Burning Bright - A Legend of...

By nene91310

126K 4K 1.3K

"How are you so excited? You're insane!" "I know!" Many call her crazy and wreckless. She takes that as a com... More

Prologue - "Oh no."
Chapter 1 - "She's What?"
Chapter 2 - "Yay!"
Chapter 3 - The South Pole
Chapter 4 - Dark Spirits
Chapter 5 - Spirit Portal
Chapter 6 - Rumble in the South
Chapter 7 - "I Should Have Paid Him!"
Chapter 8 - It Was a Setup!
Chapter 9 - Lock Your Window
Chapter 10 - Spiraling
Chapter 11 - Sting Operation
Chapter 12 - "Criminals Can Climb"
Chapter 13 - Shame!
Chapter 14 - Harmonic Convergence
Chapter 15 - A New Age
Chapter 16 - Temple of the Sun
Chapter 17 - Mother of the Dragons
Chapter 18 - He Can Airbend!
Chapter 19 - Potato Sack!
Chapter 20 - Razzle-dazzle
Chapter 21 - Ba Sing Se
Chapter 22 - Prison Break!
Chapter 23 - Sun Bending
Chapter 25 - "Doesn't Even Look Like Her!"
Chapter 26 - "Yeah! Go For It, Bro!"
Chapter 27: Uh.....
Chapter 28: Water, Air, Lava, Explosions?
Chapter 29: Misty Palm Oasis
Chapter 30: Si Wong Desert
Chapter 31: I'll Protect Them
Chapter 32 - Temple Escape
Chapter 33: End of the Red Lotus
Chapter 34: No One In The World Like You
Chapter 35: As The Years Go By - Part 1
Chapter 36: As The Years Go By - Part 2
Chapter 37: Prince Wu
Chapter 38: The Coronation
Chapter 39: A Bit Stressed
Take Her Down!!
Chapter 41: They Got Wu!
Chapter 42: It's a Clip Show - A Clip Chapter?
Chapter 43: Next Step Forward

Chapter 24 - Zaofu

2.6K 81 34
By nene91310

The group had stopped for a break, the airship landing in a large open field, with beautiful mountains just off in the distance. Korra was using her airbending to play with Naga, she collected a large ball with some air then shot it high into the sky. As Naga shot off bounding after the ball, Bolin stepped up putting a hand over his eyes watching as the ball just kept going and going.

Chai was a bit ways away in an open grassy area practicing some firebending stances and deep breathing exercises. Dawn was still hanging around her neck the dragons head bobbing every so often when she moved.

Lin walked over to Korra crossing her arms. "While you're playing fetch, four of the most dangerous criminals are hunting you down. We should get moving."

"Relax, we just got here. Besides, no one knows where I am except us," Korra said

Naga came back with the ball dropping at Lin's feet.

Korra smiled as she patted Naga on the head.

"I think she wants you to throw it for her."

Lin raised a brow glancing down at the ball that was covered in drool and grass.

"I'll pass, thanks."

Asami came walking over a smile on her face, Mako next to her.

"We just got a call from the radio about another airbender," Asami said

"Finally! Where are they?" Korra asked

"A city called Zaofu, the home of the Metal Clan," Mako said

Korra looked at Lin, "You know the place?"

Lin looks off to the side an uneasy look on her face.

"Uhh, Never been there." She crossed her arms, her usual frown coming to her lips. "But I don't want you going there. I would rest a lot easier if you were back at Republic City."

"Sorry, if there's an airbender in Zaofu, then that's where we are going next," Korra said

Lin frowned as everyone started to get back on the airship. Naga stared at the metalbender before dipping her head down nudging the ball closer to Lin, an expected look as she whined. Lin gazes at the ball before whipping her hand out striking it with one of her cables busting the ball.

Zaofu wasn't that far from the group's current location and when they arrived they were met with a wondrous sight. The entire city was made of metal divided into several sections each one inside a dome that opened to make it look like each one was a blooming flower.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! An entire city made of metal! Wohoho, you should feel right at home, Beifong," Bolin said

Lin was sitting down, arms and legs crossed, a grumpy look on her face.


The airship lands and the docking process was much smoother thanks to the metalbenders. Once the ramp was up Bolin was the first person to leave, practically skipping to exit.


Everyone started to exit but Lin remained in her seat.

"Aren't you coming?" Asami asked Lin

"What's there to see? It's metal. Big whoop. Just find the airbender and let's get moving. Don't tell anyone I'm here," Lin said

"Why not?" Korra asked

"Are you some kind of secret criminal here?" Chai asked

"No." Lin pointed at Korra. "I don't need to explain myself to you. Just do what I say."

