
By maois4ra

85 4 0

..fuccin hell my life is pretty messed up, enjoy my vents and some random shit i write in here. this is a saf... More

Tagged huhu
Holey cow
Hiraeth : Aijin, the great comforter
Young Sirius Black: that one argument
𝐿𝑦𝑟𝑒'𝑠 𝑀𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠
remus and sirius

That talk with my characters.

5 0 0
By maois4ra

{ hi everyone! Ms. Writer here ! Im just wondering if you guys wanted to know about the characters or something, so i just let you know here! Aku penat betul cakap inggeris ni, lidah bukan pure english pun! Anyway, we will start with characters from interdimensions and dimensions. If you guys haven't read it yet, please go and leave a vote! I would gladly accept it lol

" ms.writer, you talk too much, like deku," Katsuki glared at me.

{shut up you brat! im trying to talk here!}

" katsu-nii, should probably listen to her though."
" yeah, he's just a big headed guy, he loves ms.writer so much that he blushed every time," Sukina smirked to him.

{ its true! you are blushing! Oh my god, thanks for this early bread!}

" shut up dumbass! Am not!"
{you are!}
" am not!"
{you are!}

" actually i can state the fact that, he did blush when he talk with you now! Move on to the introductions !" she said.
" don't worry ms.writer, my sister is currently sleeping,"

{ puft! You always know what i was thinking!}
" well you are the writer??"
{oh of course! Lets go to the introduction!}
He shook his head lightly at me.

Y/N Samamoto

Quirk : genderbending, blood manipulation and inter-dimensional portal
Date of birth : (dd/mm)
Age when first debut: 16
Current age: 22
Job : pro-hero and a teacher a t UA High School
Status : Alive and married to Bakugo Katsuki
Blood type : O
Background check : before she lives in the real-life universe, her parents died in a building crash while a villain was attacking. Her quirk brought her there suddenly and dragged along with Karuhe, her brother.

Karuhe Samamoto

Quirk : intelligence
Date of birth : 15/6
Age when first debut : 5 years old
Current age : 15
Job : a part-timer at a hospital in Shizuoka and a middle-school student.
Status : alive {and still trying to fix his feeling toward sukina lol}
Blood type : AB
Background check : he knows nothing about the incident and was very surprised actually. {hes still a child, what do you expect?}

F/N Samamoto

Quirk : n/a
Date of birth : 4/5
age when first debut : 34
Job : a regular clerk
Status : dead
Blood type : AB
Background check : came from a regular family before meeting M/N. died from a building crash that was attacked by villains.

M/N Samamoto

Quirk : n/a
Date of birth : 17/8
Age when first debut : 32
Job : a regular clerk
Status : dead
Blood type : A
Background check : came from a scientist family. died from a building crash that was attacked by villains.

{gerds, i felt horrible writing this, are you guys sure you're okay?}
" well, i don't remember anything so, i'm, practically fine, but i don't know about her," Karuhe pointed at the main character beside him.
{ baby, are you okay?}
" ye-yeah, i'm fine..please continue!" She said with a smile trying to reassure me.

Sukina Sagewara

Quirk : loving eyes ?? specific name not available.
Date of birth : 28/2
Age when first debut : 13
Current age : 13
Job : a middle school student
Status : alive
Blood type : AB
Background check : Come from a rich family, mother's a doctor and father's a famous chef. And now lives with her mother.

Akira Sagewara

Quirk : X-ray
Date of birth : 8/10
Age when debut and current : 37
Job : a doctor
Status : alive
Blood type : A
Background Check : married at age 20 and divorced after five years marriage and now live with her daughter.

{uhh, who else that i didn't introduce?}
" you didn't remember your own characters? " Katsuki said  as a smirk appeared on his lips.
{ ahahahhahaha, stfu, im trying, anyway, i wanted all of you to know, uhh...introduce to you guys, someone that will help you guys in the books!}

They all raised an eyebrow at me, looking at me up and down.
{ w-what? don't look at me like that—i-i'm shy..}
" uh, seriously?"


Quirk : ????
Date of birth : ????
Age : ????
Job : Y/n's guardian ???
Status : Alive
Blood type : ????
Background check : still in investigation. first met with y/n at Michael's house. last seen at Bakugo's Hero Agency. Seems like he knows everything about y/n.

" this guys that always took care of her, seems sketchy.." Bakugo said under his breath.
{yes, indeed. i'm still wondering why'd he's here, anyway.}
" you're the writer dumbass! Don't just wonder!"

Aijin Takairu

Quirk : quirkless {or so they thought}
Date of birth : 19/5
Age : 29
Job : a teacher at UA.
Status : Alive
Blood type : B
Background check : **spoilers** {{people assumed he was quirkless but in fact he actually have a quirk called, dark cupid. he can send an emotions wave and made them break down (mentally). It will have to him to shoot the person by an arrow that he designed himself to send those waves.}} he's me.

" hey! Why can't we read all the beep's you put !" Sukina whined.
{You guys can't read it because you all might change the story or even your life. But you guys won't die in any time sooner, i promise.*wink*}

" but, ms.writer, about the last one, is that true? he's you? i mean- for real?"
{ yes babie, he'll break the fourth wall to talk to me while you guys do your things. Just don't get too excited. You will might hurt yourself.}

{ i'll talk about Mute later. Wait for me !(*^^)o*o(^^*)}

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