Percy on deck

By Anakumolous24

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When the god decided to kill Percy, Poseidon decide to rescue Percy and take him to S.S Tipton. What would ha... More

Lost At Sea (Part 1)
New To School
Bermuda Triangle
The Beauty And The Fleeced
A Call Home
Birthday on Deck (Part 1)
Birthday On Deck(Part 2)
Can You Dig It?
Marriage 101
I Brake For Whale
Starship Tipton
Bailey's Birthday
Breakup In Paris
School Is Out
Thalia Has a Shock

Lost At Sea (Part 2)

946 29 5
By Anakumolous24

Percy on Deck

Chapter 2: Lost At Sea, Part 2


Percy had yelled to the others with excitement. He had followed his senses to a lake. But that wasn't had made him excited. There was a large hut, already built and a diving board near the lake.

It appeared as though someone had bend on the island before them. The skeleton? mused Percy.

Percy entered the cabin and instantly gasped when he saw the state of the cabin. It was filled with cobwebs, roaches, and snakes. But what surprised him the most was the sword and knife hanging on the wall. They were celestial bronze!


Bailey was the first to enter the clearing, followed by Zack, Cody, then Woody, who was sweating buckets.

"Ah come on guys Kettlecorn is as big as this island and I always run from one side to the other. This is nothing." She said. Then she turned around and gasped in awe at the small lake. The other three echoed as they stared at the water.

Zack kneeled down next to the water and tasted it. "It's fresh!"

"What is this place?" asked Bailey.

"Maybe we should check the hut." said Cody.

"'nough said, Broseph." said Zack, "maybe there's someone inside."

The three entered the cabin, while Woody, who was still panting leaned down to drink some water.

"Celestial Bronze," Bailey heard Percy mutter when she entered the cabin.

"What?" asked Bailey, confused.

Percy spun around, and it was then that Bailey noticed that Percy was holding a dusty bronze sword. "Who there man," said Zack, "I know we snuck up on you, but there's no need to get violent."

Percy ignored him and looked deep in thought. He had a frown on his face. "What's wrong? Can I see the sword?" asked Cody talking the sword from Percy.

Percy's frown deepened. "You can see it?" asked Percy.

"Of course," said Bailey.

"Yeah, It's a five foot weapon of death!" said Zack.

Percy cursed in Greek.

"This is not good, this is not good." muttered Percy.

"What are you hiding?" asked Bailey, suspiciously.

"Oh nothing," said Percy.


Cody who had been looking around the cabin picked up a book. "It's in ancient Greek, one of the few languages Bailey and I don't know." he said. "What does it say?" he asked.

Journal Entry 37

We have been here 37 days. Yesterday, my Son of Poseidon companion left. He said he would try to swim for it. Then come back for me with a boat. My father, Hephaestus still refuses to answer my prayers.

In other news, I found a new fruit. It is yellow, but Luke said it was poisonous, but I will eat it at dinner tonight with what's left of the fish Luke caught. I wish there was more food on the island, but there is next to none left. I won't even survive another week. There is the berries up at the top of the trees, but none of us are good at climbing trees, and we aren't even sure if they are edible. It is lunch now so I will sign off. I hope someone will find me. I miss camp Half-Blood What a brilliant idea, I had. Make a new Camp Half-Blood in the middle of the ocean. No one will find me. I'm starting to lose hope..

Sarah Sint, March 27 1934

"What does it say?" asked Bailey. Percy looked up from the book.

"A girl and boy were on this island for 37 days. The boy tried to swim for it and probably drowned." said Percy, instantly deciding to keep the godly part to himself. "the girl was out of food and was going to eat a fruit that the boy had said was poisonous. I'm guessing that was her on the beach."


"What a depressing story," said Cody, frowning.

"Yeah, well how does that help us?" asked Zack.

"Well they left us a cabin, even if it is only one star." said a voice from the door. The four looked up to see Woody and London.

"Guys I'm hungry." said Woody. "Can we go get the food from the boat?" he asked.

"Okay," said Zack taking charge, "Cody, Percy, go get the food and the other clothes, we don't know how warm or cold it's going to be. Woody, Bailey clean up the cabin. London go get some wood for a fire. I'll go fish."

Faster than anyone could react, Percy snatched the sword from Cody's hands and pointed it at Zack. "If you even try to catch any fish, crabs, or anything of the sort, I will slice you to bits." snarled Percy.

"You don't even know how to use it." said Zack, nervously.

So fast that Cody barely saw the sword moving, Percy swung the sword up and returned it back to its first position. A second later, a snake, sliced in half, fell to the floor. Cody, Bailey, Woody, and Zack jumped back in surprise. London stared in awe. "Are you sure about that?" asked Percy, before he stormed out of the room towards the beach.

"Uh, have fun, Cody." said Zack. Cody gulped and followed him.


Bailey had to say that Percy scared her. The way he had gone on a rampage the second Zack had mentioned fishing and the way he had sliced the snaked perfectly in half really made her nervous.

Zack had instead gone with London to get wood and Percy and Cody had yet to return from the boat.

