Two Pink Lines

By graynovembers

43.9K 871 230

Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn's lives take a wild turn, when Taylor discovers she's pregnant. How will they cope... More

chapter 1
chapter 2: mood swings
chapter 3: names
chapter 4: the nursery
chapter 5: insecure
chapter 6: yoga
chapter 7: beautiful & bad
chapter 8: hormones
chapter 9: ankle argumenfs
chapter 10: about time
chapter 11: hes here
chapter 12: coming home
chapter 13: exhausted
chapter 14: alone time
chapter 15: dada
chapter 16: my town
chapter 17: one year
chapter 18: bad days
chapter 20: a test
chapter 21: one pink line
chapter 22: safe
chapter 23: then there were three
chapter 24: watching the fire glow

chapter 19: missing you

1.4K 31 17
By graynovembers

September 14th - James is almost two years old

Taylor, Joe, and James were going to Elizabeth and Richard's house for a Sunday roast, which had become a tradition between them. Tom's family would be there as well.

"Auntie Tay!" Rosie, Tom (Alwyn)'s daughter ran over to her as soon as Taylor walked into the house. "You need to help me with my dolls!"

Tom walked over to Rosie, "Rosie, remember to say hi first."

"Hi," Rosie said quickly, before looking expectantly at her. "So dolls now?"

Taylor laughed, "Sure."

She handed James to Joe, letting Rosie lead her over to the playroom. Joe chuckled, turning to Tom. "Where are Mum and Dad?"

"Mum's in the kitchen and Dad and Patrick are in the living room watching the football game," Tom said.

Joe nodded, and they walked towards the living room, sitting down on the couch next to Patrick, setting James down on his lap. They sat watching football for a while, while James was drawing on his small Ipad.

That was until Rosie came running out, tugging on Joe's arm. "Uncle Joe! We need your help!"

"Oh?" Joe said. "Alright then."

Joe set James in Patrick's lap, before letting Rosie drag him to the playroom. Taylor was sitting there, next to an assortment of dolls. "Uncle Joe's here!" Rosie announced. "He can play as King Joe."

"Oh, I'm a king now?" Joe raised an amused eyebrow.

"Yeah," Rosie said, a serious look on her face. "Auntie Taylor is Queen Tay, queen of the Crystal City. I'm the princess of the Crystal City, and Auntie Tay and I are going to get makeovers! We need you to look over the city while she's doing that."

Joe nodded, giving a small salute, "Will do."

Rosie gave him a serious nod, before turning to Taylor. "Do you think Mummy will let me use her makeup?"

"I'm not sure, maybe you could go ask her," Taylor said.

Rosie jumped up, running back out to the living room. Joe chuckled, turning to Taylor. "So Queen Tay, how's it going?"

"It's great, so far I've successfully taken down the evil Crystal Master." Taylor giggled.

Joe smiled, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, "Good for you."

Taylor laughed, before seeing Rosie walk back into the room, with a bag full of makeup in her hand. "Mummy said yes! But she said not too much."

"Alright then, am I doing your makeup or are you doing mine?" Taylor asked.

"I'm going to do yours first!" Rosie said. "You need to look very pretty for the ball."

"Are we going to a ball?" Taylor smiled.

Rosie gave an affirmative nod, opening up the makeup bag. "Sit still," Rosie said, opening up a foundation bottle.

"Oh, you're going straight in," Taylor said.

Rosie nodded, applying splotchy foundation with her hands. Joe watched with a humored smile, and Rosie gave him a glare. "Focus on the kingdom," Rosie said.

Joe nodded, turning his gaze back to the plastic castle. Taylor tried to hold back a laugh, letting Rosie apply lipstick. After five minutes Rosie got bored and called it good. "Taadaa!" Rosie said, showing off Taylor's half-done face.

Joe turned to look at her and tried not to burst out laughing. Somehow lipstick had ended up on her forehead, and there were parts of her face that had no makeup at all. "You look beautiful," Joe complimented her. "Good job Rosie."

Rosie smiled proudly. "Now you do my makeup."

"Okay," Taylor said, taking the makeup bag.

After doing very light makeup on Rosie, Taylor was done. Rosie smiled, "I look so pretty."

Taylor smiled, "Yes you do."

Rosie grinned, "Yay! Now we can go to the ball."

Taylor nodded, and Rosie handed her the doll. "Here," Rosie said. Taylor took the doll, standing it upright. "Uncle Joe, you're this one." She handed Joe his doll.

