Nothing Else Matters - Perrie...

By anonymouslmfan

93.9K 2.7K 373

A fanfiction between Perrie Edwards and a male fan. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five

Chapter Thirty Four

1.4K 34 1
By anonymouslmfan

"Oi! What's the deal with you ditching me?!"

"Ditching you? When did I ditch you?"

"You said you'd ring me when Pezza left!"

"Oh... I'm really sorry, I needed to go out with Ellie, I forgot... it's alright though, I'm fine honestly."

"What's wrong with Ellie?"

"Nothing... not exactly. We just needed a chat."

"I don't get it."

"It's a long story."

"Well drop me a line when you feel like telling me." Lauren said sarcastically. "What're you doing Sunday after work?"

"Nothing but Perrie's coming round for dinner. Why? What's going on?"

"Nothing, just asking. So, when am I gonna see you?"

"Err... I dunno, I'll give you a ring... Lauren, is everything okay?"

"Of course, why?"

"You just sound... strange."

"I'm always strange Jakers!" Lauren laughed. "Have a good weekend yeah? I'll see you soon."

Lauren hung up before I could reply and I lowered my phone, frowning. Lauren said everything was fine, but she was my best friend and that wasn't what I would call a normal conversation with her. She sounded different, but to an outsider, I couldn't have explained how.

After messing with some music and having a scroll through Instagram, I made a point of opening my door just to close it again loudly, so my family would know not to disturb me and decided to ring Perrie.

"Hi babe." She answered brightly. "How are you?"

"Hey. I'm alright, you?"

"Aye, fine babe. I'm glad you rang. I wanted to ask you something."


"Yeah, you know Sunday after we've had dinner with your family?"


"D'you think we could, maybe... slope off? Cos I really want to take you somewhere. I think you'd love it and me and the girls need to go to LA for a couple of days next week."

"Really? That's so cool! What for?"

"We're just in the studio out there, that's all. So, what d'you think?"

"Sunday? Yeah, I'll just tell my dad we're going out or something, they won't mind. It'll give them time to get over the shock anyway!"

"Aye, I suppose! D'you reckon you could maybe come back to mine then?"

"I don't see why not."

"Yaayyyy!" Perrie cheered, making me laugh. "I'm just gonna miss you when I fly away."

"When do you go?"

"Monday night."

"For how long?" I said, suddenly realising how much I would miss her too. A lot. Since we had been together, I hadn't gone a single day without speaking to her.

"Just a couple of days babe."

"I'm gonna miss you." I sighed, laying back on my bed.

"Awh, I'll miss you too... At least now though, I've got a reason to figure out the time difference so I can call you."

"Really? Will you call?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

"I'll look forward to it then. How come you've never known the time difference before?"

"I have roughly... but we've only been out there a few times and I never really had anyone to call."

A brief silence fell; I suddenly felt very sad.

"So, how's Lauren? I bet she was mad when you told her that girl had been round..."

"Oh, actually... I haven't told her. I haven't seen her; I went out with Ellie for a while instead."

"Oh really?" Perrie said playfully. "What about promising me you'd call her when I was gone?"

"I know... I wasn't alone though, it's fine. I'm fine."

"I don't think you are." Perrie said quietly.

"I am! I wish Ellie didn't know and I'm dreading what might happen next, but I'm fine."

Perrie giggled softly and said, "Liar!" followed by a yawn.

"Is somebody tired?"

"A bit. I wanna talk to you though."

"I can talk to you tomorrow, and I'll see you on Sunday. You should go to sleep."

"Hmmm... in a bit."

"Okay, so where we going on Sunday?"

"I'm not telling you." Perrie said, her voice perking up. "It's a surprise."

"Oh, come on... a hint?"

"Nope. Sorry babe, I wanna see your face when we go in."

"Go in? So it's inside somewhere..."

Perrie started laughing. "That really doesn't narrow it down though does it babe?"

"Awh Plleeeaassee?"

"Nuh-uh. Hey, what time d'you have work tomorrow?"

"I start at twelve."

"D'you know what I've always wanted to do?"


"I've never stayed up all night on the phone with anyone... I really wanna do that."

"Neither have I... You busy tonight?"

"Got rehearsals in the morning... but I can be late." I could almost see her with that cheeky wink. "You up for being my first ever all-night phone date babe?"

"I certainly am. Hang on..." I sat up and put some music on quietly. "There, now I won't get disturbed. What shall we talk about?"


"We always talk about me." I laughed.

"Well that's because you already know everything about me." Perrie pointed out.

"I'm sure that's not true! I bet there's loads of stuff... tell me what you used to get up to when you were a teenager, things like that, anything."

"I wouldn't know where to start!"

