
By BriannaCampbell342

306 23 0

I never asked to be the person I am now. But a girl's got to do what she simply has to do. Ever wondered why... More

Final Note and Spin Off


29 4 0
By BriannaCampbell342

I had the license plate number and yet these guys were impossible to find.

I spent a whole two days searching and searching, and I knew I didn't get it wrong. I never get license plate numbers wrong.

I just concluded that these guys were good. Too good. How did they private something like a license plate? I can find anything with my hacking skills, yet the one set of people who I want to find are nowhere on the planet it seemed.

That didn't mean I would give up though. I'd never.

It was stressing me out, so I came to the one place that made me think and feel better.

The park.

Quite ironic for a person like me to love the park, but it reminded me of what I wanted to have and will have once I find the motherf**kers.

It was also cool, calm and peaceful. It gave me a little sense of calming which aided my work tremendously. Even before my life changed for the worst and I was studying, it always helped when I came here.

It was cool out. The sun was shining, but it wasn't hot and terrible. There was a light breeze that tickled my neck every few seconds, so even though I was getting nowhere with my research, I didn't feel as stressed.

After what felt like forever, I finally seemed to have found something. I got an address and quickly squiggled it down on a notepad. Feeling exhilarated and empowered, I began to search for additional details that could help me, but the shadow of someone approaching made me close the screen immediately.

Last thing I needed was to be caught.

I snapped my head up to see who my interrupter was, seeing that it was the same guy from the club. Mason.

I suddenly felt annoyed at his presence and quickly made an attempt to leave, but he caught be just in time.

"Hey where you going? " He asked as he held onto my shoulder. I glared at his hand as if I was about to burn it off with laser vision and he quickly removed it.

"I'm going home" I simply stated as I attempted to walk away again.

"I just wanted to talk a little. It's beautiful out, are you in a rush? " He asked as he fell in step with me.

I clicked my tongue against the top of my mouth as if I was thinking. "Yes I am. My cat is hungry " I lied smoothly.

"You don't strike me as the type that like cats"

"What am I not mushy enough? " I asked with a smirk when I saw his eyes widen, probably thinking he offended me.

"No no it's not that " He said quickly. "Just that you have that aura of a snake person instead"

I shrugged. "I'm already cold blooded; adding another one to the equation would be detrimental "

"I kinda feel sorry for the cat" He mumbled, causing me to laugh, surprising us both.

"You have a nice laugh" He added, sharing in on my laughter.

"Well don't get use to it" I chuckled as we approached my car.

I threw my laptop in the back before awkwardly turning around to face him. He looked bummed for some reason, but I weirdly liked the two minutes I've spent with him.

"You know.... The cotton candy is really good if you wanna grab one before leaving " He suggested shyly, avoiding eye contact.

I wanted to say no, but I also really wanted to say yes. Can't be too bad right?

"Yea sure" I said casually before locking my doors and joining him. We walked back inside the park in silence.

"So where are you from? " He asked, assuming he was trying to initiate conversation.

"I already told you that I'm from Holland." I unintentionally snapped. But I didn't like repeating things.

"No I mean where do you live now? "

I stopped to eye him weirdly. After all, I still don't know him, hence I don't trust him.

"Who wants to know? " I asked with narrowed eyes.

"Me... " He trailed off confusedly.

"Well you don't need to know that " I sternly stated with a shrug.

He watched me as if trying to assess me, but my face gave nothing away.

"What? " I snapped when it got too much.

"Are you always this edgy?"

"Are you always this annoying? " I shot back with a raised eyebrow.

"Touché" he mumbled as he pinched the air between his thumb and index and I actually found myself chuckling. This didn't go unnoticed by him of course, and his eyes lit up at the sound of my laugh.

Maybe he wasn't all that bad after all. I guess I can keep a good distance between us and be somewhat friends. I mean, even though I would never admit this to him or no one, I literally only had one friend. When she was busy I was mainly alone. And since I only talked to her fiancé when she was there, I wouldn't really consider him a friend either.

Deciding to give the poor guy a chance, I did something that I hadn't done with anyone but TT. I smiled.

Gosh I hope I don't regret this.

"My name is Aella" I told him with a shrug. "You can call me Aella if you want to"

I cringed at that very sentence. Nobody says that Aella! What else is he suppose to call you huh? Bob?

"I mean. That's what you should call me" I corrected quickly and I felt a strange warmness climbing up my neck.

What the actual f**k?

Okay this will not work. Back to being cold introvert Aella. Friendly Aella is making a fool out of herself.

"Your name is beautiful" He simply stated with a light smile on his lips. "Just like you"

I was struck completely by the compliment. It's been a while since I've had any good words being said to me. Its strange how 3 years can change somebody.

I just stood there with my mouth slightly a gape as I tried desperately to come up with a reply. I finally found something meaningful to say, but it was struck from me completely as my eyes widen at something in the distance.

"Get down!" I shouted as I pushed him to the ground and ducked quickly as the loud sound of a gunshot echoed through the thin air.

Screams could be heard all over as people scattered and I peered over the concrete bench to pinpoint who my attackers were this time.

I cursed lowly when I saw a very familiar face and I quickly ducked my head again when he shot at me again.

Is he crazy? Firing in broad daylight? Fine by me if he wanted to be caught by the cops, but I wasn't.

"Come on Aella! Let's get out of here I'll protect you" Mason rushed out as he attempted to pull me away.

