Dreams do come true/18+

By ronnikaaaaa

43.1K 1.3K 1.1K

"Strip down." He says but sounds more demanding and stern. I eyed him confusingly but it only angered him. "... More



3.5K 123 88
By ronnikaaaaa


Its been another week, almost a month since I started school. I've been tutoring Luke Hail and he's somewhat getting better. He still continues to 'Be friendly' but i've been holding on. The I haven't really been getting much attention from the students, and i'm glad about that. Oh! Lia and I are still continuing to hang with each other.

The bell rings dismissing 4th period and the students spread out like roaches.

"Hey girl!" Lia says coming up to me in the hallway.

"Hey Lia." I smile.

"How was fourth period?" She ask.

"Lame, as always." I sigh and she giggle.

"Tina is having a party this weekend, Why don't you come?"

A party. I've never been invited to one.

"I-I don't know....-

"We can go together." She grabs both my hands beaming.

"I guess." I answer.

"Great! We can go to my house after school!"

"Mhmm." I nod.

"Ok....See you later girly!" Lia runs off to gym.

A party huh. What can go wrong.

After grabbing my lunch tray wanting to be alone, I head down the hall looking for an empty classroom humming to 'Black rover' an anime opening.

"Black roverrrrrr~" I sang.


I stop dead in my tracks as I hear small moans coming from the boys restroom. Don't go Nikka, Don't go-

My feet are already moving towards the bathroom as I've sat my tray outside by the door. I don't really like school food anyway.

I gently push open the door taking a few steps in and the moans are getting louder. They're coming from the biggest stall as it's closed.


I hear a small moan.

LUKE!??? disgusting prick.

"Ew." I accidentally mutter and the moans and shuffling stops. Oopsies. I quickly try to tip toe out of the bathroom but-


Luke catches me. Shit! Shit! Fuck!

"Turn around." He commands and my heart begins to race 100 miles per minute."Turn. around."

Gulping down a lump of saliva, I quickly put on my 'disgusted face' as I turn around. I'm not surprised to see a Very familiar face here. Ayesha. A smirk creeps on Luke's lips as he examines me.

"Looks like you wondered into the wrong restroom." Luke says and all I do is stare.


"Ew, were you listening the whole time!?" Ayesha calls out.

"No, I was passing through." I tell them and she scoffs. "I'm utterly disgusted."

"Of course someone as innocent as you would think something like this is disgusting."

I turn to walk out and Luke stops me by grabbing my arm. I turn around to look at the chains around his neck instead of making eye contact.

"Don't tell anyone about this." He tells me and I look up to meet his eyes.

"It's not like they already don't know." I tell him snatching my wrist away and walking out.

I can't believe Ayesha, I'm not surprised though! I knew they were hooking up. Just thinking about them hooking up makes my stomach turn for some odd reason.

Shrugging off the feeling, I make my way to the gym for practice.

"Make sure you can feel the stretch." Tina says as we all warm up. Tina's also in a good mood today, she's taking letting everyone take their time in rotating.

"Listen up!" Coach Mark comes into the gym with the football players, The girls stop what they're doing to listen to coach. "It's raining outside, so the guys are going to sit on the bleachers until the end of practice."

The football players all go to take a seat on the bleachers and I spot Luke. He's with a dark skinned pretty boy and a white boy, If I remember his name is Erin. They're talking and laughing about something.

"O-Ok girls, take a seat on the floor." Tuna stutters as she tries to look at Luke and focus on the warm up.

I take a seat on the mat spreading out my legs as far as I can, Then reaching out in front of me.

"Luke is looking at you." Lia whispers from beside me. I turn my attention towards the bleachers and she's right, He's staring me down. Why is he soo se-

"UP!" Tina shouts making me jump. I look to her and she's glaring at me. Did I do something ?

After everyone is done changing i'm the last one to finish, not wanting to get stares because of my body. I walk out into the- Damnit Luke!

Luke begins walking up to me with a grin on his face.


He pushes me against the wall making me look up to meet his eyes. His right hand is against the wall beside my head.

"I thought you didn't want to be seen with me at school." I watch as his chains dingle in my face. He's always getting me into weird positions.

"Who's looking."

I look to both my sides before looking up into his eyes. They're so pretty; Like the Idaho sky at night. He smells so good I can't focus on what's going on around me. I close my thighs to stop a weird sensation in my Vagina.

"Did you hear me?" Luke ask backing up.

"I-Oh what did you say?" I confusingly ask shaking my head and he chuckles.

"Are you tutoring me today?"

"Uhm...Not today." I tell him and he snaps his attention back to me. More serious.


"I'm busy today."

"With what."

"Stop asking me questions like your my dad." I roll my eyes. "Now if you could leave me alone, I have a class to get to." I tell him before beginning to talk away.

"You won't be so innocent for long Virgo." He calls out, but before I can ask him what he means he's gone.

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