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Love is a drug, a drug he tried so hard not to get high on, because like all drugs, they come with side effec... More



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______ die with you.
(comment & vote hoe (please LMFAO)

KENJI SUNG LOWLY while slipping on her favorite cropped jacket "Sunshine she's here, you can take a break!" She hummed, smiling at the brightly shining sun and chirping birds.

The girl was a morning person. She adored everything about that time of day, literally everything. Sometimes she was just happy to be alive to experience such a great moment.

Kenji glanced over her outfit, being proud of the fact that she had good fashion taste, something many people weren't blessed with.

"Ken!" Sekani screamed impatiently, standing at the bottom of the stairs

"What!" His sister replied, pausing her actions

"My moms here!" He yelled, rolling his eyes angrily "Hurry your slow ass up yo! I can't get detention again!"

"Boy don't be cussing in my damn house!" Eddie scolded, smacking his son across the forehead

The teenage girl giggled, shaking her head at her fathers antics "Crazy man." She whispered with a smile

Messily spraying perfume, the girl darted out of her stylish yet aesthetically pleasing bedroom, into the hallway and down the wooden stairs.

"Good morning." She looked weirdly at her angered little brother

Sekani's eye twitched, sucking his teeth "You going to the farthest pits of the underworld and I'm so serious."

"For what?" Kenji questioned, laughing while hugging Eddie

Sekani was a bit of a time freak. He despised being late even though it was in his blood to be at least twenty minutes behind time.

"Alright now, you two have a good day at school." Eddie said, eagerly pushing both kids towards the door. Today was his off day and he couldn't wait to have the house to himself.

"You so trifling." Kenji expressed

"Mhm." Eddie hummed with a smile "And imma be trifling in the house... by myself!"

"Dad I-" Sekani began to say but was rudely interrupted by the door slamming in his face

Kenji stood there watching as her younger brother marched angrily down the driveway to his mothers car.

As she began to follow, the door opened once again and Eddie peeped his head outside with a warm, innocent smile.

"Wassup Nita!" Eddie waved excitedly

"Negro please!" Anita responded, rolling her auburn colored eyes sassily "Don't shut no damn door in my baby face!"

Anita Easton was a woman that some would call mean spirited but that wasn't near truthful, being from Queens New-York resulted in her sounding more aggressive than she would intend.

Kenji opened the passenger door with a greeting smile "Morning miss Nita, please ignore my daddy. He feelin' a lil sassy today."

"Girl I been dealing with your father for fifteen years, ian stuntin' his black ass." Anita chuckled "And stop callin' me miss Nita, shit! Make me feel old as hell."

"You is old as hell..." Sekani mumbled from the backseat with a mischievous giggle

"Don't make me slap the shit out you boy!" The mother scolded, scrunching her face as she pressed down on the gas

"You ain't nothing but forty-two years old right?" Kenji questioned


"Pushing fifty." Sekani coughed sarcastically

"Keep on Amir, watch I whoop your ass." Anita threatened, curling her lips menacingly with every word

Kenji raised an eyebrow, glancing back at her younger brother while he simply laughed.

"Are you coming to dads house this weekend?"

The traveling tactics between this family were a bit weird considering Sekani and Kenji did not have the same mother nor did they permanently live at their fathers house together and neither did they attend the same high-school.

On most Fridays, Sekani would spend the weekend at Eddie's home then on Mondays, Anita would take Kenji and Sekani to school.

"Nope." The boy said, popping the P "Me and Tana going on a two man Saturday, then I'm visiting my grandma on Sunday."

"The fuck is a two man?" Anita asked, praying it wasn't what she thought it was

"Uh," Sekani side-eyed his older sister with hope she'd help him explain but she didn't, instead Kenji stared amusingly at him

"Yeah, whats a two man Kani?" Kenji inquired curiously

"Mama it's basically like a double date." Sekani stated, chewing on his lip nervously "But more so without the dating..."

Anita's eyebrows furrowed, looking at her son through the rearview mirror "What?"


"And when I see Santana, imma go upside his head too!" Anita yelled, stomping roughly on the brakes making the car jerk forward "The fuck you mean my nigga! You too damn young to even be thinking about sex!"

Kenji awkwardly looked between a angry Anita and an embarrassed Sekani "Um, thanks for the ride."

"You're welcome baby!" She gave a quick smile to the passenger before going back to her rant "Now back to you, mister two man!"

The teenage girl waved at her brother awkwardly before quickly stepping out of the car, onto Midwood's Highschool campus.

