By PandamoniumJ

72.5K 1.8K 1K

Sequel to OUT OF SIGHT || NUMBER 5 x OC || BK. 1! [COMPLETED SEASON 2] "I'm just glad that at least we don't... More

27. LOVE


1.1K 39 35
By PandamoniumJ

"How's my favorite girl? Well..." Tony looked over to the sides of him at Lila and The Handler. "Third favorite girl," he corrected.

"What the hell is going on?" was all Elaina could muster to ask, as she looked between the three, her anger boiling as she saw the self-satisfied looks on Lila and The Handler's faces.

"Come on, Els, you're smarter than that," stated Tony as he strolled towards her. "You can put it together," he said, stopping in front of her, reaching his hand out towards her.

Five pulled the girl back and stood in front of her, an unforgiving scowl plastered on Five's face. "Don't you even think about laying a finger on her," the boy practically growled.

Tony's smirk grew as he crossed his arms as he looked down to Five. "Or what, pipsqueak?"

Five's eyes darkened. "I'll kill you,"

"I'd like to see you try," egged on the teen, a crazed gleam reflected in his eyes.

"Easy now, Antonio," cut in The Handler as she put hand on the boy's shoulder, though by the look on her face, she was thoroughly enjoying the scene playing out in front of her.

Elaina placed a hand on Five chest as she gently pushed him back, her now being the one in front as she faced up to Tony. "This whole time, and you were a part of the Commission?" she asked with a repulsed look on her face. "And, what, she's your boss?"

"More like mother," responded The Handler in Tony's place, basking in the perplexed look on Elaina's face. "Shocking?"

Five looked between them before walking up to The Handler. "You said she was your only one," he accused, pointing a finger to Lila.

"I said she was my only daughter. I never said anything about a son," shrugged the platinum-haired woman.

"Wait a minute," said Elaina as she looked at Tony with widened eyes. "What about Birdie? What role does she play in all of this?"

"You don't have to worry about her," responded the teen with an unreadable expression. "She played her role and has been dealt with accordingly."

Elaina could feel her heart drop to her stomach as she began to shake her head. "You don't mean..." she questioned, but got her answer as Tony's expression remained the same. "You teenaged piece of shit! How could you!" she shouted, her eyes watering as Diego wrapped his arms around her, seeing that Five had no intention of stopping her as she attempted to charge at the teenager. "Let go of me!" she cried as she flailed her legs, kicking them as hard as she could.

Diego brought his mouth close to her ear. "Shh... Elaina. Don't let them win like this," he whispered, glaring up to the trio in front of him and his siblings.

"Let go of me..." she muttered in defeat as she stopped resisting.

Diego gently let go of her.

"Actually, believe it or not, he's actually closer to your age than you think," motioned the The Handler to Elaina. "The boys back at the lab cooked up a younger body for Tony so he would be more... appealing to you,"

"Appealing," she scoffed as she looked at the teen.

"Don't be like that, Els," said Tony, feigning hurt. "We had some pretty great times before he showed up," he jabbed at Five with a smirk. "Hell, we had a great time even when he was here," he said, bringing his tone down. "Remember?" he said, his pupil briefly enlarging.

Elaina brows narrowed harshly in disdain. "There's nothing to remem--" suddenly a memory that was removed from her mind returned, as she replayed the kiss Tony gave her back at Birdie's. The memory made Elaina gasp and throw her hand over her lips. The girl began shaking her head as she looked over at Five with a guilty expression, making his brows furrow deeply.

"The hell is he talking about?" asked Five, glaring daggers at the teen as Tony blew him a taunting kiss with a wink.

"Doesn't she have the softest lips ever," teased Tony as he licked his lips. "So sweet,"

"Five, I swear to God, I-I-I didn't even..." she stuttered, unable to find the words. "It's not how he's saying it..."

"Aww," chimed in The Handler with a fake sympathetic expression as she folded her hands under her chin looking between the triangle of teens. "Trouble in paradise? It goes without saying that my son is quite the charmer, just like his mother," she chuckled.

Five's breathing intensified as his eyes pierced through Tony in his deadliest death stare. "Say another word... And it'll be your last..." Five threatened, earning a snort from the teen.

"I'm really pissing my pants," sarcastically responded Tony.

"Look, I don't know what the hell is going on," said Diego, holding his arms out between both parties. "All I know is that even with him, you're still outnumbered," the knife-wielder was beginning to fear that if the situation continued to escalate itself, he wouldn't be able to control either Five or Elaina, let alone both of them.

The Handler looked at Diego and nodded. "You know, you're right. Let's change that," she said as she held up her hand and snapped her fingers.

