Break The Rules But Be Smart...

By Zaddywannn

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My mother taught me to value others, My Mentor taught me to lie to others, the Hunger games taught me how to... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
Chapter six
chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
Chapter 18/Epilogue
authors notes (not completed)

chapter five

48 3 0
By Zaddywannn

5:30 am

Effie walks in without saying a word. She smiles at me as she walks quietly to the living room area and sits down, and looks at me for a couple of seconds while I manage to attempt to lift myself. I cry for help, but she doesn't move, or even flinch...this is weird of her. She is just looking at me as if I were a painting. She just sits there and stares at me.

I can still feel the electricity of the taser run down my back. My hand buzzes around like a fan, and I look at Effie. Maybe she could help me, but all she does is give me a stare.

Effie looks down at me and says, "I'm so sorry, the peacekeepers mentioned after President Snow left that" her voice breaks up, and she continues, "we couldn't help you recuporate or anything for that matter" I lift my face up a bit and say, "and you listened" she talks all this crap about her caring so much for me, she can't even bring me water. Effie replies, "Haymitch you know, if I help you I could be put in the games after they kill you and We don't want that," she says in a whisper. We don't want that, since when did we become a We? I hardly know this girl. I replied harshly, "oh so, we. And when did me lying on the ground suddenly become about you, all you have to do is stay away from me." Effie says, "well Haymitch before I take care of anybody I am still a minor and I still have aspirations in life and I do not intend to waste my dreams on helping you interrogate yourself. You Brough this upon yourself. Haymitch. It is not your job to start a revolution...why don't you focus on winning the hunger games rather that driving President Snow crazy. maybe in time past you will find somebody to do that. But haymitch it is not the year and you are not the person" I give Effie a mean look, but she's right... it is not my job to do this... never has been. I don't know why I am listening to her, but she is right. This job will never be mine. All I can do is stay alive. Maybe.

Effie leaves the room... she stops and looks back at me and licking her lips, and She is making a sad look... Effie truly feels sorry.. inside. I still mad at her, I Don't care for starting a revolution, but these things should be addressed, or even need to be addressed.

I manage to stand up, but I am still dizzy more of a high feeling.. my eyes feel like they are out of my skull, and my brain is mush. The capitol probably intends to make me a mutt, but they can't because I am a tribute... if I live, they will do something of the sorts to me... I can just see it. My hand is constantly twitching, creating a fan sort of effect. I stand a bit leaning on the walls as I try to make out where the door to my room is. Several times I accidentally walk into the other rooms, but I can't even make out the words "i'm sorry" because of the drama that has been caused in the last 24 hours. If Dahlia was here, she would probably say I had a mild concussion or something. Feels like something worse.

... I manage to find my room, and I go to the bathroom. I slam the door open, waking Ajax up, but I shut the door and take a hot shower with the lights all turned off, washing the blood off of my skin. I look at the full-length mirror once I am out of the shower and realize that My veins are still pronounced and purple, and my eyes are watery and red. My fingers are swollen, and my whole body feels numb and stiff at the same time. My shower was hot and soothing. Since I will be the one taking care of myself, I laid out an aroma bath filled with old leaves my grandmother would use to heal me when I was sick or wounded... she would do the same to all the kids in the district. It was an old family recipe that only she knew, Maysilee and Fauna have been in the bath a couple of times, and it truly works. An hour or two past, and I am not allowed to have breakfast with the others. I open my cabinet next to my bed. It has a small 2oz liquor bottle and a scone, with a note.

"To Haymitch,

From: Effie

Note: Sorry for this morning. Stay safe, Haymitch."

I am still very dizzy, but I can make out the words. I smile and keep the note in my pocket... I drink the liquor and keep the bottle in the drive with the other memories I have from here, the liquor bottle Effie first brought, the 2nd one, my notebook, a gold ring that turns into an astronomical sphere that I wear every day, and an old apple. I get dressed; I'm guessing no clothes will be laid out for me, so I just use the same ones from yesterday. I slip the gold ring on, comb my hair with my fingers, I wash my face, and I notice I have bloody scars all over my face, I didn't receive a very intense Beating like the one before, but my face is still bruised and marked. No hair and makeup for me today, so try to wash off my blood, but the bruises are so deep the blood isn't able to be washed off. I hear a knock on the door, and the peacekeeper calls me, and the day starts.

