The Lost Prince

By dogdriver

226 11 0

It has been almost fifty years since Thorin Oakenshield and Kaylea Wolf began their new life in the North. No... More

1. Home
2. An Unexpected Rescue
3. The Queen & The Bard
4. The Army of Angmar
5. The River Runs South
6. The Prince is Found
7. Imladris
8. Reunion
9. Parting Company

10. Home Again

20 1 0
By dogdriver

The days were noticeably longer now, rushing water could be heard under the ice over the streams, the first green buds were beginning to show on branches that had long been bare. It had been a good winter, not as cold as some, the snows not too deep, with many days of sunshine. Kaylea had done well trapping and had also won an astonishing amount of money racing her sled dogs, a sport she had introduced to the north that the locals had taken up with a vengeance. The competition, and the purses, increased every year. Thorin had finished two sword commissions and spent the remainder of the winter revisiting his passion for jewelry-making. He still had a chest full of precious metals and gems, it had been a long time since he had done anything with them.

Thorin hawed the dogs onto the road to their cabin. It was a perfect day for a run, it had been threatening snow when he headed into town two days ago, but now the sky was blue and cloudless, warm enough he did not need his heavy coat. This had been just a quick trip to drop off some packages and pick up a few supplies. He hoped the necklace would reach Freya near the time her baby was born, his gift for her celebration. He had included another necklace, in case it was a girl, knowing his daughter could have it made into something else if she bore a son. Thorin had almost forgotten how much he enjoyed making jewelry, as he watched the dogs trot along the trail his mind went to the gold mesh piece for Kaylea he had just finished. He had made one years ago for their wedding, and he intended to save this one for an important anniversary. She hadn't worn the original one in some time, he spent the rest of the run home daydreaming about it, and wondering if he could persuade her to wear it tonight.

The dogs picked up the pace, knowing they were close to home. They came around the final turn and their little homestead came into view. The neat stone cabin, woodsmoke rising from the chimney, wide porch along the front, outbuildings and dogyard past the small barn. Kaylea looked up from where she was stacking wood, the dogs in the yard howling and barking, as if they had not seen their fellows in months. Thorin braked the sled in the yard and kicked in the snow hooks. He stepped off and looked around, it still surprised him the feeling of peace he got from this home in the woods. He had never thought he could be so happy living above ground. Kaylea came over to give him a quick kiss before helping with the dogs. Working together it was only a little over an hour before chores were done and they were kicking off their boots in the cabin.

"It is good to be home!" Thorin said, hanging his hat and coat on the hook next to hers.

Kaylea laughed. "You have only been gone a few days!" She lifted the lid of the pot on the stove. "Ready for dinner? Been keeping this stew warm."

"A day away from you is a day too long," Thorin said as he took a seat on the couch. "Leave that for now, come and have a drink with me."

Kaylea took down a tall bottle and glasses while Thorin stoked the fire. "What is the news?"

"Not much from the south," Thorin said, taking a glass. "Though apparently there is much excitement about this new Queen in the Iron Hills." He chuckled as Kaylea sat down beside him. "It seems her choice of Tivan has made her even more popular."

"Well, he is very famous. And it is really only nobles who worry about their children marrying below their station, I think they are well-matched," Kaylea said, clicking her glass to his. "Here's to your new grandchild."

"Here's to love," Thorin said, and tossed back his drink. He put an arm around her shoulders, drawing her close as he poured another round.

Kaylea brought her legs up underneath her, curling against him. "I love you, husband," she let her head fall onto his shoulder. "I miss these arms when you are gone."

Thorin kissed her forehead, his fingers stroking her hair. "We have built a good life here. I wish we could stay."

"We have at least fifty years before we need to make any changes," Kaylea told him. "And we can always come back here."

Thorin sipped at his drink thoughtfully. "Will you go back to the Saurdakar?"

Kaylea was silent for a moment. "I don't know. I am a warrior, and it could be fun to work my way up through the ranks again. Leading men into battle is my best destiny. But the Empire is full of possibilities. I have been a spice-smuggler, a mercenary, a courier and many other things." She leaned back to look at his face. "You know you can stay here. Or on Dorsai, if you wish."

"The only life I want to lead is with you, my love," Thorin replied, pulling her against him. "But I like the idea of making this a home base."

Kaylea shrugged. "There are no facilities here to fuel or repair a ship. We could make a point of spending some downtime here every year." She smiled at him. "I'd like that."

"Then we are agreed," Thorin nodded. They sat quietly, watching the fire for a time. "I have been thinking, we should take a trip together to the Iron Hills next fall."

"We are too easily recognized if we travel together," Kaylea said, sipping at her drink. "Our last journey should have taught you that."

"You are probably right," Thorin sighed. "But I would rather travel with you than alone, this search for the prince reminded me of how much I enjoy it."

"In any case, next fall will be too soon. Freya is still becoming accustomed to her role, while also carrying a child and making a home among her people for all those homeless Dwarves." Kaylea toyed with the buttons on his shirt. "It might be better to wait. When your grandchild is old enough to travel ask her to visit Erebor when you are there, then Thror can manage a private audience."

Thorin frowned. "I like my idea better," he shook his head. "Do you ever get tired of being right?"

"You're the one who married a sensible woman," Kaylea smiled at him. "Do you ever get tired of being the passionate one?"

In response, Thorin kissed her deeply, his hand traveling up her body encountered something under her shirt. He undid the first few buttons to see one of the necklaces he had made for her over the winter. The one with long ropes of sparkling gems that trailed down between her breasts, it stirred his blood to see it against her skin. He ran his fingers over the gems, feeling the softness of her skin between.

"I will always love you with a passion, my queen," he said softly. "I'm glad we both feel this is a special occasion."

"Anytime I am in your arms it is a special occasion," Kaylea purred. "I thought I would make a bit of an effort tonight." She frowned suddenly. "I hope I am not forgetting another anniversary."

Thorin laughed. It was a sort of running joke that he remembered every important date in their lives together, while Kaylea invariably forgot all of them. "I have been three days away from my beautiful wife!" He undid another button. "I call that a cause for celebration."  

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