The Odd One Out: YEAR TWO...

By dracos-apple-16

4.7K 199 77

I suck at writing summaries I apologise in advance. Based off the movies not books! Y/N is a Weasley, and a t... More

Cast list
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

601 21 3
By dracos-apple-16

Your POV:

I stood in Fred and George's room hunched over my journal, my cauldron to my left. I chose the twins room to make my Draught of Peace potion in because their room already has a set up for potions, they do all sorts of weird projects.

"So Jelly Bean?" Fred sat on the table next to my cauldron. "Remind us again, why your making a potion out of school?" I started adding little amounts of powdered moonstone. "Because, Snape asked me too. It's for a project or something." The potion turns green and I set the moonstone to the side.

I looked down at my journal, ages ago I began to do research and started to critique the original recipe that Snape gave me for the potion. I had finally finished so I was testing out the improved recipe. "Stir until the potion turns blue."

I began to slowly stir the potion, "well Jelly Bean have fun!" George stood over me, unlike most of the Weasleys I didn't inherit the height, I took after my mother meaning I was a bit short. He ruffles my hair and the boys leave as the potion turns blue, pushing my hair out of my face I add more powdered moonstone until the color changed to purple.

I stepped back and turned on the heat, allowing it to simmer. About an hour and a half later I finally finished the potion and it looked perfect. I carefully filled 5 vials with the potion. I then cleaned up the twins room and head back up to mine.


"Twinkle!" Ron, begins to shake my shoulder yanking me out of my nice dream. "What?" I didn't open my eyes, "cmon get dressed! We need to go get Harry and Draco!" I snap my eyes open, "why didn't you say so! Get out so I can get dressed!" I shove him out of the room and turn to my wardrobe.

I don't want to get full on dressed, so I throw on some lazy clothes.

I pull my jacket over my shoulders leaving it unzipped, and ran a brush through my hair. I grabbed my wand and ipod tiptoeing down the stairs. I glance at my watch it read 2 a.m.

Ron, Fred, and George were waiting for me in the kitchen. "Cmon let's go," I whispered as I walked past them. Once we got outside we sprinted through the dark to the car.

We decided to go and get Harry and Draco from their houses so they could stay with us. We knew Mum and Dad wouldn't care, but we thought it was best to take Dad's flying car which Mum wouldn't approve of.

We are "kidnapping" the boys because neither of them have been answering our letters. They wouldn't just ignore us like that, we assume Draco's father is stopping him and Harry's aunt and uncle are doing the same. Hermione has kept in constant contact with us and we were even supposed to meet her in Diagon Alley later today.

I sat in between Fred and George in the front, Fred was driving. Ron grumbled as we forced him into the back, as we took off I plugged my earphones in and started blasting music.


Fred nudged me and I paused my music, "wot?" He pointed over the wheel at a mansion that we were flying closer too. "So Jelly Bean, how do you think we should go about this?" I thought for a moment, "well I assume those are the bedrooms." I point to the rooms on the top floor.

"Lets go to that one!" I point to the room with the smallest window. "You're the smart one," Fred slowly lowers the car so we are level with the window. I crawl over George pushing him towards Fred and lean out the car window. I peer through the window, "this is it!"

I raise my fist and gently knock on the window. I lean back into the car, a few moments later the window open and Draco grins, "What you guys doing here?" I smile, "kidnapping you duh! Now move over I'm coming in!" He backs up and I crawl quietly through the window.

Over the summer Draco had grown a few inches making me feel short, and he started to loose his baby fat much like Ron and I. He pulls me into a hug and I feel an eruption of butterflies in my stomach.

He lets me go and I look away hoping he doesn't catch me blushing, "so." I keep my voice at a whisper, "let's get your trunk!" "Okay!" We rush about his room throwing his things in his trunk then snapping it shut. "Lets go before your father-" I hear footsteps and Draco looks at me fearfully.

"It'll be okay, help me with this!" We lift his trunk and set it in the window sill, Fred whipped the car around so the back of the car was facing the window and popped open the trunk. We shoved the trunk in and they flipped the car around. Draco crawled through the window and into the car, he help me in. "DRIVE!"

Fred punched the gas then the invisibility booster, and we zoomed off. Draco climbed into the back with Ron. "That was a rush!" We laughed, "so!" I turned and faced Draco. "We are going to get Harry now, he hasn't been able to answer our letters either, and it's got us so worried!" Draco grimaced, "sorry my Father took away my owl privileges and I just got all my school things back last night. Blaise told him everything, and he was not happy."