"Protect me? You're too cute" I chuckled as I peered around to see if there was any way to escape. But if we should move now, we wouldn't make it out alive. Maybe I would take the chance on myself, but Mason's life doesn't deserve to be taken away simply by being next to me. That meant I only had one option.

I had to fight.

With a deep breath and one last look to him, I fished my gun from my waist.

"Whoa is that a gun? " Mason asked terrified.

I rolled my eyes. "No it's a bagel. Now stay down" I commanded as I peered over the bench and fired a few shots of my own.

By now he was much closer as he moved from bench to bench as to not be seen my the public or any open camera. But if I didn't do something, he would've eventually reached my bench.

I hopped up and fired two more shots, luckily I had my sound compressor. He moved fast, so I didn't get a hit and I quickly ducked behind my bench again in attempts to stay hidden.

The cops will be here soon. If I don't get Mason out of here, we'll both either get arrested, or die.

None of the above was I willing to accept.

"Who's that? " He asked in fear. It was obvious that he wanted to make a run for it, but either he didn't want to leave me or he knew he would die if he did.


"What? Who's Blindy? Why is he firing at you? " He asked again as he gripped my leg.

"I threw a knife in his eye" I replied quickly as I shot at him again. This time I slightly glazed his arm, leaving a line of blood tricking down his hand as he said something that I couldn't hear.

"Why did you do that? Who are you? Are you in some mafia or gang? "

"I work alone." I simply stated as I took the chance to stand firmly in my two feet.

I kept my finger on the trigger, firing shot after shot as I quickly moved towards where he was crouched behind a bench.

I could hear Mason calling after me, but it was either I get a good shot at him, or things end badly for us. I knew Blindy wouldn't move from behind the bench if I was firing constantly like this, and that was all I was holding onto as I approached him.

As soon as I was close enough and was able to see him, I was being tackled to the ground.

This of course caused my enemy to emerge and open fire.

I swiftly pushed Mason from me and shot right in my enemy's chest, causing him to fall flat on the ground. Luckily for us, he hadn't successfully got a shot at us, maybe because he was aiming with just one eye. But the shuffling of his hand and the sound of siren was just the cue I needed to grab Mason and get the hell out of there.

Of course Blindy wore a bullet-proof vest. These men, after all, weren't stupid.

If he managed to get up before the cops find him, then that's terrible for me, because that only meant I had a target on my back. I should've aimed higher and shot him in his head.

But then again, am I even willing to scar Mason with such a gruesome glimpse of my life? I didn't like how much I cared for a guy I just met. But I assume his cheerful and happy demeanor reminded me of what I once had and what I want again soon. Just talking to him just now gave me the slightest feeling of a peace I hadn't felt in a while, and it was just radiating from him.

That's why I had to let him go. I was too stupid to think that I could bring someone like this into my world right now. He should be out there, brightening the lives of people who needs it.

Like you?

I shook the thought from my mind once we approached my car. I had no clue if he drove here, but that didn't matter. I just needed to get us away from here.

He didn't oppose to my actions, he just quickly hopped in after me. I sped off as soon as I was sure the door was closed and I waited until we were a good distance away that I spoke.

"What the hell were you thinking! " I shouted, remembering how he tackled me in the middle of a shoot-out.

"You were heading right for the maniac! I wasn't gonna watch you get yourself killed. "

"No YOU almost got us killed! I was handling it" I gritted out.

"I'm sorry okay? I panicked. " He said in frustration. He was lucky to get out there alive. That move could've killed or injured us both.

"The good thing is that your back was turned to him when I spotted him, and he didn't get a good look at your face so you should be safe" I said, feeling weirdly relieved at this.

"And what about you? Won't he come back for you? I know he's not dead "

I sighed. "Don't worry about me Mason. As long as you stay away from me, we both should be safe. "

"What?! " He exclaimed, surprising me completely. "No way am I gonna stay away from you when there's a crazy dude hunting you down. What's the story behind all this anyway? "

I clenched my jaw and gripped the steering wheel impossibly tighter.

"It wasn't up for discussion Mason. You can't be around me. I will not see another innocent life be taken because of me"

"What do you mean? " He asked, making me realize that I made that one slip.

"Forget it. Just stay away from me or I will make you" I warned lowly. "If you care about me as much as you presume, just forget you met me. Do not take my name to the cops, do not tell anyone about me and if you never see me again, don't try finding me"


"No Mason! " I snapped, but I took a deep breath to calm down. "I'm sorry my friend called you over that night. But my world isn't for you. You will leave and you will pretend like you've never met me. Forget what you saw today and don't make what I did bother you too much. Don't focus on what I do and why I'm doing this. You only knew me for what? Two days? You only talked to for like an hour in total. It shouldn't be too hard"

I was relieved when I didn't hear a reply. We both stayed silent until I pulled up to a bus terminus. I didn't know where he lived, but he should be able to get home from here.

Without a word, he exited the car and walked off in the opposite direction. I wasted no time in driving away instantly.

I knew what I did was right for the both of us. He will be safe, and I won't have to worry about having another person's life on my hand. He will get to live a normal happy life without guns, blood and misery. I did the right thing.

I knew I did.

So, why do I feel so conflicted inside?




Hey loves!

So we saw a little more of Mason.. How long do you give him?

Lol update soon!

Stay safe <3

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