Hosie one-shot compilation


14.9K 505 86

This is just a place for me to write Hosie one shots. I have a full Hosie story and other one shots you guys... Еще

Love song
Pretty brown Eyes
Let me love you: until you learn to love yourself
Unrequited Love
Secret love
Wish you were gay
She - Jake scott
Can I be Him
We are never getting back together
Let me love you - Mario
Love in the dark
Over and over again
When you're ready
My Person - Spencer Crandall

They don't know about us

1.7K 52 7

A/N : so music has always been a big part of my life and I think it's one of the best ways to tell a story, especially a love story. That being said, all the stories in this will be based on a song. If you have a song you want me to use comment it below 😁 Enjoy.

Hope and Josie have been dating for 2 months and they couldn't be happier. There's just one problem, no one knows about it. At first they agreed to keep it a secret because they didn't know how their friends and family would react. Now they both want to tell people, but they're too scared to say anything, not wanting to upset the other.

"Hi Hope, how've you been?" Rebekah said into the phone.

"I'm good auntie Bex" Hope says trying to look convincing, it wasn't working

"What's wrong Hope?"

"N-nothing I'm fine"

"Oh come on darling, I know when you're lying. Tell you're favorite aunt what's on your mind."

Realizing she wasn't getting out of this conversation, Hope relented.

"It's just, have you ever loved someone with all your heart, but no one knew? And you knew they felt the same and you'd do anything for that person but keeping it to yourself was slowly eating at you because all you wanted to do was shout from the roof top how much you love them."

It took Rebekah a few seconds to respond because that's not what she was expecting Hope to say.

"Umm yes, I have some experience in that sort of thing. Your dad wasn't exactly fond of me and Marcel being together at first so we tried to keep it from him. Lying to him was hard because he was my big brother, but like you said, I'd do anything for the person I was in love with. Now, who's this about?"

"Josie S-"

"Wait a minute, Josie as in Josette? Caroline's daughter?"


"Wow, you really are your father's daughter. Sorry love, continue"

"As I was saying, it's Josie Saltzman. After everything with Malivore and Landon happened we became good friends. Landon just dumped Josie and assumed I'd be happy that he picked me over her but he was wrong. He left and ran away instead of facing us. I loved him and he'll always be a friend, but I realized I love her more, even though at the time I thought it was just as a friend. After spending time with her I realized it was more than that and I told her how I felt and it turns out she felt the same. We've been secretly dating for 2 months, everyone just thinks we're best friends, but she's the one aunt Bex. Josie is the totally epic love mom told me to have. I want to tell people but I don't know if Josie is ready for that and I don't want to push her into anything she's not ready for. I'd never do that to her. It's just she's amazing and I want people to know how much I love her. What should I do?"

"Honestly honey, I think you should just talk to her, be honest."

At the same time Hope was FaceTiming her aunt, Josie was having lunch with her mom who was in town after being gone for months.

"Just talk to Hope sweetie, tell her what you're feeling."

"I know I should, I just don't want to upset her. I know she loves me, I just don't know if she's ready for the whole school and our friends/family to know. She doesn't like a lot of attention on her. Being a Mikaelson and tribrid comes with a permanent spotlight and I don't want to add to that. Landon had an annoying knack for making a scene in front of everyone a lot. I just want her to feel safe in our relationship, not overwhelmed. I only told you because I really needed to talk to someone about this and you're the first person I thought of. I would've went to Lizzie but then she would've made it about how I didn't tell her sooner."

"Honey, if Hope is anything like her dad, then when she loves you and I mean truly loves you, then she loves you with all her heart and would move mountains for you. Does she look at you like you hung the stars in the sky?"

"Yeah, she does. There are times when I'll catch her staring, but it's not a creepy stare. It's like she's trying to commit every feature of my face to memory. Then when we lock eyes all I see is pure love and adoration, it makes my heart skip a beat. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to remember that I'm actually dating Hope Mikaelson. The girl I've been in love with since I was 12. I realized that when Hope was in malivore I wasn't dating Landon because I loved him, sure I liked him and he'll always be my friend but it's because he helped fill a void in my life. I didn't realize what that was until I got my memories back. I can't live without her mom."

"Talk to her Josie, I promise it'll all work out."

After lunch Josie makes her way to Hope's room. Her mom was right, she had to talk to her. After knocking a few times, Hope answers the door in her painting clothes. She realized her aunt was right and was painting until Josie got back from spending time with her mom, knowing she'd stop by eventually.

"Hey babe"

"Hi princess" Hope says and leans in to kiss Josie.

"How was lunch with your mom?"

"It was good, I've missed her so it was great to spend time with her. I'm a bit upset that Lizzie couldn't come but it gave me the chance to talk to her about something pretty important."

"That really great Jo, I'm glad you had fun. What was so important that you couldn't talk to your mom about it with Lizzie around?"

"You" Josie says looking down

Hope walks over and lifts up her chins so that she can look into the eyes she loves so much.

