His Angel

By Ellen4130

85.8K 4.2K 430

#3 in mafiaqueen #5 in unique #63 in dangerous #10 in caring A girl with mysterious powers, with the mafia dr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
New Story
The Destiny

Chapter Ten

2.2K 105 5
By Ellen4130

Here is your update!!

Next day, I went downstairs for the breakfast, I saw Tyler and Lucas arguing about something. I went and took a seat nearby.

" You both fight like a married couple" I pointed out and laughed a little

They both stopped and looked at me and both spoke simultaneously, " No we don't"

" Whatever helps you sleep at night" I shrugged and served myself some delicious pancakes with whipped cream and fruits on them

Suddenly Kartik came downstairs while buttoning his cuffs, his face was neutral and hard not the one, I saw last night, his gaze moved across the hall, and it stopped on me for a second but immediately he averted his gaze towards Lucas and Tyler before I could say anything.

" Come to the warehouse immediately" he said and went out

Lucas and Tyler immediately left their breakfast and followed him

" What happened??" I shouted

" Can't tell you, the perks of being in a mafia" Lucas laughed and shouted back

Really, he's so lame, perks of being in a mafia, who does he think he is, I was also once a part of all this until...


" Hey sis, you free today?" Xavier came into my room looking dashing as always, he's the definition of a devil in disguise. Well, I don't care, he's my brother after all.

" What do you want?" I asked keepin my paint brush down

" A favor?" He said and leaned on the wall with a confident smile on his face

" A favor" I smirked, " what do you want , killing a rival gang or for some personal benefit??"

He scoffed, " you're saying as if you don't like it"

I smiled while narrowing my eyes a little, " I won't deny it, but I only use it for the right purpose" I said and crossed my legs in a decent manner

" Ya I know right purpose and dad's benefit" he said impatiently

" So who is the target?" I asked

He gave me a picture with a  location written on its back, the man look old with wrinkles here and there on his face, his hair were grey with some streaks of black , he had a big scar on his left cheek, and held a cigar.

" So can you do it?" He asked

" It's not the matter if I can or cannot, it's the matter of 'how' I'm gonna do it" I said and threw the picture in the fireplace which burned the picture to ashes, I have a great ability to learn things immediately.

I went towards Xavier and whispered,
" Let's make dad happy", he smiled like a devil and then we both went downstairs.

Flashback Ends

If I only knew how greedy he would become, I would have never helped him. I can't stay here forever, I have to do something or these people will get hurt because of me like dad . I went to my room and packed the few clothes I have and was about to leave the mansion

" Where are you going?" A stern voice came, I turned around and saw Kartik standing with Tyler and Lucas, Tyler had a worried face while Lucas was mentally facepalming himself about my stupid decision, maybe.

" I don't want to live here" I said and was about to explain the reason when Kartik spoke again

" Ok, go" he said these two words and started leaving

" Kartik are you dumb, you know she'll be in danger if she leaves here" Lucas said

" Everyone is their own person, and about danger, I'm pretty sure she can protect herself" Kartik gave me a meaningful look

" What are you talking about?" Lucas said irritated

" It's fine Lucas, Kartik made its point clear, and I'm all for it" I said and grabbed my bag

But Lucas literally snatched the bag from my hand, " she's not going anywhere" he took my bag again upstairs, Kartik took a deep breath and then went to his room.

" Let's go" Tyler held my hand and we both went upstairs too.

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Can you guys please tell me, how you're liking the story so far?


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