Fairy Tail Yaoi Oneshots


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Just a bunch of oneshots More

Freed x OC (Part 1)
Freed x OC (Part 2)


545 13 1

The pic above is so fucking cringy, but I absolutely love it.  Also, the format for this might be a little different then normal cause a) I'm typing on the computer and b) I started typing this up in Google Docs. 

Quick Disclaimer: This story is based on the true story of Rapunzel. If you don't want your childhood to be semi ruined don't continue.

Twenty years ago, a poor woman and her husband had found out that they were having a child. The elated couple held a celebration that day. However, months passed and the wife grew crankier and crankier till she was eventually fired from her job. The husband had to take on more jobs in order to support his wife and soon to be children.

As a result, the woman had a lot of time on her hands. Everyday, she would stare at the garden of her neighbor. She found the garden filled with fruits and veggies to be quite beautiful. The one that caught her attention the most however was a beautiful green plant she'd never seen before in her life.

Everyday, the woman would stare at the green plant. With each passing day her craving for that plant grew until she refused to eat any other foods. Her worried husband could only get her to eat a spoon or two of food before being kicked out of her room.

After two weeks, the husband finally decided to get the plant his wife yearned for. The lack of food had caused the woman to become pale and sickly and the man was extremely worried for his family.

He waited till midnight to sneak into the garden next door. Truth be told, he was terrified. He had heard rumors that his next door neighbor was a witch.

The man swiftly climbed the fence that guarded the garden. He ignored all the other delicious looking food and headed straight towards his prize.

At her window, the old woman who owned the garden was watching the man. She felt pity upon him as she'd heard about the terrible state his wife was in. That was until the man stole her most prized possession, the Rapunzel.

The old woman ran through her garden, stopping the man right before he was about to climb the fence.

"Little man, you have stolen my prized Rapunzel and now you must pay. I will let you keep the plant in return of the baby your wife is carrying," the woman said.

"I refuse to give up my child. You can have the plant back instead," the man said.

"The plant is now useless to me because you plucked it. You can leave the plant behind, but you still owe me the child. Now shoo, I don't want to see you on my property ever again," she said.

The man shakily climbed over the fence once more, with the Rapunzel plant clutched in his hand.


Months had passed since the day the man had stolen the Rapunzel. The wife had gotten better instantly after eating the plant. She had just given birth to two healthy babies. They looked almost identical with their luscious blonde locks and beautiful green eyes. However, two things set the twins apart. The first was that they were of opposite gender and the second being something magical. While the boy was quite ordinary looking, the girl's hair was shining like gold. The two parents instantly knew which child they would keep.

The father and mother put the baby boy in a crib near their bed and had a close friend take care of their baby girl.

That night, the old woman snuck into the house of the poor couple and stole the baby boy. Then, she took him to the tower he would spend several years of his life in.


Five years had passed since the faithful day the young boy was kidnapped. The old woman had named his Rufus Lore. Rufus because it reminded the lady of the name "Rapunzel" and Lore because it was the last name of the woman. She went by the name of Maggie Agatha Lore.  

Maggie had deeply loved and cared for young Rufus, so much to the point that she could never let him go.  She cooked for him, cleaned for him, and played with him everyday.  Truth be told, Rufus reminded of her own baby boy who had grown up and gotten married years earlier.

However, everything changed that one faithful day.  While watching Harry Potter with young Rufus, he had recited the spell "Luminos".  Instantly, a magical ball of light appeared in front of the young boy.  Maggie was extremely impressed by the boy and asked him to repeat another spell.  Each time Rufus did so, he was able to create a real life version of what was on screen.

The wheels in Maggie's brain began turning until it arrived at the conclusion that she could use Rufus's new found magic for beauty.  Beauty was the one thing Maggie loved with all her heart, well at least was cursed to love.

Maggie had once been a witch, not a very good one, but a witch nonetheless.  After a spell malfunction years ago at her wizarding school, she became obsessed with beauty, or more specifically a way to make herself more beautiful.  Maggie had then left the wizarding world in order to pursue her cursed love.


It is now the present day and Rufus is now twenty years old.  Every morning, he'd study spells and find ways to improve upon his magic.  He had a lot of free time on his hands which he spent cleaning, writing, cooking, and painting.  And everyday, Maggie would come by and visit him.

What Rufus was unaware of was that it was this year that his life was about to change.

In the kingdom of Voltare, there was a handsome prince named Orga Nanagear.  Everyday the prince would visit the nearby forest to go hunting.  It was today of all days that he lost his party. Unfamiliar with the landscape, he looked around to find any clue as to how to get back to his group.  

Just then, he heard the enchanting sound of someone singing.  Ditching all attempts to find out where he was, Orga followed the voice.  He arrived at a clearing that held the largest tower Orga had ever seen.  Unable to see the person singing, Orga decided to climb up a nearby tree.  