"I'm not mad"

She then guides Josie to her bed so they can sit down. Josie has a confused look on her face.

"Wait, your not? But we agreed not to tell anyone about us."

"No love, I'm not mad, she's your mom, of course you'd want to tell her. Also I'd be a hypocrite if I was mad at you because I told my aunt Rebekah too."

"You did?"

"Umm yeah, I wasn't planning on it, but she could tell something was on my mind and I couldn't lie to her."

"What about us was on your mind" Josie says a bit anxious. Hope senses this so she kisses Josie to reassure her.

"It was nothing bad, I promise. It's just that, I love you so much Jo. You have my heart and I don't want it back, but keeping us a secret was starting to get to me. I want to be able to say you're my girlfriend, I want to take you on dates and kiss you in public. I want to walk you to class holding your hand. I want everyone in this school, hell in this town, to know that I'm dating the most perfect woman I've ever laid eyes on. I want them to know that you're mine. I wasn't sure how to bring this up, so I asked Aunt Bex and she said to just be honest with you."

"Wow, that's what my mom told me when I asked her about the same thing."

"Wait, you don't want to hide this anymore either?"

"No Hope, I don't. I want everyone to know that I'm yours and that you're mine. I don't care about what people might think. As long as I have you I'll be okay. I want this Hope. I want us, without all of the hiding. I love you Hope and that shouldn't be a secret."

To say Hope was elated would be an understatement.

"I love you so much princess."

"I love you too"

"The dance is tonight. We could tell everyone there,"Josie suggested.

"I like that idea"

"Dad asked me to sing so maybe we could do a duet? It'd have to be a song that makes what we're saying obvious." Josie says with a slight pout, knowing it's Hope's weakness.

"How do you know I can sing"

"I hear you singing along to your music when you're painting when you think I'm asleep. I also know that you can play the piano and guitar."

"I don't even have a guitar here at the school. How could you possibly know that?"

"Because one day I was walking past the music room and I heard someone playing the guitar. I thought they were really good so I peaked inside to see who it was, turns out it was you. The real question is why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know, music was always something I did with my uncle Elijah so I don't talk about it a lot. I don't really play or sing as much as I used to."

"I'm sorry Hope, we don't have to perform if it'll make you uncomfortable."

"No no, it's okay, I want do it. I'd do anything for you Jo."

"You're sure?"

"Yes Jo, I'm positive"

"Okay, but what song?"

"How about a one direction song?"

"I know just the one."

The dance was at 8 so Hope and Josie hung out in Hope's room watching movies before they had dinner with their friends. After dinner Josie went back to her room with Lizzie to get ready and Hope went to hers.

Once they got to the dance they danced with friends before Josie went behind stage to make sure everything was set up.

"Hello everyone, I hope everyone is having fun tonight. Everyone help me welcome to the stage Josie Saltzman." Emma says

"Hey guys, so as you know every year the student body votes on which student they want to perform at the dance and this year you guys picked me."

As she says that everyone starts to clap and cheer

"So, I'll be singing for you guys tonight, but with a minor change, I won't be singing alone. Hope, come up her please."

Their friends all look at Hope with confused faces but she just smiles at them and walks up to the stage.

"What you guys might not know about Hope here, is that she can sing her ass off. Not only that, but she also plays the piano and guitar, so I asked her to sing with me tonight and she agreed after some nudging."

"Can you blame me, who can say no to that face? Especially when you pout." Hope whispers in Josie's ear, causing Josie to blush slightly.

"I know you said you don't have your guitar here at school, so when I was backstage I made a call and here you go." Josie says handing Hope her guitar.

"How did you get this so fast?"

"I called your aunt Freya and she used a spell to send it here."

"Thank you"

"No problem. Tonight we'll be singing a slower song, that I'm sure everyone here knows, I hope you like it." Josie says

Hope starts strumming the opening chords as Josie starts to sing.
(Play the song at the top)

"People say we shouldn't be together
We're too young to know about forever..."

As Josie sings she does take her eyes off Hope.

[Hope & Josie]
"They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the "I love yous"..."

"Just one touch and I was a believer
Every kiss it gets a little sweeter..."

As Hope is singing she's looking at Josie with tears in her eyes.

"They don't know how special you are
They don't know what you've done to my heart..."

As they're singing, something clicks in Lizzie's brain. 'Oh my God' she thinks to herself. How didn't she see it earlier. She wants to be mad but she sees how happy her sister is up there with hope and she can't be, so she just keeps paying attention to their performance.

[Hope & Josie]
They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the "I love yous"..."

As they finish singing the crowd filled with their friends and peers explode into cheers. Anyone with eyes could tell the meaning behind them singing that song. If they're being honest, half of the school isn't surprised as they saw this coming.

"I love you Jo" Hope says wrapping her arms around Josie's waist.

"I love you too"

They lean their foreheads together and just stand there, content with each other.

Their friends all look at each other and smile at the sight. Knowing that their two friends found true love and happiness in each other.

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