Intertwined By Time: Maleread...

Por SSJ_Warrior

33.5K 553 382

You're the adopted child of James Amber but found he hid it from you. So you left to find your real mom and n... Más

The Time Reversal
The Approaching Storm
The Supernatural
The Superhero
The Splish Splash
The Discovery
The Timeline Trouble
The Open Case
The End of the World
The Time Paradox
The Closed Case
Out of Time, Farewell Friends

The Moral Construct

1K 18 1
Por SSJ_Warrior

Y/N: So did I ever say life is kind of strange because if I didn't I will now, life is hella strange one year ago my girlfriend Max Caulfield unexpectedly was gifted with these crazy rewind powers and somehow I was linked with that too, and long story short some weird art teacher was a secret serial killed and brainwashed some kid to kill my sister then he even tried to kill me but of course we had the power of time on our side and we survived only to find out that we had to let our best friend die Chloe Price or a storm would destroy the entire town... Max chose to save Price and we lived good for a year, found friends until one day the visions came back and not just that now with these weird flicker things as reality began to break on the surface after messing with time so much, and finally it takes us out of our reality putting and into another one... with Rache, she's alive now and even Price is here too, now we've officially been here about six months in L.A. man this is weird to be back in Cali well another world California anyway... so you still with me then because I think I'm lost myself

I remember when we first flickered here a week ago

Y/N: Rache... is that really you

Max: Chloe you're okay... and Rachel Amber

Y/N: You're really alive

A tear sheds from your face

Chloe: What the hell are you two going on about you hippies

At first I was happy but then it  changed shorty after I felt as if it was wrong to be here almost she wasn't the Rachel or Chloe I knew but Max kept me optimistic through it all

Max: As crazy as this is, which it is, we have to act like it's normal... we may be here for awhile or forever

Y/N: But this isn't our world, this is our reality... we don't belong here Maximus, we belong back there that isn't Rachel it's a lie

Max: We don't know how long we'll be here Y/N we might as well make the best of it for now

Y/N: I don't like this

But as we got more used to the layout of this new way of life it began to grow on me little by little

Rachel: Oh my god Y/N you're gonna ruin the curry

Y/N: I'll have you know I'm an expect in the ninja art of the cooking

Chloe: I have my doubts on this

Max: I've had his cooking once and it was worse than awful

Y/N: Maximus has no taste you see when she was a wee child she ate some horribly hot food that burned her taste buds off her tongue in a whole

I've gotten used to it by now Max seems fine with it too

Max: It's so weird it's like were with her she's right infront of us but at the same time she's so far away

Y/N: I know the feeling Max, Chloes missing us now but you said we have to take it day by day

Max: Chloe is so different here she's like are Chloe yeah but at the same time she's not

Y/N: Were all made of all our memories and experiences we choose, Chloe went through a different path than the Chloe here... she was alone amd hated the world well this Chloe had Rachel and now us

Max: Is it wrong to not want to be in a world where all my friends and classmates aren't

Y/N: At this point it's hard to tell, you just miss Chloe we all do

Max: Sometimes I feel like I want to or  need to just test myself, just one little rewind

Y/N: We can't Max the damage that could cause could be worse than that storm for all we know

Max: I know... I know, it's just hard sometimes

It is hard to be away and thrown back into a place where everyone who was dead is now back and breathing but we don't have any other choice now

Y/N: Well I've talked to myself long enough I think time to see the real world or... alternate world I guess

You step off your bed, then stretch your body ready to see the world until someone barges in your room

Y/N: Aye Maximus what's the name of the game girl

Max: Y/N I just found out something very important something that can help us

Y/N: Are you saying I need help because I told that therapist multiple times I don't need to be mediated

Max: Uh okay are you sure he was wrong

Y/N: Well he won't live to tell the tale... uh I mean he forged a PHD

Max: Uhh, so I think I may of found a way home

Y/N: Woah uh come again Maximos

Max: That boy Tristan the one I told you about

Y/N: The one who can supposedly go invisible

Max: Yeah and he can

Y/N: Isn't he homeless

Max: Yeah that doesn't have anything to do with this

Y/N: I know that much, and I don't have anything against the homless it's just how can we trust him, what if this guys trying to pull a fast one on you Max

