Jujutsu Kaisen x reader

By GonbareGonbare

327K 12.3K 29.6K

"You're not human but you're not cursed either. So what exactly are you ?" Gojo was puzzled. (Y/N) recently... More

Screams and Whispers
Special Grade
I Look Pretty Good for a Dead Bitch
Mt. Fuji
The Calm Before the Storm
Lost Souls
Mad Hatter
Abort Mission


30.9K 1.1K 5.4K
By GonbareGonbare

A/N- this chapter has another music clip, you'll see as you read along where to play it :)

Your POV

With one swift leg sweep the doll had knocked me off balance. I fell right down on my ass. Before I could get back up, the doll jump kicked me right in the centre of my chest which sent me tumbling backwards. How in the hell did that hurt ? isn't this thing made of stuffing ? I thought. The doll was rather persistent. It lunged at me again but I managed to dodge it by the skin of my teeth.

"A jujutsu sorcerer is constantly facing death and not just their own death. It's an unpleasant job. You have to be a little crazy and highly motivated to handle it." the principal proclaimed. Well I can check off crazy part with all these voices in my head I joked to myself. He then specifically targeted Itadori.

"Are you going to blame your grandfather when you're killed by a curse too ?" He provoked.

"Woah there, don't you think that's a bit harsh" I stuck up for Itadori. The doll hit Itadori in the chin with an uppercut. The blow was so strong that his body flipped into the air. Itadori fought back by head butting the doll before locking it in a tight hold. I was so engrossed in Itadori's  drama that I forgot about the other doll.

Crap where'd it go i scanned around the room until I spotted a pair of red glowing eyes in the shadows. It used the wall to propel itself straight into me, knocking me to the floor once more. This time I was a lot quicker on my feet. Mounted on one of the temple walls was a set of Sai. I darted over and pulled them off the wall. If I was going to defeat this thing, hand to hand combat alone would not be enough.

"No weapons" the principals voice bellowed.

"Any human can be trained to fight with a sword. You fail" he declared.

"Disarm her" he commanded. Another set of dolls arose and made a direct beeline for me. They each grabbed one of my arms. They bent my wrists back until I dropped the Sai. Nonetheless they didn't stop there. The dolls shoved me against the wall and restrained me in place. The first doll reappeared and began to smack me across the face. It threw punch after punch after punch. My nose had begun to bleed and my head was throbbing. There was no escape. Idatori jumped up onto his feet and was about to come to my rescue.

"Help her and you both fail" the principal warned. Itadori could only stand there and watch as I was beat to a pulp. All of a sudden there was a bright white glow. It was coming from my eyes. I let out hypersonic scream. The cat like doll exploded right in front me. Stuffing flew everywhere. I yanked my arms free from the clutches of the other two. I screamed again except this time I somehow used my hands to guide where the sound waves went. I was able to direct and divert the sound energy. The dolls were launched back so far that they were practically thrown into another dimension ! My eyes returned back to normal however I was completely unaware that they had even been glowing in the first place.

"Satoru.... show them to the dorms, explain security and everything else to them too" the principal instructed.

"Huh ?" Itadori and I were both puzzled.

"You both pass, welcome to Jujutsu Tech" the principal congratulated.

"And you" he pointed a finger at me. "You owe me a new doll" he angrily barked.

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir" I saluted like a soldier. We followed Gojo out of the temple and walked alongside him to the dorms.

"What was up with your eyes back there ?" Gojo leaned in close to face to examine it.

"My eyes ?" I scrunched my nose in confusion.

"Yeah it was so awesome but kind of creepy at the same time, they were glowing bright white" Itadori got over excited.

"Coming from the guy that has two pairs of eyes" I chuckled. "But what do you mean by glowing white ?" I questioned.

"You mean you didn't realise ? You're one big mystery aren't you" Gojo held his chin as though he was deep in thought.

"Says the guy currently wearing a mask, what're you hiding under there Gojo huh ?" I teased. He only chuckled in response.

We arrived at the dorms and Gojo showed us to our rooms. While we were in separate rooms, they were right beside one another. The room was basic but rather spacious. I threw myself down onto the bed. It was definitely comfier than sleeping on the beanbags in the library anyway. I decided to go explore around the rest of the dorm. I got up from the bed and unlocked my door. As I stepped out into the hallway I heard a second door creak open.

