Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~...

By Namifangurl07

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She was happiness. She was joy. A charming little girl with who would always see the positive side of things... More

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Changing minds
CH2 - Hope in the impossible
CH3 - Like brother like sister
CH4 - Between the flames and the light
CH5 - A chance to become someone
CH6 - The First Case
CH7 - The three Yokai
CH8 - Reunited again. . .
CH9 - A Son's motivation
CH10 - Eye to Eye
CH11 - Meeting the Master
CH12 - Fighting in the darkness
CH13 - Brains and Sheer Dumb Luck
CH14 - Rise or Fall
CH15 - The Spirit Detective Strikes Again
CH16 - Where the adventure begins
πŸ–πŸŽ¨ Drawings πŸŽ¨πŸ–
CH17 - Into The Maze Castle
CH18 - Genbu the Stone Beast
CH19 - Byakko the White Tiger
CH20 - Inside The Room of Hell
CH21 - The Second Round
CH22 - The Cold-hearted Warrior
CH23 - No time to waste
CH24 - The beginning of the real fight
CH25 - What's important. . .?
CH26 - The end of all this
CH27 - Back home with confusion
CH28 - The Second Wave of All
CH29 - The Nightmare Case
CH30 - Here we go again
CH31 - Into the Unknown
CH32 - Under the Water
CH33 - Battle between emotions
CH34 - The Scarves From the Past
CH35 - A Rocky Situation
CH36 - Like Water and Fire
CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts
CH38 - Final Decisions
CH39 - It's combat time
CH40 - The moment of truth
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 1
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 2
CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.
CH43 - A Heart to Heart
CH44 - Getting into a little situation
CH45 - Miyuki's conclusion
CH46 - Blind Love
CH47 - Opening Up
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 1
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 2
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part 1
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part2
CH50 - Weird Days Happens
CH52 - Freaks in our way
CH53 - With Small Steps Forward
CH54 - The Demon Triad
CH55 - The Toguro Brothers
CH56 - One Last Mission
Last Page - Author Note

CH51 - Lamenting Beauty

267 15 17
By Namifangurl07

"Okay Botan, what the hell kind of explanation did you give to her? She thinks we're some freaking interns in some screwed up after school program!" Yusuke ranted on really angrily while our blunette assistant held her innocent cat-like look on her face. I shook my head at my brother for being this dense. "For juvenile delinquents."

"Well, I had to make up something believable to explain your absence without mentioning the supernatural." Botan was straight on the point as she angrily got into my brother's face who was sweating a little nervously, knowing the fact that he hasn't thought of this before. "A basic tenant of Spirit World is that it can't run properly with normal humans have proof of it. " She added while yelling back.

"Well, you made me sound lame." Yusuke pouted. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I deeply inhaled from the air.

"Enough already!" Kuwabara scolded at the two, making them finally stop with the argument. "Can we please just watch the video already instead of arguing? You're gonna annoy my sister."

Yusuke of course didn't like it when he was proven wrong and gave him a stink eye while Botan stuck her tongue out to him like a child. However, it soon shifted into an innocent look when my brother turned to her.

"Besides, Botan is right." I agreed with her. "The less Keiko knows the better. It would only get her into trouble."

"Listen to your sister Urameshi." I hear Orange-head agreeing with my statement. "Maybe you should care more about her safety than some stupid cover story." For once this thug said something smart.

"I just love being tag teamed." My brother fumed, but I guess his brain got the message.

"Oh thank you Kuwabara, you're very wise." Botan complimented happily with her hands clapped together.

"What can I say girls, we seem to be the perfect team in every way." The ugly carrot-top said flirtatiously making Botan laugh uncomfortably while sweat dropping.

"Look, do me a favour and don't talk out loud. You're lowering the I.Q. of the whole street." I told him bluntly. Now I want to get over this shit because I am starting to feel my mood swinging again in a bad way. . .

"Hey, that was mean Miyuki." The idiot said with a dramatic hurt look on his face.

"Hey, stop hitting on my sister and start the damn tape." My brother demanded impatiently. I'm not gonna lie, I was getting restless too. What could this tape contain?

"Now hold up right there Urameshi." Kuwabara called out with a serious tone. "Before I press play, whatever kind of mission it is, there's no way I'm getting involved just like the last three times." I looked at him a little gobsmacked. Is he serious about this? He was the one that just threw himself into this mess because of his ego, honour code, or some other horseshit.