Soon, the field behind her started to populate with Commission agents, as they all appeared like Tony in flashes of blue with a briefcase and weapon in hand. The Hargreeves stared on in surprise, clearly not expecting The Handler to bring an army as the flashes seemed neverending as more and more agents appeared. Elaina's hand found Five's as she let out a shaky laugh.

"Of course," she said sarcastically as Five brought her closer to him.

The sounds of guns cocking echoed throughout the field as the agents prepared their weapons. Five let out a shaky sigh as he continued to look onward.

"So what do we do now?" questioned Diego.

"Well, we got two choices," calculated Five their situation. "Fight and die now or run and die later. Either way, we're food for worms,"

"Preference?" asked the man.

"I personally wouldn't mind a few more minutes breathing air through the old windbags," stated Elaina, to which Five nodded.

"I agree," said Five, causing Diego to nod.

"Alright," said The Handler, pulling out a red handkerchief. "Let's get this over with, shall we?" she said, dropping the handkerchief.

The Hargreeves understood the meaning of the handkerchief, knowing they had to get as far away as possible before it touched the ground.

"Run!" shouted Five as the three took off.

It wasn't even a few meters away before the army of Commission members chased after them, opening fire to the trio as they ran through the snow.

"Five! I can't shield us, the fire is too rapid!" yelled Elaina over the rounds.

Diego grunts as he attempts to avoid getting shot. "We're not gonna make it!"

Five reached out and grabbed Elaina's hand and grabbed Diego's shoulder.

"What are you doing!" shouted Diego just as Five jumped them further down the field, near a tractor. "Five, I think I'm gonna puke," groaned Diego as he felt the effects of space jumping.

"No time!" shouted back the boy as they skirted behind the tractor's wheel.

"What now?" asked Elaina as she ducked her head.

Diego looked over to Five. "Five, blink us into the house, man!"

"Okay," he said softly, grabbing on to both of them as he tried to jump again, but the ripples of energy faltered.

"What!" yelled Diego.

"Shit, I'm out of fuel," announced Five. "I'm too tired,"

"Damnit," sighed Elaina. She turned around and looked up, attempting to quickly conjure up her force field but yelped as a stray bullet nearly hit her.

Five immediately pulled her down. "No!" he yelled at her.

"I could do it! I just need to find the right opening," tried to explain Elaina as she tried to go back, but Five kept her in place.

"No!" shouted Five again. "You're not like how you used to be. These bullets could really hurt you,"

"Maybe!" exclaimed Elaina. "There's still a chance I could still heal from them,"

"Or not! We don't know!" Five yelled as he held her by the shoulder. "Look, I don't know what happened between you and that Tony kid, but I'm not going to lose you, okay?"

At his last sentence, Elaina remained still. "Five..."

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold it," cut in Diego with a hand up. "What are you two talking about? How is she different?"

Five and Elaina shared a look, the sounds of rounds fire overhead continued before Elaina spoke up.

"Dad's serum. It's wearing off," informed Elaina swiftly. "There's a 50-50 chance I could get shot and it won't heal like I normally do,"

Diego gave them a bewildered expression. "Since when?" he shouted over the gunfire.

"A week? Not sure, Dad was the one that confirmed it," she said. "We really don't have time for this!" she yelled as she tried to stand before Diego grabbed Elaina's shoulder.

"Go!" he told her. "I'll... I'll cover for you," he told her.

Elaina shook her head. "Diego no, I'm the one--" she started before he pulled her down, whispering something in her ears, making her eyes widened as he pulled back. "You're lying," was all she said as Diego shook his head. "Holy shit," she whispered, looking him over quickly.

"Now, go!" he shouted, ushering over to Five. "Take her, man!" yelled the knife-wielder as he launched himself back into the gunfire.

"Diego, what are you--" exclaimed Five, not quick enough as Diego dodged the incoming bullets.

"Wait, Diego!" exclaimed Elaina as Five grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into the house.

"Trust him!" shouted Five as he pulled her along.

Diego stood in front of the rapid five and held his arms outstretched as the bullets that neared him all slowly started to come to a stop. Hundreds of bullets remained frozen in the air before Diego redirected them in mid-air, making them go for a small oil tanker as the shots caused it to explode.

Five and Elaina managed to run inside the house as the bullet made contact with numerous items, ricocheting off of the walls and glass shattering everywhere. The two quickly ducked under the kitchen table for shelter as the bullets kept flying through. Their hands flew to their heads at first, shielding them from the debris before Five wrapped a protective arm around Elaina, bringing her closer to them as he attempted to cover her with his body.

"I love you!" shouted Elaina over the ruckus.

