l.a. boyz, beck oliver ✓


448K 6.9K 3K

❛ L.A. BOYZ... ! ❜ 🎤 lookin so hot down in hollywood. ❪ ‼️WARNING : THIS IS UNEDITED, REALLY CRINGEY, IT H... More

❛ L.A. BOYZ. ❜
² RAPUNZEL . . .
L.A. BOYZ . . .
¹ NOT A DATE . . .
² NOT A DATE . . .
BET . . .
PROME . . . ★
CLINGY . . .
NIGHT JAM . . . ★
━━ beck when... #1
━━ beck when... #2
━━ beck when... #3
━━ beck when... #4
━━ beck when... #5
━━ beck when... #6
━━ beck when... #7
━━ beck when... #8
━━ beck when... #9
━━ beck when... #10
━━ beck when... #11
━━ beck when... #12
━━ beck when... #13
━━ beck when... #14
━━ beck when... #15
━━ beck when... #16
━━ beck when... #17
━━ beck when... #18
━━ beck when... #19
━━ beck when... #20
❛ THE END. ❜

¹ RAPUNZEL . . .

10.4K 119 61

( 005 ) RAPUNZEL.
part one

╲╲ unedited.


summary : your getting
ready for the halloween
party with your friends
and things took a turn
in weird ways.

warnings : mature language,
glue & alcohol usage,
mentions of being high,
possible triggering topics,
fighting & an asshole ex.


- also this is kind of not nickelodeon friendly sooo... yeahhh

^^ i didn't want to erase
what i wrote up there cause
the comments are hilarious,,
but i was basically saying that
it's not nickelodeon friendly
cause some people are
gonna get high 😽


IT WAS HALLOWEEN NIGHT. you, Tori, Jade and Cat are all getting ready for the halloween party at Beck's friend's house. Trina got there 30 minutes earlier, waiting to be the life of the party. So that's why you guys are currently in your room, putting makeup and costumes on. luckily your parents are out of town, which made the whole place yours for a week.

You guys were dressing up as disney princesses. You as Rapunzel, Cat as Ariel, Tori as Belle and Jade as Maleficent. Although we said princesses, Jade wouldn't even want to be considered a princess if it would save her life.

In the bedroom, Jade was practicing her "evil laugh" on top of your bed. Personally you think her laugh is already evil, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Meanwhile, Cat was scrolling on her phone while humming some tune that was stuck in her head

You on the other hand was sticking your head in your sister's closet searching for a toy frying pan. You're positif she has one. You two used to cooking all the time, why wouldn't someone have a frying pan?

"Hey can someone help me with my hair? The clip won't stay put." Tori asked as she huffed in defeat. Her shoulders slumped while her hands stopped meddling with her hair.

"I wanna do it! I wanna do it!" Cat exclaimed in excitement, her phone long forgotten now.

Everyone looked at her, concern in your eyes at her. But Jade on the other hand seems like she just can't wait for the catastrophic to happen.

You furrowed your eyebrows and said worriedly to her, "Uh, Cat you sure? I can do it if-"

"No, no y/n, let her do it." Jade cut you off, mischief in her eyes as she smirked.

"Jade-" you said with in a warning tone whole raising your eyebrows a little.

"y/n-" Jade copied your actions.

Rolling your eyes, you decided to drop the topic and just hope nothing too bad will happen and continued your search for the toy pan.

You know, I could just bring a real pan- nah its to heavy, to much work. Oh how about-

"AHHHHH!" a shriek sounded cutting your thoughts off. Oh no, that's definitely tori.

"Whoa whoa whoa what happened?" you asked, fear clear in your voice.

Tori stood up, clearly panicked, "CAT USED GLUE ON MY HAIR!" she yelled out, pointing to her hair where the pin was supposed to be.

"Oh my god." you and Jade say at the same time. But in completely different tones. You in shock, Jade in amusement.

"Hey! You said it didn't stay put, so I used something that will make it stay." Cat said, throwing her hands in the air.

Well, she does have a point.

With ragged breaths, Tori started tugging on her hair so hard you'd think it would rip off. So you hurried beside her, rubbing her back soothingly making her calm down.

"Hey, hey it's okay." a chuckle left your lips, making Tori look at you indecorously. "It's kinda funny you gotta admit." you said, shrugging your shoulders.

"Y/N!" she whined and looked at you in disbelief, thinking her crisis was hilarious.

