Harry Potter: Oliver Wood and...

By Thenextstepfan3

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A Weasley girl and a Wood boy together? What could go wrong? More

Chapter 1: Platform 9/34
Chapter 2: Hogwarts
Chapter 3: The private training lesson
Chapter 4: The last hybrid
Chapter 5: Who am I?
Chapter 6: The quidditch match part 1
Chapter 7: The quidditch game part 2
Chapter 8: I messed up
Chapter 9: I'm so sorry
Chapter 10: Would you be my girlfriend?
Chapter 11: The hybrid princess
Chapter 12: It's my job to protect her
Chapter 14: My last full day at the burrow
Chapter 15: Goodbye for now

Chapter 13: When are you two going to get married?

170 5 0
By Thenextstepfan3

Siobhan's POV

After breakfast....

We got changed and we quickly went outside to play quidditch, we were pretending to be chasers on different teams.

Later on...

I scored some goals before I got enough points beating Oliver, I landed my broom before he landed his broom right beside me, He then said to me "Hey, you cheated" "I didn't cheat, I just am a great chaser" "You should have been a chaser then" "No thanks, I prefer being a seeker besides, I love chasing the golden snitch" "You love chasing me too" "No, I don't" "Haha, yes you do, besides I am the best player on the team" "Hey!, I'm the one that makes the team win" Oliver then started tickling me and i kept on laughing as we fell to the ground and as I started tickling him too.

Third person's POV

Molly was watching Oliver and Siobhan before Arthur said to her "She really does remind me of her mother" "Yeah, she's a lot like Ashley but I miss her so much" "We've raised her daughter to the best of your abilities" "No, we've raised her daughter to the best of our abilities" 

Oliver's POV

Later on....

It was after dinner and Arthur and Molly had gone to bed leaving the older Weasley siblings and I responsible for the younger Weasley siblings, Siobhan was sitting next to me on a couch and I had one of my arms warped around her, Ginny then said to us "So when are you two going to get married?" I watched as Bill was going to tell Ginny off for asking us that question before Siobhan said to her "Sometime when we both finish our time at Hogwarts, we're not worried about that yet, Ginny" Fred then said to Ginny "They aren't going to get married yet but they'll get married as soon as she 18 years old" Bill then slapped the back of Fred's head saying to him "She's not to marry him as soon as she turns 18" George then said "Not unless she's eating for two" Bill then slapped the back of George's head saying to him "She's not going to eating for two at 18, you idiot" Ron then said "What does George mean by she's eating for two?" Siobhan then said to Ron "You'll understand it one day when you are older, Ron, it's more for people who are my age and who are older then me" "But I want to know now" "Ronald Bilius Weasley, do not make me send you up to bed right now if you want to know what it means" "All right, I'll stop asking"

Later on...

Everyone had gone off to bed and I was sitting up in bed beside Siobhan awake and thinking before I said to her "Babe?" "Yes" she said waking up and sitting up next to me, she then said to me "I know that you aren't sleeping, I can tell by your face, it's your thinking face" "How do you know-" "When you make up plays for quidditch, you use the same face for when you are thinking of new ideas for plays" "Oh okay" "Why can't you sleep?" "I was thinking about our future, getting married and having kids" "We aren't going to have a whole team of quidditch players" "I know that you might not want to have 7 kids like your mom did, your worried that you are going to become a stay at home mom like she did to raise them" "How did you-" "I can tell when George was talking about you having a baby when you are 18, your expression changed to worry and fear about becoming like your mom, I'm not going to force you to have one until you are ready to, I love you and I just don't want to make you have one when you don't want to have one with me" "Babe, it's okay, I'll tell you when I am ready, let's get back to sleep now" "But-" She then kissed me interrupting me before she said to me as she laid down "If you go to sleep now, I'll kiss you in the morning" "Goodnight, my love" "Goodnight, Ollie" I then went to sleep dreaming of Siobhan and I in the future.

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