"Fine. You got it, Chief Cranky pants," Korra said

Tea,m Avatar exits the ship meeting two guards and a man dressed in robes.

"Avatar Korra. It is an honor to meet you. My name is Aiwei."

"Thanks for having us," Korra said

"Is this everyone?" Aiwei asked

"Yup. Just us. So, can I meet the new airbender?" Korra asked

"Of course, right this way," Aiwei said

The group was taken to the heart of the city, riding on a tram. Both Bolin and Chai, looked the most excited as they had their faces basically pressed against the glass staring at the city. The tram passed by a tall statue depicting Toph, holding the symbol of Zaofu.

"That statue honors the first metal bender, Toph Beifong, who expanded the possibilities of what benders were capable of. Here, everyone is encouraged to reach his, or her, highest potential," Aiwei said

"Does Toph live here? Are we going to get to meet her?" Bolin asked excitedly.

"I'm afraid not," Aiwei said, causing Bolin's shoulders to drop. "She would visit from time to time, but years ago she left to wander the world, in search of enlightenment. No one has seen her since."

The team traveled to the city's edge arriving at the next compound. When the vehicle came to a stop everyone got out standing before a large mansion.

"Wow. Is this where the airbender lives?" Korra asked

"Yes. But first, her mother wants to meet you," Aiwei said

The man led them inside the grand mansion home escorting them into a dance hall. Inside there were several people using metalbending to perform an incredible acrobatic routine.

"Is this some kind of combat training?" Korra said

"They're dancing!" Chai said with stars in her eyes.

Aiwei nodded his head. "They are rehearsing for a dance premiere next month."

A woman with graying hair spotted the group behind her, and she clapped her hands grabbing the dancers' attention.

"That's it for today everyone."

"Allow me to introduce the matriarch of the Metal Clan, Suyin," Aiwei said

"Please call me Su. Great to finally meet you, Avatar Korra. Ah, and you've brought Princess Chai with you as well," Suyin said

Chai pointed at herself, "You know I'm a Princess?"

Suyin chuckled, "I actually met you when you were a baby. I knew your mother."

"Oh," Chai smiled softly.

Mako looked at the girl and saw the wistful look in her eyes.

"It's nice to meet you again. You've grown into such a fine lady and with a dragon I see. Your mother would be proud," Suyin said

"Thank you," Chai said with a smile

Suyin turned looking to the rest of the group. "And this must be Mako, Bolin, and Asami."

"You've done your research," Mako said

"I make it my business to know who's visiting my city," Suyin said

"Smart," Chai commented

"So, you're a dancer," Korra said

"Dancer. Leader. Wife. Mother. Collector of rare meteorites. You'll find people here have many skills and interests,'" Suyin said

Aiwei leaned closer to the woman whispering in her ear.

"Korra, why did you lie when Aiwei asked if there was anyone else with you?" Suyin said

Korra's eyes widened in surprise. "What? I, uh, I didn't. I mean....How did you know I was lying?"

"I'm a truth seer. When people lie, their heart rate and breathing increase. I can sense the most subtle of changes," Aiwei explained

"Thanks to Aiwei, there are no secrets in our city," Suyin said

Korra ruefully apologized. "We came with Republic City's Chief of Police. She didn't want anyone to know she was here. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

Suyin's eyes brighten. "Lin's here? Well, I would love to say hello."

"Wait, you two know each other?" Korra asked

"You're joking, right?" Suyin frowned showing she was disheartened. "Lin never told you about me."

"No. Why would she?" Korra questioned

"I'm Lin's sister," Suyin declared

Lin leaned against one of the airship windows staring out at Zaofu.

"I found out why you're so against coming here."

Lin turned around surprised to find everyone back along with Suyin.

"Why didn't you ever tell me you had a sister?" Korra asked

"Half-sister," Lin clarified

"Same mom, different dads, so what? We're blood, Lin, and after thirty years, the least you could do is say 'hello'," Suyin said

Lin turned back around crossing her arms. "I have nothing to say to you." She said in a bitter tone.

"You two haven't spoken in thirty years? How come?" Korra asked

"Ask her, I've tried,'' Suyin said, gesturing to her sister.

"Oh, don't put that on me," Lin pointed at Suyin. "You're the one who tore our family apart."

"And you've done a bang-up job keeping it that way," Suyin countered

"You haven't changed one bit, have you?" Lin said

"Look, we can stay here arguing about the past all day, but that's not the reason the Avatar came here." Suyin turned to Korra. "My daughter is thrilled to meet you."

