Well you died and are now GOD.

By IsaiahDouglas9

207K 5.6K 1.2K

On a normal day in Florida a gamer named Zeke Daniels was just eating a burrito at home when he suddenly chok... More

Congratulations you Died!!
Lets build Sub-God's
Getting down to business
Mistakes, Names, Updates, and Watching
Cracter's Advances and Desending
The right path and choice
New god and growing strong
Waxer's Ways and Arrogance
Punishment time Work inspection
Inspections and Mental note's
Zeke's private time and Tiamo's trial
Passing and Sparks
More Godhoods and Divine Rage
Elements and Interactions
Rule breaker and Sequoia
A Request and First Meetings
Gigalons and Picking Fights
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Setting straight and Helgon's duty
Forests Devastation and a new lesson
Tiamo's Deal and Kulema's Partner
Helgon's Error
Setting Sun and Crying Moon
More Gods and GodBook
Jesus's Message Counsels meeting
Left in Charge and Choosing the right person
Livna's Offer and Helgon growth
Adventurers Guild
Natures Ruler
Ravia's Rebel and Kiviku's Home
Demi-Gods Battle
Heavens Tour
Jesus's Advice and More problems
Passing Judgment
Kiviku's Doubts
Movie Night and Kitchens Manager
Brothers and Daughter
Spirit Kings
Mountains End
Holy child of the spirit's
Northern Contient
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Aruno and Symbol's
Gifts and Festival of love
Pirates and Divine items
Battle of Beginnings
Tournament of Gods (Part 1)
Tournament of Gods (Part 2)
Tournament of Gods (Part 3)
Tournament of Gods (Part 4)
Tournament of Gods (Part 5)
Tournament of Gods (Final Part)
Great Goddess of Fate
Impromptu Date Night
Isekai's Heroes
First Quest
Promotion and Love story's
Cider and Seven Heroes
Battle of Dusk and Dawn
Adventure in the cave of the two lovers
Fixing Godhoods and Orders
First steps, Blessings and Wanderer
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Calm Before the Storm
Storms and Souls
Words of Encouragement and Sham Trial
Curses and Churches
Trono's Trial
Zola and the Heroes
Demanding and Gift
Meeting up with a friend and Burritos
Quest goes on and Fiery battle
Prince to the Kings
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Becoming a father and Journeys End
Three Sons
Problems Arise
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Nothing can be done
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Isla Gale (1)
Isla Gale (2)
Isla Gale (3)
Otherworldly Tour (1)
Arrival, Assault, Anger.
Otherworldly Tour (2)
He started it and Distractions
The first step and Whats to come
How the races Look
Sins and Virtues

Three gods and Three gifts

611 15 0
By IsaiahDouglas9

Back in the God realm Infintino and Eternina are looking down at the world as they Watch Tiamo interact with Celesti as the two seem to be on a sort of date. His parents look at each other and now Tiamo will have to stand by as they conduct her God trial when she eventually. passes. eternize then turns to her husband and speaks,

Eternina ( Our child is entranced with that mortal soul and seems to lover her so but how would we know if she does speak truths into his ears?)

Infintino ( Well I believe he out of all the gods could tell the different between truth and empty nothings seeing he is the god of truth. My darling you worry over nothing he is already grown and wants to have a wife of his own so why do you worry so?)

Eternina ( I just want my child to be happy and not have his sensitive heart broken by anyone trying to take advantage of his kind nature. I would test the girl by the great mother has said to leave it to fate and ordered me not to intervene.)

Infintino ( I know how you feel about Tiamo as well, when he was hurt by the words of Kiviku's daughter's words. But the great father cheered him up and even lighten his mode with kind words. Tiamo is not a boy anymore we can only watch him from a distance for now but the great mother did say we can be the ones to test the dread child when her test happens.)

Eternina ( But do you think Tiamo will be angry at us and our actions in the test for the girl? Does he even know he can not intervene in it at all but only spectate from afar.)

Infintino ( He will be conflicted cause of his feelings for her and will not see past his feelings to truly test her with out bias. But let's talk of other things my darling and look at the great mother instead as she now carries the great fathers child.)

Eternina ( You are right my love lets talk of that, I am excited to hold a baby again do you believe that they will be a boy or a girl? And what of their powers they will inherit from the great ones?)