"Okay okay I'm sorry. Let's go wash it before it dries okay?" you said softly trying to contain a laughter.

She gives you a nod and you walk her to your bathroom. But not before giving Jade a glare who cant stop laughing.

Tori's shaking figure stood beside the bath tub. "Let your hair down." you said to her. She flip her head down making her hair fall. You pushed her head slightly until it's under the faucet and turned on the water to rinse the glue out.

After the glue was out, you handed her an extra towel from the cabinet. She muttered a small thanks and took the towel to dry her hair. You guys went back to the bedroom to see Cat and Jade qwertyon the floor laughing with tears in their eyes.

"Uhh not that I mind the quality bonding time, but, what's going on?" you asked, while crossing your arms.

"Nothing." they both said simultaneously. Making them burst in another fit of laughter.

"Everything is suddenly funny for some reason." Jade giggled as she stared up at the ceiling.

With furrowed your eyebrows, you glanced around and a bottle of glue beside Jade with its lid open caught your eye.

Oh no.

You bend down and snatched the glue from her. "Are you guys high?" you raised your voice in a motherly manner.

"No, definitely not." Cat shook her head as she continues to giggle.

You rolled your eyes and made your back to Tori with a hair dryer in hand "Okay let's dry your hair."

Tori shook her head in disappointment, "We don't have time! You guys should just go without me!"

You look at her in disbelief, "Are you crazy? No! You have to come, it's tradition."

"Then what about my hair?" she sniffled.

You look around for a moment and an idea popped in your brain. "Oh! I got it." you made your way to a pencil holder where you put your hair ties in. "We put it in a bun! Easy and cute." you said excitedly.

"Oh my god! Can you guys hurry up!" jade grumbled, the girl was rolling on the floor with no care in the world.

Cat joined her and stomped her legs like your 5 year old sister, "I want candy!" she whined.

"Okay, this'll be quick, and you guys go get yourself a glass of water." you tell your two high best friends.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Jade said as she crossed her arms and stick out her tongue.

You glare at her playfully, "Go. Now."

She huffed in defeat and pulled Cat up with her to get some water.

When you guys were done with the bun, Tori looked at her phone and realised that you guys are 20 minutes late. "Oh my god we're late."

You look over her shoulder and rushed to get your bag. You didn't find your toy pan, but that's okay, next time.

"Oh god we're late. Out ladies! Out! Lets go! Move it!" you yelled quickly. They grabbed their bags and made their way to your car and you started your journey to a halloween party.

Luckily Jade and Cat were a lot less high.

- time skip brought to you by sikowitz's coconut -

You were searching a place to park, when a house full of teenagers, party lights and blasting music came into view.

"I'm pretty sure this is it." you said as you parked beside the house. Getting out of the car, all of you checked your reflection on the car mirror.

You were wearing a purple oversized t-shirt, with a long sleeve white bodysuit underneath, green pants to match Rapunzel's vibes. You had the shirt tucked in your pants and a gold belt around it.

As you make you're way to the house, the smell of alcohol was like a slap to your face, and you were only 40 minutes late.

"Whoa. Now this, is a party." Jade smirked, making her way to the kitchen for a drink.

"Well, looks like the glue effect weared off." you whispered to Tori.

She laughed at your comment, "Thank god."

Robbie suddenly emerged from the drunk teenagers crowd, happily exclaiming, "Well, hello girls!"

"Hey Robbie!" you greeted him with a quick hug.

"You guys look great!" he exclaimed, eyes widen in awe at your guy's outfits.

The comment made you feel proud about your appearance, giving you the confidence boost you needed. A course of thank you and thanks was said to Robbie for the compliment.

"Expecially you y/n." you heard Rex said, making you roll your eyes. If he wasn't a puppet you're sure he would be smirking right now.

Rex has always been the "ladies men", although he is indeed a puppet.

"Whoa look at those pretty lights!" Cat yelled excitedly over the music as she left to go to the pretty lights at the back yard.

"I'll go with her, you have fun!" Tori assured, slightly raising her voice over the blasting music.

You smiled and nodded your head as you watch her rush to catch up with Cat.

The music was loud, the smell was intoxicating, people kept bumping into you as you made your way to the kitchen. You noticed that Jade was already there with a cup in her hand talking to a guy from Northridge.

Well, more like scaring him because he looked terrified and started to run away from her.