We go to training, and the day is truly going to be awful. The whole room was dizzy, and I fainted three times, I think ... Penelope talked to me throughout the day, and I explained to her what happened, and she seemed very angry about the whole situation. I didn't want to make friends in the games, but Penelope is probably the best friend I could have right now. Penelope Brough me my lunch, and we ate together. Penelope said, "so you feel high?" And I laugh "in a way, yes," she says in a sarcastic way "does it live up to its expectations" I reply, "no, not at all" I feel awful. The drugs or steam they put into my body makes me feel horrible throughout the day... these drugs I see old merchants and peacekeepers trade a lot of money for, and here am I getting it inhaled into my body For only writing something on my paper. But I fall asleep while Penelope talks to me. I hear her in the distance talk about how we should be allies, but all I reply is 'no' and 'no penelope, thank you for this but... no,' she says, "but haymitch please," I say "no." I have a dream, replaying over and over ... all I hear is grans voice screaming in pain and peacekeepers ripping and cutting her into pieces and beating her in terror. She gets her head beheaded and be blown off at the same time.. there's aroma everywhere.. the same that was used on me the day before.. and her skin is purple. The whole room is hot and steamy. I wake up instantly, sweating, screaming. Shouting

And the 47 tributes look at me like if I were crazy (i wouldn't blame them). Penelope comes to me, "you good," and I reply, "no!" a couple of seconds later, acknowledging what has happened... Penelope comes near me, putting her knees up to her chest, and says, "it was just a dream, a fear. Maybe thats what they did to you," I reply "fears... there going to use that against us in the arena," Penelope replies, "what," and I explain to her some ideas, not much of them to be observant of what the capital has been doing. Later on, Ajax comes and lifts me off the ground, forcing me to do something because I have only slept and eat. Ajax forces me to run and to do weight and practice my vision. Well, more like thinking straight in when I am gassed up because knowing Snow, this won't be the last TimeTime I will end up like this. While we practice knife throwing, it turned out that I could throw better on drugs and overdosed medicine than with my normal vision. Ajax spends the day with me for the first time since the day before the reaping. After a while, I refuse to help me, and I go on my own to run. And run. I fall off the treadmill once, not thinking straight, but nothing happens that my 3x burned and ripped bloody skin cannot handle. I thought about what I do next, but nothing occurs to me. The day passes, and Evian and the peacekeepers escort us back to the apartment. I am not allowed to talk to anybody in the apartment. I'm also not allowed to have dinner... what punishment they have given me 'no food'? It's not like the capital hasn't done that to me before. I walk straight to my room like a little boy when mom would get mad at me and send me to my room, but I go and sit there the whole evening until... I open my drawer to put away my things, and there's another liquor bottle, and it says

"for medicinal purposes only -Effie, Ajax & Maysilee:)"

I drink the whole bottle lying on my bed, not making the situation better. Still, Ajax comes in and writes on a paper, "your free starting tomorrow morning" I reply, "thanks, also thanks for this," and I lift the bottle. He says, "it was Effies idea, she feels bad," I reply, writing on the paper "good night," and Ajax says, "you don't look as ugly," and draws lips on the form and makes a duck looking face back at me. And we go to bed.. my thoughts have been everywhere, from .. not being allowed to talk to the people to Effie and that situation. I can't speak to the people I live with, but I can speak to the people I can kill? The capital controls everything, and it stirs a flame inside of me.. they head everything, if I talk or not, who I talk to. What's next what I breathe? Oh, wait, they control those two because they overdosed me with drugs. I doze asleep.