"Just anything, something totally random."

"Oh, actually I've got one!" Perrie squealed. I briefly closed my eyes, picturing the expression, matching how I imagined it to be by her voice. "When I was fourteen..."

We went on like that all night. I gently hushed her once or twice when I heard my family coming to bed before we carried on. It was about half five in the morning when we finally gave in and hung up together, and I didn't care a jot that I would be exhausted in work in a few short hours. As I had many times since meeting Perrie, I went to sleep with a smile on my face.


"Erm... What're you doing?"

Myself, my dad, and Ellie all jumped as Alfie appeared in the kitchen doorway. Dad was leaning over the table, staring intently at a knife to make sure it was straight. Ellie was holding a glass up to the light, and, exhausted from telling them to stop fussing because Perrie wouldn't care, I was staring out of the window waiting for her to arrive.

"Bloody hell Alfie!"

"Sorry! Wow, I know it's shocking that Jakob's invited his girlfriend over but she's not royalty, chill out!"

"Oi! You cheeky little shit!" I laughed. "Actually, will you give Maddie a shout please? I need to tell you both something before she gets here."

Alfie left and Ellie whispered, "Are you gonna tell them?!"

"Yeah, how can I not? Otherwise when she walks in, they'll just stare!"

"They'll do that anyways!" Dad muttered.

"I know, but less so if they expect her... dad, will you leave that knife alone?!"

Alfie came back in with Maddie. "Wow, is Prince Harry coming over?"

"I wish!" Ellie grinned.

"I need to tell you both something, about who's coming tonight."

"We promise not to embarrass you." Maddie sighed.

"No, it's not that. It's just, you should probably... like, prepare yourselves. You might recognise my... girlfriend."

"I don't get it."

I bit my lip, looking at the blank faces on my brother and sister. "It's Perrie... Edwards."

There was a beat of silence, then Alfie started laughing. "Yeah right, okay."


"How is that even possible?" Maddie frowned.

"No, seriously." Ellie piped up. "It is."

"You've seen her?" Maddie said cynically.

"Yeah, I met her on Friday, sort of by accident."

Alfie was still laughing. "I'm sorry, just... no, no way."

"You'll see when she gets here, I just wanted to tell you first." I shrugged.

Alfie took his seat at the table, leaning back on two legs.

Maddie still looked completely confused. "She was here Friday?"

"Yep." Ellie confirmed.

"Is this a joke? How come you've never said anything before?"

Right on cue, the sound of the knocker echoed through the house. I quickly pushed Alfie's chair back onto four legs to get past him. "Let me get it. Please," I turned back to my family, "Please be cool."

Perrie was readily smiling when I opened the door. "Hi babe!"

"You smell amazing!" I sighed, inhaling as she hugged me.

"I'm glad, considering I can't smell what I put on." She giggled before leaning away, quickly glanced behind me and pulled me back for a long deep kiss. Right then, my family could have marched out and took it in turns to hit me with a saucepan and I probably wouldn't have noticed. "Thought I should take my opportunity now, otherwise I'd be leaping across the table later."

"Good job you're sitting next to me then." I smiled, taking her hand. "Come on, you ready for this?"

"I'm excited!"

"Just so you know, Alfie thinks I'm lying and will probably swear. Maddie can't seem to figure out what's going on, and she will probably just stare at you the whole time."

"I love how well you know them." Perrie said with a loving smile.

"I don't! Okay, here goes!"

I held my breath as I pushed open the kitchen door, and I heard Perrie do the same, her hand tightening in mine.

"Fuck me, you were telling the truth!"

"Alfie!" Dad hissed. "Language!"

"Oh my god..." Maddie whispered, setting down the glass she had just picked up.

"Perrie, this is my brother Alfie, and Maddie, my youngest sister. And Ellie, you've met... you two, meet Perrie."

For a moment, nobody spoke. Alfie was unashamedly staring at Perrie with his mouth slightly open, he looked almost hypnotised.

Maddie was the same, but she quickly came back to herself, unexpectedly coming round the table to shake Perrie's hand. "Hi, I'm sorry for staring... Jake only told us about five minutes ago. We thought he was taking the mick."

"It's okay hun, I've been looking forward to meeting you all."

"D'you want something to drink?"

"Whatever you're having, thanks hun." Perrie smiled. I had no idea where this side of Maddie had sprung from, but it was better than Alfie's reaction. He hadn't taken his eyes off her yet.

Dad moved past Alfie, muttering something about checking the back door and gave Alfie a swift knock on the back of his head with his elbow. "Oops, sorry son."

Perrie sniggered, biting her lip, and I gestured for her to sit down. I hadn't thought this through, I realised as she sat facing Alfie, who automatically turned his body to face her as though he was glued to her.

