Deadliest Sins (Discontinued)


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Sex, Lust, Nightmares, Daydreams. ***(DISCONTINUED)*** Korra and Asami have an everlasting lust and love pat... Еще

Part 1 - The Beginning
Part 2 - Embarressment
Part 3 - A Small Gift
Part 4 - Intimidation
Part 5 - Freak Out
Part 6 - Talking
Part 7 - Opening Up
Part 8 - First Kiss
Part 9 - Making It Offical
Part 10 - The Press
Part 11 - Crystal Clear
Part 12 - Tension
Part 13 - Jealousy
Part 14 - First Time (Explicit Content)
Part 15 - The Morning After
Part 16 - Old Wounds (Trigger Warning)
Part 17 - Taking A Break
Part 18 - A Day with Asami Sato (Updated)
Part 19 - Surprise
Part 20 - Sex Talk
Part 21 - Brewing Ideas
Part 22 - Bad Memories
Part 23 - Buisness Partners
Part 24 - Buisness Partners (Pt. 2)
Part 25 - Kuvira
Part 26 - Kuvira (Pt. 2)
Part 27 - Exposed
Part 28 - Apologies (Explicit Content)
Part 29 - Turmoil
Part 30 - Early Morning
Part 31 - Korra's Round (Explicit Content)
Part 33 - The Process
Part 34 - The Southern Water Tribe
July 2022 Update

Part 32 - Burns

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"DON'T TOUCH ME!!" Asami yelled with a choked sob as she shoved the avatar away from her.

"Hey!" Korra frowned slightly as she fell back from Asami's force, still catching herself before her body made full contact with the bed. The avatar stared at her girlfriend, wondering what could've went wrong in the short time Korra had lost her senses "Asami, what's wrong?!" Korra asked again, getting nothing but cries for an answer.

Korra quickly grabbed her clothes and pulled them onto her body, covering herself once again before she moved closer to her girlfriend "Asami please! Just tell me what's wrong..!" Korra placed a hand on Asami's side and tried to pull her back into the bed, but Asami refused. The tall girl continued to cry as she kept her back facing the avatar, taking a moment before she could create words.

"What did you do to me?!" She yelled.

Korra's brows knitted together out of confusion as she crawled closer towards Asami "I didn't do anything! What could I have done that-!" Korra stopped mid-sentence as she peaked over the tall girls shoulder, finally seeing the damage she's done.

Asami had identical burn marks on her arm and shoulder. Both the exact same size, shape and placement of the avatar's hands. The burns were covered with blisters and the skin around them was peeling back. The smell of burning flesh quickly flooded the avatar's nose as her heart seemed to fall to the pit of her stomach. Korra quickly scrambled out of the bed and stood in front of Asami, examining her burns with a panic "I-I did this!? Why didn't you try and stop me?!"

Asami was in so much pain that it was taking over most of her senses, making it impossible for her to respond. She could hear a pulse in her ears, her vision was blurred, partially from crying and partially from the state her body was in. Staying conscious seemed like it would become a problem for the tall girl. Asami closed her eyes, squeezing them shut as she lowered her head in defeat from the pain. A small sob escaped her lips as she held her arm close to her body protectively, the skin around the burns started to throb.

"Asami?! A-are you okay!?!" Korra asked worriedly as she lifted her girlfriend's head so she could make eye contact with her. The tall girl opened her eyes slowly, sending a death like glare into what felt like avatar's soul "What do you think?" She spat before pulling herself away from Korra's hands and continuing to cry as the pain seemed to only be getting worse.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Korra said as she tried to take Asami's hands in hers, but she pulled away again.

"You're not helping me right now Korra!" Asami snapped as she started to pant, breathing for her became difficult. Asami's head was spinning and it felt like her air was thinning out.

"Let me try to heal you..!" Korra said as she tried to help Asami stand.

