Miraculas Ninjago

By Lava_Serpant

103K 2.9K 3.8K

Wu wants the ninja to have some sort of a normal life so he sends them to school in a DIFFERENT REALM! There... More

New kids
Ladybug and cat noir
Cookies and games
Akumatized villain
Halloween fluff
Christmas sorrows
Christmas sorrows part 2
Mistaken idenity
Siren's song
Hynotic song
Two new heroes
A/N suggestion
Martial Arts
Fun and Games
Icy weather
Frosty power couple
Showing off
Secrets Don't Stay Secret
Random question
More secrets?!
All Alone
Family Troubles
Oh Right Forgot About That
Unfortunate Turn Of Events
Lots Of Regrets
Strength Of Will
Kai 'talks' to Marionette

Not Quite A Reuion

1.5K 59 32
By Lava_Serpant

The ninja were all taken to a old moth sanctuary that was run down with dirty or broken glass. The two akumatized villains had their elemental dragons disappear and Vulcan roughly dragged the three boys in while Nya was wrapped in a water bubble carefully floated over the air.

"You know people do think that people who seem like they are helping you do look like friends, but it really is not always the case and others sometimes being used for the purposes of the friend. Also these chains are tight and they hurt my sensitive skin. By the way I am super hungry are we getting a meal? Because I could totally go for some food, but not Cole's food it tastes like dirt," Jay was talking until Vulcan stopped and yelled at Jay. "FOR THE LOVE OF THE FIRST SPINJITZU MASTER DO YOU EVER STOP TALKING!?" He yelled his hair bursting with flames for a moment. Jay does not stop talking. "You know you really are like your son Kai. He says the same exact thing to me when we first met and he has like no patience unless it comes to Nya or a good fight. Sensei says he had none like you, but you were a cool guy. Hey why did Sensei give you a map to the golden weapons? Kai and Nya said because it was that because you earned the privilege of honour or something. Did you help Sensei Wu hide them? Because you could have made it a little easier I mean seriously Whisp was awesome and all, but he must have been so bored watching them for like forever and could you be a little more gentle-MGPH!" Jay's talking was cut off by Vulcan wrapping a chain around his mouth.

"Thank you, most don't gag him because it's more a torture for us than them," Cole said happy Jay had shut up. Oceania laughs. "He is just like his mother. She never stopped talking either it was annoying at times, but it was kinda fun to listen to her go on at times. But her husband was such a jerk she could have done much better," Oceania rolls her eyes at the last part. Jay's eyes looked at Oceania and became a bit glassy. "For your information Ed is a wonderful husband to Edna and father to Jay," Cole defends his best friend. The two stopped walking and looked at each other confused. "Who? Did Libber change her name again? She always insisted we called her lightning because she like the idea of code names. She acted like such a child sometimes, but that's what made her lovable. Cliff was such a jerk I told her she could do better, but she didn't listen," Cole, Zane, and Nya looked at Jay who even with the gag on had become increasingly quiet, close to tears even, but Oceania had not noticed and Vulcan did not care. "Anyway it does not matter. Let's go get our little fire starter Ray. I want him to meet our friend," Oceania gushes and Vulcan nods.

They went down a hall and came to a door that was covered in a water shield. Oceania sets it down and opens the door. She screeches though not seeing Kai in the room that looked like it was made for a couple of kids. Vulcan and Oceania quickly went inside the room forgetting about their prisoners. They looked around the room wildly. "Ray where is he?!" Oceania screeches. "I don't know dear," Vulcan than looked at the vent grate that was open. "He crawled through the vents!" Vulcan yelled. "Oh just like when he was a kid," Oceania said. "Wait? Kai crawled around in vents when he was a kid?" Zane asks. "Yes mostly because Nya kept crawling through them and he was the only one small enough to go after her," Vulcan said and the three boys looked at Nya. "It was a fun game!" She defends herself. "Let's go and find him," Vulcan said and looked at the boys. "Stay here," he said than ran off with his wife to find their son leaving them all there.

"You two were hi energy kids weren't you?" Cole asks. "They called us the devil siblings," Kai said popping out from above the door scaring the hell out of everyone. "Kai?!" They all exclaim as he shushed them. "That trick worked on the sitters too," Kai laughs hopping down from his place where he made hand holes above the door frame. He melted the chains on the boys and Zane froze the bubble Nya was trapped in before Cole broke it apart. "Where's Lloyd?" Kai asks. "They only took us and his bracelet. Right now we need to leave," Cole said. Kai and Nya though looked too the direction their parents ran off too. "But our parents," Nya said. "We can't just leave them," Kai said. The three refrain from groaning. Of course the siblings did not want to leave without their parents.

"Guys I know you both love them and want to help them, but the best we can do for now is helping ourselves," Cole said. "Besides you've done fine without them since Nya was like three. What's more time gone gonna matter?" Jay asks thinking he was being helpful. Instead he gets hit upside his head by his girlfriend and Kai twists his arm behind his back. "Uncle uncle!" Jay cries out in pain. Kai rolled his eyes and let go pushing the blue ninja.