Ron frowns, "we are so sorry mate. We didn't mean to get you in trouble!" Draco shook his head, "no! Don't apologise you guys have shown me what fun is!" I open my locket and smile at the picture, "yeah you are a big part of that too Drac!" I turn around as we make our way to Harry's aunt's house.


We arrived above Harry's house around 3 am. "That's his room the one with the bars, it has to be!" Turning off the invisibility booster, Fred pulled over to his window. I popped my head out and Harry was already awake staring at us in shock.

Ron stands over me popping his head out the window, "Hiya Harry!" I look up, "move Bub!" Harry smiles, "Y/N, Ron, Fred, George, Draco? What are you all doing here?" Ron rests his head on mine, "rescuing you of course!" I push him back beside Draco. "Get a trunk!" He nods and runs around beginning to pack his things.

I grab the large hook from Fred and link it onto the bars, "let's go!" He nods and steps hard on the gas. The bars fly off the window and we turn the car back, I climb in the hole that used to be Harry's window and help him with the trunk. "POTTAH!"I hear stomping and Harry climbs out the window. I go to follow but the door slams open.

A fat old man runs toward me and I stand on the ledge, the car was bit far away, apparently Fred wants to kill me. Ron held his hand out the open door. Without thinking I leap out the window reaching my arm out and clasping tightly onto Ron's. Harry leans over and helps Ron pull me into the car. We slam the door shut, and Fred drives off Hedwig hooting cheerfully. "By the way Harry..." Ron and I said in unison, "happy birthday!"


We get to the burrow at around 530-ish, we run across the yard and I quietly open the door. "K, cmon! cmon shh!" I gesture for them to hurry and we quietly cross the kitchen. I take off my coat, and Harry and Draco examine the house amazed. I slowly make my way to the living room Harry and Draco at my sides.

"Do you think it would be alright if I have some of this?" Ron whispers to Fred grabbing a piece of bread, "yeah!" They each grab a piece as Harry and Draco look around the living room, "it's not much," I lean against the wall. "But it's home," "I think it's brilliant!" Harry says with a smile and Draco agrees. Ron and the twin join us eating their rolls.

Suddenly Mum bounds down the stairs, "where have you been?!" He walks up to Harry and Draco with a smile and he arms held out, "Harry! Draco! How wonderful to see you dears!" She turns back to us and I sit up standing in between Harry and Draco.

"Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could have died you could have been seen!" He turns back to Harry and Draco smiling kindly, "of course I don't blame you boys." "They were starving Harry Mum, there were bars on his window! And Draco was being treated like vermin!" The boys and I nod, but Mum points a stern finger at Ron, "you best hope I don't put bars on your window Ronald Weasley!"

"Come on Harry, Draco time for a spot of breakfast." We sat at the breakfast table. Draco on one side of me and Fred on the other, we began to eat when Ginny ran in. "Mum mummy! Have you seen my jumper?" Mum looked up from her pot, "yes dear it was on the kettle." Ginny's eyes drifted to Harry and they grew the size of a quaffle.

"Hello!" Harry smiled at her and she turned and ran. I smirked at the twins, Harry looked at us confused. "What did I do?" Ron finishes chewing, "Ginny... She's been talking about you all summer. Bit annoying really." Draco and I laugh a bit and Dad walks in, "Morning Weasleys!" "Morning Dad!" We say in unison and Harry and Draco just continue to eat.

"What a night, nine raids NINE!" Dad puts he briefcase on the counter and Mum fills his plate. Harry and Draco both look at me, "raids?" "Dad works in the ministry of magic. In the misuse of muggles artifacts office." Ron looks up, "Dad and Twinkle love muggles. They think they are fascinating!" I hold up my iPod, "they are Bub!" He shakes his head and Dad takes his seat next to Harry.

"And who are you two?" Harry sets down his fork, "oh, sorry sir I'm Harry sir. Harry Potter!" "Good lord are you really? That makes you Draco!" Draco smiled kindly at him, "I can tell you are much different from your father. Ron and Crystal have told us all about the two of you of course. When did they get here?" Mum turns placing her hands on her hips, "this morning! Both set of twins, flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night!" Dad looked up, "did you really? How did it go?"

We all began to say how great it was till Mum hit dad's shoulder. "I mean that was very wrong indeed kids, very wrong of you." I looked at Draco suppressing a smile. "Now Harry, you must know all about muggles, tell me what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?" I leaned forward, "oh dad I've been meaning-" I was cut off by Errol's large screech.