"We get it, now press play." Once again, my brother demanded it. Kuwabara grumbled under his breath but did as Yusuke asked him to and pressed the play button on the remote.

The black screen soon turned white with writing on it, then the scene changed to Koenma who is holding a torch, then it changed to something else that looked similar to every opening that looked like in movies but completely ridiculous in any other way.

"They got all out huh?" Kuwabara stated a bit stunned but unimpressed. I feel my eye twitching with annoyance.

"Either he's full of himself or he's really bored." Yusuke guessed. 

"He should probably need to get a life or something. . ." I said out of the blue because my god this little brat is just the worse. Sure he gave my brother a second chance and helped me with the Phoenix problem, but jeez he is still an irresponsible brat at times. 'He won't win an Oscar with this, that's for sure.' I can't help but comment to myself in my mind.

"Welcome, how do you like my video?" Koenma asked as he finally revealed himself on the screen. He turned his chair and looked in our direction. "The great Koenma, ruler of the Spirit World has yet another important case for you."

"Man, I still can't believe that this is guy get you two get your jobs from." Kazuma said as he pointed at the screen.

"I thought the same thing when I met him, and Botan hit me in the head." Yusuke said, agreeing with his friend.

"Perhaps that's why Koenma is doing a video this time." The blunette girl concluded as she waved her hand in front of her. "He can't bear these first reactions."

"Hn." I scoffed as I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head in annoyance.

"This mission will be another doozy." The baby announced, making Kazuma stop chuckling. "Hopefully, you will survive." Wow, as always, he is soo encouraging. . .

"By the way, don't worry about people entering the room." Koenma started, but it tunes out for a while, because my ears suddenly caught the door opening behind me. I turned my head and saw Kuwabara's sister Shizuru enter with a cigarette mouth and cups on a plate that was held by her right hand. Her gaze fell onto the tv and by just looking at her face I can tell the topic had drawn her in.

"Come on, that's just some cheap camera trick." Yusuke idiotic complaining brought me back to reality and now my attention darted back to the tv screen.

"This looks hard Urameshi." Kuwabara murmured out loud in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up!" My brother snapped at him.

"Spirit World intelligence reports that the captive is being held in a mountain stronghold around 200 miles from your city, and not being a driving age yourself, you will have to take the bus." The young ruler continued on with the speech. "The mountain is a base of criminal activity, normally I don't mind that, but the humans have made ties with some very nasty demons." Well, this sounds interesting. "The captive's name is, Yukina." My heart stopped for a split second as I feel my eyes opening up wide. Wait. . . isn't she. . . ?

"She's an ice apparition, and very rare." I intensely looked at the screen. "Equally rare are the beautiful jewels she can produce, which is why the criminals have captured her." The toddler then brought up a small round pearl-like gem that shined as brightly as a star. "They hope to profit greatly off of Yukina, forcing her to create these jewels at an unnatural pace, and by force, I mean torture." That made my blood boil.

"That's horrible." Botan reflected my thoughts exactly.

"You see, there is only one way to make the jewels." The young ruler continued on. "Her tears." Then the scene suddenly changed to a close up to Yukina's face who just let a small tear roll down from her cheek, but as soon as the drop fell from her chin it shaped into the said jewel.

"Yes, the Hiruseki stone." Botan said with a small hint of recognition. "In the black market, those jewels sell easily for thousands." The scene changes to a landing helicopter, then we get a shot from the person who is keeping Yukina captive.

"Here is the human behind the operation. His name is Gonzo Tarukane." As soon as I saw his face I had to such in a deep breath to keep myself from puking all around. Gosh is he even a human? But I doubt he is. . . He probably lost his humanity as soon as he started this dirty business of his. "A jewellery and a thug, he's made something of a name and a fortune for himself in the black market by selling rare jewels."

"Egh, he's too ugly to be a human." Kuwabara exclaimed in disgust.

"He's too ugly to be anything." Yusuke commented right after his friend.

"Here are the most recent pictures we have of Yukina, memorize her face." Koenma said as Yukina's face flashed into the screen. I feel my jaw hung low to the point that I could taste the floor. Beautiful hair with a mint-green shade, snow pale complexion that equals pure perfection, but what got me the most was the crimson orbs that are identical to the one Hiei has.