As soon as she shut the door, the silver car zoomed off down the street, leaving Kenji standing there, clutching her purse.

She sighed, making her way towards the front doors of the school, pushing (politely) past multiple other students.

Eyeing the plethora of friend groups around her made Kenji feel nothing but envy.

During the teenagers entire life, she'd never really had a friend. Considering no one wanted to be friends with the 'fat girl', resulting in her losing weight during tenth grade but by then she had already socially earned a name. Now everyone knew her as 'weird girl'.

Weird because she didn't exactly fit in with the "New York black girl aesthetic". Instead she dressed different, talked different, and even walked different. Who would want to be like everyone else anyways?

Shaking her head at her pestering thoughts, Kenji took a sharp left past the vape addicts and into the restroom.

Her nose immediately scrunched at the smell but she subsided it, in need to take a quick look at herself before class.

Quickly walking over in front of the mirror, Kenji glanced up and down her body. Before she could fully check herself, she froze at the sound of a toilet flushing and a stall opening.

"Smell like ass and pickle juice in this bitch."

Kenji's eyes widened, recognizing the voice and the person "Oh my God..."

"Ooo hey girl, Ian see you there!" The girl waved, walking up to the sinks with a small smile "You mad pretty."

"Thank you!" Kenji beamed, deep down inside, all she wanted to do now was leave

The universe can't be on her side today.

"My name is Moe. Whats yours?"

Monica Valentine. The most well known girl in school, everybody who was somebody knew of her. Surprisingly, she wasn't mostly known for being number one on the girls basketball team. She was popular for the amount of fights she'd won. Looking at her, you'd never expect such a pretty, well mannered, and friendly girl to be so enamored in fighting.

"Oh uh, I'm Kenji. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too!"

Grabbing her purse off of the sink, Kenji began walking towards the door, only pausing as it opened and in walked the last person she wanted to see while being in the same place as Monica.

Lets recap back to three days ago.


Midwood Highschool, 12:35 PM, fourth lunch

Monica stood in the lunch line, typing away on her phone as her cousin, Destiny, talked nonstop about her 'hallway crush'.

"Like I know it sounds crazy because I only see him during passing periods." Destiny explained "I don't even know his name, he's just so fine."

"You sound delusional." Moe chuckled

"So you ain't never had a crush on someone that you only see at certain times?" The sixteen year old asked confusedly

"No..." Moe trailed off "Just walk up to the damn boy if its that serious."

"You don't get it."

"I don't and I never will."

Before Destiny could respond to the comment, she felt a hard shove to her shoulder, which she chose to ignore but her cousin had other plans.

Monica scrunched her nose up "Damn I see bitches don't know how to say excuse me."

Destiny grimaced on the inside "It's okay Moe."

"Naw' it ain't okay. This bitch trynna skip the whole damn lunch line for some fucking tacos."

The girl looked up, raising an eyebrow "You talking to me?"

"And is." Monica sassed, placing her hand on her hips "You purposely bumped my cousin and you need to apologize, period."

Destiny looked around as the scene began to gain attention from other students "Jesus..."

"Well she was in my way, so." The girl shrugged with a smirk

"You been pickin' with her for three weeks now." Monica spoke, "I ignored it at first but bitch now you gone have to see me. So wassup?"

"Ian' finna fight you."

"Yes the fuck you is goofy. You wanna be a bully, right? So bully me."

Destiny slightly pushed Monica away from the scene, "Moe please not right now. If you fight at school again, you gone get kicked from the basketball team."

Smacking her lips together, Monica glanced between a nervous looking Destiny and everyone around her, whom stood awaiting a fight.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes, pointing her long acrylic nails at the troublemaker "I'm gone get your ass one day and thats word to my mother."

Grabbing her cousins hand, Monica began dragging her out of the lunch room before scrunching her face up at the amount of unnecessary attention.

"The fuck is ya'll lookin' at?" She ranted, resulting in the other students immediately looking away

Robert, a boy from across the cafeteria quickly stood on top of a table, clapping his hands excitedly "You go girl!"

"My nigga ya' dick print is deadass in front of my food yo. Can you move?"

"Sit your stupid ass down Robbie."


Kenji sighed deeply, as the girl barged past her into the bathroom just as Monica looked up from her phone.

A wide smile came upon her face "Ain't you Saniah? The girl from three days ago?"

"Yeah..." She trailed off, staring confusedly

Kenji looked between the exit, which Saniah was standing directly in front of and mentally prepared herself for what was to come. Before anything else could be done, Monica ran up to her newfound enemy and began punching her with all her might.