"We will all walk into the ball together," Rosie narrated, moving her doll towards the castle. Motioning for them to follow her, Taylor and Joe awkwardly waddled their dolls along next to hers.

Joe looked up at Taylor, refraining from laughing. Taylor exchanged glances with him, grinning. Joe scooted slightly closer to her, while still moving his doll. He leaned over, kissing her on the cheek. "Pay attention!" Rosie scolded him.

"My bad," Joe chuckled, turning back to the dolls. Half an hour later, Elizabeth called for them, telling them dinner was about to be ready.

Joe stood up, and Rosie frowned, "But we aren't done!"

"We can finish later," Taylor assured her.

Rosie nodded, before standing up, running out to the livingroom. Taylor got up as well, walking behind her. Joe held her hand, "You might want to redo your makeup just a little. Of course you look gorgeous now but... you know."

Taylor giggled, "Good point."

They walked out to the dining room before Taylor signaled to Elizabeth that she was going to fix her makeup. After checking on James, Joe followed Taylor to the bathroom, wanting to fix his hair anyway.

Taylor was taking off her makeup, deciding just to go bare-faced. Joe smiled, at her, placing a kiss on her cheek. "I thought you looked beautiful with that incredible makeover she gave you."

"Yeah, I'm considering hiring her as my new makeup artist," Taylor joked.

"The grammy's will be stunned if you come in with that look," Joe chuckled.

Taylor laughed, leaning her head on his chest. Joe smiled, kissing the top of her head, "Love you."

"Love you too," Taylor said, leaning upwards and pressing her lips onto his.

Joe smiled, deepening the kiss. Taylor wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him closer. He moved his hands to her hair, combing his fingers through her curls. "Joe," Taylor moaned softly as he bit her lip.

"God, I wish we were alone," Joe said between kisses.

Taylor frowned, "Me too. But who says we can't..."

"Darling our family is two rooms away from us," Joe said.

Taylor pouted, "Fine."

Joe chuckled, kissing her one last time, "Next time we're alone, I promise."

Taylor nodded, before going back to fixing her makeup. Once they were done, they went back to the table. Joe helped James into his high chair, before taking a seat next to him. Elizabeth laid out potatoes and steak on the table, as well as an assortment of greens.

"This looks amazing," Taylor complimented Elizabeth.

"Thanks, Mum," Joe said. He turned to James, "What do you say?"

James paused, before looking up at Elizabeth, "Thank you Gramma."

Elizabeth smiled, "Your welcome."

After eating a full dinner and dessert, they all gravitated back towards the livingroom, talking amongst themselves. Soon it was eight, and Joe stood up. "I should probably go to bed soon, I have to be up at four AM for my flight. And James should be getting to bed too."

Everyone nodded, saying a chorus of goodnights. Taylor stood up with him, "I'll tuck James into the guest bedroom, why don't you go change."

Joe nodded, kissing her quickly before walking off to the bedroom. Taylor carried James over to the guest bedroom next to theirs, where there was an extra crib. They were planning on transitioning him to a bed soon. Taylor set him down in the crib. "Goodnight Jam," Taylor said, gently rubbing his back.

James reached up for Taylor, "Mummy. One more hug."

Taylor smiled, leaning down and giving James a quick hug. "I'm going to go get your inhaler, okay?" Taylor said after pulling away from the hug.

Taylor left the room, before coming back with an inhaler in hand. James frowned as she got closer, "Can daddy do it?"

"Sure," Taylor said. Ever since James was born he preferred that Joe was the one to help with his inhaler. It seemed to be that way because Joe was the first one to do it when he was born, and James had gotten used to it.

Taylor walked back to the bedroom, looking for Joe. He was sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone. "James wants you to help with his inhaler," Taylor said, leaning her arm on his shoulder. Joe nodded, standing up and walking with Taylor back to where James was.

Going up to the crib, Joe held up the inhaler. "Ready buddy?" Joe asked.

James nodded, as Joe fastened the inhaler on his head. "Okay breath in," Joe said, demonstrating breathing in. "And breath out." Joe let out a breath with him. They did this five more times, before Joe took the inhaler of him, holding up a hand for a high five. "Good job!"

James reached his hand up, clumsily high fiving Joe. Taylor exchanged smiles with Joe. "Night," Joe said to James, brushing a hand over his cheek.

"Wait!" James said. " You forgot cabary words."