Woody and Bailey had finally managed to get all of the animals into an empty trunk, which had only had two orange t-shirts in it. They had closed the trunk then together hurled it into the pond, where it sank to the bottom..

Bailey and Woody were using the t-shirts as wash cloths as they cleaned the cabin. The cabin was actually really big: there were eight bedrooms, a kitchen (which was the entry room), a gym, and a room which Bailey had assumed was a closet, since there were bamboo poles, shelves, and even cloth hangers made of wood.


Zack and London dumped the wood down in front of the cabin.

London gasped when she walked into the first room. "Wow. It looks like it's three stars now!"

Zack rolled his eyes.

Percy and Cody walked into the room each holding a huge pile of clothes and the three packages of freeze dried food.

"Welcome to the Castaway Island Tipton," said Bailey. "We have eight rooms available. Who would like to pick first?" asked Bailey.

"Ooh, me!" said London, "I want the biggest one!"

Zack rolled his eyes for the second time in a few minutes. A few minutes later each of the six had each chosen their own room, and London had put all of her clothes in the closet.

"It's actually pretty cool," said Bailey. "whoever built this must have been a great planner!"

"Or a son of Hephaestus." muttered Percy.

"A son of who?" asked Zack.

"Oh, nothing." said Percy. It seemed like Zack had been the only person to hear him.

"There are eight bedrooms, a kitchen, a gym, and a closet." Said Bailey. "This is the gym she said pointing to the doorway."

When they entered Percy gasped. "This looks exactly like the camp arena!"

Zack exchanged glances with Cody, who raised an eyebrow, and looked at Bailey, who in turn was gazing at Percy suspiciously.

The room was filled with training dummies, an archery target, and a shield on the wall.

"Can we eat now?" Begged Woody. "We still haven't eaten since breakfast and it's three o'clock.


The six castaways sat in front of the lake a few minutes later munching on the freeze dried food.

"You know," said Bailey to Percy, "You haven't told us much about yourself."

"Well to be fair, you haven't told me much about you guys either, so if you tell me about you guys, I'll tell you about me." Proposed Percy.

"Okay," said Bailey, "Woody you go first."

"My name is Woodrow Fink. Call me Woody. I have eight older brothers and a younger sister. I'm from Cleveland and I'm Cody's roommate."

"Wow!" Said Percy. "You're the second youngest of ten!?" He half exclaimed, half questioned incredulously.

"Yup. He is," said Zack, "I'm Zack Martin, I'm awesome at sports, I'm handsome, I'm -"

"Arrogant and Cocky?" Interrupted Bailey, annoyed.

"The ultimate playboy?" Said Woody.

"The stupid twin?" Said Cody.

"Poor?" Said London.

"No, well I am all of those, but I was going to say the coolest guy ever." Said Zack.

Percy rolled his eyes. "Next."

"I'm Cody Martin," said Cody, "I'm the smart twin, the kind and observant twin, and the humble one." He emphasized. "Plus I suck at sports and I'm basically the opposite of Zack."

Percy turned to London.

"I'm London Tipton. YAY ME! I'm in the show 'Yay Me' starring London Tipton." She said waving her arms as she introduced her show.

Percy grinned and turned to Bailey.

"I'm Bailey Pickett," she started, "I come from Kettlecorn, Kansas and I came in search of a change of scenery. " She glared at Percy "You're turn."

"Well, I did promise." said Percy. "My name is Percy Jackson. Um, I'll be seventeen years old, in a few weeks. I don't know what else to say."

"Were you on TV before," asked Bailey. "You almost seem familiar."

Percy flinched. "When I was twelve," he said, "I joined a summer camp for people with dyslexia and ADHD. My mother and I were kidnapped from the camp by a man named Ares along with two of my friends. We managed to escape him and we were on the run, heading west. I was accused of kidnapping my own mother." Percy rolled his eyes. "And I was accused of blowing up the St. Louis Arch."

"Oh yeah." said Cody. "Now I remember. You were in a shoutout at the Santa Monica Pier. When the police got there, he made a run for it. And you were given plane tickets back to New York. Zack and I were on the beach at the time on a vacation from Seattle."

"Remember the weird thing," asked Zack, turning to Cody, "I could have sworn they were using swords, but according to the reports, they were using guns."

"So which one was it?" questioned Bailey.

"I used a sword and a gun." he stated, "at the camp, we were learning to use ancient greek weapons for self defense. It's where I learned to speak Greek."

"What about the amnesia?" asked Cody, "you said you were in a coma for eight months and when you woke up, you had lost your memory."

Percy got a far away look in his eyes. "Two weeks after I turned eighteen II was taken from my cabin to the rival camp in San Francisco, since I was the best sword fighter in camp. I don't know exactly how I lost my memory or got in a coma, but when I woke up, I had to prove my worth to the camp, by going to Alaska and getting something. Along the way I got my memory back, and on the field trip camp took to Greece, both camps were there and they united. Remember those earthquakes in Greece last month," asked Percy. "We united to survive or else the Earth would have killed us. About a hundred kids did die."

Bailey couldn't help but notice that he said "the Earth" as though it was alive.