"You're next door ?" I heard Fushiguro groan. He stood in the doorway of what I assumed to me his room.

"Hey there neighbour" I goofily waved at him.

"Oh Fushiguro, you look like you're doing well now" Itadori cheered from behind me. Itadori and Gojo had just come out of Itadori's room.

"There were plenty of other empty rooms, weren't there ?" Fushiguro looked at Gojo in annoyance.

"But isn't livelier better" Gojo said with playfully grin etched on his face.

"Classes and missions are enough. This is an unwelcomed favour" Fushiguro huffed.

"Aw come on now wolf boy, you'll have to warm up to us if we're going to work together" I slung an arm around his shoulder and beamed a smile at him.

Meanwhile, Idatori had snuck past Fushiguro. He poked his head inside Fushiguro's room.

"Wow, it's so organized" Itadori praised.

"I just said you're unwelcome" Fushiguro shrugged my arm off his shoulder before slamming the bedroom door on Itadori.

"Well, it's all good" Gojo clapped his hands together. "More importantly, we're heading out tomorrow, we're gonna go pick up the fourth first year" he informed us. 

"The more the merrier, isn't that right Fushiguro" I teased. I was trying to break him out of his shell. I had a feeling that he wasn't as stoic as he made himself out to be.

~the next day~

Our uniforms had arrived. Mine was slightly different to the boys one. The jacket was cropped in length but still had the high neck collar. Instead of pants I had a pleated dark skirt. I paired it with black knee high socks and a pair of all black high top converse. I hung a silver metal chain off the side of my skirt. It draped just below my hip. It matched well with the silver and diamond studs in my ears. I tied my hair back in a low messy ponytail. I pulled a few loose strands of hair out so that they fell down around my face.

Itadori's uniform had also been altered. There was a red hood sewn onto his jacket. It really suited him both looks and personality wise.

We were supposed to meet this new student outside the train station in Tokyo city. My inner tourist was internally squealing with excitement.

"Why are we meeting up in Harajuku ?" Fushiguro enquired.

"Because it's what she asked for" Gojo stated. Gojo gestured over to a girl with short light brown hair and dark amber eyes. She wore the same uniform as me except she wore a belt and tights with hers. Hanging off her shoulders were multiple shopping bags. She was talking to some man in a green suit and purple tie. The man tried to walk away but the girl grabbed the back of his jacket collar and dragged him right back. Oooh she's fiery I like that I noted.

"We're about to go talk to her ?" Itadori uncertainly asked. "This is kinda embarrassing" he admitted while watching the conversation going down between the girl and the man.

"Tch, so are you" Fushiguro gave Itadori a side glare.

"The glasses are a bit extra" I agreed.

"Hey, over here" Gojo called out while giving the girl a friendly wave. She locked her shopping bags in a locker before approaching us. She stood sassily with one hand on her hip.

"Kugisaki Nobara, be happy boys you've got a real woman in your group now" she introduced herself. Um was that a dig at me ? She does see me standing here right ? Well she's confident I'll give her that much I thought.

"I'm Itadori Yuuji. I'm from Sendai" Itadori was first to speak.

"Fushiguro Megumi" Fushiguro bluntly stated.

"(L/N) (F/N), I'm a woman but the alpha male of this group" I said jokingly to make my presence known to her. The boys didn't dare object to this for 1) they knew I was only joking and 2) they sensed the unnerving tension between Kugisaki and I.

She glared at us for a while until she let out a long sigh. "I always get stuck with unfortunate circumstances" she said in disappointment.

"She took one look at us and sighed" Itadori whispered to Fushiguro and I.

"She's going to be harder to work with than Fushiguro" I whispered back to Itadori.

"I heard that (y/n), I'm literally standing right next to you" Fushiguro facepalmed.

"You didn't disagree with it though" I smirked. He only rolled his eyes at me.

"Are we going somewhere from here ?" Fushiguro asked Gojo.

"Well we do have all four of you together, not to mention the fact that two of you are from the countryside and one of you isn't even from Japan" Gojo paused for dramatic affect "so of course we're going on a tour of Tokyo" He stated.

"OH MY GOD REALLY ?" My eyes sparkled. I jumped on the spot in joy. I looked over to Itadori and Kugisaki who were on a whole other level of excitement.