When he looked inside, he felt his heart skip a beat.  Sitting at the top of the tower was the most beautiful man he'd ever seen, reading a book that he'd instantly recognized.  It was his favorite after all.  To be quite frank, the man reminded him of the young lady named Rapunzel who was known to be the most beautiful woman in the whole kingdom.

From then on, Rufus would always visit the tower to see the unknown beauty and listen to his voice.  And with each passing day, he fell more and more in love.

Over time, Rufus had gotten the courage to visit Rufus.  He'd seen a woman in about her thirties come everyday at exactly noon.  And everyday she'd call out, "Rufus, Rufus, let down your golden hair."  Then, Rufus would let all his hair down the side of the tower, allowing the lady to climb.  And everyday, at 1 PM, the lady left after kissing Rufus on the forehead.

Two hours after the lady left, Orga called out "Rufus, Rufus let down your golden hair."  And sure enough, Rufus let his hair cascade down the side of the tower.  Slowly, but surely Orga began to climb up the rope of hair.  When Orga reached the top, Rufus screamed at the unfamiliar face and yanked his hair towards himself.  The sudden movement caused Orga to loose his grip on the hair.  Before he could plummet to his death, he grabbed onto the windowsill and pulled himself up.

Orga climbed through the windowsill as a terrified Rufus frantically gathered his hair.  Realizing that he could never gain Rufus's trust if he didn't do something, Orga raised his hands above his head.

"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you.  I've seen you singing several times and I wanted to know who you were," Orga said.

Although Rufus's grip had weakened, Orga knew he would have to keep talking.

"To be honest, I've never heard a voice more beautiful than yours.  It's sweet like honey and rich like chocolate," Orga said.

"Really?" Rufus asked timidly.

"Yes really," Orga said.

And thus a beautiful friendship sparked between the two and maybe a little bit more.  (Warning: Please do not ever trust a stranger you've never met, even if they compliment you)


Months passed and Rufus and Orga had spent almost all their together when Maggie wasn't around.  

However, one day, Maggie had come back to the tower as she'd forgotten one of her belongings.  She had heard Rufus talk cheerfully, seemingly to himself.  Just as she was about to call out, she heard another sound.  The sound of an unknown man.  She decided to wait in the bushes, waiting for the foreign man to come down.  

After a couple of hours, she saw the retched prince of Voltare.  Maggie was extremely angry, but an expert at hiding it.

 30 minutes had passed until Maggie went back into the tower.  She told Rufus that they were moving to a better place and that he was to pack his bags immediately.  The upset Rufus did as he was told.  The two travelled for a couple of days until they reached the desert.  Maggie then cut off Rufus's hair until all that was left was a light brown bob before leaving him with a jug of water.

Maggie went back to the tower and climbed up the secret flight of stairs that no one had known about.  The next morning when Orga came to visit Rufus, Maggie let the rope of hair that once belonged to Rufus fall down the side of the tower.  The young prince began to climb and when he was halfway up the ladder, Maggie dropped the rope of hair.  Orga began to fall until he landed in a rose bush at the base of the tower.  The bush had cushioned his blow, allowing him to survive at the cost of his eyes.

The desperate prince scrambled around for days looking for his palace.  He had stumbled upon a desert, the same one that Rufus had been abandoned in.  Rufus had seen the prince from afar and ran towards him despite the great pain he was in.

Rufus cradled Orga's head as he tried to use as many spells as he could in order to heal Orga.  However, every time he tried, he failed.

Rufus began to cry and one of his tears dropped onto Orga's eye.  The tear began to sparkle and slowly grew bigger as it eloped Orga.  Then, it disappeared.

When Orga opened his eyes once more, he saw the face of the man he'd fallen in love with.  He pulled Rufus close into a tight hug before whispering an "I love you".  With tears painting his face, Rufus answered with an "I love you too".

The two lovers went back to the tower again, this time with a fleet of soldiers.  They had come to collect everything that Rufus was unable to pack.  After a couple of hours, they finally managed a way to reach the top of the tower.  What they saw shocked them to the core.

Laying on the floor was Maggie, surrounded by a pool of her own blood.  Rufus began to cry again.  Although Maggie had tried to kill both him and Orga, Maggie was also his mother and he had never wished this fate upon her.

Orga had noticed a note laying on the dresser that he gave to Rufus.  With a shaky hand, Rufus opened it up.

Dear Rufus,

        I'm sincerely sorry for leaving you alone in that desert.  I can't stand to live with myself, knowing what I did to you.  If you somehow manage to survive, just know that I loved, no love, you very much.


                                                  Maggie Agatha Lore    

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