Recounting all the memories were hard for Percy. He thought about all that he had sacrificed for the newly christened Camp Olympus. He had also had to make up a mortal version of all the events. But then Woody asked the question he didn't want anybody to ask.

"Then why are you here at Seven Seas High."

Percy frowned. "I don't want to talk about it."


Cody couldn't help but feel sorry for the older boy. He hadn't exactly had an easy life.

"Cool, are you rich." asked London.

Cody jumped. London had been so quiet during Percy's story that he had forgotten she was there.

"But we still don't know how to get off the island!" said London.

"We could swim for it!" exclaimed Woody.

"Woody." said Zack, "you're an idiot."

"Hey, Hurtful!" said Woody.

Cody was about to say something when they heard the sound of exhausted voices singing.

"29 bottles of anything that will rehydrate us on the wall, 29 bottles of..."

"Moseby!" exclaimed London. "We're saved!"

"Mr. Moseby," yelled Zack, Cody, and Bailey.

"Oh great, more people to share the food with." frowned Woody.

"Seriously?" asked Percy raising an eyebrow.

The next second an exhausted and dehydrated looking Moseby and Tutweiller entered the clearing.

"Oh kids," said Tutweiller.

"You're safe." panted Mr. Moseby.

"Drink the water; it's fresh," Percy said to the two adults.

The two exhausted adults drank the water greedily.

"Moseby, where's the ship?" asked London.

"We fell overboard in a lifeboat." said Moseby.

"We did too." said Percy.

Tutweiller gave Percy a weird look. "Who are you?"

"Oh. My name's Percy Jackson." said Percy extending a hand. "I'm, or I was supposed to be, the new student."

Tutweiller gasped. "Percy Jackson, like Grover's friend, the traitor of..." she trailed off.

Traitor, thought Cody, what does she mean.

"You know Grover?" asked Percy, genuinely surprised.

"I'm Juniper's mother." said Tutweiller. "By the way, Camp East Olympus is in total disarray. The camp is split right down the middle. Grover and your cousins are leading the half that is defending you, while Annabeth and Jason are leading the others against you."

"While this is a great conversation and all, how do you know each other? And how do we get off this island?" screamed Moseby in frustration. "I left my pocket hanky in the boat!"

Suddenly Bailey sat up. "I know. I don't know why none of us thought of this before. Does anyone have their cell phones.

Moseby and Cody both held up their phones. Then Cody noticed his wouldn't turn on. "Darn it," said Cody, "mine's out of battery."

Moseby frowned. "I have 0 bars."

Percy groaned. "I have a phone."

Everyone turned to Percy.


"...But I've never used it before. Or even powered it on." Percy finished.

The seven other castaways groaned.

Percy powered on the phone, which then immediately powered down.

"Wait a minute," said Tutweiller. "did the phone come from your dad?" she asked.

Percy hesitated before nodding.

Tutweiller snatched the phone from Percy's hands then tossed it into the lake.

"No," screamed everyone, but Tutweiller and Percy.

Suddenly Percy understood. "Of course!" he exclaimed. "It's a waterphone!" Then he dived into the lake.


Bailey was the first one to react. Nobody had moved for a minute, everyone was frozen in place.

"Why did you do that?" asked Bailey turning on Tutweiller.

Before Tutweiller could reply Percy burst out of the lake, holding a phone.

"Tutweiller," said Percy, "you're a genius."

"Could you call my mom and tell her that. And my ex-boyfriends for that matter."

London snatched the phone from Percy's hands.

She dialed in a number and called. "Hi Daddy. It's London." she sighed. "London Tipton. Your daughter? With Wife #3?" she rolled her eyes. "Yes the one that's missing. I'm stranded in the middle with 1,2,3". She started counting the number of people, then gave up, "some poor people. Yes it's horrible. I know right. It really is awful. You're sending the Tipton helicopter to the location of this phone? Great! Bye Daddy."

Bailey couldn't help but roll her eyes, "Your dad didn't even know who you were?" she asked incredulously.

London frowned. "He won't even come see me. He's to busy with Yolanda." she said spitefully.

"Who?" asked Percy.

"Probably his newest wife." said Bailey.

"No. My step-sister."


An hour and a half later. The eightsome landed on the deck of the SS Tipton.

"As much fun as this has been." said Percy. "I still need to unpack my bags. I only got to put them in my room, which is a mess. Apparently, my roommate is a total slob."

Percy said goodbye to the others and walked down to his roommate.

Just as he started unpacking, he looked up at the sound of the door opening.

Percy gasped. "Zack, you're my roommate?"

AN: As you can see, with Percy around "Lost at Sea" ended very differently. Since Cody and Bailey didn't break up, Cody wasn't trying to impress her by trying to fly then making a hot air balloon. Also, since Percy could detect water, I made it so he would find the fresh water lake and the lake house. Three, Percy getting the sharks to leave the group alone, made it so that they didn't run out of food. Four, I made it so that Percy's phone could work anywhere, since it was enchanted by a god. One thing I never got about the episode was why didn't they just call for help? And Finally, I made Tutweiller Juniper's mother, to show that Percy wouldn't be able to run from his past.

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