Fire and Earth

By WeDoOurBest

57 1 0

WE DO NOT OWN AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER (May change Title) After loosening a fight with his father, Pyro goe... More

The Boy In The Iceberg
The Avatar Returns/ The Southern Air Temple
The Warriors of Kyoshi
The King of Omashu
The Waterbending Scroll


16 0 0
By WeDoOurBest

I forgot to add that Gaia was with the Pirates. ~Quintin
How did we forget that?

    The group had stopped in the middle of a forest to rest. "Where's Momo?" "Aang he's not my lemur how would I kno-" Gaia's sentence got caught off by a screech. "I think he's that way." Pyro said looking in the direction the screech came from.

     They went over to go rescue Momo and these two weird monkey looking thing from traps. "These are Fire Nation traps. You can tell from the metal work. We should pack up camp and keep moving." Sokka said looking up at Aang. The group started packing up with no complaints with the plan.

     Gaia was about to start putting Crane into the transport basket when Sokka butted in. "Uh-uh! We are not flying this time!" "What? Why wouldn't we fly?" Aang asked taking the words out of Gaia's mouth. "Think about it. Someone Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa, he's just too noticeable."

     "You do have a po-" "What? Appa's not too noticeable." Katara interrupted Pyro. "He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head!" Sokka said pointing at Appa. "Yeah, that's kinda hard to miss." Gaia said. Appa gave a growl of disapproval. "Sokka's just jealous because he doesn't have an arrow." Aang reassured the gigantic cotton ball.

      "I know you all want to fly, but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk." Sokka said. "It seems logi-" "Who made you the boss?" Katara injected. I didn't sign up for being interrupted by Katara every five minutes but ok. Pyro thought to himself. "I'm not the boss, I'm the leader." Sokka said matter of factually. "Sokka you are everything but the leader. Though I do agr-"  "You're the leader? But you voice still crack-"

    "Katara we get it you like to interrupt people, but seriously I agree with Sokka on this one." Gaia said sounding more annoyed than usual. "If anyone is the leader, it's Aang. I mean he is the avatar." Katara said completely ignoring Gaia. "Are you kidding? He's just a goofy kid." Sokka said. "He's right." Aang said in agreement.

     By this time Gaia and Pyro started doing their own things. Gaia had started fiddling with a wooden puzzle block that she pulled out of her bag. She had almost finished it when Katara announced that they reached the verdict of walking. "Alright." Gaia said getting up from where she was sitting.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     "Walking stinks! How do people get anywhere with a flying Bison?" Aang asked. "I don't know, Aang. Why don't we ask So-" "Gaia. We will ask Gaia because she didn't even know flying bisons existed until a week ago." Gaia butted in quickly. Katara didn't seem too happy about being interrupted.

     Another petty squabble about Sokka's instincts occurred. Gaia didn't care to listen. What stuck out though was Sokka saying something about them being safe from the Fire Nation as they walked into a camp of said nation. "Sokka what the fu-" "Gaia!" "RUN!!!" No one had to tell Gaia twice. That's when a soldier oh so conveniently cut off their path with fire.

     Sokka was also set on fire. Katara had to make Sokka not on fire. Sokka turned to the soldiers and said, "If you promise to let us pass, we won't hurt you." "What are you doing?!" Gaia whispered yelled at him. "Bluffing." "You, promise not to hurt us?" One of the Fire Nation soldiers asked. Pyro was currently hiding behind Gaia so the soldiers wouldn't see and recognize him. That's when the soldier fell to the ground. "Nice work, Sokka. How did you do that?" Aang asked. 

     "Instincts?" "Look!" Katara said pointing up. Gaia looks up to see a group of attack childrn dropping down from the trees. That's when Gaia decided to join the attack children and beat up the Fire Nation soldiers. Katara and Aang joined in. Sokka tried to but one of the attack children got there faster. Gaia turned just in time to see one massive dude break some soldiers swords with a log. Sokka tried to help again but the same kid from before was faster yet again.

