my Ideas

By salsamaster1

29 1 0

So they won't be stolen More

Dnd home brews from a dungeon master

Brawl Stars

26 1 0
By salsamaster1

Sunday November 15th 2020

again these are just ideas as possibilities I am taking credit so there not stolen that kind of thing do not worry they are all my original ideas although I understand if some people see them as similar 

I will show star powers after all brawlers so far have been written feel free to tell me what you think as well as if stats have changed making what I write inaccurate, you can also comment and help me with balancing don't worry I will credit you people if I accept your advice alright.  These stats are for level 9 I plan to release the other level stats with the star powers 



wields a sword is a female has low range about 3.3 tiles is tanky with 6,370 health when attacks are timed correctly she can deflect enemy attacks really only 1 or 2 per attack attack damage 1800 7 hits to charge super.  Super charges at 14% per enemy hit by it

Super a large shield forms and can be sent in any direction it does 2400 on it's own but also absorbs all damage done to it and then hits with that damage has unlimited range but is slow moving goes over water at 10000 it can go through walls at 20000 has fire affect that lasts 6 seconds doing 220 per second it does not bounce but it can hit multiple targets.

the thing is it has to actually take that much damage well minus 2400 so it's very rare that it will be that effective.  Reload 1.4 seconds animation time 0.2 some things may need to be changed a little but can work.

Moves at tank speed like el primo has long blond hair and a blue tye to keep it out of her face has an arc almost like bibi's but is slightly less, has a blue scabbard to hold the sword wears a black suit/sweater like top carries a white shield.  Just ideas

Monday and Tuesday 16-17th 2020


Is somewhat like crow except like an ice version that is slightly taller and has a more aerodynamic from throws for ice projectiles likely icicles each do 440 damage 8.9 tiles range has an arrow shape with three in the front not all at once as I said arrow shaped and has one in behind the projectiles slow other brawlers by 0.05 is stackable but only up 10 times, slow lasts 3 seconds 4 for the super but the time does restart with every Icicle.  11 To charge super 

moves slower then all brawlers at first but as he moves in the same direction he gains speed becoming even faster then crow in fact even very slightly faster then mouse bots when turning maintains speed when goes the opposite direction he loses all his speed, (when stopped losses 1 speed setting per second,) gains speed every 1.8 tiles at half a speed setting, super shoots 10 icicles in every direction except directly forward they each do 670 damage are slightly larger and slow enemy brawlers by 025 is stackable to 100.  It would take 14 super icicles to charge next super 1 can hit multiple targets as they burst on impact at 0.75 tile circle slightly smaller then the explosion from bo's arrows 

I think he should start out at 420 considering speed settings it would be some what of a gradual increase like this 420-445-470-495-520-545-570-595-620-645-670-695-720-745-770-795-820-845-870-895-920-945-970-995-1020-1045-1070-1095-1120-1145-1170-1195-1220-1245-1270,  I know it kinda runs on to long and I understand that there maybe to many the guy may get to fast that kind of thing, but that's why he starts so slow Nita's bear moves at 570 this brawler may not do well having a bear thrown at them

I should say most brawlers tend to move at 720 per about 2 seconds most tank type brawlers 770 faster brawlers 820  slow 620 now I now these may look like speculations and be wrong but these are the units they used to use when I was playing before about 15 months ago, or about 3 months after global so yes I will admit it could have changed a lot since then.  Tara's shade and mouse bots moved at 1200 so the fastest for castor I'm planning on is 1270.  For health 5130 I think might be good or less possibly but I do not believe higher would be the way to go.

Tuesday and Wednesday 17-18th 2020


A ghost like character that attacks with 2 slashing claws or really 10 if you count the fingers with a animation speed of 0.4 and a reload of 0.95 (El Primo and Frank share the fastest at 0.80 so he would be quite fast with the reload) it does 580 each at 4.4 range and moves at 720.

