Naruto, the 4th member of Tea...

By JelsaChen26

1.7K 45 11

Akiko Akiyama is part of the Akiyama clan, another huge clan in the Hidden Leaf. Unfortunately, it suffered t... More

Author's note
The Akiyama Clan
Akiko and Sasuke
The Massacres
Naruto Gets Into Trouble
The Graduation Exam
Team 7
Meeting Sandaime
Hatake Kakashi
Survival Training Part 1
Survival Training Part 2
Survival Training Part 3
Survival Training Part 4
Teamwork was the answer
We Passed!
Team 7 bonding time
A better mission please
Give up or continue?
The Land of the Waves
Momochi Zabuza
Time for teamwork
Sharingan no Kakashi
Tree climbing exercise
Girls talk
Zabuza returns
Clash on the bridge
Zabuza's tears
Back in the Hidden Leaf
The Chuunin Exams Pt 1
The Chuunin Exams Part 2
The Chuunin Exams Pt 3
The Chuunin Exams Pt 4


23 1 0
By JelsaChen26

We have been walking under the hot sun for about an hour now and my feet are already killing me.

Don't give me that look. It's hot and I've never had to walk anywhere for hours okay. Nobody really talked much so the only sound that can be heard were our footsteps and the sound of birds chirping.

"Nee, Tazuna-san..." Sakura started suddenly.

"What is it?"

"You're from the Land of Waves right?"

"And what about it?"

"Ano... Kakashi sensei, are there ninjas in that country too?"

"Iya, there are non ninjas in the Land of Waves. But there are other hidden villages and ninjas in most countries, even though our culture and customs differ." Kakashi began and then went to explain further on 'The Great 5 Shinobi Countries', how the existence of a shinobi village is equivalent to the country's military powers and the 5 kage's.

Huh.... I didn't know that. I thought that every village has a Kage. So being a Kage is a really big deal, damn and Naruto wants to be that??

"Ehhhh, wow Hokage-sama is the best!" Sakura gushed.

"Hey.... you guys just doubted Hokage-sama just now didn't you?" Kakashi sensei questioned.

Sasuke and I calmly shook our heads, we never doubted Hokage-sama's skills. He must have been a superb shinobi when he was younger.

But Naruto and Sakura were frantically shaking their heads, guilty as charged eh.

Kakashi-sensei smiled as he patted Sakura's head and reassured us "Well not to worry, we won't have any ninja battles in a C ranked mission."

"Jya, then there's no need to worry about meeting any foreign ninja huh?"


I noticed Sasuke looking at Tazuna and poked him at the side "Anything wrong Sasuke?"

"....It's nothing, I must've saw wrongly. Let's go." and with that he continued to look straight ahead which left me confused.

We continued walking for probably another hour or two, enjoying the scenery as we walked before I noticed a puddle of water on the ground.

Now under normal circumstances one wouldn't even care about it, but..... it's hot. Like really hot, and that's not exactly a small puddle of water either. I doubt it rained too.

I was about to ask Kakashi sensei who was right next to me when I noticed the look he was giving me. He was looking at me as if he knew what I was thinking about.

Then, I noticed something move in my peripheral vision. But before I could react, Kakashi sensei pushed me away just as 2 long chains with spikes on it began to wrap around Kakashi sensei, immobilizing him.

His eyes widened as we all shouted "Nani?!"

It was then that I noticed the two men standing behind Kakashi sensei right near that puddle of water that I saw. They both have a large metal gauntlet on one arm that was connected to the chain binding Kakashi sensei. Their forehead protectors had projections that were similar to an oni's horn and on it was the symbol for the Land of Water.

In other words, they are foreign ninjas and we're being ambushed.

"One down." the both of them then pulled on the chains which caused the chains binding Kakashi sensei to tighten and sliced him into pieces.

Blood sprayed everywhere as the remaining parts of his body fell to the ground.

"Kuso!" I shouted as Sakura screamed.

"Kakashi sensei!" Naruto shouted in fear.

I noticed then that the 2 men were nowhere to be seen so I looked around quickly and saw that they were behind Naruto.

"Naruto, ushiro!" I shouted at him.

"Second one." they seemed to be saying that to themselves.

Naruto looked behind and just froze there as they lunged towards him.

He's scared!

"Naruto, doke!" I quickly made the hand seals for that water style jutsu that I know.

Dragon... Tiger... Hare... "Suiton: Mizurappa!" I breathed in just like how Sasuke would do for his fireball jutsu and shot out a powerful stream of water like a waterfall towards the two ninjas.

Naruto saw the water coming and thank the gods he was at least able to jump out of the way.

The 2 ninjas were caught by surprise, probably because they didn't expect genins to know any offensive ninjutsu and got pushed back by Naruto.

Thank god Ryuji taught me this technique before he was dismissed. 

I took out my kunai to follow up on the attack, but Sasuke had already beat me to it.

Sasuke quickly jumped up and threw a shuriken at their chain before it hit a tree, he then threw a kunai at the shuriken therefore securing it to the tree.

Now the 2 ninjas were unable to use their chain as they were stuck to it, judging from their faces they had figured it out too.

Sasuke then landed on both of their metal gauntlets, gripped it with his hands to steady himself before he kicked at their faces. 

Now, he's just showing off......

I smirk as I thought to myself, time to one up him then.

The 2 ninja suddenly released the chain that connected their gauntlets together and ran in different directions.

One was running towards Naruto with his claw out, preparing to claw Naruto while the other was running towards Tazuna.

"Stay back, oji-san!" Sakura quickly stood in front of Tazuna with a kunai ready to defend him.

Sasuke and I quickly shared a look and we nodded. I ran towards Naruto with my kunai while Sasuke ran towards Tazuna and Sakura.

Naruto had already fallen to the ground, not sure whether he got hit or he was too scared.

"Naruto!!" I swung my kunai at the ninja only for him to defend using his claws.

Then just as I was about to punch him, somebody had looped an arm around his neck similar to a headlock with extreme force, making him faint.

"Nani?" I looked up and saw...... KAKASHI SENSEI?!

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