"No!" Asami said as she tried to move away from the avatar's hands, resisting her help. Asami was never one to ask or seek for someone's help, she liked to do things on her own. It's how her brain was programmed, especially when it came to serious problems. Part of the reason behind Asami pushing Korra away was simply because she was mad at her, and she had every right to be. Although... Asami still knew that it wasn't completely Korra's fault that she was burned. It was a mistake, nothing intentional. But how else was she supposed to feel? Her skin was scorched.

Korra frowned a bit as her girlfriend kept avoiding her effort to help. Every time Korra tried to pick Asami up or place a hand on her, Asami just pushed her away. It was like trying to pick up an over grown child.

"Asami! Can you not fight me right now?! I'm trying to help you!" Korra exclaimed as she wrapped an arm around Asami's waist, finally lifting Asami up from the bed.

"You don't get to yell at me! And no! Keep your hands off of me!" Asami snapped before she winced at the tension from Korra's grip. Asami placed a hand on the avatar's chest as she cried out, pushing her away again. Korra frowned more, wondering why Asami was dismissing her so much even though she was just trying to help "Asami! Why are you being so difficult?!"

"It hurts Korra!!" The tall girl cried out as she fought the avatar's strength.

"I know it does! That's why I'm trying to-!"

"No!!" Asami lifted her head and looked up at Korra as she fisted her shirt in her hand with tears and make up now streaming down her face "Everything hurts!"

The avatar looked down at Asami, quickly realizing that Asami was pulling away, because Korra was hurting her. Asami's skin had become over sensitive, and the slightest touch quickly turned into a splitting pain. Korra quickly let go of Asami, allowing her to sit back down on the bed. The tall girl panted as she hunched over the edge of the bed, digging her fingers into the side and grinding her teeth together.

Korra's never seen Asami like this, the look on her face... the pain.. the anguish. It was completely visible. You could see the fear in Asami's eyes, and Korra couldn't tell if Asami was scared of what might happen to her, or if she was just scarred of Korra herself. It honestly could be a mix of both. Either way, it made Korra feel horrible. For the first time in a long time, Korra didn't know what to do. Asami's skin had become over sensitive and her burns were bad. She knew she needed to help her, but how could she? Anything she would do right now would only put Asami in more pain.

"I... What do you want me to do Asami?! I can't help you from in here!" Korra said as she looked down at her girlfriend. The tall girl dropped her head against the avatar's stomach as she continued to cry "I-I don't know! Just make it stop hurting!"

Korra widened her eyes a bit and took a step back to balance herself as Asami's head fell to her stomach. Korra let out a shaky breath as she looked down at her girlfriend, not to sure what to do. After all, Korra's never seen Asami like this. Crying uncontrollably and not being able to handle oneself was normally Korra's thing. Asami on the other hand has always been able to contain her feelings in a professional manner, no matter who she was with.

The avatar let out a small sigh as she took another step back, finding a stronger stance before she lifted Asami away from her body "I'm gonna pick you up.. okay?" She said softly. The tall girl nodded as a response and stayed in the same position against Korra's hands, afraid that any kind of movement of her own would just make the pain worse.

Korra bit her lip as she stepped to Asami's side, carefully wrapping an arm behind her back and the other underneath her legs. Korra lifted Asami slowly into bridal style, holding her close to her body. The feeling of Korra's clothes rubbing against Asami's skin caused a irritating, burning sensation, making Asami cry out in pain.

"I'm sorry!" Korra exclaimed as she looked down at the tall girl worriedly. Asami groaned as she dropped her head against Korra's shoulder. Asami's weight was no where near close to being a problem for the avatar to handle, but she was definitely noticeably heavier in the moment. Asami didn't even respond to the avatar's apology, mostly because she couldn't. The avatar let out a short sigh before she quickly walked out of the bedroom with Asami's weak body in her arms.
Within minutes, Korra had brought Asami into the bathroom and set her down on the toilet to wait while she began to work. Asami watched the avatar carefully as she held her arm close to her body, trying to contain her cries and whimpers. It was hard for Asami to keep her focus, but she managed to keep her eyes on Korra as she kneeled over the steps that led to the bathtub, filling it with water and prepping it for her. Only the Sato Estate would ever need such an exquisite bathroom with marble steps for a bathtub. But just like everything else in the house, it was luxurious.