"We are not leaving our parents to be used as pawns," Kai said. "And you can't stop us," Nya said. And with that they ran off in the direction their parents went. "Should we run after them?" Jay asks. "No leave them we can look for Hawkmoth. Zane you contact the others for back up," Cole said. Zane nodded on it while they set off for Hawkmoth.

The Siblings

Kai and Nya were trying too find their parents. They really wanted their parents back safe. If Kai could talk Lloyd into it then they could convince their parents to give up the akuma.

"Mom! Dad!" Nya yells out. Things are scary quiet before suddenly both of them are picked up from behind. They looked at who it was prepared too defend themselves, but relax seeing it was Vulcan who was smiling at them both with a fatherly smile. It was something that the siblings always wondered about. How their father looked at them when smiling.

"There you too are. You gave me and your mother a fright. Maya honey I found them!" Vulcan yells out giving them both a large hug. They found themselves hugging back, but something kept them from fully embracing it. Their mother shows up and she smiles running over and joining the hug, but once again something is keeping them from fully embracing it.

"Oh my children! Look at how you have both grown!" Oceania gushes to them kissing the tops of their hair. "We have dreamed of having you both back every night before sleep," Vulcan said. "We've missed you both so much," Nya whispers timid, but the akumatized parents take it as being in shock. "We have missed you too," Oceania said. "Your both elemental masters. Me and your mother have wanted to teach you so much," Vulcan said in excitement. Kai's eyes lit up at the idea of learning from his own father. To make them proud is all he has ever wanted to ever do with his life. "That would be amazing I've always wanted to learn from you," Kai said in the excitement of a child.

"We will teach you everything we know. Even a few tricks for some fun," Oceania winks her eye mischievously. "But first we just need to assist Hawkmoth with his goals," Vulcan said and the siblings felt their stomachs drop. Their parents had to have noticed. "Oh don't worry babies it's nothing scary," Oceania said. "He helped us get you both back. We must help him," Vulcan said. "But?" Kai starts before Nya interjects. "How did mr. Hawkmoth do that?" Nya asks in a little kid voice. Her parents smiled at her. "He sensed our troubled hearts. A parent without their family by their side to help them is the worse pain anyone could go through and he helped us achieve it and now we will help him retrieve his family," Oceania said with a sigh. "Really? Because we thought he needed a object to give you this power boost," Kai said sounding like a curious child.

"Well he had this butterfly thing go into this," Vulcan pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. The siblings looked at it and almost teared up seeing the dark purple picture of them when they were little. Nya was a new born and Kai was four holding her in his arms as their parents stood behind them smiling at the camera. "It's our favourite picture of you both," Oceania sighs. "Still have the lockets we left for you?" Vulcan asks and they nodded pulling them out to show. The parents smiled wide at it. "Can I have a closer look at the picture?" Kai asks. "Of course sweetie just be careful it's very frail," Oceania said.

Kai took the picture and looked at it closely seeing the smiling faces of his parents then looked at the people in front of him. Deep down he knew these still were not his parents not yet anyway. Kai was about to ignite his hand when his father grabbed his arm and growls at his son. He took the picture back and put it back in the pocket.

"Don't you even try burning it son," Vulcan growls. "How did you?" "You forgot that I am a master of fire too son. Hawkmoth warned us of this. Come with us," Vulcan pulls Kai along and Oceania following behind fearful while Nya was also following.

"Mom dad! Please you need to give up the akuma you have what you need! Please we can be a family just give up the akuma!" Kai yells at his parents. "We can't honey," Oceania said. They entered a large room and to the horror of the siblings they saw Jay, Cole, and Zane had been recaptured and were all tied too chairs with vengestone and chains leading up to a pillar in the middle that had the bracelet Kai had made for Lloyd.

Hawkmoth was setting something up to a generator. "Hawkmoth something is wrong with our son. What's wrong? Why doesn't he want to be a happy family?" Oceania asks like a worried mother. "Mum dad it's the akuma let it go or someone is going to get hurt!" Kai said desperation in his voice. "Just strap him to that spare chair and keep your daughter under control then everything will be fine," Hawkmoth said and Vulcan nodded dragging Kai over.

Nya tried going for her brother, but Oceania held her back. "It's okay Nya honey he's going to be fine," Oceania said and wraps Nya in a water tentacle and left to help her husband. Vulcan held Kai down while Oceania strapped in the chains. "Mr and Mrs Smith I understand you only want the best for your children and have what was stolen from you, but this is not how you do it," Zane called trying to get through to them. "You are not a parent you could not begin to comprehend what we have been forced to endure. Watching our children grow up with a death threat always hanging over their heads if we did not work tiredlessly every day until our bones cracked while watching them barely scrape by for a living themselves. Hearing of the terrors going on in the outside world and being useless to help. Hearing of our closest friends leaving this world never for us to see. How we wondered when the day was that we would hear that our babies our no longer with us and we were not there to stop it," Vulcan growls at the nindroid. "This is the only way," Oceania said once the chains were secured.

"Now just connect this cable and I shall have my goals fulfilled," Hawkmoth said than quickly adds. "And you get yours too of course," He said. The parents smiled and kissed the top of Kai's head before moving back to watch over Nya. "Love you sweetie," they both said.

Hawkmoth went over the generator and before anyone could say anything he flipped the switch starting the machine.

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