Nibelhiem (Sephiroth Story)

By QueenOneWinged

20K 516 48

Janelle was a 1st Class Soldier. Very rare for a woman to be in combat. 26 years old, striking beauty, insane... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
authors note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors Note!
Chapter 20.
Authors Note
Chapter 21

Chapter 8.

961 28 0
By QueenOneWinged

We arrived back at Shinra like normal. We acted normal. Talked normal. Reacted normal. People there were crowding around us asking us if we were okay from the fire, if we got out in time before the fire started, if we saw how it started, blah blah blah. I started to feel anxiety build inside my throat & pushed people out of the way making my way to Lazard's office; Sephiroth was behind me in long strides. We knocked on the door & was escorted in by infantryman. I dropped the mission documents on his desk in front of him. Completed. He chuckled to himself.

"Glad you made it out alive. That fire destroyed the entire village" Lazard stated. I sat on the desk as Sephiroth leaned against the wall.

"& killed every single person in Nibelhiem" he added. He looked over at Sephiroth who wasn't making eye contact with him.

"Did you happen to know why Genesis arrived at the reactor while we were investigating?" I asked, trying to get Lazard's attention to me. It worked. He rubbed the back of his hand & stood up. He walked around the desk & leaned against it.

"Genesis is not in our best interest."

"Is it because he so happens to be working with Hollander?" Sephiroth breathed. He didn't looked up from his crossed arms.

"Yes. Hollander has been... Quite busy working on Genesis's development."

"Development of what? Shinra or Jenova?" I crossed my arms & looked out the window. I knew my face read anger & guilt. Lazard cleared his throat like he was scared. I looked at my hand & focused. I made electricity & slammed Lazard against the wall. Sephiroth locked the door making sure no one came in.

"Want to start talking or should I put you out of your misery now?" I glared at him as he started to suffocate under my hand. I electrocuted him & smiled.

"Hollander... Has Genesis under Jenova observation..."

"Screw Genesis. What do you know about Jenova & why did you keep it from Sephiroth & I"

"Sephiroth was made for fighting. Genesis was a screw up"

"Sephiroth isn't a damn machine. He's a human being. You let a sorry excuse of a man inject an innocent man with Jenova cells, lied to Sephiroth for where he came from for a fat pay check" I let go of him watching him fall to his knees, gasping for air. I knelt down to his level & grabbed his arm making him scream in pain. We heard banging on the door from the infantryman trying to get in. Sephiroth leaned against it with his masamune out & ready. The alarms go off as the windows started to shut & lock.

"Janelle we have to go!"

"I suggest you leave Shinra. You have to leave. You have to live. Run far away from here." I lifted him up so his face was close to mine.

"Keep your mouth shut & you will never see me again." I let him go. I looked over at Sephiroth & nodded. The door busted open & infantryman had their guns loaded & aimed right for us. I smirked. I snapped my fingers & disappeared.


I walked around Floor 49. Training Grounds. I noticed a few members battling it out in few simulation rooms. I reached the last one & I saw the person I wanted to see.


I felt a hand on my back. I took a deep breath.

"You know you don't have to do this."

"But he kept this from me"

"He doesn't know about what happened yet."

"Obviously. He ruined my life, i ruin his." Sephiroth kissed the side of my head. I walked into the simulation room & turned off the simulator. Zack & Cloud took off their goggles.

"Heya! You guys are back!"

"You mind telling Sephiroth why you didn't do what you were suppose to do on our Mission?" I asked Zack. He scrabbled for words. I gestured to the door where Sephiroth was holding it open.

"I would like to speak with my brother. Alone."

"Yes Ma'am." He bowed & left to speak with Sephiroth as the door closed. I locked it. I paced back & forth as I contemplated on what to say in my head. Cloud just stared at me.

"If you came here to yell a me please save it"

I smirked.

"I was just going to ask a few questions. Gotta be honest though.. & you'll be free." Cloud looked at me, questioning my game.

"Free?" I levitated Cloud off the ground & pushed him against the wall. He couldn't move. He looked at me scared. I laughed.

"Janelle! What are you doing?!"

"Every question I ask, you have to answer honestly. If you don't, the restraints will tighten. Don't let me down... Brother." I hissed. Cloud looked at me like I lost my mind. Maybe I did.. A little. I paced back & forth in front of him, twirling my katana between my fingers.

"How long have you known about me?"

"Janelle can we not discus-" I tighten the restraints as he screamed.

"I KNEW SINCE I WAS 6 YEARS OLD" he screamed while grinding his teeth. I smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me"

"Because I knew you'd freak out"

"Why did Claudia let Prof Hojo experiment on me?"

"She thought she would be able to get money" I growled. I tightened the restraints more & he screamed.


"Yeah well I didn't like the answer" I turned my back towards him with tears slipping from my eyes. I grew angry. Fast. I look towards the door & see Sephiroth standing there watching with his arms crossed.

"Where's Zack?" I asked.

"He's quiet." He nodded towards Cloud.

"There was a fire in Nibelhiem." I whispered. Cloud's face went white. He looked at Sephiroth & at me.

"Janelle... Was that you that started the fire..?" I looked down & smirked. I didnt answer the question. I looked back at him.

"Dont expect to go home to mommy." I hissed. He started to tear up. He squeezed his eyes shut. Sephiroth went up to him manipulating him.

"Mom.. Tifa.." Cloud moaned.

"Your hometown that burns so bright... The sound of her voice pleading for me to spare you. The shiver of her flesh yielding to cold steel." Sephiroth said, cooly. He was smiling. I snapped my fingers, the restraints on Cloud vanished. He dropped to ground at Sephiroth's feet. Sephiroth picked him up by his shirt collar. (Mind you, Cloud is 5'8. Sephiroth is 6'5. Hes pretty intimidating) His feet lifted off the ground. Cloud started shaking & holding his head in pain. Sephiroth was showing him a vision. I felt no remorse of the pain Cloud was feeling. I just leaned against the wall.

"What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, that is the illusion." Sephiroth spoke softly to Cloud. He let him go, Cloud falling to the ground.

"I find it best you run away, if you want to live." Sephiroth looked behind him as Cloud stood up, looking at me. Not one word was said. He walked out the door & left.

Someone saw everything. But we need no trails.

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