"TOKYO, TOKYO, TOKYO, WE LOVE TOKYO" they chanted. Itadori hugged Gojo in celebration while Kugisaki flailed her arms about enthusiastically.

"Huh ?" Fushiguro stared at them dumbfounded.

"You see that right there, that's called showing emotion, you should try it sometime" I joked while playfully nudging Fushiguro in his side.

"I will now announce our destination" Gojo had to shout over Itadori and Kugisaki who were currently in the midst of a screeching match over tourists spots. This silenced the two instantly.

"Roppongi" Gojo grinned.

"Roppongi ?!" all our eyes, except Fushiguro's widened in wonder.

~little time skip~

Gojo had deceived us all. Instead of sightseeing, he had dragged us to an abandoned cursed building. The building in question emitted eery purple flames, which was a clear sign that it was cursed. I sensed an unsettling presence similar to one I had felt that night in school. This certainly was not what we had in mind when he said we were going to Roppongi.

"This isn't even Roppongi" Itadori and Kugisaki cried.

"We were never going sightseeing were we ?" I sulked. Something was off about this place. Even though I had my headphones on, faint whispers were breaking through the music. Were they getting stronger ? I worried.

"There's a big cemetery nearby. The double whammy of that and an abandoned building brought out a curse" Gojo explained. A cemetery huh, no wonder the whispers are stronger than usual. And that unsettling presence I feel, i guess it's death I realised.

"So they really do pop up more often around graves ?" Itadori wondered. That's when I started to hear blood curdling screams ringing within my ears. I turned my music up to full volume to try drown them out.

"The issues isn't the cemetery itself. It's the fact that people associate cemeteries with fear" Kushiguro informed Itadori.

"Yeah that's great that it's not an issue for you sorcerers but it is for me, can we hurry up and go inside please" I pleaded. The screams were beginning to agitate me.

"Hold up. He didn't even know that yet ?" Kugisaki said in disbelief. "And why are you so eager to go into that cursed dump ?" she pointed at me.

"Well to be honest.... Itadori swallowed Sukuna's finger" Fushiguro informed her.

"And I can hear the dead screaming from their graves right now" I tried to say as casually as possible.

"He swallowed a special- grade cursed object ?!" Kugisaki shrieked in horror.

"Gross, that's so unsanitary and disgusting" she backed away from him.

"I agree with her" Fushiguro chimed in.

"Yeah Itadori it's pretty nasty" I added.

"And you can hear the dead ?!" Kugisaki shrieked, she was obviously referring to me. "Freaky, no way, no way, no way" she backed even further away from us.

"I want to know what all of you are capable of. Just think of this as a field test." Gojo spoke up.

"Nobara, Yuuji, (Y/n), you three go exorcise the curse in that building" Gojo instructed.

"Huh ? But I thought only curses could exorcise curses, right ? I can't use any jujutsu yet and neither can (y/n)" Itadori pointed out.

"You're basically half a curse already and well (y/n)'s an exception" Gojo stated.

"There's energy flowing throughout your bodies, cursed or not. Though controlling that energy isn't something you can learn overnight." Gojo explained. "So use these" he pulled out a machete sword that was wrapped in a brown leather casing and a set of shuriken. He handed the machete to Itadori and the throwing stars over to me.

"They're cursed tools, they're weapons imbued with cursed energy" Gojo stated. Itadori's jaw dropped in awe as he admired the weapon.

"Lame" Kugisaki snidely remarked.

"Any particular reason why you gave me shuriken ?" I curiously asked. Gojo's mouth stretched into a wide grin.

"A little birdie told me that you had a great throwing hand" Gojo subtly gestured over to Fushiguro who quickly looked away in embarrassment.

"Oh one more thing" Gojo called after us.
"Yuuji, don't let Sukuna out, if you use him, you'll get rid of all the curses nearby in a flash and (Y/n) no screaming, the building's pretty old and we don't want it to collapse on you guys." he stated. My scream wasn't that powerful was it ? I pondered.

"Got it, I won't let Sukuna out" Itadori gave Gojo a reassuring thumbs up.

"Right, no screaming" I nodded in agreement.