I wake up the next day, and Alma calls us all after we had our usual hair and makeup done. She calls us at the dinner table and says, "today you will be evaluated, all 12 of you" I reply, "what does that mean" alma replies, "you have never watched the games" I reply, "yeah, but I usually fall asleep when I do." Alma goes on and tells us to show off one skill of our choice... and then we will be graded 1-12... Ajax says, "so we go inside, say our name district and just state what we do best?" I reply, "dude, and she just said that," and I stand up, and... fauna says, "what do I do.." And we all kinda reply in the same TimeTime, "whatever you do, be cute" Alma says, "fauna do something nobody will think of... often the capitol sponsors are happy with that but otherwise be yourself" Maysilee replies, "Well yeah but do something you feel comfortable doing.. don't do what facility is good at... if your good at running do that or painting" fauna says "I like painting" Alma says "then do that... it settled, ok?" Fauna replies, "ok, I guess" Alma continues, "remember, its 48 of you, so you have only 10 minutes each.. it will end at five, and all of you should be back to see your scores... it is a lot of you it will start with Diana Paul from one and end with Haymitch..." there's a pause "Haymitch.. don't do anything tricky" I reply "I will do my best" and Effie makes eye contact with me.. and I leave it because I know what she will say. She will tell me that it would be a waste of TimeTime, and why would I want to get the capitol more upset if I am not trying to start a revival... well, maybe I am just trying to have fun and to create a scene. Alma says, "tonight, you will have to pick your allies, so give me a list by dinner tonight," she adds.

"Maysilee, Facility Bryant, and Mark train both want you," Maysillee replies, "and Nickolai?" Alma replies while crossing your arms, "you thought a career would pick on you?" And Maysilee just received the news she would have never heard, but it was funny to watch. Alma adds, "Ajax! Frankly, the careers want you," Ajax replies, "I don't want allies" weird. Ajax would be the one to take that on, but I know him well, but he could change. Alma leaves it at that, and she goes to me, Haymitch, all from district 11 want you, and Melania and Mykella from 9" I reply, "I'll let you know tonight" she agrees, and Alma goes, "Fauna, everybody wants you, so you get to make a pick" and fauna nods.

But we all stand up and part in separate directions. Maysilee and fauna go into their room to play with Faunas toys, and Ajax bugs the Avox's while I go to the only place that is not stuffed with cameras. The rooftop. The rooftop... the only place I probably find peace even tho I've hardly been there, and it was with Effie. I walk up to the top in broad daylight, and Effie comes as well. We don't say anything to each other for a second, but I start saying "thanks, for the care package. You didn't have to do that" she replies, "no-no, it was fine.. you weren't receiving anything, and you have to eat something!" I reply, "ah yes, liquor, it has all the major food groups" We have small talk for a while... talking about nonsense like Evans hair and the gossip about Effie's friends and Karma... But we pause for a minute after I move farther from her. She says, "Haymitch, I don't know where to begin" I reply instantly, "a nice I'm sorry would be nice," she says, "Haymitch, I'm sorry.. it wasn't my place" I reply, "no Effie you are right, it's not my place to start a revelation or even win the games." Effie looks at me and turns my shoulder so that I face her, "Haymitch! You are winning the games," I reply. "Effie, I'm not. I don't want to win... if I win, my life in the capital will be, and I'm living hell right now. Why would I win so I can go through a hell 2.0," Effie replies? "Haymitch, please strive for it," I respond "if I win, I win, but it is not.

my number one goal... I don't want to be a mentor for the rest of my life! And I win the game's snow is going to want to kill me, or you," she replies, "me?" I reply, "Effie, and there are cameras everywhere. The capitol maybe wouldn't kill me, but they would kill those who are close to me. You have been sending me things and have been talking to me, so that shows that you have affection for me," Effie moves around, and the sun hits on her metallic pink dress, hitting my eye. Effie says, "that's true, but they wouldn't do that, you think" I reply "they would. You know it. They would kill you in a heartbeat." Effie says, "what do we do.." here she goes, on the whole, we thing,

I say, "we're not we, Effie. I guess they stay the same. I have to remember that whatever I do goes back to people I know. So I guess I go on with my life and you go on with yours, But the occasional liquor packages can stay," Effie says, "music to my ears," and she smiles. I hadn't noticed before because Effie always is wearing tall platformed heels. She's relatively shorter than me. A couple of minutes pass, and Then Evian comes out and spots us and says, "O my!... Haymitch, you get back here right now, Haymitch we best be going." I leave Effie by herself, and Effie comes to me and taps on my shoulder "good luck," I say, "don't look at me like that, but thanks." She says, "ur-welcome." Evian insists I leave. We go downstairs, and Evin Hums the wedding theme. I say, "Evian," she replies, "now now, I just have to start design the gown" I answer, "evian, were friends... we make each other laugh and stuff.. well i make her laugh she makes me cringe" Evian replies "is Effie more of a lace girl or, rhinestone?" I reply, "EVIANNN," but I add, "she likes sparkle stuff.. what am I saying EVIAN NO! FRIENDS" she laughs and tells me she's kidding. We leave, and Evian and the peacekeepers escort us to the training facility, turn after turn after turn.