     The kid who kept stealing Sokka's thunder stopped right in front of Katara after taking out the last soldier. Gaia didn't know if she liked them yet or not. "Not to be ungrateful for the help or anything but who the heck are you guys?" She asked. "I'm Jet and these are my Freedom Fighters, Sneers, Longshot, Smellerbee, The Duke, and Pipsqueak." Jet responded. "Pipsqueak, that's a funny name." Aang said to the shortest of the freedom fighters. That's when the giant guy from earlier leaned down and asked, "You think my name is funny?"

     Gaia thought Aang was about to get punted out of existence. Instead Aang responded with "It's hilarious." Gaia thanked whatever higher-power was out there when the big guy started laughing. Gaia turned back to Jet, "I'm Gaia and these guys are Aang, Sokka, Katara, and the guy cowering behind the bison over there is Pyro," she then turned her attention to the firebender, "Stop being antisocial and come meet people."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

     The Freedom Fighters started raiding the camp. Gaia settled for sitting on Crane as she continued to work on the puzzle block. Pyro was sitting on a rock reading something. The Duke announced that he found some blasting jelly and  Pipsqueak had found some jellied candies. "Let's not get those mixed up." Jet said. Gaia and Pyro silently agreed.

     Gaia decided to stop listening. She only had one peace of her puzzle block left before Aang told them they were going to the Freedom Fighter hideout. Gaia put it back in her bag unfinished.

     On the way to the hideout they made casual conversation. "So are you all benders?" Jet asked. "All of us except Sokka," Aang started, "I'm an airbender, Katara's a waterbender, Gaia's an earthbender, and Pyro's a fireb-" "A firebender?! Do you guys actually trust him?!" Jet asked raising his weapon toward Pyro as did the other Freedom Fighters. "Yes, yes we do." Gaia said jumping off Crane to put herself in between Pyro and the attack children.

     "You can't be serious!" Smellerbee said looking at Gaia. "I am very serio-" "But he's part of the Fire Nation!" Jet said aggressively. "No, he's a firebender. Last time I checked that doesn't mean he's part of the Fire Nation. Also, before you say it does I'm an earthbender yet I am not a part of the Earth Kingdom." Gaia said. "I still don't trust him." Jet said crossing his arms.

     "Would it be better if we tied him up?" Katara asked from the side. Jet looked at his Freedom Fighters. They nodded in approval. They tied Pyro up and they were back on the road.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~

     "We're here." Jet announced to the group. "Where? There's nothing here." Sokka said. "Uhh, Sokka?" Gaia asked seeing a glimpse of a base hidden up in the trees. "Here, hold this." Jet said handing Sokka a rope. "What's this d- AHHHHH" Sokka yelled as the rope dragged him up. "Aang?" "I'll get up my own way." Aang told the Freedom Fighters leader as he blasted himself into the air.

     "I'll getup my own way too. Hey, Crane,  you can run around the forest as long as you can stay out of trouble, ok?" Gaia told the furry beast. Crane gave a happy growl in response as he turned and ran into the forest. Gaia turned and used earthbending to throw herself into the base. Jet carried Katara up and Smellerbee was tasked with dragging Pyro up. Gaia kind of felt bad for leaving him down there but oh well.

     "Nice place you got!" Aang yelled as he zoomed by on a zip line. "It is quite nice." Gaia said in a monotone voice. "Gaia why do you only sound angry or emotionless when you meet new people?" Katara asked her. "Because, they haven't achieved level five friendship yet." "You're weird, I like you." Smellerbee said from behind Gaia. "That's nice." Gaia responded.

     Gaia tuned out as Jet started talking about how he was wanted by the Fire Nation. Gaia decided too explore. She decided to drag Pyro around with her. "So, how was your trip up to the tree house?" Gaia asked Pyro. "Smellerbee hit me on like seven tree branches." "Oh wow." "Yeah, it was it very fun." The two continued to talk until Jet walked up to them.

