In A Heartbeat - Snippets

By someoneyouknoww

48.9K 2K 176

In A Heartbeat - SNIPPETS. The journey after the end...... ▶Irregular updates❕ ▶Images and GIFs belong to th... More

AU version. 1)


6K 332 21
By someoneyouknoww



Between Bonus-2 and Bonus-3

"Do you think she'll like it? "

"Of course sir, it's custom made, just like you asked for. And which women doesn't like that? "

"We can still exchange right? "

"Of course sir. "

"Thank you. And please make sure that it is delivered between 5-7 p.m. Not before or after that. And if anyone except me opens the door, you just say 'wrong address ' and give me a call. We can then sort it later. "

"Yes sir, as you wish."

"Thank you. "

I made my way out of the shop.

Today is Arya's birthday.

And I had a great surprise for her.
Atleast that's what I think.

I observed those googly eyes she made everytime she looked at one of those 'surprise. '

I just hope she likes it.

It's 3 now and in an hour or so, she'll be with Aarushi for shopping.

I made an excuse of having an important meeting to leave the house only to return back an hour after her departure.
Aarushi knew about my plan, but not the surprise.

Arya will be the first one to know.

I was planning this since last week. Finding the correct shop, making sure that it's according to her liking, placing the order and finally recieving it.

It's not something that special but she has been wanting one since she was 19.

I went to another store for another gift.

Quickly paying the amount and making sure it's well wrapped, I drove home.
(What do you think it is?
No cheating)

Man, she has made a mess out of our room.

Bedsheets disheveled. Clothes thrown here and there. Cupboard's doors opened.

This would take time.
I thought shaking my head.

Removing my shoes, I cleaned up everything.
Layed new fresh sheets, folded her clothes and also cleaned the bathroom.

Just as I finished, the doorbell rang.

5:40 p.m.

The clock showed.

I ran off to the front door and opened it.

"Order for Reyansh Gupta. "

"Yeah, that would be me. Please come in. "

"It won't break right? "

"No sir, our products are made of the greatest quality you'd ever have. "
He said in a proud tone.

Well, I can only believe him as of now.
Plus the reviews were positive when I checked on google.

"Okay, please put it here. "

"Are you buying that? "
Aarushi asked for the n-th time.

"I don't think so. "

"Why? "

"Because it's too revealing and I have gained weight. "

"All in right places. Go on, try it. "

I took the dress from the rack and went in the trial room.

We were roaming in the mall for the last hour and still nothing was bought.

Every time I picked something, it was either too bland or too flashy according to Aarushi.
And she didn't want her gift to be like that.

Pulling the dress down, I looked at my reflection.

The dress actually fits me perfectly.

All in all, I looked hot.
The neckline and the thigh-cut did wonders.

"So?? "
I raised an eyebrow, asking her views about this dress.

"Oh my! You look absolutely hot. Reyansh will be on his knees seeing you. Come on, let's pay and search for the perfect heels to go with it. "

She pushed me back in the changing room.

Shopping all the required things, we went to her house.

Aarushi insisted on having dressed up at her place and me being the best bestfriend gave in.

It was already 7.
I got dressed, wore the heels an
d accessories and I was done.

"You look stunning babe."
Aarushi fanned herself.

I chuckled at her silly behaviour.

We were all set to go to the club.

Reyansh, Rehaan and Kinjal will meet us there only.
Aarush was at his grandparent's place.

Driving through a fifteen minutes traffic, we reached " The Maple. "

"Hey guys. "
I greeted everyone and stood beside Reyansh who still looked shocked seeing me.

"Happy Birthdayyyy. "
Kinjal took me in a hug, followed by Rehaan and Aarav wishing me.

"You don't know what you are doing to me right now. "
He whispered in my ear, holding me tightly against him.

"I hope you liked it. "
I gave him a teasing smile.

"Like? I fucking loved it baby. You look ravishing. All I want to do is take you home and give you your gift, which certainly don't involve any clothes. "

This guy!

"Stop. "
I was feeling hot, confused whether it was this jam-packed club or his words.

Definitely the latter.

"Stop both of you. You can talk later at your house. Now, it's party timeeee. "
Aarushi's voice rang in the club.