Infintino ( I hope they have a healthy child who will proudly carry the name of both of them I hope I can show they the stars in the sky. I also wish for us to gift the child too when they are born for its the upper gods duty to do so.)

Eternina ( You are right we should bestow that child with a beautiful gift as we were by the great father when Tiamo was born. But what is worthy to the child of the great ones?)

Infintino ( Since they will born mortals first I believe we should bless them with gifts that will help their lives and help them stay safe and protected.)

Eternina ( What if all three of the upper gods each give the child a gift so they can prosper no matter fate?)

Infintino ( Yes my love that's a grand idea we should send word to Obitel about said plan and have him contribute so it can be a set. The great ones will be pleased with our gifts to there first born between the two.)

Infintino then waves his hand as a jury male in cosmic robes appears and is handed a message by him and sent off to deliver said message to Obitel. Several minutes later the God himself appears from the halls and approaches the couple and asks if they could go to a more private area to discuss some more.  They then enter the office of Infintino and its a small galaxy and the planets in it are chairs and the like as they all sit on one each and then with a wave of his hand a galaxy appears and becomes a table for the three. Then Obitel speaks,

Obitel ( So you said that we should plan a set of gifts for the child to born between the great ones yes? Hmmm I agree with that idea and think it would show we all are not trying to upstage the other and also show are respects. So do you two have any ideas so far for these three items we will gift to the child yet?)

Eternina ( I have a base to go off, so I think we each should present the child a gift that will help the child for as they reach their adulthood. So the first is simple a blanket that will eep the child warm in the night and through the cold when it arrives.)

Infintino( What about a pendant that the child can wear that will protect Tham from evil and harm? Then they can grow with it and hold on to it.)

Obitel ( Oh how about when a story book that has never ending stories to read so every night they can learn a new lesson.) 

Eternina ( These ideas seem very good to use but I would like to make the pendant for the child is that ok to trade ideas honey?)

Infintino ( That is fine with me darling we can trade, now that we made decision on the items to gift how can we make.)

Obitel ( Now what of the other gods they too would want to gift the child something they have thought of or crafted. How do we handle the other gods we all can't gift the child divine items in the realm all in one location?)

Eternina ( Obitel is right we must do something so they do not cause a riot in the god realm by only allowing ourselves to gift the child.)

Infintino ( How about we asks the gods to help craft and bless the gifts we are to present at the birth? With their help the gifts would be from all and then it will be fair to them all no matter their rank or standing.)

Obitel ( I agree with Infintino's idea if we as all the gods to contribute to all three gifts then we won't have any problems. How about we make the book with the symbols of the gods in the center. The symbol can change determining what story or lesson they need to learn from or listen about. Each symbol tells a tell the god has scene or had and a lesson to it.)

Infintino ( Brilliant and the blanket can be the collective symbols of the gods woven into it so they warmth of the gods will always be with the child even in time of pain. )

Eternina ( Then the pendant can hold the combine blessing of the gods to protect them from any and all harm as long as they wear it.)

Obitel ( Since we have agreed shall we summon the other gods and convey our intentions to them and have them voice their thoughts in our idea.)

The three agree and go to the council room and take their seats as they send messages to the other gods and await their arrivals. As soon as Raiva arrives and takes her seat the door closes and the upper gods speak about their plan for the gifts and would like the gods thoughts. The group of them talk about the the thoughts of the gifts and it was accepted by all with no opposition at all. Then they all start to craft said objects in the room together all standing in a circle with only Kulema their in astral form. Then from Demi gods and up they all sent their powers into one item at a time.

The room is filled with many different forms of energy and powers as each god blesses the items at hand saying words in to each representing what they believe and are. Then as Infintino is the last to bless the items they are each put into separate boxes with simple designs and are stored away each by one of the three upper gods. They then talk among each other and disperse into their respective areas as they go back to work. The three upper gods shake their heads at each other a disperse to do as they please.

The couple then turns back to watching Zola as he is now waiting in a large dead tree sitting on a large root and knowing a monster will lead the heroes that have no divine item to him and he will help them and hint to the weakness of the Monster king. As they turn their head to look at the monster king who has grown to a large size cat with a black and gold coat as well a large crown on it commanding the others. As it looks enraged by the news of the heroes coming and sends a monster to operate the heroes from the weaker equip ones. The two gods watch waiting for Zeke's return to the god realm and the birth of his and Luges child.

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