     "I want to talk to you." He said to Gaia. "Ok." Gaia walked off with Jet leaving Pyro alone. "Oh, it's you." A voice said from beside him. "What are you doing here?!" Pryo said as turned to see the little boy from the Hei Bai village. "I walked. Also why you tied up." "The Freedom Fighters don't like firebenders. Are you a Freedom Fighter?"  "No." "Then how did you get in their tree house?" "We're in a tree," he looked over the edge, "OH! We are in a tree. I have no idea how I got here."

     "That might be a problem. Anyway I never got your name." Pyro told him. "Oh, my name is Mori. What's yours?" "Pyro. Also what are you doing here?" "I was trying to find my sister then I ended up here. I should probably go before these Freedom Fighter people think I'm an intruder." Mori said scratching his chin. "That would probably be for the best." "Before I go you do remember what I told you right?" "Yes, I do." "Good. Now, I will take my leave."

     "Goodbye, Mori." Pyro said. "Bye." Mori started to walk away. Pyro looked away then it hit him  how is he gonna get down? Pyro looked over to see Mori had just vanished. That's weird. Pyro thought to himself.

~~~~~~~This time skip is name Benson~~~~

           It was dinner time. Gaia looked around and realized how many Freedom Fighters the actually were. Jet started announcing things. Cheers and boos rung through the tree house. Gaia was impressed how easily Jet could bring all of the kids together. Jet sat back down and Gaia stopped listening. That was until Jet mentioned needing Gaia and Sokka for an important mission.  The night continued and Gaia was stared to wonder about things.

      She thought of her past. She thought about her family and what could have been. She wondered about what would have happened if she would have stayed with the pirates. She shook her head and decided to go to bed.

~~~~~~Start giving us time skip name ideas in the comments~~~~~~~~

     Gaia, Sokka, Jet, and some other Freedom Fighters were up in the trees waiting for the enemies to show themselves. Turns out their was only one. Who turned out to be a feeble old man. At that point Gaia was starting to get suspicious. At first she was suspicious of the old man then of Jet after he dive bombed the poor guy. Gaia decided to take control after Pipsqueck knocked the man down.

     "Hey! What is wrong with you two?!" Gaia said angerly as she jumped from the tree. "He's Fire Nation!" Jet said. "So?! Not everyone from the Fire Nation is dangerous. There are innocent bystanders in war, on both sides." "Well he isn't one." "How do you know Jet? I'm starting to think you don't care if someone is innocent. I think that you want revenge so bad that anyone will do. Let me tell you something Jet. That mentality makes you just as bad as our enemy."

      "How could you say that knowing what the Fire Nation did to your family?" Jet asked coldly. "Because I would be disappointing my father  if  I did not. Though if you are so hellbent that he is dangerous I will search him without the use of brute force." Gaia said walking to the old man. "I am so sorry about this, sir." She quickly searched him finding absolutely no dangerous contraband.

     She turned to Jet, "Like I said he is not dangerous. Now do me a favor, Jet, and go find this poor man's cane that you so rudely threw into slung into the forest." She turned to Sokka and mouthed something along the line of that was so messed up right. Sokka nodded. "And why should I do that?" Jet asked crossing his arms. "Because I shove a rock the size of your tree house so far up your [redacted] that you'll split in two." She said smiling at Jet.

~~~~~~~This is time skip Jerry~~~~~~~~~~

     "Hey guys is Jet back?" Katara asked. "Yes and we are leaving." Sokka answered. "What?" "Why?" Aang and Katara asked. "Jet and his thugs tried to beat up and innocent old man." Gaia said coldly. Aang and Katara then justified it with a shoulder shrug and a, "Maybe he wasn't that innocent." "I literally searched him Katara!" Gaia yelled. "I wanna hear Jet's side of the story." Katara said and Gaia groaned.

     "He was an assasin." Jet said explaining his "side" of the story. Jet pulled out a knife, "When we searched th-" "We you mean I? And I know that knife was not on that man! And you can't say you searched him after I did because I broght up the rear and multiple people who watched us come back can atone to that!" Gaia said quickly. "I'm sure that's  not true." Katara said. "Yeah." Aang said. "That's it!" Gaia threw her hands up and walked out of the room. She then left base.

     "Crane! Come here boy!" Gaia yelled and waited. Soon enough the Shirshu romped through the bushes and stopped in front of her. "There's my good boy. Let's go on a walk." Crane gave a happy bark.