Korra turned to Asami as the water in the tub began to rise. Asami's head was now lowered and her eyes were squeezed shut. Seeing Asami like this made Korra feel terrible, especially since she was the one who caused her so much pain. Korra knelt down in front of her girlfriend and placed a hand gently on her thigh. Asami opened her eyes at the touch and looked down at Korra as she started to speak "You hanging in there for me?"

Asami let out a small whimper before shaking her head no and leaning forwards as the pain started to win over her body "K-Korra..."

"It's okay... I've got you.." Korra said as she stood up, now looking down at Asami "I'm gonna undress you.. okay?"

"Now's not the time to get me naked Korra." Asami mumbled as she placed one of her hands on Korra's hip and began digging her nails into the avatar, looking for stability as her head began to spin. The tall girl lowered her head in defeat to the pain, pressing her forehead against Korra's stomach. Korra slipped out a small chuckle. Even when Asami was in dire need of help, she was still adorable and managed to make the avatar laugh.

"Easy with the claws there babe.." Korra said softly as she leaned forwards and reached her hands down, carefully undoing the many clasps of Asami's corset bra.

The tall girl whimpered into her girlfriend's stomach from the pain, making Korra bite her lip and move with even more caution. Once the corset became fully undone, it practically fell off of Asami's body since one of the straps had already been disintegrated from Korra's fire-bending. Korra assisted the bra it's way to the floor before she gently pushed Asami upwards. The tall girl hissed in pain, using all the strength she had left to sit up on her own.

"Sorry..." Korra muttered before kneeling down next to Asami and carefully looping her fingers around the sides of her underwear. Under other circumstances, any at all, Korra would love to be kneeling down in front of her girlfriend and taking off her clothes, but the reasoning behind this was not so pleasant.

Korra bit her lip as she started to pull down Asami's underwear, getting stopped by her skin that made contact with the seat. The avatar lifted her head, looking up at the tall girl "Can you lift yourself up?" She asked softly.

Asami whimpered and shook her head no before placing a hand on Korra's shoulder and gripping it tightly, now using her girlfriends touch to cope with her pain "Mm-mm..."

Korra sighed and nodded "Alright... then take a deep breath in.." She said before standing up once against and assisting Asami out of the rest of her clothes.
After a few moments, Korra had lifted the tall girl bridal style and brought her over to the bathtub where she walked up the steps and set her girlfriend down gently. Asami hissed and arched her back slightly as her body touched the water, both normal and wounded areas of her skin felt like they were burning, and it was overpowering.

"Korra!" Asami cried out before grabbing the avatar's shirt, pulling herself up into her girlfriend and burying her face in her neck. Part of her was annoyed that the avatar still managed to find a way to continue to bring her pain.

Korra widened her eyes as she stabilized herself against the sudden movement, quickly wrapping an arm around Asami as she clung to her like a cat afraid of water "I know..! I know! I'm sorry! But I'm just trying to heal you!" Korra exclaimed as she looked down at Asami "Trust me Asami, I just want to help.."

The tall girl let out a small whimper before trying to get herself to relax. It took some time, but eventually Asami's body was fully submerged in the bath, the water covering everything up to the base of her neck. Korra let out a shaky breath before she turned off the running water and set herself on the edge of the bathtub so she would be facing Asami.

The tall girl rested her head back against the end of the tub as she closed her eyes, allowing the stinging pain from the water take over. Asami's breathing was uneven and she was gasping for air every now and again. Her body was tense, and her wounds seemed to worsen over time.