Max: Y/N he literally has disappeared multiple times

Y/N: And despite his powers the tip jar goes missing at that cafe as well... I don't doubt the legitimacy of his powers but is he really using them for good

Max: Y/N this doesn't matter we have a ticket out of here now a way home back to Chloe

Y/N: How can you possibly know that for sure

Max: We have to take this chance Y/N there might not be any other

Y/N: That maybe Max but it looks like the universe choice our fate for us... and maybe in some weird roundabout way we do belong here actually

Max: What are you talking about

Y/N: I mean fate thinks we belong here... so why can't we think that

Max: Because that is not our Chloe and that is not your real sister

Y/N: Well it's easy for you to say Max, You didn't lose anyone... You know I haven't seen her since 2010 that was over four years ago, actually is this timeline six years ago

Max: Look I get it you lost her but-

Y/N: I don't think you do Max

Max: But that's not the real her it's not the Rachel you left behind back in Arcadia Bay

Y/N: I don't care! It can be to me Max... it is I'll take that it's better than nothing

Max: You really think that

Y/N: I know it

She just walks out of room closing the door on her way out

Y/N: Damn, I came on too strong huh... well maybe it was for the best I doubt whatever she's trying will actually end up working, I don't even know if I have the resolve to leave anymore

You look at your calendar on the wall

Y/N: Oh great that's today huh... not in the mood for a party dang, hopefully it will brighten up the spirits

You sit back on your bed at look at the ceiling thinking again

Y/N: Even with all these people being around me sometimes I feel just so alone... why is that, I've got Max or had her now she's too focused on getting out of here... I am not some how

You then hear Rachel and Chloe chatting and someone else so you stand up and walk out of the door

Y/N: What's with all the chatter out here

Chloe: Max brought the homeless thief into our house

Y/N: (Ugh she's still hung up on that huh)

Rachel: Surprised Y/N isn't jealous he's got competition

Y/N: Rache this is me that guy can not like a finger to me...

Chloe: Kind of looks like a guy I went to Blackwell with

Y/N: Warren Graham

Chloe: Yes

Y/N: A skinner version with black hair

Max: Look I'm sorry I didn't bring it up before

Y/N: I know Max whatever's going on she'd never betray me or my trust... even if I'm a little not my self or she isn't

Rachel: Well are you two ready for this party tonight its gonna be rocking 

Y/N: Max will finally become a thrasher... kidding its not that kind of party right l

Rachel: Its the rich L.A. kind

Max: You two need it

Y/N: Oh Max we're going to

Max: I don't know

Y/N: Come you'll love it... maybe

Rachel: Yeah Max you should get out more, maybe it will get more inspiration for your work

Y/N: It could help with your shots Maximus

Max: Eh I don't know

Y/N: Come Maximus it could be fun

Max: Ugh fine I'll go fuck it

Y/N: Woah Maximus you've got a sailors mouth on you

Chloe: I think were a good bad influence on her

Y/N: Or just a bad bad one in your case Price

Chloe: Shut it

Rachel: We should probably get ready then Callies party is about to start

Y/N: Oh boy what a drag

You all get dressed and ready for the party then head out to the party and see a fancy looking two house apartment

Y/N: Woah looks place is rich, what kind of friends do you have Rache

Rachel: The good kind

Y/N: Yeah I've gathered that sis

Max: This place is incredible

Y/N: From Oregon to this, I know big changes

Rachel: I gotta find Callie, come on Chloe, why don't you two get a drink or something