"Vocabulary," Joe corrected, sounding it out for him. For the past year, Joe and Taylor had been giving him new vocabulary words to learn every day.

Taylor smiled at his eagerness to keep learning, even when Taylor and Joe had forgotten. "Do you remember the one we gave you yesterday?" Taylor asked.

James nodded eagerly, "Blanket! It's what we use to keep us warm and cuddly."

"Very good!" Taylor said. She looked at Joe happily. Since James was born so prematurely, he was expected to learn slower, yet he could form full sentences and seemed to be ahead of the other kids his age.

"New one?" James asked.

"Sure," Joe replied. "How about... shoelace. It's what you use when you tie your shoes."

James gave him a confused look. "I'll grab one," Taylor said, walking out of the room to grab a shoe. She came back a few moments later with a sneaker. "See, this string? That's a shoelace. We tie it to help keep our shoes on our feet."

James nodded, "Soolace."

"Shoelace," Joe enunciated the 'sh'.

"Soolace," James repeated.

"Sh-oo-lace." Taylor coaxed.

James paused, "Shoelace."

Joe clapped, "Good job!"

James had a proud smile on his face. "Can I tie a shoelace?"

"Maybe later Jam, it's your bedtime," Taylor said

James pouted, "Can we talk for more?"

"Can we talk more," Taylor corrected. "Okay, just for a few more minutes though."

James smiled happily. "We have show and tell at daycare!"

"What are you bringing?" Joe asked. James went to a public daycare, since they wanted him to live as normal a life as possible. Of course, the teachers knew who James was, but they were professional about it and the other toddlers weren't sure what being a 'celebrity' meant yet.

"Mummy said I could bring TJ!" James said excitedly.

Joe nodded, "Sounds fun! You can Facetime me when you get home from daycare."

James smile morphed into a frown, "You won't be home?"

Joe bit his lip "I'm going to America for work, remember? I'll be back in a week."

Suddenly James burst into tears, "But daddy!"

Taylor looked to Joe, she saw how much it hurt him that he couldn't be home. Joe picked James up out of his crib, rocking him back and forth, "Shh." Joe tried to soothe him.

James kept on crying, "But I don't want you to go."

"I know bud, I'm sorry," Joe said, holding James closer.

Taylor put a supportive hand on James back, "It'll be okay Jam."

Eventually, James tears slowed, and he cuddled into Joe's arms, "Daddy I don't want you to go to America."

"I'm sorry," Joe said softly. "I'll be back soon, I promise. You can Facetime me whenever you want, and your Mum will be there."

"It's not the same," James mumbled.

Joe was silent, and Taylor could see the small glistening of tears in his eyes.

"Jam, you have to go to bed now, okay?" Taylor said, gently picking James up.

"No!" James practically shouted.

Taylor frowned, "Daddy's tired, and he needs to get up early."

"But I don't WANT him to leave!" James began to cry again.

Taylor kissed the top of his forehead, "He'll come in to say goodbye to you before he goes, okay?"

"Fine," James said, tears still falling down his cheeks.

"Sweet dreams," Taylor said, placing him down in the crib.

Joe planted a small kiss on James forehead, "Night buddy."

James curled up in his blankets, and Taylor and Joe tiptoed out of the room, turning off the lights as they walked out. Elizabeth peeked around the corner when she heard them, "Everything alright? I heard James."

"Yeah, he's just having a rough night. With Joe leaving and all," Taylor said.

Joe gave Elizabeth a quick wave and mumbled goodnight before walking in the room. Taylor stayed out a moment longer to talk, "Joe's being really hard on himself since James is upset about him leaving."

Elizabeth frowned, "You know when Joe was James age, and when Richard had to go to film in another country, it always hurt Richard too. Joe also cried a lot whenever Richard left, so it was hard on both of them."

Taylor couldn't help but smile slightly, "They're all so alike. So was there anything Richard did too, I don't know, ease the pain?"

Elizabeth shrugged, "Eventually Joe got used to it, and Richard would always bring something back for Joe."

Taylor nodded slowly, "What about you? I mean your husband was also going away, you probably missed him too, right? And didn't it feel bad to see Joe cry? Or see Richard affected by Joe crying?"

"Yeah, but you really just have to power through. I suppose it's just what you sign up for as a parent," Elizabeth gave a small smile. "I'm sure you'll be okay. And if you need anything you can always come over to my house or give me a call."