There is no doubt now. This is the Yukina, Hiei was talking about. His twin sister who he had been looking for like decades or so.

"This mission goes far beyond jewellery thieves, it is imperative that you bring her back quickly." I feel my eyes soften up. That girl had suffered so much. . .

"Oh, I feel awful for her. We have to leave today." Botan said, clearly concerned and sympathetic as I was.

However, I see Kuwabara suddenly standing up to his feet.

"What's his deal?" Asked Yusuke while I just narrowed my eyes at the orange-head. His shoulders were slightly shaking, but then he turned toward us with a deep pink blush flushing on his face.

"You look miserable. . ." My brother stated after some nervous and hesitant chuckles. Then what I hear next left me and the other people dumbfounded.

"I. . . I think I'm in love." Kuwabara confessed. Uh-oh, Hiei is not gonna approve of this, that's for sure.

"What?" My brother asked, feeling just as lost as I was.

"Well, come on Urameshi!" Kuwabara suddenly exclaimed, snapping himself out of his previous state. "Let's send those bad guys to the moon!"

"I thought you weren't coming." My brother dearest pointed out.

"Shut up! Don't try dressing up the facts again." Carrot-top said. Oh lord, here we fucking go again. "I'm a good friend and I can't let you go save her alone! She's suffering!" Then for the first time, he notices his sister's presence.

"Shizuru?" He called out to the woman, questioningly.

"How long have you been here?" Botan exclaimed.

"Since it started." I casually answered her.

"Calm down princess, I just heard you watching that weirdo movie, so I thought you would like some kiddy snacks or something." Shizuru replied with a small sass.

"We're just watching fuzz." Yusuke tried to save himself.

"Yeah, fuzz." Our assistant played along. "We find it relaxing."

I just shook my head at those dimwits.

"Oh, then I must have imagined the little boy with the pacifier giving you orders." Shizuru told us, making my brother laugh nervously.

"Kids today with their wild imagination." Again, my brother tried to save his ass, but I put an end to it.

"Save your breath." I told him with a bored tone. "Spirit Awareness must run in the Kuwabara's family."

"Okay Shizuru, you win!" Carrot-top yelled at her loudly. Jeez, can we just turn the volume down or something? "Now can we have some money for a bus, like maybe a million or so, that's enough right?!"

"Kiddo, for a million bucks, you could take a bus to Hawaii." Kuwabara's sister said before reaching into her pocket and toss her red purse to her little brother. "Here's fifty."

"Yeah!" Kazuma exclaimed excitedly before running off like a puppy that was about to catch the frisbee in the air. "Okay, I'll see you guys in a couple of days!" Man, this is like the Maze Castle all over again.

"You think he knows the way to the mountain?" Botan asked out of curiosity but I can sense the worry in her tone.

"Doubt it." My brother replied.

"Should we even be surprised in the slightest?" I can't help but ask out loud. I mean, this is the ugly Carrot-Top we're talking about, the stupidest one out of the group.

"That's my baby brother for you." Shizuru told us a little amused. "Better take your snacks, it will take him a couple of hours to realize he doesn't know where he's going. Let's watch that video again." She suggested casually as she took a seat behind me.

I let out a sigh and just turned my attention back to the screen.

"Hey, you're Miyuki there, right?" Asked the light brown-haired woman politely but more like in a laid back style. I didn't say anything and just nodded my head in reply.

"Sorry, just I hardly recognized you with all that bandages you know." She said as my hand subconsciously began to grab onto my ponytail again and brush it with the help of my fingers.

What am I doing? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. . .

"In closing, I must say this case is quite delicate." Koenma once again reappeared onto the screen. "You see, this ice apparition is not just some Jane Doe. Yukina is Hiei's sister."

Now my theory is confirmed completely but then again. . . it did make me a little worried. . .

Then suddenly I feel myself thinking deeper. . .Wait. . . Hiei was the one that brought the tape. . . did he peek in it? Does he even know about this?

If he does than knowing him, he would kill everyone who will get in the way of rescuing his sister. . .And if he does that to every human over there . . . then it would cost his freedom. . . And not only that, he would probably get punished severely. . . making Yukina loose her only family who she has. . .

I can't let that happen. . . not now. . .

I will do this, mainly for Yukina's sake because I don't want her to go through the same pain as I did when I lost Yusuke many months ago.

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