~~~~~~~This is time skip Jack~~~~~~~~~

      Gaia had decided to spend the night in the forest with Crane. She woke up to Crane softly boofing at something. "Crane would you cut that out it's probably nothing," that's when she looked up to see some Freedom Fighters wheeling a cart with Jet at the lead and Sokka secretly following them in the trees above, "Nevermind." "Stay here boy." Gaia said starting to follow them.

     Sokka noticed Gaia and nodded to her. She nodded back. They knew what was up. They followed them to the reservoir. Where Jet said they were going to wipe out the Fire Nation troops there and the town of innocent people along with it. Gaia looked over to see Sokka getting kidnapped. "[redacted]" Gaia knew Aang and Katara wouldn't listen to her. She had to make a plan and fast.

     Gaia quickly ran back to where she left Crane. "Look, Crane, we don't have much time until sunrise so we gotta move fast."

~~~~~~~~This is time skip Lola~~~~~~~~

Gaia watched Katara, Aang, and Jet from a distance ready to set her plan in motion. Pyro had been dragged and set down at the river's side. She watched Katara and Aang start bending water into the river. She hoped Crane succeeds at his part of the plan. Gaia continued to watch waiting for her chance.

The two finished bending the water and went to meet Jet at the a different place then originally planned. They dragged Pyro behind them. Gaia followed silently knowing her plan was about to be set in motion.

They made it to the top and saw that the Freedom Fighters were placing barrels of blasting jelly around the dam. Gaia relished in the realization on their faces for a brief moment. Aang opened his glider and was about to fly down to stop them but Jet quickly appeared and took the glider from Aang.

A big epic betrayal moment happened. Katara blasted Jet with some water. Soon a fight for Aang's glider broke out. In the midst of all the fight Pyro had tried to knock Jet over by rolling but got kicked off the cliff instead. Thankfully Kira had been at the right place at the right time and dived after her owner.

Gaia quickly moved past the and went a little further down. She then made her way to the edge. She knew if Aang could not stop the dam from exploding in time it was up to her, Crane, and Sokka to save the village.

Gaia shuddered as she heard what must have been Jet's signal. She quickly go into position as the dam exploded. Gaia mustered all her strength. She used giant boulders to make a makeshift dam to catch the water.

Gaia knew she could not hold it together for very long but it would buy Crane and Sokka a little more time. Her legs started becoming weak under the pressure of holding the boulders together. Gaia crumbled to the ground as the boulders fell and the water rushed.

She could only hope the other two had succeeded. Gaia's eyelids felt heavy as she completely fell to the ground. Gaia sent a silent prayer before fainting.

~~~~~~~~~This is time skip Bethany~~~~~~

"Gaia! Gaia where are you?! Pyro yelled flying on Kira. After Sokka came back on Crane with the news that the villagers were safe was where Gaia was. They were hoping that when she made the boulder wall that she was up on the cliff and not in the water's path.

Pyro looked down when Kira squeaked loudly. "Kira, land now!" He jumped down and ran to Gaia's hopefully alive body. Pyro swiftly made sure she was still breathing before telling Kira to go find the others.

By the time the rest of the group got there Gaia was awake and sitting up against a tree. "Next time we say someone is bad just listen." Gaia said. "We will, Gaia," Katara started, "We're sorry. We really should have listened." "Here, Gaia, drink this." Aang said handing her some water.

"Is it poison." She asked. "No." "I wish it was." "No, bad." Katara said waving a finger at Gaia. The group laughed. They started loading up their things and got ready to go. After they got their stuff they loaded onto Appa and flew into the sunset.


Hello to all of you amazing people!! It's me, Yule. I hope you all like this chapter. It's the first one I've written by myself. It also took forever and I am very sorry about that. Anyway keep it classy and not trashy kids! Peace!

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