I could get to the training with my eyes closed. Right left right left. Time after time but time and distance pass, and we are there. Evian hugs us and says, "good luck my tributes!... I adore you all, haynitch.. be nice," and I say, "i'll try" she leaves us to be in the dining area where we are instructed to sit. We are organized by district... once the organizer goes, most of the tributes move, including Maysilee, to talk to the others. Maysilee is practically onto Nickolai, but I push my body's position so that I don't see her. Ajax stays with me but reaches conservation with Melania from district 9.. the room is filled with chatter, but I'm not in a big mood to chit chat with the tributes. Penelope comes and says to me, "let me guess, you don't want to talk?"

I reply, "yeah... I still don't know what to do when I get in there" Penelope sits next to me and says, "well, do nothing" I reply, "some people say things... like the things you are good at... you just told me to do nothing.. what a friend," I say sarcastically and Penelope replies "oh wait... was I just upgraded to the friend level?.. Am I haymitch abernathys... FRIEND," I react "maybe" leaning back on the wall, and she says, "allies?" I say "no." and she grunts, but we laugh... she knows, and I know that I couldn't kill her if it came down to it. I couldn't destroy Ajax, Fauna, or Maysilee if it came to it... I might as well let somebody else do it before the thought comes into my head. Penelope says to me, "scars look cool, maybe those will be the only thing that could intimidate Nickolai" Ajax turns to me and says, whispering in my ear, "she said they were cool" I reply, "shut up".... I respond to Penelope, "thanks, hopefully though" an awkward pause comes, and Penelope says out of the blue, "you know.. I couldn't kill you right?" I reply

"i know. I couldn't kill you," she replies in a sarcastic way "how about.. we plan to die at the exact same moment so that we both don't feel guilty," I say, "suicide?" She nods, but I say, "your crazy to think I would let Alan skinny cushmen win" And we laugh while covering our mouths, hoping he doesn't notice. Penelope says, "it's not close to my turn.. but I feel like I should talk to Milo... he's only 14 and he's well uh.. Milo," I nod, and she leaves... I take a look to see what Fauna has in store, but she seems to be talking to Falicity. Bryant And Zaylee Ryder. I had told her earlier not to make allies with them because they would want to kill her. Even though they're all under the age of 10, they still want to see their families, and death doesn't seem like an option. But I didn't want t get in-between Faunas last days... we all agreed to keep Fauna alive, but the bloodbath will drown her in the arena, and we all know it. But Fauna is a little sister to us all, so we must do what we have to do.