Korra took a moment and reached over to a small table that held a stack of neatly folded towels. She grabbed one and looked down at Asami "Bite down on this.." Korra said as she folded it down and brought the towel to Asami. The tall girl didn't even open her eyes to see what was being placed in her mouth. All she knew was pain in this moment and she knew there was only more to come. Korra rolled up the small towel and placed it in her girlfriends mouth at a comfortable size before sitting back and letting out a small sigh.

"Okay..." The avatar lifted her hands and brought them close to Asami's body as she began to bend the water around her. Korra focused the water on Asami's wounded shoulder and arm until the water became a bright blue color, causing Asami to bite down on the cloth between her lips and cry out in pain. Korra bit her lip as she watched her girlfriends body reaction from the healing process. It was normal for the healing to hurt at first, especially if you weren't used to such an intense feeling. This was Asami's first time being healed by a water bender, but it definitely wouldn't be the last.

Korra continued to focus her bending around Asami's burns in attempt to heal them, but the tall girl struggled to sit still. Her body was trembling and her back was arched high enough that her chest was lifted out of the water. Asami continued to fight the healing as she panted through the rag.

Korra let out a small sigh "Asami... if you want me to help you, I need you to stay sti-"

"Fuck off!!" Asami yelled through the rag. Although her shout was muffled, it was clear that what she said wasn't exactly ladylike.

Korra bit her lip again, not knowing exactly what to do in this moment. She couldn't just let Asami sit around and be in pain, but healing her was helping either. Asami could barely sit still to allow Korra to heal her, normally by now the pain would subside and the burns would have faded away, but they didn't. Instead, the healing process intensified Asami's pain. The tall girl groaned into the rag as she bit down harder, trying to ignore the pain hoping some of it would fade.

After sometime of healing, Korra pulled her hands away and stopped bending the water. Asami's body relaxed immediately and it seemed as if all the tension had left her body.

" 'Sami? You okay...?" Korra asked softly before reaching over and pulling the rag out of her girlfriends mouth.

Asami groaned as she laid her head back again, taking a moment to respond "It... it still hurts.." She said as she turned her head slowly and opened her eyes a bit to look up at the avatar "But it's better.."

"Good..." Korra said as she submerged the rag in her hand under the water, letting it soak up as much water as possible, then taking it out and ringing out the excess water. Korra folded the rag nicely around one hand as she used the other to lean down and lift Asami's head. The avatar scooted forwards in the side of the tub as she began to use the rag to gently wipe off Asami's smudged make up.

Asami allowed her eyes to close as she felt Korra run the rag under her puffy eyes, wiping away the smeared eyeliner and mascara tear stains. Korra watched how Asami relaxed at her touch, she was honestly surprised by it. She expected Asami to hate her, or at least be scared of her after what happened. But she still had the calm look on her face when Korra held her.

Asami let out a small, peaceful breath. Although Korra was very muscular and heavy handed, she was always gentle with Asami. She always knew what to do to bring Asami joy, even in the worst of times. Even if Korra hadn't realized what she did pleased Asami, it always warmed her heart.

As the avatar rubbed off her make up, Asami's mind began to drift away. She was exhausted from the crying and the pain. Staying like this could honestly put her to sleep. Korra sighed as she began to wipe down Asami's forehead, figuring she would be hot from the overwhelming pain. Korra stared down at Asami's face as she tried to figure what to say to her girlfriend after she practically burned her alive. Korra bit her lip before she broke her silence, feeling reluctant to hear a negative response.

"I'm really sorry Asami..." Korra whispered as she carefully ran her finger over Asami's lips, rubbing off her lipstick and exposing her natural pink lips.

She's gorgeous without make up.

The tall girl inhaled quickly as the avatar's voice distracted her from her sleepy daze "Hm..?" Asami opened her eyes slightly and turned her head towards the avatar.

