Eternally hers

By m1nd15p0w3r

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Ok in all reality I suck at descriptions. This is my first story please give it a chance but speak your mind... More

I'm Pregrnant
Finding my love
Building More
Getting Along
The Runaway
The Return
The Meeting
F*ck falling I fell
I loved you
Lovin Her
Adoring Her
The Run
Truth and Knowledge
A glimpse
And then there was life
In the Name of Science
Better Times
Lab Rat
Brighter days
Closer than ever
Water Sports
Ohhh Puppy Love
Deja Vu
Chill day maybe???
I'm Sorry You're What???
Never happened before
Who is Adit?
What Dreams May Come
Woe Is Me
When Darkness Turns to Light
Turning of the Tide
The Fallen
When Darkness Fell
I Thought This Was Supposed To Be Light
Finally There is the Light
And the Light Burns
Untitled Part 46
the Shroud is Ripped in Two
Bittersweet Sorrow
Expect the Unexpected
Ice Water Bath
Finally Peace Within
Back as One
I'm Drowning
A River of Blood
Fragile Beings
I Didn't Expect This
How Do You Bounce Back?
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Pain Reminds Me That I Am Alive
Pain In My Soul
My Selfish Acts
Blinded but Not by the Light
A Mystery Indeed
I Will Never Be Like Her
There Goes That Shroud Again
Will the Real Adit Please Stand Up
The Calm Before
My Bryson tiller
Rien de mieux
Who Knew???
At First Sight
Needed This
Shattered Beings
What The Future Holds
About Damn Time
the End is the Beginning
A Long Kiss Goodnight


987 81 6
By m1nd15p0w3r

"Hello pops," she says turning her head to face forward.

If Adit was my father this would be my mother. I knew who she was even before she spoke. 

I blink at her. "Ma,,,Mayi,,,MayiArasi?" I ask taking a step back.

My eyes widen as scared nerves ignite in me. I have hurt my baby.

"No, no. no, no, no," she quickly answers. "I mean yes I am MayiArasi. No you haven't hurt the embryo." Running her hands through her tresses she smiles. "The spirit doesn't enter the body until birth. You can have all the wild rough sex you want." Looking me up and down, smiling brilliantly. Dude she could be someone's little sister. "For now."

I stand and look at her. She appears to be very young. Looking at her I would guess her age to be barely nineteen. Her smooth heart shaped face, worry and wrinkle free. She is absolutely gorgeous. I can instantly see Adit's attraction to her. That face with those eyes and that.....

WHOA, WHOA. That's going to be your kid pervert. Mentally shaking my head, and slapping myself, I go back to looking into her eyes. 

She smiles brightly, completely illuminating the room. A sharp knowing look enters her eyes. "I won't look like this." She tilts her head, and a youthful shrug later. "I won't be who you see now. I won't even remember this conversation." I ease my way to the ottoman and sit down. On the outside I feel calm, inside I'm tripping balls and then some. What the fuck? Why is she here? Does Adit know about this? Did Kaira really suck my soul out of my body? 

"I'm going to need you to breathe," she tells me. 

"What is going on right now?" I whisper.

Her eyes turn hard and serious. "I need you to deliver a message."

To whom? Deliver a message? UPS? USPS? FedEx? When have I ever been the middleman? Scratching my temple, I raise an eyebrow at her.

"To Adit," a sad smile graces her features. It's not even really a smile. Just a quick quirk of her lips, almost a jerking movement with the corner of her mouth. 

"Auh hmm," I fake cough. "Ahh not to be rude, but why can't you tell her?"

Her eyes spark briefly. "She doesn't want to see me." She looks off. She is keeping something to herself. And any other time I'd let that ride out. Cause, I mean fuck, she not Kaira. I really don't know her, other than she is Adit's wife, and will be the soul in my kid. She looks into my eyes. "She refuses to see me." 

One red streak. That single trail running down her cheek. The pain of that one statement setting her jaw. The swirl of saliva when she sucks her teeth. Tension suddenly eating away at her.

Damn a female with a pretty face.

Running my hands over my face and through my dreads, I sigh. "I need answers."

She blinks. Her long lashes fluttering open. A full grin upon her lips. "I'll give them to you, but only on our current situation." Her eyes are full out glowing. "You may ask questions about the past, but I reserve the right to ignore some and not answer others." Yea, this little wench is Kaira's spawn. "Let me tell you a story." With a hint of Adit.

I begrudgingly nod. Pausing and raising my hand. "Why can't you just go to her?  And none of that she refuses to see me. Just pop up there like you did here. "

She tilts her head before lifting an eyebrow. "Tell me dad, would you just pop up anywhere she is?"

I go to immediately answer, but the way she purrs it makes my mouth lock shut. Flashes of Adit in previous, compromising positions flicker through my mind. The anger in her eyes, the set of her jaw. The slight tremor and shake of the foundation around me, tells me that possibly each one and more, is flashing in hers.

I lower my eyes. Damn, shit got real fucking awkward, real fucking quick. I have no words to say. To know your wife, husband, mate, whatever is out there with not only someone else but with others. I wonder if she knows firsthand.

"Don't feel bad for me," she says gently. "I know Adit.  She is the original kurat poiss.  She was well known around Mecca for her vilumus , both on and off the battlefield."

"Did you love her?"