A well-dressed older man walks in and says... "Good Afternoon tributes" we all are casually sitting down, knowing he would want us to stand up, but we all stay fitted except Fauna. She stands up. But the man continues, "well, You all may not know me but my name is Adolf Heavensbee.. and this is my son Plutarch, I am your head gamemnaker for the 50th annual hunger games!" He says in all excitement, hoping for applause, but the room is dead silent. He continues, "my son.. will be talking to some of you in the reaming hours of the day so that we game makers can get a better look on our tributes! Now, I will leave and Plutarch will stay. Good evening and may the odds be ever in your favor," Adolf Heavensbee leaves. Plutarch is just standing there.. he looks about 19 and pretty stupid. He looks around like Melania and Mykella do... glancing around the ceilings, he moves and starts talking to Aurella and Zemira from district 3. Aurella and Plutarch laugh their heads off while Zemira sits there disgusted, but she eventually seems to be playing along with it. I turn to Fauna and her friends and say, "would you mind getting me some water and telling me what the heck they're talking about" Fauna nods and skips away to get 'water.' She comes back almost 5 minutes later and says, "they were talking about tomatoes." And she leaves without a word. I lean on my chair's back, causing me to fall backward and hit my head on Ajax's foot. But I stand up as quickly as I can. The whole room stares at me as I say, "im fine," and sit back down. Plutarch seems to be having fun. Not one, but now four girls seem to be chit-chatting with him. When one leaves to get evaluated, another one comes. Females are lucky to trick that stupid mind into thinking that they are into him, but in reality, he looks like a skunk and has the personality of a rock. He has an awful shaved head and a Chubby figure. But all the girls wind up next to him... poor guy. Plutarch eventually rounds up to talk to some guys but doesn't get much attention. Even Alan walks out before Plutarch finishes the first sentence. It has been 4 hours of waiting and waiting. Four more hours till eventually, my turn... I fell asleep three times and woke up by leaning on my chair way too hard. Finally, Plutarch gets to talk to the man of the hour. Me. Plutarch sits next to me and says, "hi, I'm plutarch heavensbee" I mimmick his voice, "hi, im haymitch Abernathy" there's a long pause, and I start, "you have horrible conversational skills, hopefully you have a mind in their" he replies letting the information I just said sink into his brain. "well you could say that. I'm just a intern don't be to hard on me," I reply, turning my body to face him "well buttercup aren't you supposed to scare me" he says, "No thats my dad's job" there's an awkward silence. Still, he says, "whos the biggest threat," I reply, "myself," he answers quicker than ever, "what," and I say, "yeah the biggest threat is myself... I will potentially cause my own death by either walking to loud or not going fast enough" Plutarch thinks about what I just said and he says "funny because most of the tributes said you" i reply "what" Plutarch whispers "they say your made of steel, and nothing scares you. Everyday you come in with a new scar or new outlook on things. I got a couple words out of Melania and she said that you were one to watch out for" i reply "i wouldn't call myself threatening if your trying to get me to say that" he replies "nit physically threatening" i reply "hey I have been trying to put on muscle so beware for that day" plutarch laughs and says "no like most of them think your head is inside of the system.. like you have the whole games figured out" i reply "what if I do.. I bet I could pull one string from the capitol and the whole country could fall apart" plutarch says "it is a fragile system.. how do you know that" i reply "your getting into my head, I suggest you shut up" we talked for a while and Mykella comes to us "hi" we reply at the same time "hi" she sits down and opens her big eyes looking at us as if we were the key to heaven. I say, "is their anything we can.." She says, "your the smart one, Melania and I want you as allie," I say, "okay I guess, get away from my face," and Mykella leaves.. as she looks up into the ceiling doing her unusual things. Plutarch says to me, "are you going to take it?" I reply, "i don't know... I don't know if I want allies or need them," he replies, "so you believe that you are capable of beating the games by only yourself?" I reply, "no... it's more like, I believe that everybody here is mentally ill, some people.. common folk call it stupid but here we just call it a mental illness