"Hurry it up" Kugisaki yelled at us. We helped her to lift up the front shutter to the building before stepping inside. The interior of the building was no better than outside. The walls were dull and cracked. The paint was chipping off layer by layer. There was a variety of moulds growing at the base of the walls and in the corners where the walls met. There was no electricity so we had to rely on the natural light that scarcely shun in through the windows to see.

"What a pain" Kugisaki groaned. "Why do I have to deal with curses after coming all the way to Tokyo" she huffed as she stomped up the stairs.

"Huh ? Didn't you come here to exorcise curses ?" Itadori said exactly what I had been thinking.

"Let's save some time and split up. If we get this over with quick then we can grab sushi from Ginza" she suggested.

"I don't think that's the best idea, what happens if one of us gets into trouble ?" I pointed out.

"Yeah hold on a minute, let's take this a bit more seriously" Itadori pleaded. "Curses are dangerous, you know" he warned. This seemed to strike a nerve in Kugisaki. She angrily side kicked Itadori in the chest. Her mood was so volatile, you never knew what she'd do next. I put my arms up in defence incase she tried anything on me.

"Aghhhh"  Itadori yelped as he was spun into the air from the force of the blow. He face planted onto the ground.

"I don't wanna hear it from people who were a bunch of normies until recently" Kugisaki snapped before storming off up the stairs.

"Your emotions have been all over the place today" Itadori declared.

"This is why girls don't like you" she yelled back.

"How did you know they don't like me ?!" Itadori gasped. "Are you even popular enough to talk? Bitch" he muttered under his breathe.

"I wouldn't take what she says to heart Itadori, I think she's just strong headed" I placed a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"Besides she got one thing wrong, I'm a girl and I like you" I gave him a big goofy smile. Itadori's mouth gaped open slightly in surprise.

"W-wait really you like me ?" Itadori's eyes glistened.

"Well we are friends now silly, aren't we ?" I obliviously stated. Itadori's face dropped, he looked as if I had just stabbed him through the heart.

"Oh mhmm friends" Itadori sighed. That's when I spotted two large talons on either side of Itadori.

"Itadori" I yelled before pushing him out of the way. At first he was puzzled as to why I had shoved him but once the cursed spirit dropped down from the ceiling and into view he realised i was trying to save him. The creature was some kind of crab - spider hybrid with a long torso and bald head.

"It's a curse" Itadori drew his sword ready to fight. I on the other hand pulled out my phone.

"Huh?! What are you doing ? you do see the deadly curse in front of you right ?" Itadori stared at me dumbfounded. The curse charged at Itadori who stabbed it with the machete before sliding underneath it's body out of harms way.

"One second I've gotta find the right song for this" I said not even looking up from my phone.

*play music*

Let's have some fun with this I thought to myself. I clicked on the song before securely zipping my phone back into my skirt pocket. I cracked my knuckles intimidatingly before drawing out my shuriken holding the blades between my fingers. As the music began to pick up I tapped my foot and nodded my head along to the beat. The curse decided to leave Itadori alone and was now storming in my direction instead. It tried to utter something but only made an ugly murmuring sound.

"Oh so you wanna dance ?!" I jokingly said referring to the creature.

"Well ok then" I smirked. I threw two shuriken at the same time, one from each hand. They struck the monster precisely in each of its eyes blinding it. Bullseye i cheered. The curse let out a harrowing screech. It tried to make a swipe at me with its talons in retaliation. I easily dodged under them. I threw another throwing star with the force of a baseball pitcher. It sliced clean through the curse's crab like legs knocking it off balance. Itadori did a 360 flip up into the air landing down on top of the curses back. He plunged his sword straight into the curse spirits skull. It squirmed and twitched until it's heart finally stopped beating.

We weren't in the clear just yet, a second crab-spider hybrid emerged from the shadows. Since Itadori's sword was currently still lodged in the first cursed creature, it was up to me. I had only one throwing star left so I'd have to make it count. I held it between my index and middle finger up in front of my face, eyeing the creature up and down in search of my target. In the blink of an eye with one swift flick of my wrist I sent the shuriken gliding through the air. It was right on target or so I thought. I heard the metal clink off the floor. I had missed ? No, it wasn't that I was off target but that the curse had anticipated the attack. It had wanted me to throw it, knowing that it was my last shuriken. Was this curse more cunning than the last one ?

