Another Riddle (ABANDONED)

By AurorMist

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What if Tom Riddle had a daughter? What would she be like, who would she hang out with, or live with? This is... More

Another Riddle
Another Riddle Chapter 2
Another Riddle Chapter 3
Another Riddle Chapter 4
Another Riddle Chapter 5
Another Riddle Chapter 6
Another Riddle Chapter 7
Another Riddle Chapter Nine

Another Riddle Chapter 8

285 17 8
By AurorMist

I sighed, as I put on my new Slytherin robes. I knew that I should still keep an open mind but it's just hard right now. I was grateful that my friends didn't yell at me when I told them in fact, they were sympathetic, understanding really. The only thing that I worried about was the fact that I had meet and first handily, talked to some of the slimy git's, I just knew that I would be different. At least I hoped so. I should stop thinking like that, I was sorted into Gryffindor, ok kind of sorted into Gryffindor, that counts for something right?

I was glad that I had made such good friends in Gryffindor. When I first told them that I was going to be in Slytherin for a week, they thought that I was joking. After they stopped laughing, 23 minutes latter, I, was not laughing, of course, I was looking at my shoes feeling guilty keeping them from this for a while. 

"Oh, so your not joking," Angelina started slowly, "I thought that this was just something that the twins put you up to. You know, as a prank."  True I had done a lot of pranks, plus I never got caught.... yet. But those are stories for another time.

"I'm not joking." I said looking each of them in the eyes.

"So when George and Fred apologized, they did it because they knew." I nodded. "So how long exactly will you be in Slytherin."

"Two weeks, then I make my choice." I took in a breath, "After spending two weeks in both houses I will be able to make my choice so I can say what house I will be in. I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you earlier. But to try to make this a fair vote could you please try not to influence my decision at all. I need to make it almost judgement free like a first year would who never has been to Hogwarts would. I hope that  you can understand that."

"Of course we can right guys?" Angelina asked, the girls.

"Of course." 

"Right behind you." Leah finished. I sighed in relief. "Thanks, really, thank you all." I told them as I walked out of the common room and to the great hall to sit at the Slytherin Table for the first time. I got some looks of astonishment and some of approval and others of distrust as I walked through the halls as the fist day being a Slytherin student. 

"What are you doing in Slytherin robes?" I turned and saw Draco Malfoy.

"Obviously, I'm a Slytherin. That's what you do with Slytherin robes, right. Wear them when your in Slytherin." Really how thick could one guy get? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that he doesn't know yet but some people are stupidly annoying.

"No, yesterday you were a Gryffindor. And Gryffindors don't where Slytherin robes unless your doing a prank." 

"Draco," I started as if speaking to an impatient 3 year old, "You have verry good detective skills. Yesterday I was a Gryffindor and thanks to Professor Snape I am now a Slythein for the next week. And I suggest, "my voice becoming more like silk then before," that you stay away from me before I curse you into next Trust me I have cursed someone so bad that they ended up in St. Mungos and they still don't know whats wrong with him yet. And to put the cherry on top that was the second week of my fist year. Mind you, the person in St. Mungos was in there seventh." I finished in a deadly threatening tone, much to the likeness of Snape's. With his face already as pale as a ghost if that was possible even more pale now then before, I sharply turned on my heels, and skipped off into the Great hall my cloak trailing behind me.

"Here is your new time table, Ms. Riddle." Snape said, as he passed me on his way to the Professors table. "They are still the same classes just at different times some of them. Granted your classes that you previously had with the Gryffindors and Slytherins will still be the same."

"Thank you, Professor!" I shouted as he flew past. I recived a few odd glances at that, minus the ones for wearing a Slytherin robe and sitting at the Slytherin Table. "Nothing to see here go back to your breakfast!" Slowly the odd glances started to die down. 

"So you're a Slytherin now how does that work?" Some boy that I have seen in my classes asked me.

"Well it's quite complicated. First you have to have no bias. Second be perfect for two houses. And third have Professor Snape suggests that you have equal time in each house before coming up with a decision."

"But how can someone be amazing for both Slytherin and Gryffindor. I would understand Gryffindor or Hufflepuff or even Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, but never would I think Slytherin and Gryffindor. Oh and I'm Ash by the way. It's short for Ashton." Ash finished.