to keep it more professional" Plutarch laughs "you have what a takes you can make a crowd laugh... cant wait for the interviews" I reply instantly "the capitol, thats funny.. they woulnt approve of this" he replies "why" I say "im from 12, simple as that" Plutarch gives me a face "what does that mean, I'm capitol and I'm here and people like me... cant you see" I reply "well I'm not trying to become a lady weapon... I'm trying to maybe survive. I could care less if I do or don't. I just say what comes into my mind" I don't answer his initial question because I could've said something I intended not to say. Something only the president has an idea of. God knows maybe everything I am saying is getting recorded and out into a file where the president reads it. But I haven't said anything crazy... yet. But hours pass, and Plutarch and I keep talking, but he comes out of his shell slightly and seems more laid back about the situation. I ask if "so are you for it, like the games.. do you believe in it?" He replies, "yes and no.. being a gamemaker has always been a dream and something I strive for but I feel maybe eventually something will happen. In the good or bad ya know," I reply, "a revolution.. or we become a fascist goverment?" Plutarch replies, "in a way... we wouldn't become A authoritarian government, in fact for the districts thats almost a free country. But I feel like in a political sensw theres no way to go but up.. so facist would be the next step or for a revlution to start but we all know that isnt happening" I reply "i have a instint it would come from 12" Plutarch replies "you?" I turn to him, "NEVER," and the conversation ends... Plutarch kept me entertained for hours. Luisa Leal from district 11 is called, and I got p to Penelope knowing shes next and say "blow them all away" she says with a smirk, "god, I can't een think I'm so tired" I shake her shoulders and say "wake up then Marie! You sorta got this," she says, cutting me off, "almost... whhat. A .good. friend" I reply, "i said maybe rememebr," she says "hahahahah your so funny.. I'll do my best, but thanks" and she leans in closer to me. Still, I move giving her the idea like 'no Penelope' Penelope asks "so... any lady friends in the district" I reply "no not really.. I had a girlfriend named Amy but I broke up with her," Penelope replies "how bout here, anything catches your eye" I think about what I am going to say... ? So I say, "one of my beauty stylist people are pretty.. she.. well... she just good to me" Penelope says "does haymitch have a heart?" She laughs and adds "well, she's lucky.. but seriously whats the deal like why do you like her.. is it the fancy makeup" I reply "in fact.. I don't really care. Whatever makes her happy i guess, i just find her pretty and caring but overall she's a spoiled brat," and Penelope is called. I say to her, "blow them all away," she walks out. Almost an hour passes, and I'm in the room alone. Some of the lights twitch, and I fall asleep again. The sound of "District 12, Haymitch Abernathy.. Walk through the automatic doors and you will be evaulted" I wake up and slam my back onto the floor, falling off my chair. I walk out of the big empty room that became my home for that day. I walk out and into the room.. there's a presence of wealthiness and separations. there's two divided clear rooms, one filled with food and the other filled with sponsors. they all seem to be looking directly at me, and a tall woman with pink skin and white hair says In a squeaky voice, "you may begin Haymitch" half of the sponsors are drunk and two falls, trying to get a seat to watch me. I think of the multiple things I could do. I could see a knife throw, or I could run! But I take what Penelope said, and I do nothing. I sit down on the floor with my legs crossed and do nothing. The sponsors look at me with disgust, like I have insulted my district. I hear a couple of them say, "he's from twelve" and "we should've had popcorn bought if we had known this would be such a show," but I let their comments drive my buts. But there is a timer.. a timer that says 1 minute left. At the last minute, I grab three knives. I stab them right in the middle of each previously marked manakin. I have 45 seconds left. I could with do something to make president snow furious, but I decide not to. I go to the treadmill and put 30 as the speed. no one I know has done 30, but I might as well do something crazy. so I run for 45 seconds at 30 miles per hour. The judges are in shock. Several of them turn the heads to the side, but as my ten minutes are up, I wave them bye and leave the budding. When I come out, Effie is there. Oh god. She is legit everywhere I turn.