The curse lunged at me but I managed to jump over its talon swipe in the nick of time. It tried to grab me again when out of nowhere Itadori appeared in front of me. Itadori had done a roundoff back handspring over my shoulders. He stabbed the curse in the chest and proceeded to side whip kick it in the head. While the creature was disoriented Itadori looked over his shoulder at me.

"Here, you'll need these" Itadori grinned. In his hand he held my shuriken. He must have removed them from the other cursed spirits eyes. Just as I was about to take them from Itadori, I spotted the curse creeping up behind him. I grabbed hold of Itadori. I wrapped my hands tightly around each of his arm.

"Swing me around as hard as you can" I instructed. He looked at me hesitantly. The creature was now only inches behind him. "Do it now" I yelled and with that he swung me right around. I turned my body to the side so that both my feet smacked the curse head on in the side of its face. Itadori had swung me with so much force that the momentum sent the creature flying into the wall. I let go of Itadori's arms and landed back down on my two feet. I shimmied over to the where the curse had smashed into the wall. I pulled Itadori's sword out of its chest before chopping its head clean off. I whipped off the blood that had splattered one my face with my sleeve. I threw the machete handle first over to Itadori who caught it with ease.

That's when we heard a yelp coming from upstairs. Oh no Kugisaki. I grabbed Itadori's hand and bolted up the stairs. He kept pace behind me. We made it to the top floor but now there was another problem. We didn't know which room she was in. We burst into the first room but there was no one there. That's when I sensed an unnerving presence on the other side of the wall.

"Itadori, I think- before I got to finish what I was about to say Iatdori punched his hand straight through the concrete wall.

"Huh? I missed ?" Itadori said in surprise.

"Why don't I help you with that" I said before front kicking the large crack in the wall Itadori had created. The wall came crumbling down. Itadori burst into the room guns a blazing ! He chopped off the hand of a brown hairy frog like cursed spirit who had been holding a little boy hostage. He smoothly caught the boy in one arm before hook kicking the curse with his right foot.

The monster got back up on its feet but instead of fighting back it went to escape. It leapt out the window, it was going to get away. For some reason my gut instinct was telling me to jump after it. Had I gone mad after all ? Well they did say to trust your instincts right ?

"Go on jump, or are you too scared ?" I heard Sukuna's patronising voice, he was back inside my head but how ? I don't know if it was because he had provoked me but my body suddenly had a mind of its own. I took two steps back before charging towards the open window. I dove head first out of it.

"(Y/N) ?!" Itadori yelled after me.

"Are you mad ?" I heard Kugisaki shriek.

The curse was just out of reach in front of me. I twisted my body in the air and flung one shuriken at its head followed by  another one at its chest. The curse disintegrated into a purple mist before vanishing into thin air. Only then did it register with me that I was falling. I was plummeting to the ground at a deadly speed. There was no way I'd survive a fall from this height. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact. I felt a sharp tingling sensation in my back as though my muscles were pulling apart. Was that it ? was I dead ? I wondered. That's when I heard Sukuna's evil cackle echo throughout my head. Yup definitely dead and it looks like I'm in hell if Sukuna's here. How could I have been so stupid to jump when he told me to ?

Third person POV

Gojo and Fushiguro were waiting outside sat on the ground when a cursed spirit suddenly jumped out of the top floor window. Fushiguro eagerly stood up.

"I'll exorcise it" Fushiguro declared.

"Hold on, is that (Y/n)" Gojo gasped. A second figure had leapt out of the window in pursuit of the spirit.

"BAKA, what does she think she's doing ?" Fushiguro yelled but Gojo could tell that he was concerned. (Y/n) spun in the air before chucking two throwing stars with pin point accuracy. The curse vanished into thin air. Then something unthinkable occurred. From the girl's back emerged a set of fairy-esk black feathered wings.

"Nice" Gojo smirked. " Nobara is crazy all right, but I think (Y/n) might just be even crazier" he noted.

"You're seeing the wings too right ?" Fushiguro sighed in relief.

"Oya" Gojo nodded.

"And you're sure she isn't a curse ?" Fushiguro wasn't convinced.

"Positive, but now I'm even more uncertain as to what exactly she is" Gojo admitted.