"Lin, your niece is the new airbender! Isn't that amazing?" Korra said

"Yeah. Terrific," Lin said flatly.

Everyone returned back to the mansion this time Lin joining them. They headed towards the back of the home where Suyin brought them to an arena built into the ground. There were two boys inside, twins to be exact, and they were using their metal bending to send metal discs across the arena.

"Those are my two youngest, Wei and Wing. They're playing a game called Power Disc. They invented it all on their own," Suyin explained

A disc ricochets off one of the pillars and Wing attempts to block it but it flies behind him going into a net.

"Oh, nice power, Wei," Suyin said

"Ha! Wing goes down!" Wei cheered

"I'm so proud of those two," Suyin said

Chai stared down at the arena with bright eyes. "I wanna play!"

"Chai, you can't earthbend, let alone metal bend," Mako said

"Don't care, still wanna play!" Chai said

"No." Mako grabbed the back of Chai's jacket and started to pull her away.

The group followed Suyin to another area that was decorated with metal sculptures. Another one of Suyin's sons was busy using his metalbending to create another sculptor.

"Huan, I'd like you to meet the Avatar and her friends. And your Aunt Lin," Suyin said

"Nice to meet you," Korra said

"Hey," Huan said not looking away from his art.

"Wow, that's a really nice...banana? Yes, very, very lifelike," Bolin said

Huan sighs then whips around with an irritable look on his face.

"It's not a banana! It was inspired by Harmonic Convergence. It represents the dawning of a New Age. Obviously."

"Oh, yeah, no, uh, I can, I can totally see that. I can, oh, let me stand here. Yes, I can see that now. Yes. Thank you." Bolin scooted back whispering to Mako. "Banana. I mean, that's a banana right?"

"Wow, these are so great!" Chai said, a fanciful gleam in her eyes.

She stared up at a sculpture that was made up of coiled wiring.

"This one makes me feel all..."

Chai couldn't put her feelings into words and instead started to move her arms and legs in a wave-like fashion resembling an octopus of sorts.

"You! Stop right there!"

Chai froze, stuck in an odd position, one arm behind her head and a leg stuck out. Huan briskly walked over to her and started to circle the Chai a hand on his chin studying her.

"Something wrong?" Chai asked, still in her frozen pose.

Huan stopped walking then put his fingers up framing Chai.

"The way you move. That hair, those eyes. Yes! So raw. It's chaotic but soporific," Huan said

"Uhm...thank you?" Chai said

"I must use you in my next piece," Huan said

"Cool," Chai said

Everyone stared either amused or confused, but Mako watched his brows furrowing. He clicked his tongue crossing his arms. Bolin looked at his brother with a raised brow, he looked back and forth between Mako and Chai, and that's when it finally clicked. His quizzical expression morphed as a sly smirk came to his face.

After promising to come back to be a part of his art, Chai and the others moved on. They came to a small gardened area with rocks set on display. A young girl was sitting on a metal bench reading a book.

"And this is my daughter, Opal," Suyin introduced

Opal set down her book and turned around. "Wow, Avatar Korra. I can't believe you're here. You are so amazing."

Korra smiled. "It's great to meet you, Opal."

"Opal. That's a beautiful name," Bolin said

Opal blushed, tucking some hair behind her ear. "Thanks."

Bolin held his hand out. "I'm Bolin."

"Opal. But, uh, you already knew that." She flushed, shaking Bolin's hand.

"Great. We've found the airbender. Let's take her back to the airship and get out of here," Lin said

"And the woman apparently trying to abduct you is your aunt Lin," Suyin said

"Really? I've always wanted to meet you. My mom has told so many stories about you," Opal said

"I'm sure she has," Lin said

Opal's face drops, confused by her Aunt's attitude.

"So I've set all of you up in the guesthouses while Korra trains Opal," Suyin said

"Oh, I'm sorry. But I was hoping she could train with the rest of the airbenders at the Northern Temple," Korra said

"That sounds amazing," Opal said

"Nonsense. This is where Opal's home and family are. You can train her here," Suyin said

"I guess I could help her get started," Korra said

"Absolutely not!" Lin snapped. "We're leaving."

"She's just a little worried because there's a bunch of crazy criminals after me," Korra said

"If you're concerned about security, don't be. This is the safest city in the world." Suyin said causing Lin to roll her eyes. "Now I'll see you all at dinner. And come hungry. My chef will blow the taste buds right out of your mouth." She said before walking off.

"Why do you have such a problem with your sister? She seems nice." Korra said, causing Lin to send a glare her way. "Come on, we can stay a little while."

Lin grumbled with her brow twitching.

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