Effie says to me, "wasn't that a show I should brought my picture show tickets!" I reply, "no Effie that was live action," and we walk along, turning right left right eft with four peacekeepers escorting us. I say to Effie, "where are the rest, and don't get me wrong.. but where the heck is evian", she replies "Evian had to escort the rest very quickly back to the apartment because well, Fauna painted a picture for her skill, a very pretty picture with stick figures but it was of her and her mother.. it left all of the sponsors speechless. So evian had to hurry her back hoping that they wouldn't say anything. And here am I," I reply as we walk "she painted a picture? Wow she's a mockingjay," Effie responds. "Indeed! in fact you never know," I reply, "maybe but not Fauna, she cant and she wont. We both know she's going to be one of theorist to go down," Effie replies, "haymitch! Don't be so negative."

We arrive at the apartment and find the whole crew sitting in the living room. They are all there just waiting.. for our names. Being from twelve were the last, and the number of sponsors between each district makes the showing even longer. The Avox girls set up cheese for us as we wait for the showing.. we have four more districts and 20 plus sponsors to go till our names are called. Alma says, "well, what did you all do," Maysilee says, "i couldn't think of much so I threw knives and did some shooting with the arrows" alma nods and says, "Fauna?" fauns says, "well I painted a picture of my mom and I but they weren't very happy with it. One lady cried.. I didn't want a lady to cry. My mother always said it wasn't lady like to cry in front of company and she did just that," Fauna says while biting her nails. there's a moment of silence for a minute, and then Ajax says, "i ripped my shirt and benched a one hundred pound weight" we all are stunned, and Evian and heather say instantly "OH".. Alma goes "well, that surely is eventful... Haymitch?" I reply "well, um" Effie cuts in "he Ran very fast ah well uh, He also threw knives but the running was the best part in fact" they all nod in an up and down formation and Effie leaves to the kitchen, and I turn my head back and mouth 'thank you,' and Effie says 'your, welcome.' Effie saved me an argument for the night... if Alma would've found my meals would be have been on Effie's daily liquor, she sends it to me, and that's it. I didn't Pay attention much to the other tributes, but Mykella and Melania both got high score.. they both got an 11. that's the first 11 in the games. The carrels earned 9's and 10's but wow.

Time passes, and we all wait about an hour, and the Avox's bring us popcorn and candied dough shaped like a tire. I hadn't seen much of this food, but Effie golfs me that they were called doughnuts... I'm guessing the name comes from the dough, the base, and nuts. I have no idea. Penelope comes on! I get closer to the screen, and Penelope gets an 8. the tributes in her group don't do as well either, but I ignore it and say "ouch." Ajax says, "yeah your girlfriend didn't do that good" I reply, cutting him off, "not my girlfriend... chill out," Ajax says, "i would think about that twice, you and Penelope talk a lot throughout training" Effie hands me a look and says "wow I thought you weren't the one for girlfriends. Let alone friends" as she sips her milk tea. And I say, "im not friend and I don't have friends... its that simple" Fauna buds into the conversation, "what am I then" I reply, "fauna your differnt" then out scores come up. Ceaser flicker men say, "welcome welcome now now here here we have district 12, Fauna Clark, Fauna is 7 years of age and she got a score of 7, that wouldn't be hard to forget 7, 7" ceascer ends with a laugh.

We all applaud Fauna as she gets a fair score. And ceacer says, "Maysilee Donner, what a fanstatic name! Maysilee got a score of 9" we apples as Alma says, "we can work with that," Ceaser says. "Ajax Cohen, 10" we applause for him. Still, Ajax is thrilled. He leaves the room, slamming the furniture and the doors he comes across. Finally, my score, Ceaser says, "Haymitch Abernathy, Another fine name! Well well lets see what we have here, haymitch scored a grand total of 11" we all are stunned at the fact I got a 11. There is a pause in the air as everybody face freezes because I got a 11. I wasn't expecting a 11... maybe a seven, but a 11?!

Effie and Fauna say congrats to me, but everyone doesn't say a word. I mean, I didn't do amazing.. it wasn't out of this world but for me to get an 11. thats a shocker.

The Avox servent comes and escorts all of us to dinner. We all sit... everyone of us sits at a long table. The atmosphere is dense... everybody Is quite expect for Heather, Karma, Evian, and Jasyn... they talk about the things going on in the capitol... new shoes, hair, surgeries that can be performed to alter yourself into looking like you are a cat physically... a sort of like how Tigris looked. Still, Tigrirs was more of a test trial, and not an official professional surgery is done.

Fauna says aloud, "why would somebody make themselves into a cat?... like the strange lady named Tigirs yesterday, why does she look like a cat" Ajax and I laugh, and Karma answers.