"Oh my God!" Kenji shrieked, watching the scene unfold

Saniah quickly double backed, hitting Monica in her ribs "Bitch!"

The older girl smirked, "I like that shit! Hoe fight back!" She announced, kicking Saniah over and climbing on top of her

"Okay! Okay! Thats enough!" Kenji expressed, quickly going over to the two of them and trying to pull Monica off which was incredibly hard. Who knew she was so strong?

"I'm not gone hit her no more, I swear." Moe reassured, keeping a tight grip on Saniahs hair

Cautiously, Kenji released her hold and watched as Monica pulled Saniahs phone out of her pocket.

"Go to instagram." The girl commanded, thrusting the phone in the owners hands

"Bitch let go of my hair, damn."

"I don't give a fuck. Go to instagram or Imma slap the dog shit outta you yo."

Reluctantly, Saniah did as told, she started to regret even looking in Destiny's direction.

"Go to my cousin account and apologize to her for everything you did."

On the inside, Kenji was dying of laughter. She couldn't believe she was witnessing all of this at eight o'clock in the morning.

"Is you serious?"

"Bitch is grass green?" Monica sassed

Saniah soon began to type, ignoring the pain in her left hand as Moe watched with a wide smile.

"Add some heart emojis, dummy."

Once Monica was satisfied with the apology, she stood to her feet, glancing back at Kenji "Come on girl, lets go to class. The bell is about to ring."

"Right..." The seventeen year old mumbled, stepping over Saniah and following her new friend into the crowded hallway

"Who's your first period?"

"Mister Gray."

"Lucky!" Moe exclaimed "I got misses Denson, with her old miserable ass."

Kenji chuckled "Shes not that bad, in my opinion."

Waving her off, Moe rolled her eyes playfully "I have a question."

The girl nodded as they turned the corridor corner "Go ahead."

"Okay so, I know we just met but I was wondering if you'd like to attend this party at my friend Reece's house with me. I've been inviting people all day."

Kenji's eyes widened, a million thoughts immediately ran across her mind. She'd never been to a party before, much less been invited to one. This was major.

"Hello? Ken you straight?"

Snapping back to reality, the two girls were now in front of Kenji's first period class.

Blinking multiple times, she awkwardly coughed "Yeah! I'd love to come with you."

"Great! I'll find you during lunch so we can talk more about it." Moe gave her one last smile before walking away

Once she was out of sight, Kenji pumped her fist into the air excitedly "Dad ain't gone believe this!"

"Miss Carson can you please stop dancing outside of my classroom and come in." A voice announced, sounding sarcastic in a way


"For this project, I want you all to learn more about one another." Gray voiced, standing behind the podium "You have five weeks."

"The array of questions that need to be answered by the due date will be in Google classroom, along with the rubric."

Kenji sat in the back of the class, taking notes on basically everything her teacher announced. She refused to fail any classes (not like she ever did before), especially during her senior year.

Before Gray could finish explaining, the door opened with a comically loud screech that couldn't be normal.

The sound of heavy footsteps sounded out through the classroom, and they seemed to be coming directly toward Kenji.

"Nice of you to join us, Blake." Gray smiled, usually he would've asked for his tardy pass but decided against it for today

Looking up, Kenji raised an eyebrow at the boy that sat directly in the desk next to her, not like he had a choice seeing as all other seats were taken.

"Are you gonna assign us partners or can we pick our own?" A girl from across the classroom asked cluelessly

"I will be assigning you all partners."

A collection of groans went around from almost every student which erupted an evil chuckle out of the teacher.

"Lets get to it then." He picked up a folder, opening it solemnly "Reign with Abby. Kenji with Eden..."

"He dropped out of school." Kenji whispered to herself, wondering how she was going to complete the project with no partner

"Frankie with Quinton. Blake with Raven. Nia and Catherine. Layla and Amarion. Lastly, Jasmine with Brianna." Gray finished, taking in a deep breath

A couple of students made confused facial expressions, all raising their hands at the same time.

Gray bit the inside of his cheek, glancing over them "Oh, I don't feel like calling out the other names. Just check the Google classroom if you want to see your partner." He shrugged nonchalantly

Kenji resisted a laugh at his carelessness, she truly believed that Gray hated everything about his job.



I'm really not satisfied with this chapter 😭 Ghost and Kenji have no interaction at all but next chapter gone change a lot of shit 🤭🤭

Moe funny asf 😭

Jhene just like me .

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