Five held her tighter. "I love you, too!" he yelled back.

Elaina managed to hold her hands up a tiny bit, just enough to summon a small force field to cover the two from the flying bullets. Suddenly, there was a sonic bang that rang out, the sheer force rocking the house as Five and Elaina continued to hold on to each other. After the bang, there was silence. The only thing that was heard was the sounds of the two teens panting as Elaina released her force field, allowing her and the boy to slowly crawl out from under the table.

Five helped Elaina up as they made their way over to the broken window and stared out of it. All the Commission members were taken out by Vanya's large sound wave -- all Commission members, with the exception of The Handler, Lila, and Tony, who all stood smugly under a familiar-looking transparent purple force field that saved them from Vanya's blast.

"Elaina isn't that your..." Five began to question the girl as she started shaking her head.

"That's not me," she informed him with a perplexed expression.


"Your turn, dears," announced The Handler from across the field to her children.

"I'll follow your lead 'big' sis," teased Tony as he nudged Lila's arm, earning a crooked smile from the woman.

"All your life, wanker," she nudged back before facing forward, her smile dropping as she brought her fists up to her chest, a very familiar white light shining there as her eyes turned white and she lifted in the air, very much like Vanya's white violin.

The sound of energy whooshing filled the air as Lila powered up.

"How is that possible?" questioned Elaina as she watched on in bewilderment.

"Shit. Shit," muttered Five as he grabbed Elaina's arm. "Duck!" he exclaimed as they took cover just as she released the pent up energy she charged up.

The intense blast threw back Vanya into the front of the barn, Luther crashed through the house's roof, making Five and Elaina look on in concern, Allison was thrown into a hay barrel, and Klaus was hurling towards the ground before some friendly cowboy ghosts appeared in time to catch him. Thankfully for Diego, he landed in the snow, barely missing getting crushed by the tractor he hid behind as it pinned down his foot.

The Handler cackled and Tony clapped as Lila slowly levitated down.

"Aah! Well done, darling," praised Lila's mother as the woman's feet touched the ground.

"Very badass, Crumpet," smiled Tony as his clapping came to a halt.

The Handler prepared her cigarette extender as she looked over to the bullet-ridden house's direction. "Let me know when you two have killed them all, will you?" she said, taking a drag from the extender.

Lila and Tony shared an unenthusiastic look before looking forward.

"Okay, Mum," solemnly said Lila as she walked away towards the house.

Tony stayed behind, looking over to his mother as she kept the tip of the extended between her teeth as she nodded her head once to the teenaged boy.

"I think it's time we add our additional member to the battle, don't you, Antonio?" she asked, taking another drag from her cigarette.

"Yeah," he agreed, taking a deep breath in. "We've kept her sleeping long enough. She's been resisting lately... I think the kiss is starting to wear off," he cautiously informed his mother as she gave him a calculated look.

"Well, you better get in there and top her off again in case she needs it," she told her son, he nodded and was about to walk away before The Handler grabbed his shoulder. "And if you must, make sure Five sees it. I want it to hurt,'' she smiled viciously.

"Yes, Mom," he said before his eyes turned black and Tony's body started to disintegrate into a cloud of black smoke and the teen disappeared.


"Luther!" exclaimed Elaina as she and Five rushed over to the groaning ape-man on the ground. "You alright?" she asked as she looked down at him before looking up to the hole in the roof his entrance caused.

Luther continued to groan. "Ahh, I think I swallowed my tongue," he said disorientedly.

"Luther, if you swallowed your tongue, you wouldn't be talking, you big moron,'' chastised Five as he bent down and grabbed his brother by the arm. "Come on, on your feet,"

Elaina chuckled as she took a step forward.


The girl froze, the corners of her lips turning downward as she listened to the voice, waiting for its next words as Five pulled Luther up.

Luther groaned. "Hey, what the hell happened? What was that?"

'...it's time to play...'

Five looked towards the direction of the blast. "She must've redirected Vanya's energy wave,''

Elaina's pupils fluctuated as they gradually grew, taking over her whites.

'...defend us... your family... against the Umbrella Academy...'

''Yeah, I know, but how?" questioned Luther.

'...you don't know these people... ...they're the true enemies...'

Elaina looked back up to the hole in the ceiling, noticing the chimney's loose wall of bricks as her black eyes slowly trailed back down, landing on Five and Luther as she took in their position. A cunning smirk spreading on her lips as she raised her hand up to the chimney.

'...Eliminate them all...'

Five turned his head back and caught a glance at Elaina. "Hon, what are you...?" he looked up to where her hand was pointed and his eyes widened. "Elaina--!" She blasted her force field at the collapsing chimney wall. "Luther, watch out!" shouted Five as he shoved Luther out of the way just as the bricks collapsed, engulfing the boy under its pile.

