𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙚 || 𝙍. 𝙇�...

By Ambythenomaj

124K 3.7K 3.3K

"THAT GIRL IS AS BAD AS THE REST OF THEM!" Asteria Nott, an exchange student from Durmstrang Institute, finds... More

Lost Mouse
New Friends
Easy Potions
Friendly Foxes
Hospital Banter
Charm Catastrophes
Christmas Secrets
Daisy Chains
Common Room Parties
The First Transformation
Rose-shaped Lollipops
Secret Closets
James's Match
Lost Cat
Moony's Birthday
Lake-side Drama
Bad News
Two Years Later
A Troubled Christmas
Her Fault
Dark Truths
Lily's Surprise
White, Red and Pink
Lily's Second Surprise
A Notty Christmas
Rose Gold
Her Torment
Slipping Through Their Fingers

Daily Prophet Rumours

2.4K 95 41
By Ambythenomaj

The rest of March and April flew by with tremendous amounts of homework and O.W.L. preparation. April's full moon went by smoothly for Oscar and Remus. Ast had had one of the best birthdays ever.

Quidditch finals were tomorrow and Gryffindor were to play against Ravenclaw, if they won this match, they won the season. James was absolutely terrified and had been training non-stop for the past month.

"Mr Potter, just because the Quidditch finals are tomorrow doesn't mean that you can laze around in my class!" McGonagall barked.

"I know that," James said, just as the last bell rang, signalling the end of school.

They all filed out of the class and walked to the common room to drop their bags off before dinner. The corridors were packed with students, who were all buzzing with excitement about the upcoming match.

"Potter!" James's friend and Quidditch captain, Ralph, called as the Marauders approached the common room entrance.

"Alright Ralph?" James asked.

"David is ill, I've been trying to find a replacement all day."

"What? But the match is tomorrow!"

"I know! Talk about timing,"

"Hey," Sirius interrupted, "Ast plays Quidditch. You played on the Durmstrang team, didn't you Ast?"

Ralph turned to Asteria, who at the time fumbling around with her book bag. Suddenly, all of its contents spilled out onto the floor.

"Y-yes, yes I do- well I did- but I haven't played in a year," she quickly said, bending down to stuff everything back in.

Remus bent down to help.

"What position do you play?" Ralph asked.

"Chaser but sometimes a seeker,"

His eyes lit up.

"Excellent, you'll be replacing David as a seeker tomorrow,"

"Wait but-"

Ast shot up.

"Come on let's give you some training before the game. Oi James, round up the team for me."

Before she knew it, she was on the Quidditch field with Ralph handing her a broom. James arrived with the other team. Ralph explained the situation and said that Ast would be playing David's place tomorrow. The rest of the team got dressed and headed out onto the field to join them.

"Alright everyone mount your brooms and take off in three... two... one!" Ralph exclaimed.

The training went by quite well. Ast managed to catch the Snitch in fifteen minutes which was a record time for her. The others congratulated her and once training was over they all headed up to the castle for dinner.

"How was it?" Peter asked, handing her a napkin to wipe her muddy face as she sat down at the Gryffindor table.

Remus thought that Ast looked quite pretty despite her hair being tousled and the absurd amount of mud on her face. She was still panting as she took the napkin and began wiping her face. Peter grabbed hold of the napkin and helped remove the splotches of dirt she had missed.

"Ast did amazing!" James exclaimed. "With her there's no doubt that we won't win."

Peter smiled, "well our girl is good at anything you put her up to."

Asteria blushed and smiled coyly. "I wouldn't say anything."

"I would," Remus commented.

"She's our little star, literally." Peter said. "Our favourite star."

"Um... excuse me." Sirius said.

"Shush, flea boy."

"Oh that's rich coming from someone who's a literal rat," Sirius hissed.

"Well at least Filch didn't try to kick me out of the castle."

"At least I didn't start the Black Plague,"

"I thought that was something your family started," Ast said.

James's eyes widened, Remus held back a laugh, Peter's mouth fell open and Sirius looked like he had been punched.

"Eat your dinner, Nott," Sirius mumbled.

Asteria laughed as she stuck her fork into her chicken and brought it to her mouth.


The next day, the whole team gathered at the Quidditch tent before the match.

"Okay team remember, stay focused that's the key to winning. And Ast, we're counting on you so please don't mess this up." Ralph said.

"Easier said than done," Ast muttered.

Her eyes caught on to outside of the tent. It seemed that the whole school was there ready to watch her play. She gulped and turned back to Ralph. James had given her at least a hundred pep talks before they arrived at the field and had given her a hundred more as they were getting ready.

"Come on it's time to go," Ralph said, checking his watch.

They exited the tent and walked onto the pitch. The crowd went crazy and the sound coming from them was deafening. Madam Hooch told them to mount their brooms then blowed on her whistle. They all kicked off into the sky and the game began.

Ast flew high above the game to try and get an aerial view. This was the best chance she had at finding the Snitch. Unfortunately, the Ravenclaw seeker had the same idea as her and now they were both surveying the game below like hawks as well as giving each other death glares.

