Izuku Yagi the once broken to...

By mercywaithera80

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Izuku yagi,was a young and cheerful child but when he was diagnosed quirk less everything goes downhill.His p... More

Izuku's powers
Chapter 1
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Hero costumes
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 part 1
Merry Christmas
I am back
Happy birthday
April fools
Chapter 9 part 2

chapter 2

8.9K 92 68
By mercywaithera80


                                               3rd person pov

It has been 6 years since Izuku was deemed quirkless and he lost his best friends.

Katsumi, Katsuki, Shoka, Izumi, Ochako, Shoto, and momo have been bullying him to stop him from being a hero.

His parents never notice him and ignore him. He had to learn everything at an early age and work for him to survive.

              Izuku's pov

We see Izuku walking back home from his daily beatings from his ex sister and friends.

When he arrived home he found his sister, his friends, his parents, and his friends' families talking.

He ignored them and continued walking to his room.

Izuku:'why does my friends and family treat me like they do'

Izuku called his biological father(he knows who his biological father is, he had met him while taking a stroll since then they have become really close.)


Izuku: hey dad

dad: hey son do you need anything

Izuku: Yes I was wondering If I could move in with you

dad: Of course you don't need to ask there are plenty of rooms

Izuku: thnk you dad

Dad: when do you want to come 

Izuku: tomorrow 

Dad: alright I will get the jet ready

Izuku: Ok wait did you say jet 

Dad: Yes that is something you don't know I'm rich

Izuku: Okay cool bye dad

Dad: bye son

call end


Izuku starts to pack his belonging

Time skip to 2 the following  day

I was just waiting for my father then I saw a man coming towards me

Man: are you  Izuku Midoriya

Izuku: Yes 

Man: My name is Adam and I will be your escort young master

Izuku: Alright lead the way

Once we got to the jet I was mesmorized by its size.

It looked like this

Izuku: wow

When they got to the inside it looked like this

Adam: young master please make yourself comfortable

Izuku: Thank you and please call me  Izuku

Adam: Alright Izuku If you need anything just ask

Izuku made himself comfortable while the jet started

          3rd person's pov

It took about 3 hours to arrive. When Izuku finally got off he heard someone behind himad

???: Hey Lad

Izuku: Dad!!!

Dad: Yup how have you been buddy

Izuku: good dad

When they got to the mansion It looked like this

Main room




gaming room




main car


Dad(Hisashi is the fathers' name ): 'chuckles' I knew you will like it rest because school starts in a week

Izuku: Okay dad goodnight

Hisashi: goodnight to you too lad

Izuku went to bed knowing that this is a new time to start afresh with a family and real friends.

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