"Five!" yelled Luther as he panted, getting on his knees to shift through the bricks. "Five!" He looked up to see Elaina, looking down at him with crossed arms, a quirked brow, and an entertained look on her face. "Elaina, why are you just standing there? Five just got crushed by bricks!"

The girl shrugged carelessly as she kicked a stray brick that was in front of her towards the brick pile that covered Five. "Kid wasn't quick enough. And I have a feeling you won't be either."

Luther blinked a few times before jerking his head back, shocked by her words. "I'm sorry, what?" she took a step closer and by the light shining through the ceiling's hole, Luther noticed her eyes. "Wait, since when do your eyes turn black?"

"It's a new trick," came in a third voice. "I taught her," a cloud of black smoke floated around the air before settling beside Elaina, it started to form into a figure until Tony appeared.

The girl looked up at Tony, her sharp smile softening at the sight of him. "Hey, you," the teen turned to her and winked.

Luther scrunched up his face in confusion. "What are you?"

"Just a teenage boy trying to help his sister kill your brother," cooly said Tony, placing his hands on top of Elaina's shoulders as she eyed Luther like he was her next prey. "While using her to do it, isn't that awesome?"

"What?" exclaimed a bewildered Luther as his head snapped to Elaina.

Lila suddenly blinked into the room, her sights landed on Luther before moving over to Tony and the black-eyed Elaina. "Speak of the devil," said Tony.

Lila walked over and bent down in front of Elaina, as the girl tilted her head at the woman.

"What?" snapped Elaina. "Stop staring at me like that, it's weird. You're weird,"

"Who am I to you?" asked Lila with the corner of her lip raised.

Elaina turned to Tony with a questioning expression before looking back at Lila. "You're my sister. Duh," she stated like it was the simplest thing in the world. "Are you okay? Getting overwhelmed or something? Cause I can take over from here,"

The woman had to hold back her laughter as she bit her lip and smiled at Elaina. "Nope. Everything's just dandy, sis,''

Weirded out, the Dark Elaina just nodded. "If you say so,"

"The hell is going on here?" exclaimed Luther, as the trio looked over to the ape-man, almost forgetting that he was even there. "Elaina, you're not a part of them, you're a part of us! The Umbrella Academy. We're your family,'' tried to reason Luther as Elaina dully stared at him, the blacks of her eyes slowly retreating. "And Five," he motioned to the pile of bricks. "You love that little asshole!"

"Listen here, Donkey Kong," retorted Dark Elaina as she furrowed her brows. "I don't know who you are or what bullshit you're spewing, but the only person I love is right here," she said, grabbing on to Tony's arm, making the teen give Luther a gloating look. "And they are my family,"

Luther couldn't believe what he was hearing, let alone seeing as Elaina wrapped her arms around Tony's like she would Five, and gazed up at the kid in the same enamored way her and Five would look at each other. He didn't know what they did to his sister, but he didn't like it one bit.

The ape-man looked between Lila and Tony. "Look, I still don't really know who you are,"

"I literally just explained this," dryly stated Tony.

"I guess I'll just have to go slower," mocked Lila, earning a chuckle from the Dark Elaina. "I'm someone who wants to kill you brother,"

"Well, that's understandable. Diego can be a lot to handle. But I still don't get what that has to do with--"

"Yeah, I was talking about Five," Lila rolled her eyes.

"Jesus, are they all this stupid?" questioned Elaina.

Luther's eyes went to Elaina, but he ignored her comment. "Him, too,'' he then looked back at Lila. "But, unfortunately, they're family, and you did something weird to our sister, so you're shit out of luck," he said before pulling his closed fist back and launching it to Lila, who caught it with no difficulty much to Luther's astonishment.

"This is going to be good," whispered Tony in Elaina's ear as the pair watched on, the teen's hand landing on the girl's hip.

"How is this possible?" grunted Luther, straining as he pushed his fist against Lila's palm.

"Gotta believe in yourself, big boy," taunted Lila with a teasing smile before swinging him around once and launching Luther through the front of the house.

Elaina brought her hands together in a short applause. "Nice work. Apart of me wanted to blast him though,"

Lila walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You'll get your chance. There's still four more out there,"

Elaina smirked. "Fun,"


Here we have it, folks. Dark Elaina.

Feedback on how this chapter was written is alwaysss appreciated because this one was definitely a tough one lol.

Don't hate me!

Also, OMG, have you heard season 3 starts production in February? I'm dying!

I'll try to get the next chapter out asap :)

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