Y/N: I'm not an alcohol man Rache

Rachel: Make a new friend or something then

Y/N: Ugh so Maximus what's the name of the game now

Max: Huh what

Y/N: Where in some loaded kids small mansion what should we do

Max: I don't know, I'd be to afraid to break something

Y/N: Oh man Chloe was right maybe

Max: Why do you talk so casual like we know this Chloe

Y/N: I mean well we've been here like half a year now

Max: Gosh that long

Y/N: Yeah just about I'd say... look who cares about that now Max come on lets just enjoy ourselves for once we never do anymore

Max: Too much has changed now

Y/N: To much has always changed Max, we've never let ourselves enjoy life... we tried for a while after the storm but I knew you never forgave yourself for what happened, we made a choice to save Chloe what's done now is done we can't change that or go back all we can do is make the best of things here instead

Max: I want to but it's so hard Y/N, we were ripped away from our homes and thrown here

Y/N: All we can do is hope some day will come back

Max: I don't wanna hope I want to actually be there though

Y/N: I know Max... I know

She just looks away from you and out the window

Y/N: Always have to look at something Max Caulfield if not a camera a window huh

Max: You remember that

Y/N: I'll always remember Max

You smile back at her

Max: Wait it's Tristan

You frown

Y/N: Okay so the superpowered homeless kid is stalking us now... or just you in particular

Max: Maybe he needs our help

Y/N: Yeah and maybe he doesn't Max

Max: He's hurting I know, just like Kate was

Y/N: Kate Marsh... she's gone in our reality Max

Max: I know but I want to help him

Y/N: Max you can't save them all

Max: Back then Kate didn't need someone with superpowers to save her... she just needed a friend

You feel completely stunned she was right that whole situation wouldn't have happened if you or someone else were there for her more

Max: I'll be back

She begins to walk away

Rachel: Max wait where are you going

Max: I need to leave I can't be here

Rachel: Calm down Maxine its okay

Max: Max never Maxine!

Y/N: Only I can call her Maxine

Max: I don't like it... I just tolerate it

Y/N: That's my charm

Rachel: It's okay I tolerate him too

Y/N: Same to you

Max looks a bit annoyed at her comment

Max: He needs my help

Rachel: Who needs your help

Max: The boy out there

Rachel: No one's out there

She looks to see him not there anymore

Max: He was just there

Y/N: Come on Maxi Moo let's just stay a bit longer huh

She just lets out sigh but recoils

Max: Fine

Y/N: So uh Max got any good shots

Max: No...

Y/N: Really caused I'd love to see them if you did have any... you're a great photographer

Rachel: Y/N quit being so modest, you're just trying to impress her

Y/N: No I'm serious Rache... she's great you gotta see her work it's genius

Max: It's alright

Y/N: Maximus it's hella awesome

Rachel: Okay now I'm getting seriously interested

Y/N: She's a prodigy Rache just see... aye Max

You motion over to her bag to pull the shots out

Rachel: Let me see!

You grabs for her bag

Max: Hey!

Max tackles Rachel stopping her from opening it

Y/N: Max! Calm down!

Chloe: Max what the hell!

You grab her slightly back enough not to hurt her but enough to control her rage 

Max: This is fake... you're all fake!

Y/N: Max please stop!

Max: They're fake Y/N... I can't do this anymore!

Y/N: Chill out

She gets out of your grip and runs away 


You run after her until someone grabs your shoulder

Rachel: Y/N just give her some time to cool out she needs to be alone for awhile

Y/N: I can't... she's Maximus she truly understands me like no other and I can't just leave her alone to go through what's she going through... she needs me

Rachel: Well maybe you two need a little break

Y/N: Look Rache this is my business and mine alone we'll work it out don't worry

You run after Max she's gotten quite ahead of you now

Y/N: We can't go back, to much has changed now... I can't bring myself to I let all of those people die without a second thought friends, classmates, teachers, children, and... after all that we saved Kate then she just died like that, I won't I can't go back to a that it's to much

You catch up to Max

Y/N: Max wait!