"Nice to meet you I'm Trixy. That's short for Trixy." Ash laughed. " I think that I'm perfect for Slytherin because of my ability to curse or as I like to call it 'expressing my feelings with my wand'. And Gryffindor, because of my amazing ability to prank."

"Is that why you got expelled from you last school, for cursing the other students?" Ash asked his eyes going wide. "And pranking?" He added as an after thought. 

"Schools. Like I was just telling Draco," I gestured to the younger Slytherin boy sitting in between his goonys. "In my second week at Buxbactons, my first school, I cursed this Seventh year in to Mungos. One of my proudest achievements. And I'm sure that the pranks were a major contributing factor." I finished grinning like half the Slytherin I am.

"So Trixy what class do you have first? I have Care of Magical Creatures." Ash stated his eyes flickering down to my time table.

"Same here, with Double Potions next." I said after glancing at my time table. Then I reached for my plate and loaded it up with buttered toast. 

Trixy Riddle's Time Table


Care of Magical creatures with Kettleburn and Ravenclaws

Double Potions with Snape and Gryffindors


History of Magic with Binns and Hufflepuffs 

Free Period


Defence Against the Dark Arts with Quirrel and Gryffindors

Herbology with Sprout and Ravenclaws


Free Period

Transfiguration with McGonagall and Gryffindors


Charms with Flitwick and Hufflepuffs

Transfiguration with McGonagall and Gryffindors


History of Magic with Binns and Ravenclaws

Free Period


Herbology with Sprout and Ravenclaws

Defence Against the Dark Arts with Quriell and Gryffindors


Free Period 

Astronomy with Sinistra and Hufflepuffs


Care Of Magical Creatures with Kettleburn and Hufflepuffs

Double Potions with Snape and Gryffindors


Charms with Flitwick and Ravenclaws

Free Period

After reading my time table. I handed it to Ash, so he could compare ours. "Looks like we have all the same classes." I gave a small smile. " With History last you can get all of your days home work done and still have time to just sit and relax, by taking notes." He added quickly seeing as we were close to the teacher's table and a few were starting to 'convertly' listen in. I snorted.

Five minutes latter we were heading out into the cool summer air, and headed to the Care of Magical creatures 'classroom' that moves from the outdoors to indoors depending on the lesson. Today we were sketching some flobber worms. 

"Hows your sketch coming, Trixy?" Ash asked. I looked at the oval blob on his paper and started to compare it to mine. "I guess it's coming ok." Mine wasn't too much better, but you could still tell that it was an animal. I'm much better at stick figures for explaining some pranks, than real life animals. After I finished drawing my floberworm, we went to potions.

I couldn't wait to see how this class would be compared to my last one. Now that I'm a Slytherin and what not. "Are you any good at potions?" I asked Ash. "No, I'm awful at potions."

"Snape has never said anything in front of the class though so I just assumed. Sorry." I quickly apologized.

"That's okay, Snape treats us Slytherins differently than the Gryffindors. He is our head of house after all." He added probably seeing the confused look on my face. I giggled. Snape did treat Gryffindors and Slytherins differently than the other. Snape treated Gryffindors with this hard dislike. I'm guessing that something happened to him back when he was in school. But he treated Slytherins with this, I scratch your back you scratch mine, mentality. 

As we approached the classroom I followed Ash to his seat. He sat in the middle next to some Slytherin girl. She had Brown hair that fell down to her mid back in loose curls. When Ash sat down next to her she looks up at him and gives him a shy smile. Then she glances at me and gives a slight wave. "Trixy this is Case, Case this is Trixy are newest Slytherin." Ash introduced us.

"Hi it's nice to meet you. Weren't you the Transfer student who had the odd sorting?" Case asked me.

"Yeah the one and only. Can I sit here?" I asked gesturing at the seat to the other side of Ash.

"Sure, if you're good at potions." I gave her a sly smirk and slid into to the empty seat. Just in time for Snape to come marching into the Classroom.


And my readers this is where I leave you today. I added two new characters from Slytherin. 




Contribute! Contribute time by reading as you did, motivation by voting, and motivation by following telling me to get off of my lousy butt and just type. Also contribute Ideas, by PMing me!

Finally I want to thank GryffindorGal7 for giving me the idea for Case I promise you I will work out her character in latter chapters.


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