"Oh," Mum looked out the window, "that'll be Errol with the post!" Errol flew towards us crashing into the window causing most of us to jump back. "Fetch it will you Percy please?" He stood up and grabbed the envelope. He tore it open, "oh look it's our Hogwarts letters, looks like it's Harry and Draco's as well." Dad chewed his food, "Dumbledore must know you two are here, doesn't miss a trick that man."

Percy passed us our letters and Fred read the book list, "this lot won't come cheep Mum." He shook his head and I read the list frowning, "the spell books alone are very expensive!" "We'll manage." She grabbed Harry's letter, "there is only one place we are going to get all of this... Diagon Alley!"

I finished eating and rushed upstairs to get ready.

Once I was finished I grabbed my wand, ipod and fastened my cloak around me. I ran down the stairs and joined everyone by the fire. Mum grabbed the Floo Powder, "right here we are. Harry you go first dear." Ron looked concerned, "but Harry's never traveled by Floo Powder before Mum." Harry looked at Ron, "Floo Powder?"

"Well then you go first Ron so then Harry can see how it's done." Ron nodded and stepped forward taking his handful and stepping into the fire. "Diagon Alley!" He dropped the Floo Powder and vanished in the green flames.

"You see?" Mum stuck out her arm, "it's quite easy dear, don't be afraid." Harry hesitantly walked up to Mum and stepping into the fireplace, he grabbed a handful. "Don't forget to speak very clearly Lightning Boy!" He gulped, "Diganally!" He disappeared into the fire and I sighed. "What did he say dear?" Mum asked, "diganally...I'll go after him Mum." She nodded and smiled gratefully at me.

Mum hadn't treated me any different, and I had to admit I thought she would because I got Slytherin. If anything she seemed sort of proud of me, she was astounded when Ron and I went into detail about the sorcerer's stone. She was very happy when she saw my exam grades as I had passed all of them with top marks, making me top of our year just barely a over Hermione.

I stepped into the fire place with my handful of Floo Powder. Saying the same thing Harry did. I was shot out of a fireplace on my back. Coughing and sputtering, I stood brushing off my cloak. "Harry?" I ran a hand through my hair, trying to get any dirt out of it. We seemed to be in a shop of some kind.

Harry was reaching his hand out to touch an old boney hand. "Harry!" He turned and the hand clamped down on his. "Gah!" He pried the hand off of his, "let's get out of here. It's spooky!" I agreed, and we hurried out the door.

I look up and down the alley, it was dirty and gross. "Where are we?" I shrugged, "no idea!" Harry starts to go one way but a creepy old wizard stares intently at him so I grab his arm pulling him the other way.

Just as I turn an old witch stops in front of me and puts her hand on the neck of my cloak. "Not lost are you my dear?" I shake my hand and grip Harry's arm tightly, "no we're fine thank you." We turn and a whole crowd of witches and wizards begin to crowd against us.

The old witch places her hand on my shoulder and another on Harry's, "come with us. We'll help you find your way back!" Harry has a glint of worry in his eye and I just noticed he broke his glasses. "No please we-" "Harry? Y/N?"

Everyone turns their head towards the voice, and I can make out the shadow of Hagrid. "Hagrid!" Relief floods through me. "Wat, yeh think yer doin down here? Cmon!" I let go of Harry's arm and we rush up to Hagrid, who puts his hand on my shoulder and steers us away.

"Are yeh two al'ight?" I nod but turn to Harry, "well bolt brain over here, doesn't know how to speak clearly!" "Hey I was nervous!" I shake my head as we enter Diagon Alley.

"Yer a mess, both of yeh! Hangin' roun' Knockturn Alley, dodgy place. Don't want no one to see yeh there. People will think yeh up to no good!" "We got lost-" "Hang on!" I cut Harry off, "what were you doing down there then?" Hagrid looked suprised by the question. "Me? Oh, I was uh... lookin' for Flesh-eating Slug repellent. They are eatin up all the school cabbages."

We walk deep into the Alley keeping an eye out from Mum when we run into Hermione. "Y/N! Harry, Hagrid!" She hugs me and I smile. "It's so good to see you!" "It's great to see you all too!" She frowns at Harry, "what did you do to your glasses?" Hermione's pulls out her wand, she waves it at Harry's glasses. "Oculus repairo!"

He smiles, "I definitely need to remember that one." Hagrid looks down at the three of us, "yeh two will be al'ight then, I'll leave you to it!" He turns and we all say goodbye. Hermione links her arm through mine, "come on everyone's been so worried!"

She leads us through the Alley and into Flourish and Blotts, there is a large line of people, mostly females going through the store. Hermione walks a bit down the line dragging me with her. Towards the front of the line I see my family and Draco. Hermione leaves us and joins her parents.