Taylor gave an appreciative nod, "Thanks Liz."

Elizabeth smiled, leaning in to give Taylor a hug. Taylor smiled, Elizabeth was like a second mom to her. Soon Elizabeth pulled away, "Alright, I'll see you in the morning?"

"See you. G'night," Taylor said, turning to walk back into the bedroom. Joe was already lying in bed, his eyes closed. "You awake?" Taylor whispered through the dark.

"Yeah," Joe mumbled, keeping his eyes closed.

Taylor walked over to the bed, sitting next to him. She rubbed his cheek softly, "Hey."

"Hey," Joe replied.

"You doing alright?" Taylor asked.

"Mhm," Joe nodded but kept his eyes closed.

Taylor frowned, "Joe, be honest."

"Do you ever just... feel a little guilty," Joe said quietly. "I never wanted to be the cause of James crying, and I can't even do anything about it."

"It wasn't your fault," Taylor said.

Joe just shook his head, averting his eyes from her. Taylor frowned, adjusting so she was laying down next to Joe. She gently turned his head so he was facing him. "Joe," Taylor kissed his cheek. "You told me yourself when we began trying for a kid that there were going to be struggles. But that would be alright because that's just what our jobs entail. And that' everything will be worth it."

Joe bit his lip, "I guess your right."

"Of course I am," Taylor grinned, before pulling him into a hug. Joe reciprocated, pulling her close and nuzzling his face into her neck. They fell asleep in that position, neither of them wanting to move.

Joe woke up to the sound of his alarm at four AM. Groaning, he pulled away from Taylor, turning it off. Taylor managed to stay asleep, so Joe tried to get out of bed as quietly as possible, heading to the bathroom to change and get ready.

Twenty minutes later he walked back out, dressed and with his hair combed. He made his way to Taylor, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Love, I'm leaving now," Joe said softly.

Taylor opened her eyes, reaching out her arms for him, and hugging him. "Okay, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too. I'll call you everyday, okay?" Joe said, pecking her on the lips.

Taylor nodded, "Okay."

After kissing her one last time Joe stood up, about to leave. "Wait, say bye to James too, remember he wanted you to wake him up to say bye," Taylor said.

"Alright," Joe said, waving to her before walking to James room. As he stepped inside he was surprised to see James out of his crib, sitting next to his toys. "James?" Joe asked. "What are you doing up? How did you get out of the crib?"

James looked up from his spot between his toys, before saying firmly, "I'm going to Amica with you."

"America," Joe corrected, before going towards him. "I'm sorry buddy, but you can't. You have daycare, and you need to say with mummy."

James pouted, "But I can even help pack my toys!"

Joe frowned, "I'm really sorry, but you have to stay here."

"I'm going with you!" James said, hoping that if he said it enough it would become true. Joe sighed and picked him up.

"I won't be gone for that long, I promise," Joe said. "Now why don't we get you back to bed."

Joe tried to set James into his bed, but James held onto his neck, not wanting to let go. "James," Joe said, frowning.

James kept holding on. Joe sighed, before gently prying James off of him, and setting him down in the crib. Joe rubbed James stomach, "Make sure to be good for mummy, okay?"

James crossed his arms, pouting. Joe raised an eyebrow, "James. I mean it, be good for your mum."

"Okay," James said quietly.

"I love you, I'll see you soon," Joe said, kissing James forehead before walking out with his suitcase.

Three hours later Taylor got out of bed, going to James' room. Flipping on the light switch, she walked over to his crib. To Taylor's surprise, James was lying there with his eyes open. Usually, he started crying when he woke up. "Hey Jam," Taylor said, stroking his forehead. "Ready to get up?"

James nodded. After changing him, she walked out to the kitchen, where Elizabeth was making breakfast. "How did you guys sleep?" Elizabeth asked.

"Good, how about you?" Taylor said politely.

Elizabeth smiled, "Good."

Suddenly there was an odd churning in Taylor's stomach, and she quickly handed James to Elizabeth. "I'll be right back," Quickly walking out of the living room, she went to the restroom. Kneeling in front of the toilet, she began to vomit. After five minutes, she was done, her face still red and flushed. She closed her eyes, leaning against the bathroom counter. Shit.

Wowww look at me making a longer part for this story for once. Hope you guys liked it! Also, I fractured my arm so now it takes me longer to type with a huge cast on my hand/arm so updates will be way less frequent for the foreseeable future :/

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