Who will belive she's a mother.

We danced, talked, drank(no alcohol okay), danced again till we were thoroughly exhausted.

It was 11 when we decided to get back home.
Little Aarush was missing his mommy too much.

"You enjoyed? "
Reyansh asked as we got inside the lift.

"Yes. But I'm so tired now. I want to sleep. "
I leaned against him.

I was sleepy. And tired.

"Oh no no missy, we don't do that here. We aren't going to sleep until I am done now you. You teased me enough tonight with this dress of yours. "

And all of a sudden all my tiredness and sleep vanished into thin air.

"You can't say things like that. "
I said a little breathlessly.

"Okay. I'll not say anything, we'll directly get onto the act. Time to unwrap my return gift. "

What has gotten into him.

We reached our floor and he unlocked the door.

Closing the door with his leg, he took me the most passionate kiss I ever had.
Small glittery stuff fell on us.
Completely magical!!!!!!

and punctuated every word with a small peck.

His face had this contagious large smile, making me smile at him.

"You didn't get me anything? "

Whole day has passed and I'm still waiting for his gift.

"Oh. I was so busy today that –"

"Don't give me this century old excuse that you forget it. Hand me my gift now. "
I said authoritatively.

"You don't know how hot you look right now. Oh god, I'm imagining certain images involving you, me and our bed. Shit. You got me excited. "
He mumbled that latter part to himself but it was still audible.

My eyes went south to see the building tension between his pants.

"We can see the gifts later. Off to the bedroom. Now. "
I said pulling him with me.

And like the insatiable people we were, we jumped onto each other, letting Reyansh unwrap his gift for the coming hours.

"That was amazing. "

"Yeeesss. "
I burped.

We were eating this delicious sandwich which Reyansh made after our intense..... Err.... Gift unwrapping session???!!!

And god's swear, this sandwich was finger licking good.

"Make me this tomorrow and the coming overmorrows. I'm never getting enough of this. "

"As you say Arya. "

"Time for my gifts now. "
I forwarded him my palm.

"Your birthday is over. You can get them next year. "
He munched on my sandwich.

"And whose fault was that?"
I took it back.

"You were the one who pushed me in the bed. "
He innocently answered.

"I'm going to sleep. You can sleep on this sofa tonight. "
My mood quickly changed.
I was sad.

He really didn't get me anything?

I locked the bedroom and while laying on the bed, my gaze fell onto two small boxes wrapped in silver paper.

Excitedly, I opened my gifts.


He spends a lot on me.
Not that I'm complaining.

I wore the ring and it looked absolutely beautiful.
And it fits perfectly on my finger.

Through the mirror, I saw something else and that seriously got me.
ohhhhh my goddd!!!!!!!!

I opened the door as quickly as possible and jumped on his half conscious figure.

I squealed.

"You are the best fucking husband ever. I love you so so much. "

With that, I slammed lips onto his.

He took a few seconds before reciprocating.

"So, I am still sleeping on this couch ?"
He asked after a while. Breathlessly.

"No. You are coming with me. Jeez, I love you. So so so much. And I'm sorry. "

"Well, I can forgive you if you–"
He eyed my finger with a small smile.

"Say no more. "
I pulled him towards the bedroom, to show him how sorry and thankful I was.

And of course he complied with another biggest grin on his face.

Best birthday everrrr!!!!!

How are you all?

The big surprise will be actually revealed in the next chapter. 😁

I don't know if you'll find the gift interesting or not.
I don't want you to think that it's lame after all the hype I created.

Anyways, that'll be seen in the next chapter.

Guess what the gift would be!!!

Now, two things and for that I need your attention.

1) Why don't you guys vote.
What's the problem in pressing that little star button on the bottom left corner. 😐

This is what I'm talking about. So many people read but only a few of them vote. 😔

Do vote the chapter guys!!!!

2) I've two book ideas in my mind.

1- Office romance.

2- Short stories book.

Which one do you prefer?

Comment down and tell.😁

Hope you liked this chapter.

Press the star– I already pestered you a lot about voting.
Comment down your thoughts.

See you soon...


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