"Oh thank goodness dears!" She begins the brush Harry off then turns to me, "we had hoped you only gone one grade too far!" I nod and stand next to George, I stand on my toes whispering in his ear. "We got stuck in Knockturn Alley!" He looks down at me, "wicked!" Laughing I join Harry, Ron and Draco as a man says "Gilderoy Lockhart!"

Mum and Ginny start clapping loudly and Ron leans to us. "Mum fancies him," Mum turns and hits Ron on the shoulder and turns back to Lockhart.

He has strawberry blonde hair and particularly straight and shinny teeth. Sure he was handsome but I still don't understand why so many people in the crowd are drooling all over him. Lockhart smiles at the crowd, pointing at some of the women.

A man pushes past me, "excuse me little girl this is for the daily profit!" I glare at him as he makes his way to the front with a large camera. Lockhart smiles largely as the camera flashes, but his smile quickly fades when he catches Harry's eye. "It can't be Harry Potter."

The man with the camera turns, "HARRY POTTER!?" He grabs Harry's arms and yanks him to the front pushing him next to Lockhart, who pulls him to his side. He puts his arm around Harry's shoulder, "nice big smile Harry together you and I will make the front page." I could help but laugh at how terrified Harry seemed, he obviously didn't want the publicity.

The camera clicks, "ladies and gentlemen what an extraordinary moment this is. When young Harry stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography magically me," he paused smiling at the crowd as everyone all clapped. Ron looked around at the swooning women with confusion and disgust.

Gilderoy continues his speech, "which incidentally is currently celebrating it's 27th week atop the daily profits best seller list!" More claps came from the crowd. "He had no idea, that he would in fact be leaving with my entire collective works..." He shoves a large pile of books into Harry's arms, "free of charge." Some people 'awed' while others clapped.

Harry hurried back to us and mom took the books from him. "Harry, yes now you give me those and I'll get them signed! All of you wait outside," we all followed Harry out of the crowd. When Blaise came down the stairs and Draco immediately hid behind the George.

"Bet you loved that didn't you Pottah? Famous Harry Pottah!" I stood on one side of Harry and Ron on the other, the twins directly behind us. "Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page!" Ginny stepped forward glaring at him, "leave him alone!"

Blaise smirked, "oh look Pottah! You got yourself a girlfriend!" He started to laugh until a silver snake can hit his shoulder. He looked at it annoyed and stepped aside, "now now Blaise play nicely." Lucius stepped forward a hint of evil in his smile. "Mr. Potter," he stuck out a gloved black hand. "Lucius Malfoy," Harry reluctantly shook his hand.

"We meet at last," he pulled him forward pulling Harry's bangs to the side with his cane. "Forgive me, your scar is legend. As of course is the wizard that gave it to you." "Voldemort killed my parents," Lucius smile faded and Harry pulled himself away. "He was nothing more than a murderer."

Lucius hummed, "you must be very brave to mention his name." His smug face had returned, "or simply very foolish." Hermione had joined my side, "fear of a name only increases fear within itself!" Lucius turned his attention to Hermione his pale pointed face growing a look of distain.

"And you must be Miss. Granger." He turned to Blaise and he nodded, "yes Blaise has told me all about you...and your parents." We turned and looked at Mione's parent who were cheerfully talking with dad. "Muggles aren't they?" Hermione glared at him, and he turned to us. "Let me see, red hair vacant expressions," he grabbed a book out of Ginny's cauldron. "Tatty second hand book. You must be the Weasleys!"

He turned on me, "my son Draco has run away. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?" I shook my head, "no but if he did then he made the right decision. I wouldn't be able to stand-" My father cut me off my placing a gental hand on my shoulder.

"Children it's crowded in here, let's go outside." He smiled at us and Lucius looked at dad. "Well well, Weasley senior." Dad snapped his head up, "Lucius." His voice filled with hatred. "Busy time at the ministry Arthur, all those extra raids. I do hope their paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this." He turned Ginny's book over in his hand, "I'd say not."

He ground his teeth together then went on, "what is the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?" Dad kept a calm face, "we have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy!" He sneered at dad, "clearly. Associating with muggles," he shook his head and dropped Ginny's book back into her cauldron. "And I thought your family could sink no lower."

Dad turned to us and smiled then back at Malfoy. He glares at him once and Malfoy smirked, "I'll see you at work." Blaise walked infront of us, "see you at school." He raised his eyebrows at me then followed his uncle out of the shop. I turned and Draco stepped out from behind George. "Thanks for not ratting me out." "I really don't like your Father."

All characters are owned by J.K Rowling Except for Brianna I own her!
You own yourself!

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