Double Trouble

By CreativeCooki

85K 2.8K 1K

There's nothing worse than falling in love with your straight best friend. Oh, wait, no, scratch that. There'... More

Double Trouble
Double Trouble-One
Chapter Two (Dean)
Chapter Three (Sam/Dean)
Chapter Four (Dean)
Chapter Five (Dean)
Chapter Six (Dean)
Chapter Seven (Dean)
Chapter Eight (Sam)
Chapter Nine (Sam)
Chapter Ten (Dean)
Chapter Eleven (Dean)
Chapter Twelve-Sam/Dean
Chapter Thirteen (Dean)
Chapter Fourteen (Dean)
Chapter Fifteen (Sam)
Chapter Sixteen (Dean)
Regarding Bonus Chapter
Triple Threat - The Sequel to Double Trouble
Triple Threat
Triple Threat
Triple Threat
Triple Threat

Triple Threat

93 5 0
By CreativeCooki


"I'm gonna take a shower."

"Alright, I'll just..." the bathroom door slammed shut before I could finish and I sighed, " or whatever," I mumbled, shutting our dorm room closed behind us. It's not like I had expected us to go back to normal once we showed up here, but I hadn't of expected Dean to be upset. What did he have to be upset about? We killed the vampires. We made it back home alive. If anything, I should be the one who was upset. I had tests to study for. Classes to catch up on. And it was already passed midnight. I shook my head, pulling out my textbook from my back pack before I hopped onto my bed. The water had just turned on when my laptop started ringing.

Nope, don't do it, I told myself, squinting at the words in my book. I had a test in just a few hours. I couldn't afford any distractions right now, even if said distractions seemed more interesting than the book in front of me. The ringing eventually ended and I let out a breath of relief.

Right as it started up again.

I groaned. I guess I was just destined to fall this test, I thought bitterly, slamming the book closed again. I sighed, trudging over to my desk before flipping over the cover.

"Why're you calling me at one in the morning?"

"Wow, no hi?"


He gave me a cheeky smile, brushing his brown bangs out of his face. "I think the question we should really be asking is: why are you still awake at one in the morning?" He asked. I started to shut my laptop. "Alright, alright. Geez. Testy. I just saw you guys get back. My dorm room is only a few doors down, remember? Anyway, I figured I'd give you a call. Check in."

"I was studying," I said dryly, pausing when I heard the familiar Smash Bros theme song play in the background. "Which you should be doing too, instead of playing video games."

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"What makes you think there's something wrong?"

He gave me a droll stare. "Sam, as much as you like to pretend that Dean is the only person who knows you, I think you forget that I know you too. You only get this bitchy when something's bothering you, so spill." I hesitated. "Okay, let me rephrase that. Either tell me what's bugging you or I'll go over there, and just so you know, I haven't showered in about a week."

I wrinkled my nose. "Fine, fine. Just give me a second. I..." I glanced over my shoulder, nibbling on my bottom lip nervously as I heard the water still running.


"You promise you won't tell Dean?" I asked suddenly, turning back towards him.

He winced. "It's that bad?"

"No. It's just..." I sighed, lowering my voice. "Dean won't stop hunting."

"Like shooting deers or hunting?"

"Since when has Dean ever wanted to shoot a deer?" I asked dryly and he shrugged. I rolled my eyes. "Well, I would've preferred the hunting deers type. At least then I could tell people about it," I muttered. "Dave, I don't even know where to begin. I know we haven't seen you that much cause of our class schedules but we've been a mess. It's like ever since we met his Dad, Dean's become obsessed with hunting."

"Maybe he's just bored."

"Then study! Play video games! I'd rather he do that than what we've been doing for the past few months now. You want to know where we were these last four hours? Hunting vampires. You have to admit that that's way above our pay grade. We barely even handled Grace and...what?" He stared at me. "What? What's that look for?"

"Well, I may uh, be the person who's feeding him those cases." He admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.


"I thought you knew! I mean, come on, it's like you said, this is above your guys' pay grade. But me on the other hand? I know this stuff. I used to take those cases on too! I just sorta took a...pause."

"Well, I wish he did too, because it's all we do now, Dave. If we're not hunting, we're researching and if we're not researching, we're looking for cases. It's starting to get in the way of my grades, but I know that if I don't go with him, Dean will try and do this stuff on his own and I think you and I both know how dangerous that is."

He was frowning now. "Sam, I know you're upset but don't you think you're being a little hypocritical right now?"

"Excuse me?"

"It's just...Dean told you he didn't want to go to college remember? I think his exact words were:" he deepened his voice, "Why would I want to put myself through another four years of hell?"

I frowned. "Your point?"

He sighed, glancing off to the side for a moment before looking back towards me. "Well, to put it bluntly...He sucked up his feelings about college because he knew how important it was to you. So, I don't know, maybe try and do him the same courtesy with hunting?"

"School won't get us killed," I said stiffly.

"But school only makes you happy, not Dean," he countered smoothly and it was my turn to look away now, because in a way I knew that Dave was right. Dean had been perfectly content to work in a body shop for the rest of his life, because Dean was simple like that. He liked cars and he liked working on them, so to him, that was his dream job. However, my dream job required me to go to college that would be miles away from him and Dean couldn't stand the thought of us separating. Especially when we had just gotten together, so...he came with me. He filled out an application, got accepted, and now here we were.

And I had been so happy about it. I decorated our dorm room. I helped him pick out his school books, got him school supplies...The more I thought about it, the more I was starting to realize that maybe the reason I got to do those things was because Dean genuinely didn't care about them.

Why would I want to put myself through another four years of hell?

I groaned, running a hand over my face. "I hate it when you're right."

Dave smiled brightly. "They don't call me Dave the Wise for nothing."

"Who calls you that?"

"Lots of people."

"Name one."

His eye twitched. "Why are we friends again?"

"Beats me," I shrugged just as the shower turned off. My eyes widened. "Shit. He's coming. We'll talk later?"

"What am I? Your side piece?" I had just barely shut the laptop when the bathroom door opened, steam pooling out from the sides as Dean stepped into the room. I would've been drooling at the sight of the towel around his waist if it weren't for the blank look on his face.

He looked so much like his father when he did that.

His eyes flickered towards my laptop to the closed book on my bed. "Did you get enough studying done?" He finally asked and I nodded, forcing a smile.

"Yep," I answered, pushing away from my desk. I hesitated, watching as he tugged on his pajama bottoms. "Hey, Dean?"


He sucked up his feelings about college because he knew how important it was to you. So, I don't know, maybe try and do him the same courtesy with hunting?

"How badass did I look chopping that vampires head off?" I mimed the action, making whooshing noises with my mouth as I swung my hands out in front of me. His lips twitched in amusement, green eyes sparkling. "What?"

"You're such a dweeb."

"I love you too, Dean."

And I did, I loved him so much and I think that's why I was so scared about all of this. It wasn't just because we were hunting monsters, it was because of the type of person Dean was becoming. If John had to leave Mary when he started hunting, who was to say that Dean wasn't going to leave me too?

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