"Should be ready to eat in a couple of minutes." I broke the silence.

"Here you go." Maddie said, setting a drink down and plonking herself beside Perrie. "Are you two really boyfriend and girlfriend then?"

"Thanks... Yeah we are." Perrie said, answering for me.

"How? I mean, how did you meet? Not how... yeah, so how?"

I heard Ellie giggling as she helped me with the food, only half listening to Perrie and Maddie talking. Her reaction so far had relaxed me. Now for my brother.

I walked around the table to get to the fridge and crouched behind him. "Oi! Will you put your tongue back in and try to act human, please? You're embarrassing me."

Alfie finally blinked and looked at me. "Is this a dream?"

"Shut up, you tosser! No, it isn't."

"This has to be a joke; no way is she in our kitchen right now. She's sexy as-"

"Don't you Alfie?" Maddie said loudly. I straightened up and went back to helping Ellie.

"Don't I what?"

"Sing Little Mix's songs in the shower."

Alfie went beetroot and grabbed his drink, trying to hide his face with it. "Shut up, no I don't."

"He does." I confirmed, grinning at his discomfort. "He does a great impression of Sean Paul's bit in 'Hair'. He can rap that like a boss, can't you Alfie?"

Everybody burst out laughing. "Maybe we should get it on later and you can show me?" Perrie suggested.

Alfie went even redder and muttered, "I need the loo." Before making a swift exit.

"Awh bless him." Perrie giggled.

"Sit down Jake, I'll do this. Maddie, give dad a shout, will you? We're ready to eat now." Ellie said.

"About time, I'm starving." Maddie groaned.

I slipped into her vacated chair and took Perrie's hand under the table. "Alright?"

"Great." Perrie nodded. "I'm glad we did this."


Night had fallen, plenty of food and drink had been consumed and plenty of questions fired at myself and Perrie but she didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, when I told her the time, she seemed quite sorry to be leaving.

"We don't have to go if-"

"No babe, I really wanna show you this." Perrie whispered. "I can always come back, right?" She winked.

"You're always welcome here." Dad said, coming back in the room.

"Aah, thank you."

We said goodbye to everyone at the front door.

"You coming back tonight son?" Dad asked.

I glanced at Perrie. "Erm-"

"We haven't thought that far ahead yet Mark, but if he does, I'll make sure he doesn't come home alone. Don't worry." Perrie said, subtly hinting at the past incidents with Lacey.

Alfie came back downstairs, having excused himself earlier on, seemingly unable to relax around Perrie.

"Ellie said you were going..." He muttered. "I just wanna apologise, I just wasn't expecting... I just didn't believe Jakob when – I was-"

"Don't worry Alfie, I understand."

"I was just shocked. Plus, I didn't think you'd be into guys like... Jakob." Alfie burst out. I could have thumped him. But Perrie actually smiled, used our joined hands to gently pull me closer.

"I'm very much into Bear, I love him lots."

"Awh Bear? I like that!" Maddie said.

"Tough, it's mine." Perrie winked. "He's my Bear."

"Awwhh! That's okay anyway. He's my Jakey."

"Aw Jakey." Perrie giggled.

"Right, we've got to go. Come on." I said loudly. "See you lot later."

"Or tomorrow." Maddie giggled.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" I snapped playfully.

"It sure is, goodnight Jakey!"

"Oh bugger off."

Perrie was still laughing when we got in the back of the car, immediately sliding up the screen between us and Carl after quickly checking with him, he knew where to go.

"Thank god that's over." I sighed.

"Awh I had fun! They're great, I dunno what you were so worried about babe."

"You don't know what I was worried about? Didn't you see my brother?" I laughed.

"Awh bless him, don't worry about it. I've had worse reactions."

"Name one." I challenged. Perrie just cracked up laughing and leaned into me, capturing my lips.

"I really enjoyed myself. It beats sitting in some big cold fancy room with a load of upper-class posh toffs, trying to figure out what all their long words mean."

"Oi, are you calling me lower-class?" I pouted.

"No! I meant – mmm." I cut Perrie off with another kiss.

"Are you gonna tell me where we're going yet?"

"No, you need to wait and see. It's only a few minutes now." Perrie grinned. "It'll be worth it, I promise!"


She was right, it was worth it.

Perrie took me to a studio. She guided me into the room with all the equipment and gizmos with her hands over my eyes, made me promise not to open them until she said. When I did, she was on the other side of a pane of glass in front of a microphone, holding some headphones. She watched, grinning as I turned circles on the spot in wonder, ran my fingers lightly over every surface.

"I think I need to jump up and down and scream." I said. Perrie laughed but I was serious. I felt a buzz going through me, I wanted to do everything at the same time.

