Criminal Minds - Plane Crash

Por netflixbinger246

12.8K 302 114

When on their way California to catch a serial killer who is on the verge of a psychotic break, The team is l... Más

2-Girllll wya?
3-bloody sweater
4-race against gravity
5-minus one
Chapter 8-How it all began (part 2)
Chapter 10-How it all Began (part 4)
Chapter 11- Back from the dead
Chapter 12- Nightmare repellent
Chapter 13- More depressing stuff✨
Chapter 14-Reassurance
Chapter 15- Lost and Found
Chapter 16-Confessions
Chapter 17-The End(A.E. pt.1)
Chapter 18-The End (A. E. pt. 2)

Chapter 9- How it All Began (part 3)

647 16 13
Por netflixbinger246

Warnings: none
Word count: 2090

Morgan's POV:
I can't keep the guilty thoughts out of my mind. If I had just listened to my gut and kept her from leaving the safety of the police station, she wouldn't be here. She wouldn't be down the hall in the operating room right now, fighting for her life. We would all be on the plane ride home, joking around with each other. We would all be happy. Now, instead, we're in the waiting room, silently comforting each other and praying that she makes it off that table. I can't believe that I may never get to see her again, someone who has become such an important aspect in my life. The image of her dead body refuses to leave my mind. I can't seem to think about anything else other than her laying there, head in Reid's lap, unmoving. I actually watched my little sister die right in front of me. I had to kneel over her body and resuscitate her. I can't focus on anything else other than what the black and blue bruises looked like in contrast to her pale, lifeless skin. As of right now, I don't know if that's an image I'll ever forget. Not for a long time.

3rd Person POV:
"Does anyone want coffee?" Prentiss asks, breaking the overwhelming silence that enveloped the waiting room. All of the agents hands go up, other than Reid's, who still has yet to utter a word, much less look at anything other than the wall. JJ nods her head in his direction, signifying to get him one as well, before standing up and walking out with Emily. "I'll help." She says simply, to which Prentiss nods.
Three hours, and two cups of coffee later, Rossi finally strikes up a conversation. "Do you guys remember that one time that she(Y/n) managed to take down that entire group of like four men that were all like twice her size?" Morgan nods. "We all rush in there thinking she was going to need backup, but we find her just standing there, barely a scratch on her, surrounded by four huge dudes, all unconscious." He lets out a dry chuckle. "She is quite the badass." JJ replies. They continue to share stories about the injured agent, laughing once and a while about the crazy stories they each have of her. From time to time, one of them will spare a look in Reid's direction, seeing him crack a smile at their funny remarks about Y/n. They all know he's listening intently to their conversation, and he eventually turns to them and joins it, throwing in little pieces of commentary here and there, making the whole team burst out in laughter. There was no doubt in their minds that him and Y/n had an amazing friendship, but they hoped deep down that one day, they would get together. They all thought they would be the perfect couple, but they were all under the impression that there were no romantic feelings involved, if only they knew.
"Y/n, Y/l/n?" Suddenly the conversation subsides, and the whole group is out of their seats, rushing to where the nurse is standing in a matter of seconds. "She made it through the surgery." This sent a wave of relief across the agent's faces. "But she is not out of the woods yet, I'm afraid. The first twenty four hours after this kind of surgery are crucial. While this is good news, I wouldn't get your hopes up quite yet." She says, a sympathetic smile on her face. They all nod in agreement. "Can we see her?" Garcia asks. "She's on meds that will keep her unconscious for the time being, but you can go ahead and wait with her if you'd like. She's in room 114." She sends one final smile, then walks off, leaving the team to get to her room. Hotch walks in first, instantly shocked at the scene in front of him. His hand covers his mouth, and he ushers the rest of his team in the hallway near her room, with tears threatening to fall down his face. After seeing their boss react like that, they knew that it was nothing good. They all prepared themselves to walk in, Hotch giving them an uncertain looks as they gave him ones to say that they were ready. But, knowing that he wasn't going to win that argument, he slowly nods his head, letting them enter her room. Rossi and Morgan were in front, immediately gasping, then proceeding to shed a few tears at the team member in front of them. She had wires protruding from all over her chest and arms, and a tube in down her throat. The sound of machines whirring is not enough to silence there quiet sobs though, which is why Emily and JJ proceed with caution, instantly breaking down at the sight of her skin, which was nearly matching the color of the pristine white sheets on her hospital bed. If not for the purple bruises, and the irritated stitching pattern on her skin from the sutures, she would blend right in to it. Putting on brave faces, Garcia and Reid walk in, Garcia stops near the doorway with the rest of her team, a utterly shocked expression on her face. Meanwhile, Spencer immediately makes his way next to Y/n, pulling up a chair, and sitting at her bedside; wrapping his much larger hand around hers. Tears flowing down his face once more.
Garcia and JJ break down in sobs once more, and they, along with Prentiss, decide to go to the bathroom to try and compose themselves. Morgan decides to tentatively approach the bed, opposite of Reid. He gingerly pulls a chair out from where it was stood against the wall, moving it closely to where she lays, unmoving. Before sitting down, he hovers over her, placing a brotherly kiss against her forehead. He gently places his hand on top of her own, noticing how cold it was, he lifts the corner of the blanket up over their still intertwined hands, while gently moving his thumb up and down her hand in a comforting way, more for himself than for her. He looks over at the young doctor, seeing him look down at his best friend with a sense of fear in his eyes, fear that she wasn't going to recover from this, fear that he was never going to be able to let her know how much she means to him. Hotch and Rossi also brought chairs over, but were left with the chairs that resided closer to the end of the bed. Rossi looked up at her, the way that a father would look down on his sick child, rubbing a repetitive circular pattern just below her knee, trying not to let another wave of tears cloud his vision.