She stops

Y/N: Max come back what are you doing this is completely insane

Max: Living here is insane Y/N... we don't belong this isn't our timeline

Y/N: You don't think I don't know that it was hard to adjust, I mean my sister was dead for fuck sakes and now she's living and breathing again, I didn't want to except that I knew the truth but now it's the only thing I can accept anymore or that I want to

Max: Y/N you're gonna have to choose here or there

Y/N: I choose here Maximus, come on let's just go back to Chloe and Rachel that was a fluke back there nothing more

Max: Then what was that all for what we went through that entire week... god we saved Chloe so much, we bonded like I never thought possible and now you're saying we should just throw that all away to be stay here where we don't belong... are alternate reality Max and Y/N belong here not us this is their home, for us this is a vacation or just a dream it's not real... our reality is real, Chloe is real, I'm real and you're real too Y/N

Y/N: Maybe so my Maximus but we don't know how to get out of here, what is that homeless kid gonna do it all you barely even know him

Max: Well at least he's doing more to help are situation than you 

Y/N: What help is he going to be

Max: What help are you going to be

Y/N: You're right I'm not that helpful everyone thinks that even you now Max

Max: That's not what I meant Y/N and you know that

Y/N: Its what you're thinking though huh

Max: Y/N we don't have time for this, the fate of these timelines rests on our shoulders to fix 

Y/N: Maybe it doesn't anymore maybe we just deserve to be happy for once huh, and she does to Chloe's probably kicking it with Max and Y/N from another timeline... or the Y/N and Max who let her die we'd be taking her away from them again 

Max: They made that choice its with them to live with not us... we need to get back now, we won't have another chance like this again in a long time 

Y/N: Then what if its for the best 

Max: No I won't believe that  

Y/N: Well I will Maximos 

Max: Y/N look the answer is simple it's Rachel or Chloe...

Y/N: Max you can't make me choose between them that criminal 

Max: Do you want to Rachel back or Chloe...  she made peace in our world we gave that to her justice 

Y/N: Only to Jefferson not to Nathan

Max: Y/N look that doesn't matter now, only this does 

Y/N: Well what is this anymore

Max: I don't know, but I do know I won't give up on Chloe no matter 

Y/N: And I won't give up on Rachel 

Max: I guess you chose then... Y/N I want you to know I chose you over anyone else not because your looks, your brain, or even your humor but I chose you because of you, I love you as simple as that... maybe you weren't who I thought you were

Y/N: Maybe not then

Max: Enjoy your life Y/N

And with that she walks away just like nothing

Y/N: I'm right I know this a right... I have to do what I must, she'll understand

You walk away as the wind blows past your face leaving you feel cold and alone, but you keep on walking as hours go by and pass until you finally see the apartment 

Y/N: Home at last 

You hear giggling and peek through the window to see Rachel and Chloe attempting to cook something together but in end failing horribly but to them it doesn't matter they're having a great time 

Y/N: Chloe she looks so happy here, I wonder what the other Chloe is feeling now alone maybe... but I can't just leave Rachel again, not like before I didn't even give her a proper goodbye before she died, she was left alone and drugged and died that way I wasn't there... I won't make the same mistake again I can't, or else how could I ever forgive myself or am I making that mistake already, am I selfish to want and see my sister again, do I deserve to see her again 

A flood of memories pass through your head of Max, of Chloe, and of Rachel

Y/N: Why can't it all just be okay, I can never have it both ways can I, those two look so happy together... what can I do, what do I do, I'm always put in these situations... I can't do this again 

You grip your hair hard in frustration as you begin to feel completely hopeless


Broken between two paths leave your sister again or leaving Max behind this choice won't be easy either way... choose the choice is yours

A/N: I've come back from my slumber yes most 0f you all probably thought I completed this story but no I haven't at least not yet I will soon the next chapter will sadly be the last chapter or second to last because I wanted to do a Christmas special but this wasn't done so I may now do New Years special if I have time special, and if you'd like I could do a what if, if Chloe died because I had a plot for that as well or which ever choice you pick in this as well... Happy News Years everyone have safe time and hopefully a better year than the last

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