"Welcome to the Quidditch final!" A familiar voice boomed into the microphone.

Ast looked down into the teachers' box and found Sirius holding the microphone, accompanied by a very uncomfortable looking McGonagall.

"Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw! Gryffindor team experienced an unexpected change in team members so now Asteria Nott will be filling in for David Parker today."

Ast looked back down at the game to find a Ravenclaw chaser with the Quaffle.

"Ravenclaw has the Quaffle but wait, the one and only James Potter has snatched it from them and is now advancing towards the goal. Come on James you can do it and- HE SCORES! That's 10-0 to Gryffindor!"

Ast smiled.

Well done, Prongs. She thought.

She resumed to looking for the Snitch. She needed to find it, the whole team was relying on her. She continued to look for a few minutes but couldn't seem to find it.

"YES JAMES SCORES AGAIN! Thats 30-10 to Gryffin- Wait, it seems that Asteria has found something. Could it be the Snitch?"

The game paused as everyone watched Ast dive for the Snitch she found lurking by the Ravenclaw goal post. A blue figure came closer to her and she realised it was the other seeker.

"SHE'S DIVING FOR THE SNITCH! The Ravenclaw seeker has caught up to her and now they're neck and neck. But who's gonna get there first? ASTERIA IS GAINING SPEED AND- OUCH Remus is not going to like that."

She regained her balance after the seeker knocked her off course. She leaned forward to try and catch up to him before he caught the snitch. The roaring crowd was making it hard to hear anything.


"Black!" McGonagall yelled.


"Please do it without swearing."


"Sirius Black!"

Ast reached her hand out, the snitch was practically in front of her if only she could just reach it. The other seeker reached his hand out as well. She tried to bump him out of the way but he was too heavy. She reached her hand out a bit further and-


Ast looked at the small golden ball enclosed in her fist. The crowd gave an almighty roar. She couldn't believe it! They won! Her first Quidditch match as well!

The rest of the team came soaring towards her. All pulling her into hugs in midair and nearly knocking her off of her broom. James was yelling in delight and by the look of it, crying tears of joy. The Ravenclaw seeker sulked off to his team. But she couldn't be more bothered about him because she just won!

"Go go Gryffindor! Go go Gryffindor!" The crowd chanted.

They flew down to the ground where Madam Hooch was holding the Quidditch cup.

"Gryffindor win!" She announced and handed it to Ralph.

The crowd came running up to them from the stands to congratulate them. They were still chanting but it had died down now because they all wanted to get a chance to see the cup. Sirius, Remus and Peter squeezed through the crowd to get to the team.

"WOOO! AST!" Sirius yelled, pulling her into an extremely tight hug.

"Congratulations!" Peter exclaimed, hugging her too.

She went to hug Remus but found his lips crashing into hers before she could put her arms around him. The kiss seemed to go on forever until Peter finally pulled them apart.



"Her whole family is crazy."

"Why wasn't she put in Slytherin?"

"She'll turn out just like him."

Students in the Great Hall whispered as Ast walked past them. People had been giving her weird looks since she first entered the hall. She stopped walking and turned around to face two Gryffindor girls holding the Daily Prophet.

"Got a problem?" She asked.

Their faces turned white.

"No no, nothing," one of the girls said.

Ast turned back around and walked over to where the Marauders were sitting. Remus and Sirius were peering at the Daily Prophet in Remus's hands, both looking solemn. James and Peter were in deep discussion with Peter flourishing his hands very aggressively. This was a very strange sight to see because: 1. Sirius didn't read unless told too; and 2. Peter didn't use his hands when talking.

"Alright?" Ast said, sitting down next to James.

"Hey Ast," Peter mumbled.

"What are you reading?" She asked, indicating to the newspaper in Remus's hands.

He exchanged glances with Sirius then handed her the paper. She immediately saw a picture of her uncle and two men, who seemed to be pointing their wands at him. Her stomach dropped, this couldn't be good.

Wizard Murders Muggle Family

    Willaim Nott, a respected figure among the Wizarding World, has been arrested for the murder of a muggle family in Newcastle. Nott confessed to being a death eater and the Wizengamot sent him to Azkaban in the early hours of this morning. Nott has a brother, Dorian, who's location is currently unknown. He was last seen somewhere in Bulgaria with his wife. Rumours are speculating that Dorian has joined the Dark Lord's side. His daughter, Asteria, and son, Oscar, are at Hogwarts this year. Both having been transferred from Durmstrang for their fifth and seventh years. It has been said that Dorian sent his children there to spy on Albus Dumbledore and report back to the Dark Lord. However, these are rumours and the reason to why Asteria and Oscar are actually at Hogwarts is unknown. William-

She casted the paper aside. So this was why everyone was acting weird. She looked around the hall only to find almost everyone staring at her. She felt her stomach drop again and her mouth became noticeably dry. She looked back at the Marauders, they all seemed to be avoiding her gaze.