Her eyes snap to mine, her lashes glittering with tears, They appear to be collecting and shimmering.  Her eye eye begin to shine so bright. And it's odd. You get this sense that her words are without a doubt true and honest. She lickss her bottom lip then tugs them between her teeth. More tears gather.

"She is beyond my world," she whispers. The first red streak falling. "She is my light and my forever. Everything that I have been tested with and endured. I'd go through again every hour to get back just a second what we had. Love," she scoffs. "Love is underrated. Love is underappreciated. People of earth can't grasp the concept of our kind of love." She looks at me and leans over, she runs her fingers through my dreads. "You do though. You understand the power behind the emotion."

She moves back and stands up. My goodness she is tiny. Kaira tops her by a good six inches. The image of her next to Adit dances in my mind. 

"I wasn't raised as she was, with power. I came from a basic background." she begins as she starts to walk around the room. Stopping to look at this and that. "Every üllas hated me. Even the peasants looked down on where I came from. She didn't. She could care less. Her love runs so deep. And it's pure." She says turning to me, her eyes meet mine. "You know, I can deal with Adit giving herself to someone else again. What I can't deal with her not giving herself to someone that she loves."

She walks back over to the sofa, sitting down, and facing me, crossing her legs under her body. Closing her eyes, she inhales. That change in the atmosphere when something magical is happening. The slight vibration of the air. A table appears between us. Two filled glasses sitting on top of it, with a bottle of wine. 

How long this heifer plan on staying?

She sits forward, grabbing her a glass. Nodding towards the other, looking at me. Inwardly shrugging I reach and take the other glass. Bringing the glass to my lips and taking a sip. I am pleasantly surprised by the taste and the delicateness. It is sweet and rolls over the tongue smoothly. 

"You know it's funny not funny," she says. "I was looked down on because I wasn't puhas when Adit got with me. EVen though she, herself, had already perses, all most all of them. Married or not. The all spread their legs for her. And they shamed me for reasons out of my control, for teades others before Adit claimed me. I actually though that Adit felt the same way at one time." She smiles taking a sip. You can tell this is a cherished memory. "I had been living with her, sharing a bed for many nights. And she never once pressed up on me. We had grown together to the point where she would hold me at night. And the feel of her strength and power I wanted her. I igatses for her. And she never tried anything. I thought she didn't want me. That she  was repulsed by me. By the knowledge that others knew me." She is gazing out into nothing, reminiscing on the past. "And then one day she came into our room. I could tell she was tired, worn and beaten. And I just wanted her to take her day out on me. I wanted all her pent up frustration, and anger towards the day stamped into me. I wanted to be hers. I looked into her eyes and saw her demon fighting. It called out to me. I wanted to slap her. I asked her why does she reject it, and she looked at me and called me crazy.

'I don't reject it. I am protecting you' she said.

She didn't want me to feel or think that's all she wanted from me. Especially given what I have been through. 

'I wanted you to come to me,' she told me. 

'You don't care that I am not untouched?'

'I'm touched, very touched,' she says smiling, leaning back and waving her hand over her body. 'Why would I expect or demand for you not to be? Not you personally, but I mean....'

I leaned forward and kissed her." A red streak toppling over and falling down her cheeks, "That was our first fiss." She moves her hand shifting her hair out of the way. Her is locked. Its dreaded in smaller than sister locks. How thin her dreads are you would think that she had Beyonce hair at first glance. "We were together ever since. I cherished her. And I know she did me. I will never say things were perfect between us. But even the bad things made us, meile.

I remember being so scared and shy around her in the beginning, Not," she says pointing towards me with her glass. "because of her size and power. But because I knew she could easily steal my süda, my hing, my väga kuradi olemine. She could consume me and I was so scared of that. Scared of the possibility of her taking me, claiming me and then leaving me tossed aside. Leaving me with nothing, not even her. And millions of years later it is me doing that to her." My head snaps up. "You see my message that I need you to deliver to her is a double edged sword. She has broken a promise to me and but I have broken one first." 

I feel the need to ask what promises has been broken, but I don't want to shatter whatever this is we are having.

"In all our years together, from the moment she laid eyes on me, she was faithful. Her body was mine and mine hers. I have never smells another on her. Never seen her show any kind of disrespect to our union. And Aja help anyone who did. ," she takes a deep breath. "Our first night being  intiimne together, I asked her to that no matter how we chose to take each other that love would always tarbima the act. No matter," she waves her hand and snaps her fingers, I guess thinking of the word, " would be an act of love between us. I asked she would forever only use it as an act of love. She has done that.

And she asked in return that no matter what I would always be there by her side, that I would never turn my back on our love." She stops Raising her hand before sighing. "Not meaning death. But beyond the physical. And I have done that.

When I took council up with Aja, I knowingly said yes to forfeiting our love."

My eyes are wide as my heart thumps in my chest. Beating so hard, I think my ribs are going to break. 

"I knew you would understand the significance of my decision. I see it as a sacrifice. Adit sees it as a betrayal. So she has decided in turn to betray me. Giving her body to every one and anyone. There is no love in her acts, She is proving to be someone I don't know or wish to know."

Licking my lips before biting on them, I take a breath of air. "So what is the message?"

Her eyes sparkle. The light glittering off of them. "I'll leave that for you to decide." She gazes off a moment. "I'll be back to receive the reply."

"How do you know there will be one?"

Standing up and barely over me, she grabs one of my dreads twirling it. "Because I know my husband." And with that statement she is gone.

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