Your POV

I opened my eyes expecting to see the firey pits of hell but to my surprise there was Gojo and Fushiguro standing in front of me. The strangest thing however was the fact that I was looking down at them. Did they shrink ? I wondered. That's when I realised my feet weren't on the ground but hovering slightly about it.

"Huh ?!" I was beyond confused.

"Don't move, I need to get some pics for the second years or they'll never believe me when I tell them this" Gojo whipped out his phone and began to take a burst of photos. Fushiguro just stared at me. His eyebrows were furrowed as though he was deep in thought.

I could hear a faint flapping noise similar to that of a flag blowing in the wind behind me.  I looked over my shoulder to see FEATHERS.

"Aghhhhh" I yelled and just like that in the blink of an eye they vanished. I dropped onto the ground landing on my knees.

What the actual fuck ? Excusez-moi but what is going on here, last time I checked I did not have frickin wings I was freaking out.

"You saw them too right or did I hit my head on the way down ?" I looked at the boys.

"Hmm Interesting" Gojo hummed. "They  just disappeared, you're really making things hard for me yanno with all these weird abilities of yours " Gojo half joked.

"So they're definitely gone ?" I tried to frisk my back with my hands but I couldn't reach every spot. I turned around so that my back was now facing the boys.

"Here take a look for me please and tell me if there's anything strange" I pleaded. Without warning I lifted up the back of jacket and shirt exposing my bare back to them. I didn't care that they were guys, I just needed answers and besides it's not like I went ripping off my whole shirt like Sukuna.

"Oh huh, have you always had a red scar down the centre of your spine ?" Gojo enquired.

" Uh no I haven't" I informed him.

"Then I guess it's a marking from the wings but apart from that there's not even a feather in sight" Gojo noted. I pulled my shirt back down and turned back to face the guys. Fushiguro's cheeks were flushed pink. When he saw that I was looking at him he hid the bottom half of his face behind the high neck collar of the jacket out of view.

"YOU'RE ALIVE" Itadori ran towards me with teary eyes. He hug tackled me to the ground. He squeezed me so tight that I could barely breathe. I could feel every muscle in his arms contract around my body.

"Yeah, but if you don't loosen your grip i might die from asphyxiation" I wheezed.

"Oh sorry, my bad I was just so worried" Itadori released me from the embrace.

"Baka you scared me, I thought you died" Kugisaki spoke up.

"Well what do you know, you have a heart after all" I teased her. "But I am sorry for worrying you like that" I nodded apologetically.

"Uh well yeah, just don't do anything like that again" Kugisaki stammered.

"Not that I wanted you dead or anything" Itadori held his arms up in defence  "but um how are you still alive ?" He questioned.

"Take a look at these" Gojo chucked his phone at Itadori. Kugisaki poked her head over his shoulder to have a look aswell.

"HUAHH?!" They screamed in disbelief.

"WOAH you're like Jennifer Laurence in the Hunger Games when she wore the mockingjay dress" Itadori exclaimed.

"You really do love Jennifer Laurence don't you" I giggled.

"It's been a long day, how about we all go grab some food ?" Gojo chimed in.

"Steak" Itadori shouted.

"Sushi" Kugisaki declared.

"Leave it all to me!" Gojo declared. "And what about you two ?" He pointed to Fushiguro and I.

"Anything" I was too lost in thought to give a proper answer. My mind was racing. There was so much on my mind between curses, voices, jujutsu and now wings. What was I ? That's when I remembered a certain someone's voice. Sukuna had known I wouldn't die if I jumped, then he must know what I am I realised.

Fushiguro chose to ignore the question altogether. "Huh, what's the matter Fushiguro ?" Itadori enquired.

"Nothing" Fushiguro bluntly replied.

"He's pouting because he didn't get to join in" Gojo explained.

"What a child" Kugisaki sneered. Fushiguro furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. Itadori burst out laughing in a light-hearted manner.

"You can show off your wolves next time" I playfully teased. "But for now our top priority is dinner, come on let's go" I grabbed his hand and tugged him along.

A/N- heya guys, wow I did not expect so many people to read my story thank you to everyone who's made it this far 🥰 I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't make much sense my imagination can be a bit much at times. I also want to explain that ( y/n) wings are fairy wings and not angel wings even though they're feathered. You'll get why later in the story. Here's an example of what they look like

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