"I said I'm sorry.." Korra repeated, now running a new side of the rag gently over her cheeks "I didn't mean to hurt you. You know I would never try to do anything like that intentionally... I just.. I couldn't-"

"Korra. I know. It's okay.. I-" Asami paused momentarily because she knew what happened wasn't okay. But she still didn't blame Korra for what happened either. Korra couldn't control her body, and when that happens, her bending goes along with it.

"I'm gonna be okay." Asami continued before laying her head back again and staring at the ceiling "You know... I knew I was good at what I do. But damn, I didn't know I was that good.." Asami teased, trying to cheer Korra up knowing she felt horrible for what she did. Most of the time, it would work. But this time it didn't.

"This is serious Asami." Korra said as she pulled away "I hurt you.. really bad. And I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am. I had no clue what I was doing. If I knew I would react like that, I could've stopped it... I would've never even have let you-"

"Hey." Asami lifted her good arm and took Korra's hand in hers "I still think it was worth it.. it was nice seeing you let go. And it's nice to know that you trust me so much with your body.. I know how seriously you take yourself.."

"But still... I didn't even know I was capable of something so destructive like this.."

"Well... you are the avatar... I wouldn't say it's too far off.." Asami said teasingly as she pulled her hand away

"Not helping.." Korra frowned a bit "But that's exactly my point. I'm the avatar. I should have my bending under control... no matter what kind of state I'm in." Korra looked down as the guilt started to take over her mind "I've never heard of an avatar whose hurt their love interest in bed.... Maybe it's because I'm mentally unstable.." Korra said, only half kidding.

"Well that would go for both of us, wouldn't it?" Asami said as she looked up at Korra, there was sadness in her eyes. She really felt bad for what she did, and by the way she was acting, Asami could tell Korra would never let this go "Korra.. just because you are the avatar, doesn't mean you're going to be exactly like all the ones before.. maybe you just reacted different because it was your first time. You've built a very big wall around yourself.. you seemed to be fighting yourself as you were getting closer.."

"Is that.. bad..?" Korra asked as she looked down at her girlfriend.

"I can't say.. I've never seen anyone act like that in bed. But then again, I've never slept with a girl before." Asami paused, correcting herself "Well, I've never done anything to a girl before..."

Korra frowned as she glared at her girlfriend "You've-? Never mind." She mumbled before lowering her head. The feeling of embarrassment, anger and guilt was a terrible mix of emotions. Asami took a deep breath before she used the last of her strength to force herself to sit up in the tub. The mix of the cold air and her wet hair made Asami shiver on her way up "Korra... look at me.." The avatar continued to look down, but her eyes found something else better to look at then her lap when Asami's body lifted from the water.

Asami rolled her eyes and let out a small chuckle at the avatar's instinctive manner "I said at me, Korra."

"Sorry..." Korra mumbled before lifting her eyes and locking them with Asami's.

"I don't want you to think I'm mad at you... because I'm not." Asami said as she placed a hand over Korra's.

"How can you not? Look at your skin Asami.." Korra said as she glanced down at the burns. Taking a closer look at the then, Korra's healing ability really had done nothing for Asami. It seemed to have healed some of the blisters that formed, but not many.

"Okay.. I'm a little upset.. but that doesn't take away how much I love and care about you.." Asami said before reaching up and forcing Korra to look at her again "It was just an accident, and I'll get better. I trust you with my life Korra."

The avatar stared down into Asami's eyes, Her words made her heart flutter. How could she be so in love with someone that put her in danger? Then again.. that's been Asami's lifestyle for the past couple of years.

Korra leaned down and kissed Asami passionately, gently placing a hand on the side of her neck since she couldn't really place it anywhere else. Asami lifted her head more as she kissed Korra back, but before she got to enjoy herself too much, the avatar pulled away.

"Let's get you patched up.." She whispered.

It's FINALLY here!! I'm sorry guys! I'll promise I'll (try to) do better!!😭


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