet happy baby girl. She laughed and made grabby hands at Peridot, seeing her.

Steven, Amethyst and even Garnet were shocked at this new and unpredicted development.

"Fellow gems, this is Shelby. I found her on the beach, inside a small basket. Isn't she adorable? Here, hold her!"

Unprepared, Amethyst took the blonde infant and held her gently.

"Shelby huh? I guess she is kinda cute." Everyone smiled. The Purple Gem coughed and held the baby away from herself.

"...She needs a bath though."


Lapis and Jennifer were sitting on a chair in the barn, waiting for Peridot to come back so that the two could be introduced. Hopefully they'd get along.

Lapis pulled out a magazine and started reading.

Jennifer glanced at the pages, and frowned. She couldn't understand them! But her Mother could read this... gibberish, and that annoyed her. Noticing her scrunched up face, Lapis laughed and read aloud.

The day had been fun. Sure, Lapis liked her daily routine of chilling, but having Jen, her water baby, was better.

They had splashed in the water, danced in the rain (that a certain blue gem had created), and made wet fart noises. Mainly wet fart noises. Jen loved the experience, and so did Lapis.

~Time Skip~

Peridot was staring intently at the small life form that sat comfortably in Lapis' lap. She was jealous, and who wouldn't be?

"So, a random stranger knocked on the door a few times, you saw an infant, and took it in?"


"Don't you think that's a little bit... Dangerous? We have to check it-her for gem tech!"

"Usually I'd agree with you, but this is just a human. A human baby at that. Jennifer couldn't hurt us, even if she wanted to."

"...Are you sure?"


"......Are you sure you wanna keep it?"

"Her. And yes."

Peridot sighed and nodded, averting her gaze to her Housemate, then to her cute, sweet small child. "Okay then. I trust you."

"Welcome to the family, Jennifer Lazuli."


Jasper walked back inside the ship, carefully holding baby Kimberly. Peridot approached them, her limb enhancers slapping against the floor with every step.

"I see you have found a human offspring. Place it in containment with the other feeble life forms."

"Not this one."

Peridot raised an eyebrow, but didn't argue.

Jasper sat the infant on her hip, bracing for the ship's departure. Kim clung to her tightly.
The orange gem tensed slightly, but soon relaxed.

Why did she allow this... This weakling to get so close to her? What was this feeling?

And why did she like it so much?


The Rebellion leader gently held the infant to her chest as she approached the entrance to the temple. This was gonna be fun. Not.

The Quartz sucked in a breath and opened the door.

"Ah, Rose! There you are, you had me worried!" Pearl exclaimed, practically running to her side. Garnet and Amethyst joined them, close behind.

Baby Susan stirred in her sleep, and everyone froze.

"Wow Rose, I didn't know you were a mother!" At that comment, the room erupted into worried chatter, nagging, it was just chaos.

Rose cleared her throat and everyone quietened. "Everyone, this is Susan. Susan Quartz. I found her abandoned in what humans call a 'trash can'. I have chosen to keep her. Any problems?" No-one dared to speak. "Good."

Amethyst shuffled over and poked the baby's chubby cheeks. "Well then, welcome home Susan."

Spinel: (Steven)

Spinel walked right into Lil Homeschool, holding baby Sarah. She put one hand above her eyes to shield them from the sun. "Do you see Steven yet, lil Sarah?"
She got a babble in response.
"Me neither. Maybe we need a different angle!" The pink gem stretched her legs until they were high enough to be taller than the buildings. "Oh! I can see him! Over there! Spinel pointed to her friend and stretched back down to her normal height.

(She attempted to put Sarah on her shoulders, but the baby was obviously too young for that and fell of. Spinel caught her by the foot and checked for any injuries, but the infant was unscratched and somehow laughing.)

"Hey Stev-o! Look over here!" 'Stev-o' smiled and waved, but froze slightly when he saw the baby.
Spinel stretched herself over to him, and introduced the two.

"I see you've spotted my new friend over here. Wanna meet her? Her name is Sarah, I found her in an... alleyway? Is that what it's called? Anyway-"

"Spinel, this is a human baby. She needs to be looked after properly, and, well your holding her upside down."

"Pssh, Steven! I can look after Sarah properly! And she likes being upside down!"

"She won't when her blood rushes to her head!" Spinel looked at him blankly. Steven facepalmed in response.

"...I can't change your mind, can I?"


"Alright then. Let's get her cleaned up." In the background, Sarah worriedly flapped around in the air, asking to be put down.

Spinel: (Diamonds.)

Spinel made a goofy face to distract her precious baby from their warp. Sarah giggled and cooed at her Mother's face-mission successful. Spinel walked into the Diamond's temple and slowly hid her child behind her back. "Shh... It's a surprise!" She whisper-yelled with a playful wink.

The pink gem walked into the room the Diamonds were waiting for her in and cleared her throat.

"Greetings, friend Diamonds! I, Spinel have returned from my trip to Earth!" The Diamonds greeted and welcomed her back.

"Buuuuuut... I have a... Surprise. Meet Sarah." She said, speaking softly. "I found her abandoned on Earth and thought, why not take her in! Haha... But I would like your permission to look after-"

"-Of course you can, Spinel. If she's your adoptive daughter then its your choice." Blue replied. The pink gem's smile grew wider.

"-But this does mean that she's your responsibility. You have to look after her yourself." Yellow cut in.

"Though if course, if needed you can ask for help. Good luck starlight." White added.

Sarah grinned a toothless grin at the giant ladies and settled into a deep sleep.

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