"I assume you know how to use all this babe?"

"Of course."

"Good. I need to ask you something, if you think it's a good idea."

"Go on?"

"Our song... babe, I really wanna record it."

I slowly sat down, staring at Perrie through the glass. "Why?"

"It's just something I wanna do. I can't get it out of my head, and I thought you'd like to come to somewhere like this, and like figure out a tune to it."

I didn't answer at first, just looking around the room. I could already imagine Perrie singing it.

"But what would you say to everyone who asked you who'd written it? Wouldn't fans get worried you were going solo?"

"Oh, no I didn't mean like that... I mean, obviously I think it's amazing. If I could make the whole world listen to it, I would. It wouldn't be a bad thing... but I didn't mean record it to release it... unless you were alright with that." Perrie grinned cheekily. "I just wanna do this... just me and you, just for us. For now."

I swallowed hard past the lump in my throat. Perrie was biting her lip, her eyebrows slightly knotted, waiting.

"I haven't got lyrics with me or anything."

Perrie shook her head. "Don't worry about that. I know them."

I stood up and cracked my fingers. "Alright. What the hell."

Perrie jumped up and down on the spot in celebration. "Come here." She said, jogging up to the glass. "Come here babe."

I moved closer to the glass and leaned over one of the desks to the glass. "What?"

Perrie beckoned me closer to the glass until my face was practically against it, then placed a kiss on it, right where my lips were. "Thank you Bear."

"I didn't know what to say so I just smiled. Perrie skipped back to the mic. "Work your magic babe."

"Alright Miss Bossy, let's go!"


I ended up going back to Perrie's and staying there, because once again after we got talking, we lost track of time and it was two in the morning before we knew it.

On the way up to bed, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. Perrie pushed me against the wall at the top of the stairs, tearing my t-shirt off so eagerly, the sleeve ripped.

I spun her around, so she was against the wall, lifting her up. Perrie gasped and locked her legs around my middle, clutching my shoulders. "God! Don't fall!"

"I won't, you're fine. That was my favourite shirt, you know."

Perrie lowered her head and gently bit my lip. "Sorry... I'm so naughty."

"You are."

"What are you gonna do about it?"

"Do you want me to tell you?"

"No... I want you to show me."

We finally made it to bed, Perrie laying down beside me, both of us out of breath. Perrie started tracing the shape of the tattoo on my arm with her fingers, making me shiver. She moved down and replaced her hands with her lips, kissing slowly across the pattern. "I still can't get over this, it's so beautiful."

"So are you."

Perrie giggled, shaking her head. "You know what we should do?"


"We should both get one. Like, a matching one or something, or a half each of something."

"But you've not got any tattoos." I said.

"I love them. I just don't want to regret anything, that's all. Plus, I don't have the balls, but I know you'll look after me. Can we?"

"D'you really want to?"

"I think it'd be great. Why? D'you not?"

"I didn't say that, no it's a good idea... I just took months deciding on this one. I like to make sure I'll really love it for life before I get it inked on me."

Perrie nodded, coming up again so our faces were level and pulling the cover over us. "True. Well we can spend months deciding together then. Get the light babe."

I switched the lamp off and opened my arms for Perrie to fall into. "Tonight was brilliant, I loved it in there."

"Aye, you were in your element! We should get you in there more often."

"I know, I wish I'd done it ages ago but it's a lot of – oh my god, did you have to pay for us to be in there tonight?!"

"Don't worry about that." Perrie whispered, closing her eyes.

"Perrie! Oh my god... I don't believe you. What did you do that for?"

"Because I wanted to silly, don't be daft. Can I tell you something?"

"Course you can."

"It might sound weird... but I don't think I've ever seen you so relaxed as I did tonight. It was like you forgot the rest of the world existed... it was amazing. Like when you did that club gig and I come to see you and you didn't know..."

"I still can't believe you did that." I whispered, kissing the tip of her nose.

"I loved it. Anyway... seeing you like that tonight was worth every penny and more, and... I-"

"What? What's up?"

Perrie shuffled even closer to me, resting a hand on my face. "I think I fell even more in love with you tonight." She said, so quietly I had to watch her lips to be sure of what she was saying. Her eyes drew me in, and I couldn't help but kiss her.

"I think I fall more in love with you every time I'm with you." I said, just as quietly. My heartbeat accelerated and I felt a lot hotter all of a sudden. I didn't think I would ever be able to say anything so true and so honestly without being afraid of what would happen after it.

"I love you, my bear." Perrie sighed, closing her eyes again. I brushed her hair back and kissed her cheek, nose and then her lips.

"I love you too beautiful." 

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