"the styles! Fauna the style of being unique and standing out!" Ajax replies, "because having yellow hair doesn't make you stand out one bit.. hmm funny," I laugh but try to cover it up with a fake cough. Ajax and I have become the kings of saying stupid sarcastic remarks throughout the whole preparation for the game... it gives us something to laugh about. Alma says to us, "so, who are the Allies?" Maysilee says, "i want Nickolai and Amara from 1," Ajax says, "funny because they don't want you," Alma says, "well Nickolai said that he would might take you, but that is not for sure till the games start. I would talk to him tomorrow at training or make some last minute friends" I reply, "try making friends with careers then kill them first" Ajax says, "yeah they're all like 10 feet tall and made of muscle. If you kill them first that will make the job easier for the rest of us" Maysilee says, "well, I don't make friends to kill," I reply, "thats kindle the whole point of allies, if worse comes to worse you kill them." Maysillee is taking a deep breath because she just realized she might have to kill your boyfriend. Alma says, "Fauna, every tribute wants you so make your pick" Fauna is quiet for a minute or two and says, "i want Haymitch or Falicity" I reply instantly, "Fauna I can't," and the conversation dies down. Ajax says, "i want nobody. I don't want to kill a friend or a family member," I reply, "fair enough... Same here no allies for myself," Alma says, "every tribute wants you, and you cant pick at least one..." I reply, "okay! I'll have lost and found," Alma says, "who," I reply, "Mykella and Melania." Alma says, "they're stupid why would you want them... Penelope Marie who is a pretty good choice was just begging to get you," I reply, "at the end of It I couldn't kill her, it would be like killing Effie" Effie jumps are is startled, but I told the truth. Alma says, "i understand your point of view but seriously," I reply, "okay no. happy. I'll get Nickolai Finch. If it came down to the end I would kill him in a heart beat," Alma says, "fine." Maysilee looks at me as if I had just strangled her dog and thrown him into the fire. I stay there and say to her, "sad that I might kill your boyfriend. Yea I thought so," Maysilee says "what if I said that about Penelope you guys seem to be getting along fine," she says sarcastically as I stand up and turn to Maysilee "no maysilee, it doesn't work like that. Maysilee is like a cousin or relative I know but never knew I had," Maysillee says, "oh so sorry for the miss understanding haymitch!" I walk out of the room, frustrated. How does she suddenly pay attention to Penelope and me? What's the big deal. The only person I would take to be my ally is her boyfriend. I don't know Nickolai much, but he is creative in the killing sense and pain. If she wanted to pick Penelope, fine by me. As long as Penelope, Ajax, Fauna, or Maysilee are my allies, I'm fine. I walk out of the dinner table, excusing myself, and I go and sit in the makeup where nobody happens to be and play around with the up and down chairs. They make a sneaky noise that's funny. Up and down up and down. there's a security camera in the corner of the room, and I wave at it, mocking the peacekeeper who is probably watching me right now and my every move. I walk around the room and find our old clothes in a drive, the ones we came into the games with. They look dusty and ripped. We didn't realize that when we came, we all thought it was normal. Well, it was but not compared to this. We get new clothing practically every day, something I got every four years after I grew a couple of inches and gran received new fabric. Alma comes into the room and sits onto the chair and says, "what is your goal" I reply, "okay coin the phycologist," and I continue, "well my goal is to make it as far as I can" she says, "no like your goal, kids, house, cat?" I reply, "no I hate cats, I prefer dogs, but I haven't thought of a life plan... whatever comes comes. If I win stick me into the victors village with a couple of 24oz bottles of white liquor—" Alma gives me a look. I say, "for medicinal purposes... the burn" she nods, and I continue, "i don't have much plans, in twelve it was to become a miner and yeah.. now I haven't thought of it" alma looks into the mirror looking back at me "you know you might have a chance winning this thing." I reply, "i don't want to win and I got a 3," she says "but you don't want to die, Haymitch explain to me how you get beaten 2x times by peacekeepers.. receive a 4th degree burn and receive one of the lowest scores of the night, but your the smartest one in that room. What have you done."

I reply, "i don't play by the rules," she says, "rules?" I say, "yeah, they want me to come in talking like I look, you see I am a fairy attractive young male and they expect for me to act how I look. But I don't. I never have and never will. A way you can think of this is like, you! A female who probably knows how to bead or make bracelets, well.. my grandmother did that and I watched her. One time she forgot to put a knot at the end of the string. You wanna know what happened Alma, well guess what! All the beads fell, you see the capitol is the string, the tributes are the beads and I am the knot that made all the beads fall out" Alma says, "you are very humble," I reply mockingly, flipping my hair "thank you" Evian Calls us in for dessert, and we go in. The table is filled with desserts from the tiniest chocolates to the giant fountains of chocolate, but my tastebuds say yes, but my stomach says no. Hence, I say thank you to the avox's who provided this food, but I head to the rooftop and throw a ball against the forcefield over and over. Soon enough, I see a recognizable sellout of my gosh, the one and only Effie Trinket. 

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