Don't Trust Me

By DOMinMatrixx

11.1K 574 356

Elizabeth is a rookie detective looking for her big break in her career. When a new super-drug with fatal sid... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 35

133 11 12
By DOMinMatrixx

I excused myself for the bathroom shortly after. Both as an excuse and out of necessity. I needed time to process everything Merlin had just confessed.

The thought that the sins' stories were so interlaced with each other surprised me even though it shouldn't have. It made sense that they would have a connection. Something that tied them together and gave them a common goal.

Get rid of XGEN.

Of course, that didn't make processing it any easier.

I washed my hands, splashed water on my face, and then stared hard at my reflection in the mirror. I'm not sure that I'd ever seen myself look so exhausted; dark circles barely concealed under borrowed make-up, pale complexion, a tremble in my fingers as they clutched the sink like a life-line. The image made me snort with a soft chuckle.

Leave it to the sins to make it look like I hadn't slept in weeks.

Though, I suppose that was true about this week. Sleep never really came easily after hearing a sins' story. Leaving me restless through the night.

I sympathized with them. Truly. More than feeling sorry for them, I hated that they'd all been let down by people just like me.

And it was getting harder and harder for me to ignore the cries for justice.

A heavy sigh left my lips as I pushed away from the counter, slapping my cheeks to bring some color and vigor back to my face. Pushing the heavy sense of foreboding and guilt to the back of my mind until later where I could address it in private.

I couldn't stay there, locked in the bathroom forever. I had no idea what else to say to Merlin - if she was even there - but I couldn't hide any longer.

I left the bathroom, coming around the corner to look for Merlin and stopped short.

Merlin wasn't the only one sitting in the bar anymore.

It was weird seeing everyone in the same place like this, filling up seats in the bar, looking back at me as I entered. Even Elaine and Hawk with his giant plush pig were in the tavern now, watching me as I looked back at all of them.

My teeth sunk into my bottom lip as I glanced from face to face. "What's... going on? Did I miss a meeting invitation?" I asked, unsure.

There was a palpable tension in the air around everyone. They were waiting for something. And the anticipation was heavy.

I finally entered the bar area and was stopped by Meliodas' soft chuckle, "It's your initiation. Should you choose to accept it."

My brow furrowed as I turned a confused look on him.

"I told you, didn't I?" Meliodas hopped down from where he sat on the bar's counter, taking slow steps towards me as he continued to speak, "You know why we're all here now. You've heard all the stories. So, that just leaves one question - are you in or out?"

He stopped a few feet away from me, acting as a barrier - a gatekeeper between me and the others. Waiting for my answer to either welcome me or cast me out.

I'd been anticipating this, of course, but I hadn't expected the confrontation to come so soon. I'd just learned Merlin's story. And I hadn't exactly given my situation here the thought a decision like this deserved.

Maybe that was the point.

Given too much time, I would be able to rationalize one side or the other. Springing the decision on me almost guaranteed an honest answer since it would be a gut reaction. No time to scheme. No time to dawdle and flip-flop on my stance.

I knew that this wasn't going to be easy. I knew the moment Meliodas had made that cryptic comment about a choice that this was all going to get worse before it got better.

But I think, even then, I'd already known.

Just like I knew right now, staring widely at the blonde before me, that I'd already made my choice.

I made it the moment I agreed to listen to their stories. I made it over and over again as I pushed each of them to open up about their pasts. I made it every time I put myself in their shoes and told myself that I was a liar if I said I wouldn't have done the same damn thing if put in the same position.

There was no going back.

I knew that.

Now I was at the crossroads.

I'd lied and told myself that I wouldn't be swayed, I wouldn't become invested. That I knew best, and would know the right answer despite everything.

I'd been wrong.

And even though there was a part of me that screamed that I was about to betray a fundamental part of my beliefs, and my family, the rest of me was at peace with the road I was choosing to take.

I couldn't ignore it anymore.

I felt a natural softening of my features as I took Meliodas in and the corners of my lips pulled up as I finally glanced around the room. "It's funny you think I'm going to quit before we've cracked this case." I took a moment to also take in the bar I'd been calling home for the last few weeks, "Besides, I've grown rather fond of the bar and it's strange tenants."

There was almost an immediate release of that building anxiety as smiles and grins lit up the room's occupants. Which left only one thing. Time to seal the deal.

"So, I guess that means I'm in." I put my hand out to Meliodas, a confident grin overwhelming my features, "What do you say, Boss? Mind if I stick around and give you a hand?"

His own grin grew as he took my hand. A pride behind that smile as he welcomed me as one of them in that single gesture.

