The War Clock

By Cap_Warrrior_28

624 149 7

An adventure story More

My Diary
Bruno goes missing
A match goes wrong
A Strange Talk
The Reality
The reality-2
The Reality-3
I meet a king
I choose some weapons
Horses Mock Me
The Training -1
The Training-2
A beautiful place (part 1)
A beautiful place (part 2)
A beautiful place (part 3)
The Test-1
The Test-2
Scrolls and Strategies(part 1)
Scrolls and Strategies(part 2)
Scrolls and Strategies(part 3)
Scrolls and Strategies(part 4)
The Ceremony
The War
The War
Why George?! Why!!
The Real Truth (part 1)
The Real Truth (part 2)
The Real Truth (part 3)
The Real Truth (part 4)
The Real Truth (part 5)
The Real Truth (part 5)
The Real Truth (part 6)
We kill a king
I come back

The Past

14 5 0
By Cap_Warrrior_28

When we reached the place where I found her, Maria(or Eva) started to ready up for our time travel. I watched for people who were approaching. Then after a while Nielson came to the place and said
“Hey man. Are you seriously going to time-travel. It’s not too late man. Even now you can say to me if you both are going on a trip alone. I won’t say a word about this to anyone.” I guess Maria didn’t like that comment because she glared at Nielson furiously and again went to work.
“No man, seriously we are going back in time in a few minutes. You’ll see for yourself.”I said and we both watched in silence. I looked at the river, the landscape, our street and the busy road. I doubted whether I would see these places ever again in my life. Sure Maria has guaranteed me that she would give her life for me but no one can guarantee one’s life in war and I didn’t like the idea of someone dying for me. There was a great chance for me to die because I didn’t even know to catch a sword. I had so many negative thoughts but something told me to go. Something gave me the courage that I could do this and return alive, maybe I was too bored with my current life. Maybe the archery class that I attended in my 9th grade. Finally Maria said
“Everything’s ready. Are you ready?”
Before I could answer I saw Crimpson coming towards us. I guessed that Maria hadn’t seen him because she was ready to throw her powder. I said urgently
“Maria, we’ve got a problem over here.” She came to my side and saw Crimpson and asked
“Why is this guy always interfering with us?”
“That’s his hobby” Nielson said.
“If he were my enemy in war I would take his own sword and pierce him in the centre of the chest and send him away.”
When Crimpson came near, Maria gave a nice kick in his groin without hearing what he was about to tell. He stumbled and fell with a thud.
“Ouch. That should have been painful.” I said.
Then Maria threw her powder into the air and chanted. This time a big portal opened and it glowed pink. When the glow went away it was like a small part of the air was cut with a scissor making an oval shape. I went and looked into it. It was pitch black. No sounds. It was like vacuum. I even doubted if I could breathe inside it. As a whole it was like a small black hole.
“This portal leads us to any century. So stay close to me. When I say jump you should jump. Okay?” she asked.
Then we went to the portal. Suddenly I remembered that Nielson was there and went over to him and asked
“Now you believe me? I don’t know whether I would see you again. You were the only best friend I ever had. Take care, man and if I don’t return take care of Bruno” I said and hugged him.
“Hey, you’ll return, man. And you will win the war you are going to fight”
“Take care of him” he said to Maria.
“What do you want me to do with him?” he asked pointing his hand towards Crimpson.
“Do something and don’t utter a word to anyone, not even our friends, about this. Good bye, man” I said and went to the portal. I and Maria held hands together and enter the portal. I turned to take a last look at the place but it was gone. Suddenly a determination came to me.
“I will come back” I muttered.
It was dark and silent. Oh no! I have become blind and deaf, I thought. I searched for Maria but I couldn’t see her. The only feeling of her was her hand in mine. Panic filled me.
“Don’t panic. It’s nothing. You’re alright.” Maria said. Still I couldn’t see her. Then we walked a little distance together and Maria shouted
“1645.THE WAR” Another portal opened in front of us. We walked towards it. Maria said “JUMP.” I jumped and fell down. There was total chaos. Suddenly many unpleasant sounds hit me. My eardrums suffered like they were going to burst. Imagine yourself in the centre. Many people around you, standing with chainsaws, loud speakers, plates and pans, everything near your ears. This situation was worse than that. I heard sounds like swords piercing, shields clashing, blood spraying, men shouting, horses whining and many other sounds. I was literally going insane. Then I gained my consciousness and saw the landscape. The sand was fine like beach sand and I saw a river nearby. Then I saw the sky. I guessed the time to be 8.30 or something. That’s all I could see. Then Maria pulled me towards her, slashing some soldiers on the way with a sword I assumed that she took from a fallen enemy. Then she said something and a small hole emerged in front of us. We jumped in. Luckily the tunnel was large enough for me to go in. After we entered, the hole sealed itself. Then we started walking.
My ears were still ringing with the sound that I couldn’t even hear Maria. I saw her. Her mouth was opening and closing. Then I focused and realized that she was calling my name. Finally I heard what she said.
“Oliver, are you okay?”
“No.” I admitted.
“Is this the war that you want me to fight?” I asked.
“Yes.” She replied.
“Then take me back to my own century.” I said
“What ‘what’. If I fight in this war I’m definitely going to die. I know that you have guaranteed that it is your responsibility to save my life. But-”
“Okay. Calm down. It is the first time you are in a war field. You’ll learn. I’ll teach you. But you should have some faith in you” she said. I started to protest something but I noticed something else. She looked different. Actually she looked a little older.
“You look older than you were in the future” I said hesitantly because it is not good to say such a thing to a girl.
“Yeah. This is my real appearance. I’m actually 30. That future thing was a little magic that I did while I time travelled.”
“Oh! Okay. Where are you taking me? Before that should I call you Maria or Eva or something else?” I asked.
“As for where are we going, I’m taking you to our king. This is a small tunnel that leads us straight to the king’s place and to escape. We don’t use it much because we don’t escape in a battle. About how you should call me, mm…Call me Eva. That’s what everyone calls me here” she said. Then I heard some noises above ground. And the tunnel itself shook. Some tiny rocks fell down.
“Are you sure this tunnel won’t fall?”
“I think the question I asked was a yes or no question.”
“Never mind. Okay tell me Eva. You are telling me that this tunnel leads straight into the king’s place. Then why don’t the enemy soldiers use it?”
“You are such a fool, Oliver.”
“Excuse me.”
“This tunnel is like a secret passage that we alone know how to use it. There are many tunnels like this. Different tunnels lead to different places and the generals alone know to find them and use them” she finished.
“Oh! Okay. Tell me about your king.”
“About our king Augustin, he’s a good man. You can call him king or my lord. He liked Carlo very much because he was like his right hand. So he shouldn’t kill you on sight” she said and laughed like it was the best comedy that she had ever made.  Then we walked in silence. After sometime we reached a dead end.
“Are you sure we are in the right place?” I asked.
“Of course, we are in the right place” she said and searched something on the wall but she couldn’t find anything.
“It must be here” she muttered.
“What must be here?” I asked.
“A small stone that opens the tunnel exit” she said as she searched.
“Wait. Let me give it a try.” I said and went and touched the wall. I didn’t know what I was doing. I touched various places on the wall. Finally I touched something and it moved inside. And then an exit opened above our heads. Eva stared at me.
“HOW DID YOU DO THAT?” she asked in astonishment.
“I did what?” I asked.
“You just found the rock that opens the tunnel exit.”
“Oh! But I didn’t know what I was doing. That might be a coincidence. Okay let’s meet your king.” 

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