Super and this is what makes them ghost like they are able to travel through walls and over water damage taken is reduced by 40% well movement speed goes up to 970 when he moves through a brawler he does 1400 damage not only that but the brawler gets marked meaning the next attack to hit that brawler will do 1.3 times it's normal damage this includes projectiles meaning a colt one bullet would go from 448 to 582 Crow's poison scale so that way even the poison would tick at 1.3 time damage per second well on the other hand one projectile attacks would be likely to do better like Bibi which would go from 1820 to 2366 so this marking can be really effective depending on what or who hits them

I think he should have 5790 health and that it should take 9 hits to charge super 5 markings to recharge super attacking is still possible during super but only 2 ammo becomes available and reload changes to 1.3 seconds so that way he doesn't become totally overpowered during super although I am not entirely sure it's enough.  Has bright green skin and wears a blue vest

Wednesday and Thursday 18-19th 2020


This brawler works the opposite of piper doing more damage at closer like Leon except it's more like a single projectile like attack comparable to Nita can hit multiple targets yet with pipers range and the size is slightly smaller.  2460 Damage at point blank range 280 at max range 273 damage less per tile well 272.5 really.  2.15 reload 0.35 animation time it travels slower then a shot from piper they are 6.6 tile longer stream of fire.  12.48% percent super charge at minimum damage 29.76% at point blank range, 

for blazes Super he will throw down the gas tank on his back and launch both flame throwers at the ground the blaze will damage anything in a 5 by 5 tile area once again doing more damage the closer one is to the middle it lasts 5 seconds and does 1930 damage at the middle and 970 at the edge.  It charges super at 6% on the edge and 23% in the middle.  Sadly during the super blaze in incapable of moving for 2 seconds don't worry the flames are so hot they will burn through 1 attack every 1.7 seconds during the 5 seconds that is although that still does mean brawler like colt would be able to hit him with 5 out of 6 bullets.  

The regular attack fire is special as it spreads within bushes going from slightly smaller then a Piper shot to slightly wider then Nita's ground rupture but only as it travels through the grass. 

I'm thinking at most 4280 health and more likely 3790 sounds better for balancing.

blaze is a robot that carries a gas tank similar to the dynamite barrel on dynamikes back he is almost as tall as frank and has a body like that of a mix between Darryl and ricochet with an orange and red body that has a flame pattern.

Thursday and Friday 19-20th 2020


this girl carries around a large orange and purple staff with a pink lens on top that looks somewhat like an eye, it fires a projectile that looks like a mix between a yellow lightning bolt and a bright purple light it can reach 7.3 tiles and hits in a circle similar to barley's bottles but really slightly smaller it does 1480 damage per second and can hit for up to 4 seconds but it will stay in the same place or you can release the attack button and fire somewhere else reload is a whopping 2.3 seconds and a only starts counting after a shot is finished.  I was hoping this way they would not be able to burst down a heist safe to quickly,  Although looking at the math she would still be able to do 17,760 damage in 13.6 seconds the extra is thanks the attacks cooldown which raises 1 tenth of a second for every second it is fired.

It charges the super at 11% per second, Tamarin's super shaped like a crystal ball and has an eye in the middle it pulls in enemy players like Tara's except it's rate is escapable as it only slows brawlers by half there movement speed.  It lasts 8 seconds and does 280 damage per second it hits, thing is if a player stops trying to walk away they get pulled towards the middle if they walk towards the middle they will move twice as fast until they reach the middle, the super has a 4.6 tile radius meaning it can provide a lot of area control

she walks at a regular movement speed and has a purple golden robe with a neon green mask covering her nose and mouth so only both eyes are visible.  She wears a neon pink hood over her head.  She is a future reader like Tara except  she uses a crystal ball as one may have guessed her attack can go over walls and I think she should have between 3480 health to 3130

Friday and Saturday  20-21st 2020 

dummy maker 

this brawler throws dummy arms and legs at other brawlers it does 1980 initial damage and then bursts like spikes cactus bomb into 4 pieces that each do 720 damage it bursts out in an x pattern meaning you can do a total of 4860 to one target although something like that might only work with the boss bot  the the dummy piece will go out  8.9 tiles well the rest will fly 5.33 tiles form it  it takes 9 pieces to charge super, initial projectile is 28%.  It only bursts if it hits a enemy, a wall, the siege turret, or a safe look if it hits something it bursts alright that's how it works.