"What kind of rubbish is this?" She asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Mmm." That was all James said.

Strange, James would usually go off on a rant about how stupid the Prophet was. Then it hit her.

"You believe them don't you?" She asked, feeling anger rise inside of her.

"Well, no one knows your actual history," James said.

Ast's mouth fell open and she glared at the other Marauders, who were still attempting to avoid her eyes. She huffed and stood up.

"Are you all that thick as to believe that I'm some sort of spy?" She demanded.

"Why are you here in the first place?" Sirius asked. "Your appearance here is certainly strange."

She furrowed her eyebrows and turned to Remus. "You seriously don't believe this do you?"

But Remus wouldn't even look her. Hurt flashed across her face but she was quick to mask it.

"And I thought you lot were my friends," she snapped before grabbing her bag and stalking out of the Great Hall.

She didn't stop walking until she reached the girls bathroom on the second floor. Nobody went in there for some reason. Once in there, she sat down against a wall and let the tears fall.

"What's wrong?" A voice asked, it was almost childlike.

She looked up to find the ghost of a girl floating in front of her. She was wearing Ravenclaw robes and her black hair was parted into two ponytails.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Myrtle, but I wouldn't expect you to know. Nobody cares about Moaning Myrtle anyway." Myrtle wailed.

"Moaning? Is that what they call you?"

She looked at her curiously then nodded.

"That's a horrible thing to be called!" Ast said.

"Isn't it?" She floated closer towards Ast. "I know you, you're Asteria Nott aren't you?"

This time it was Ast's turn to nod. Merlin, even the ghosts knew about her.

"I heard some girls talk about you just a few minutes ago in the fifth floor bathroom. Horrible things they were saying." She said in a matter of factly tone.

"I can imagine,"

"So why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying," Ast said, turning her face away from her.

"I may be dead, but I'm not stupid,"

"It's nothing really,"

"Is it a boy? I hate boys."

Ast thought of her friends. Of Remus.

"No, it's not a boy."

"Oh well, I tried to help,"

She floated away, leaving Ast to let the remaining tears fall. Of course her stupid uncle had to screw everything up. When Ast was just beginning to enjoy herself he had to go and murder that poor family. Because apparently, nothing lasts forever.

And now no one wanted to talk to her because she was some sort of 'Death Eater'. Great. Just great. Everything was just going swimmingly.

"You look like you're about to kill someone," Myrtle said, poking her head round the corner.

"I am," Ast replied, crossing the room to the sinks.

"I better clear out of your way then,"

The bathroom door swung open and a flash of red rushed inside.

"There you are, I've been looking all over for you!" Lily said, grabbing a paper towel and dabbing Ast's tear-stained face.

Ast moved out of her reach.

"Oh hey Lily,"

"The boys are looking for you,"

Ast turned away from her and looked at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were bright red and puffy from the tears. Her hair was all frazzled and her uniform was wrinkled. She looked at herself gingerly, who on Earth would want to befriend this mess?

"No they're not,"

"Okay so maybe the majority of the school thinks you're a Death Eater... So what?"

Ast raised her eyebrow and turned back to Lily. The nerve of that girl...

"Aren't you scared that I'm going to kill you on the spot?" Ast asked, placing her hands on her hips. "Torture you into insanity? Have you blasted into a million pieces?"

Lily let out a small chuckle.

"Ast I'm not thick, I know your not one."

"Try saying that to the others,"

"Well, we all know that the boys aren't the brightest bunch now don't we?"

Ast turned away from Lily, trying to hide smile but ended up failing.

"Is that a smile I see?" She smirked.

"Oh shut it,"

"Your uniform is all wrinkly, here let me help."

She took out her wand and started poking Ast's uniform. It immediately smoothened out making her look a bit less like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.

"Anyways," Lily said, stowing her wand away inside her cloak, "you can hang out with Sev and I until the boys apologise."

"Lils, are you forgetting what happened last time?"

"Well, he's just going to have to deal with it."

"I don't understand. How are you still being nice to me?" Ast asked.

"Because you're my friend and I want the best for you," Lily said.

"You always seem to see the good in everyone, it's pathetic."

"And you always seem to let people get into your head. Not everyone is going to like you,"

"I know that-"

"So why don't you believe it? You're acting like this is the end of the world." Lily said, leaning against the sink and placing her hands on her hips.

"Because 99% of the school doesn't like me?"

"You're being dramatic."

She fused over Ast a bit more until she finally looked somewhat decent. Lily also managed to grab a banana from the Great Hall, so she offered Ast half of it and they ate in bathroom while listening to Myrtle wail on about how much she misses food. Ast ended up lobbing the remaining banana at her to get her to go away, much to Lily's dismay.

They headed out of the bathrooms and made their way to Herbology. As they walked, students either moved out of their way or pointed and whispered. It made Ast feel like it was her first week of school all over again.

"Don't worry Ast, everything's going to be okay," Lily assured.

She bloody well hoped it would.

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