You chuckled and stood next to Jade "Nice to see that you're loving the attention." you teased.

"Shut up y/n." she grumbled in annoyance but a slight tug came onto her lips.

You started fiddling with your fingers nervously, your brain racking off the things why haven't you seen Beck yet.

"Hey, did you see Beck anywhere?" you questioned, craning your head to look over the crowd.

Jade look at you and smirked "And you want his attention don't 'cha?" she teased back.

"Wha- what do you mean?" you stuttered feeling your cheeks getting warm.

Jade scoffed at your horrible ability to lie. "Oh we all can see that you practically look at him with heart eyes y/n." she shoved your shoulders.

You scoffed back, "Pfft- No I do not-" awkwardly shaking your head.

"Oh relax, 'cause everyone also realise that Beck literally wants to spend every living day with you." she continued teasing, throwing in a wink in the mix.

You almost chocked on air, clearing your throat as your eyes widen, "Wha-?"

"And I thought Cat was stupid." she mumbled. The girl walked away, leaving you dumbfounded.

Only after a few seconds you snap yourself out of the daze. You pour yourself a glass of "pure fuel" as the people call it.

Your eyes scanned the room for any sign of of the brunet. Nothing. You took a sip of your drink, feeling the burning sensation in the back of your throat.

Suddenly, you noticed a male figure coming your way that you recognise so much.

Please don't come here. Please don't come here. Please lord have mercy.

But that all came crushing when his voice rand in your ears.

"Hey there pretty lady." the last boy wanted to talk to come up to you. Your ex; James. He looks like he just chugged a whole bin of this "pure fuel."

Oh no. This won't end good.

Forcing yourself a smile, you turned towards him. "Hey James."

He smirked, which made your stomach churn. "So what you're doing here alone?" he slurred over a few words as he moved closer to you.

You averted your attention back to the crowd of people dancing "Uh I'm waiting for someone." you said, it wasn't particularly a lie because you were waiting for someone.

He puts his hand on your waist and turns you around facing him, "Why wait for someone when I'm right here baby?" he sickly smiled, the smell of alcohol invaded your nose. As you tried not scrunchinh your face in disgust.

"Uh-" you were lost for words, the way he's gripping your waist tightly made you knew you had to get away from there before something bad happens.

"Wanna get out of here? Just the two of us? Like old times?" he suggested, raising his eyebrows.

Your first thought about the whole situation was Wtf? he dumped you. He basically ended things off because he was trying bang the head cheerleader. And you weren't that broken honestly, seeing you're pinning on your best friend.

"Uh, I'm good. I'm just gonna wait here for a bit." you said as you tried moving his hands away from you. But to no avail.

"Oh come on, it will be funnn." he leans in to you making you scoot back.

"Yeah James, I don't think so." you said hesitantly, James always had anger issues, you're just scared he's gonna snap and make a whole scene.

His eyes turn dark, "No. Let's go." he demanded, making an attempt to grab your wrist.

While you were busy with James a pair of eyes found you. The same eyes you were looking for earlier. Anyone from a seven foot radius could tell that you're clearly uncomfortable. He moved faster than light wrapping his arms around your torso pulling you back to his chest, the sudden action made you stumbled a bit but he kept you steady.

Beck's voice rang in your ears, "She said no. Now leave." his grip on you tightened in a protective manner, while sneering at James.

"Ho ho ho. This your new boy toy y/n?" James mocked, chuckling maniacally.

You glared at him, trying to take a step forward, but a hand held you back.

"I said leave." Beck said as he raised his voice, getting some attention of the people closest. His breath also has a alcohol scent to it.

Oh no.

"Wow you really are a slut y/n. Its been what? 3 weeks of our break-" the sound of fist meeting nose cut the boy off.

Everyone was shocked at the sudden movement as you look to see a fuming Beck in front of you. His hand in fist, face red with anger and his breathing is getting heavier by the minute.

"Don't you dare call her that." he spat at the boy on the ground.

James got up and pushed Beck making him fall to the ground. He got on top of him and started to punch him repeatedly.

Shock all wears of off you as you screamed, trying to pull him off of Beck. Without realising, James's fist was so close to you and it made contact with your cheek just above your eye.

Well shit.

to be continued..



i know them getting ready part was totally unnecessary but i just can't help itttt.

just imagine high jade and cat.

^^^ husband <3

scroll down for part 2 :))

>>> edited 29042021

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