For his super he makes a 2 by 2 dummy with 6800 health which when hit by him or friendly brawlers it will charge there super for the amount the would get from hitting an enemy.  When an enemy hits it just subtracts form the health without adding super charge if an enemy where to run through they would meet some spiky needles doing 700 damage as well as slowing them to half for 3 seconds it would also do 300 damage a second depending on health left in dummy.  Full to 6000 no 300 5999 to 4200 1 tick of 300 damage, 4199 to 3000 2 ticks of 300 damage 2999 to 1000 3 ticks of 300 and under 1000 is 4 so this super is pretty good for area control.

unlike with other spawner brawlers you can have multiple out at once, Imagine this brawler would have tons of sowing needles in there pockets a few scars from accidental cuts and a orange shirt with blue pants

Monday and Tuesday 23-24th 2020


This brawler can travel through water which I know brawl stars fans have been waiting for.  (Sure one of my other ideas can with there super but this is different).  Jay carries a shot gun and a flint lock.  The shot gun fires 2 sets of shots in his left hand each doing 1040 yes I know that's a lot for a shot gun in this game but there's only 2 and they are shot 60 degrees away from each other and only go 4.9 tiles range so it would have to be from very close to hit.  At the same time jay fires the flintlock which does 1670 but can reach 11.6 tiles so long as it does not hit a wall.  All of these hit single targets okay.

his shot gun blasts charge his super at  11.4 % each well his flintlock charges at 17.3%.  Jays super is called blitz during this his reload time goes from 1.6 to 0.9 his movement speed changes from 720 to 1040 his damage is increased by 14% for 6 seconds during this his super charge rate from both weapons becomes half so as not to allow multiple after each other.  Jay can move through water for 5.6 seconds for every second longer he loses 12% health.  In water Jay moves at 820 yet has a reload of 1.9 and it is harder for him to turn.  Jay has 4260 health 

Jay looks like a mix between a man and a swan except blue.  He has a swans legs and feet as well as their long neck the rest is human he wears a bright blue wet suit.

Tuesday and Wednesday 24-25 2020


Is a girl with a robotic eye and a skilled fighter for her regular attack she lays out 3 kicks each reaching a different range and doing a different amount of damage.  The first kick reaches 1.3 and does 1180 damage the second kick reaches 3.4 tiles and does 790 damage the third kick reaches 6.3 tiles and does 280 damage this means if all kicks hit she can do 2250.  The animation time is 0.5 seconds the kick also pushes enemy brawlers back 0.16 per kick tiles but does not interpret attacks like Bibi's.  Her reload time is 1.7 seconds

The first kick charges her super by 18% second is 12.5% and the third is 9.3%.  For her super she shoots a laser beam a pink and yellow laser beam out her eye that does 1570 damaged per second for and stuns brawlers depending on how long they are caught in the beam 1 second slowed by 50% for 0.3 seconds, 2 seconds slowed by 50% for 0.7 seconds, 3 seconds stunned for 0.3 seconds, 4 seconds stunned 0.7 seconds during this time the enemy brawlers reload  is slowed by half for twice the time of the other effects. 

during her super she moves 20% percent slower but is able to rotate the super to follow enemy movement.  It is as wide as ricochets bullet path and reaches 8.6 tiles.  I'm thinking 5740 health maybe more possibly less I guess

Friday the 27th of november2020-

Well as you may have figured out that is it for the time being time for the star powers and other levels 


Star Power

Bubble shield after launching her shield she takes 13% less damage as long as the shield is moving.  Meaning it can either last less then one second or more then 8 maybe more in bigger maps.  Although I am not sure weather or not that might be too powerful


Star Power 

Ice skates Castor now gains speed in full speed settings but it now takes 2.4 tiles instead of 1.8 to improve I thought this might be needed to stop him from being overpowered. 


Star Power

Ectoplasmic boom when Poltergeist uses his super he will leave a 2 by 2 tile poison gas bomb that will do a quarter of the showdown fogs damage it will last three seconds.  Any enemy that is is hit by this bomb or goes in the fog will be marked for three seconds.  Another bomb will explode once he ends the super.


Star Power

Fiery spirt, as Blaze losses health he gains speed damage and a slightly shorter reload this ability becomes stronger as he loses more health.  I'm thinking 3% for every 500 health lost.  As in 3% faster 3% more damage and 3% shorter reload.  Although this ability is strong it does leave you more vulnerable as it gets stronger.  Although I imagine they might have to change things in big game or is it boss fight.  I think they changed it recently the 5 v 1 game mode where one gets a lot of health because he would become way to powerful 

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