Or maybe I was misreading the look, because before anyone else could join in our celebrations, his grin turned smirk, "I'm sorry, but can I get you to say that again, just slower and with less clothing?"

He still had hold of my hand and by how hot it felt in his grasp I could tell my entire person was on fire. I kept a straight face for as long as I could before I shook my head in defeat, "Nope. I've changed my mind. I quit."

Suddenly I was surrounded by the others, laughing and holding on to me. Diane had thrown her arms around me and nearly tackled me to the ground as she lovingly rubbed her cheek against mine, "No! No takesy-backsies!"

"You're stuck with us now," King commented from somewhere off to the right of Diane.

"Psh, like she was ever going anywhere." Ban chuckled as he placed a hand on my head and mused my hair.

"Oh yeah, cause you of all people knew exactly what she was going to do." King scoffed. "You wanted her thrown out her first night here!"

"Well, duh. She was a cop."

"She's still a cop dumbass!"

"Don't call me a dumbass you fucking-"

"Ban! Harlequin!" Elaine scolded from somewhere behind us. "There are children present. Watch your mouths."

"Yes, Elaine." The two replied in defeat.

Not once in the commotion did Meliodas let go of my hand, though. And the next time our eyes met, I saw that tenderness there again. This time, his expression conveyed something else.

Thank you.

I smiled softly at him. Even with the chaos that was the sins going on around me, I couldn't hear a thing. Not until a hand waved in front of my face.

"You two done?" Diane's amused tone finally reached my ears.

I flushed, finally pulling my hand away from Meliodas'. "So what's next then?" I prompted to move the conversation on before anyone could begin their teasing.

"Well," Melidoas grinned. "That's why we're all here." He opened his arms, gesturing to everyone in the room. "Except Hawk. You can go home now, kiddo."

"What!?" He squealed angirly. "You said I could be here to welcome Elizabeth in!"

"And you did." Melidoas placed a hand on his little dusty-pink head. "Now you better go check on your mama. Supper's gotta be ready soon, hmm?"

Hawk shifted from one foot to the other. He squeezed his plushie tighter. "You'll let me know what happens?"

"We'll give ya the need to knows, Master." Ban answered for Meliodas. "Now, don't keep your mama waiting kid, you hear me?"

"Oh, alright." Hawk relented and headed for the door. He paused and then rushed back to squeeze Meliodas in a hug as he spoke to everyone, "be safe guys."

"Always, little buddy." Meliodas grinned down at him as he placed a gentle hand on his head.

The two of them interacting warmed my heart in a different way than I was accustomed to. Meliodas was... good with kids. The realization was... not the one I wanted to dwell on so I focused on Hawk.

The kid nodded and released the leader of the sins. He nodded at everyone, eyes landing on me last. "You be extra careful, okay, Elizabeth?"

"Me?" I pointed at myself stupidly. I was the cop. If anything I was the most qualified one here! Short of Meliodas and his military experience.

"Yeah." Hawk told me, his face all business as he urged me down to his level. I did so and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "You're the new kid on the block. Newbies gotta be careful."

My jaw slacked slightly. "Newbie?" I mumbled.

I heard barely concealed laughter as Hawk nodded. "Yep! But don't worry." He grinned at me brightly. "Melidoas always takes care of his own and your one of us now, Elizabeth!"

And then he threw his little arms around my neck, squeezing tight before rushing out the door back home.

My heart felt like it was being squeezed. I hadn't had many interactions with kids but, well Hawk caused an odd stirring of emotions. I may not have known him as long as the rest of the sins but dammit if I wouldn't protect that little boy with everything I had.

"Oh my gosh." Diane muttered and she sniffled. "How dare he say something so sweet."

"There, there," King patted her back, a soft smile on his face.

"That little turd!" She changed her tune quickly. "He's never said anything like that to me!"

Ban snorted. "Well, maybe Ellie's a little more likeable than you are." He grinned wickedly.

"Oh fuck off!" Diane shouted at him, reeling back to deliver a punch to the sin of greed.

He dodged and stuck his tongue out at her in a clear taunt.

Diane lunged for him again. Soon the two of them darting around the room.

King and Elaine sighed in exasperation at the same time.

Merlin and Escanor exchanged amused smiles. Gowther watched the pair in silent interest from his seat next to Merlin.

"Can we focus for like, five minutes guys?" Melidoas asked flatley. His green eyes light up in mirth. "We're trying to save the city here."

"Sorry." The bickering two stopped, returning to their places in the circle.

"Now, as I was saying before Hawk got us so off track," he shot me a soft grin before his gaze settled back into business. "We got a mission tonight and each of us has a part to play."

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