Prentiss's POV:
I can't stand to see Y/n like that. Over the couple years that she's been working at the BAU, we've grown particularly close. She's the one I always went to if I ever needed to vent about anything. Whether it was relationship problems, work problems, or literally anything else that I needed to get advice on, she always listened intently and gave me advice on how to handle it. I will always call her up if I ever need a 'friendly neighborhood therapist' as she likes to call herself, if anything even mildly aggravating thing occurs. I can't imagine the BAU without her. Even though she's the newest member of the team, she just was the piece of the puzzle that made it click right into place. She's great in the field, she can and has kicked Morgan's ass a few times. She's also exceptionally smart. But most of all, she's the most caring and empathetic person you'd ever have the pleasure of meeting. I need her to be okay.

As we finish up with our words of encouragement x sob sesh in the bathroom, we are finally going to face the music. We walk hand in hand, Garcia in the middle, JJ on the left, and me on the right. When we finally get back to room 114, we all hesitate for a moment, JJ's hand on hovering again see the door knob. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, then nod at her and she slowly opens the door. I walk in first, instantly met with the heart wrenching site. I could barely hold myself together at the site before me. I walked in to see all four men clumped in the middle of the room surrounding her bed, where she is totally dependent upon the machines and wires strewn about everywhere. They don't hear us come in, all seemingly in a trance brought on by the girl in the middle of the bed they are all seated around. I break from Garcia's grasp on my hand, walking to the foot of the bed, closest to Hotch and Rossi. I slowly walked over to her bed, gently sitting on the edge of it, right by the end of the bed, where her feet don't quite reach the end. Hotch sends a look my way, merely to acknowledge my presence, before standing up and offering his chair to either JJ or Garcia, and walking away from the bed, sitting on the bench farther away. JJ sits opposite of me, still on the bed, while Garcia takes Hotch's seat. Without uttering a word to each other, we all just reach out and try to comfort ourselves by the few signs of life that are coming from Y/n. For me, I direct my attention to the rhythmic beeping of her heart monitor. Just holding onto the fact that for now, she's alive and that's all that matters. A few hours pass, and we relatively stick to the same spots we were in when us girls first walked in, Not muttering a single word.
3rd person POV:

Eventually, all the agents except for Reid and Morgan make their way to the couches set up against the walls of the hospital room, not sure how the rest of these twenty four hours are going to end for the young agent after surgery.
JJ's phone rings, making all the agents jump, except for Spencer and Derek, who were still yet to move a muscle from their original spots. JJ collects her phone and walks out of the room.

I look down at my phone to see that Will was calling. I never told him that Y/n had gotten kidnapped, I couldn't bring myself to talk about it. I swiftly walk out of the room for some privacy.
JJ's phone call:
W) Hey Jayje, I just got home, have you finished the case?
J)Yeah, that's what I need to talk to you about.
W)JJ, what's wrong? Have you been crying?
J) umm this case was uh it was really hard.
W) What's goin on JJ?
J) um the victim, it was Y/n.
W) Oh my hell, Jayje? Wait, was?
J) um no, no, she made it. She got out of surgery a few hours ago. She doesn't have the greatest of odds.
W) what happened?
J) she got kidnapped outside the police station. The unsub sent videos of her being beaten to us. Will, I can't stop thinking about it. When we got there, she died, Derek had to do CPR. Then in the ambulance, she coded again. She was in surgery for 9 hours. The doctor said not to get our hopes up, whatever the hell that means. Well, I know what it means, but still.
W) Sweetie I'm so sorry. Do you need anything? Me and Henry could stop by, maybe seeing him will lighten the mood a bit?
J) I'm sure it would, but s-she doesn't look like herself. I don't want Henry to see have to see that. She's so pale Will. I can't imagine-
* just then was she cut off by a heart monitor flat lining, and screams of agony from the room she just left.*
W) JJ what was that? What's going on?
*JJ sped off into the room, her phone dropping to the floor.*

A/n: ooooooh here's a cliffhanger, except it's not really a cliffhanger because this is a flashback so you all know that she doesn't die. Again, I would really like some feedback. Thanks!!!

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