π’Ύπ“‰π“ˆ π“Žπ‘œπ“Š || dream x read...

By letterboard

256K 5.2K 9.8K

*cover photo belongs to its rightful creator.* When you find yourself bumping into someone you never thought... More

0 || preface.
1 || coffee.
2 || cat cafe.
3 || arrival.
4 || shirts.
5 || dancing in the rain.
6 || apple.
7 || the boys.
9 || christmas.
10 || new year.
11 || him.
12 || pain.
13 || macaroni.
14 || letter.
15 || ghost town.

8 || bad news.

14.4K 327 522
By letterboard

george and nick had been here for a week now. we were having so much fun all together, sneaking out at dark and climbing to the roof, having conversations all night long, building lego sets and making homemade burnt pizzas together. life was amazing, i never wanted them to leave. we had had so much fun together, i got quickly close to them, enjoying every moment they were here.

right now, all of the boys went out on a trip to the store. not just any store, but the video game store. they literally have done this twice already, bringing me once already. this time, i told them i wasn't going to go, mostly because i had a ton of work to catch up, but also partly because i didn't want to sit and watch them just play all the test games for an hour without actually buying anything again.

i sat on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, finishing the last of my schoolwork for the evening. i decided to close up my laptop and head out to the balcony, just to listen to the calm breeze drag through the leaves of trees, and let the crisp air cool my skin and melt the stress away. i took my phone with me, and walked outside, leaning over the balcony taking a deep breath with a calm smile. everything felt nice.

i was yanked out of my calm-trance when my phone dinged. i leaned over and checked who it was from.


i haven't been close to either of my parents. ever. i moved out as soon as it was legal to, i hated how over-controlling they were. i wanted the sense of freedom. they very rarely texted me-- this must have been important. i sighed, and opened the text, taken aback by what it said. "i have bad news.." my heart dropped, i hated that phrase. i have bad news, that never ends with something i like, i swallowed, waiting for her to stop typing. "your dad was in an accident. i'm sorry y/n, he's gone." my breath caught in my throat, i didn't know whether to cry, or scream.. i couldn't even move. i stared blankly at my phone, not knowing how to respond.

i took a minute to even come back to reality, i was just numbly standing there, staring, forgetting what i was even doing. he's dead? why am i so upset, i was never close to him.. my dad? he's actually gone? this must be a sick joke. no, it couldn't be, she doesn't joke around. is he actually dead? i replied with a quick, "oh my god.. no." and sent it, crumpling to the ground. my breathing was sharp and shaky, but i couldn't cry, no, i just sat and stared numbly. the air had turned cold, too cold, i couldn't move. it felt like an icy sword slashing through my body, causing me to just melt into the floor. i sat, huddled, shaking hysterically just staring.

clay's pov;

we were all laughing as we got up to the door. we held a bag of cupcakes that we impulsively bought, partly because y/n wasn't there to stop us. i unlocked the door and stepped inside, dropping my keys down on the counter. the boys trailed in behind me, giggling to themselves. "oh y/nnn!" i howled, opening up the bag of cupcakes, "guess what we got you!" i wheezed, sending nick and george into laughter behind me. i scanned the room, she was nowhere to be seen. i hollered her name again, glancing down the hall.

where was she?

i walked back out to see george and nick together. nick nodded his head to the glass balcony doors with a concerned look at me. i followed their gaze to a small y/n curled up on the floor of the balcony. i quickly walked out the door, alarmed. "y/n?" i said her name again as i reached her, kneeling down on the floor next to her. she looked at me-- she looked so lost, like something inside of her had just broke. i stared into her gaze, trying to figure out what was wrong, but she squeezed her eyes shut, "clay.." she murmured in almost a whisper, her voice cracking.

i grabbed her hand, it was icy cold, "what happened?" i questioned, but she didn't respond. she seemed lost for words. i quickly stood up, racing inside for a blanket. the boys were just sitting at the counter, quietly talking between themselves, glancing up at me. i had no time to look back at them, as i had to get the blanket to her. i raced back outside, closing the door behind me, gently wrapping the blanket over her shoulders. she was breathing so raggedly, looking so lost, so small. i scooted closer to her, staring at her, "y/n will you tell me what's going on?" i questioned in the gentlest voice i could make.

y/n's pov;

i was cold to the core, every bone in my body aching; but i didn't want to move, i couldn't get myself to move. i heard clay come back seconds after leaving me, and felt him wrap a thick, warm blanket over me. i let out a grateful sigh as i let the comforting warmth pull me into reality. i stared at his concerned face, "y/n will you tell me what's going on?" and at that, i broke out in a sob. the first cry that i could let out since i got the news an hour ago. the heavy numbness/shock finally fell through, sending my emotions tumbling after it.

clay immediately pulled me into a swift hug, holding me tightly as i shook violently, every sob wrenching my body. i was so glad he was home right now, i didn't know what i would've done if he was gone much longer. it felt so nice, having him there for me, i felt so secure in his grip, as if i couldn't melt away with the grief that threatened to burn me. but i still was torn, i couldn't stop crying now that it had hit me after an hour of spaced-out numbness.

he had no idea why i was crying, yet he still knew how desperately i needed him. he stroked my back as i sobbed into his chest tightening the blanket around me. i finally lifted my head up to take a breath, and he looked down into my face with worry. god, i probably looked horrible in fact i knew i looked horrible, my face so red and puffy, my eyes completely numb and lost. i took breaths in quick, unsteady gasps as i tried to control myself. i had to tell him, "my dad.." i croaked, unable to lift my head. "he.. my mom.. the text." i couldn't form a full sentence, i just couldn't say it. clay seemed to get the idea, and he pulled me back close to him, "oh y/n i'm so sorry.." he murmured. i just leaned on him, pulling the blanket up. by now, the sky was darkened with the night, the air getting increasingly chillier.

after a while of sitting there, my breathing finally calmed down. i still felt empty though, "hey there's cupcakes inside." clay whispered after a while. i looked at him and he was smiling, warmly, at me, making me feel eased in the slightest. i nodded my head slowly, unable to suppress a small smile, and he stood to his feet, reaching to help me up. i got up weakly, a lot of my weight leaning on him. he led me inside, into the kitchen; the boys weren't anywhere in sight, they probably knew what was going on and decided to leave us be-- or were asleep.

we stopped at the counter; clay holding me tightly reached for a glass of water, filling it up and handing it to me. i took small sips, pressed against him. i saw him reach for a cupcake in the container in the counter. i snorted slightly, of course they got the cupcakes when i wasn't there to stop them. he handed one to me and led me to the couch, where we both sat down and he turned the tv on. i ate in silence, feeling kinda bad that he had to lead me all over the place.

we sat watching whatever show was on tv, letting the quietness overcome the both of us. it got pretty late, almost 3 am by the time we shut it off, deciding to rest. my eyes were heavier than ever because of the crying, but i felt too overwhelmed and anxious to sleep. clay shut off the tv, and we sat there in silence. "say something." i said, desperately needing something to distract me from the overwhelming thoughts trying to crowd in my head. "we might have a game night tomorrow if you're up to it," he offered, "snacks and chinese food and sundaes and monopoly." he went on, i was glad he was telling me about this, something to look forward to. i nodded, "i'll try to show up." i laughed quietly, looking up at him.

he stared down at me with a smile, he looked really tired. he did have a long day, and it was late. i was tired too, but i didn't know if i could sleep here in the lonely darkness. clay seemed to read my mind, because as he stood up he asked, "i might go to sleep, want to come with me?" i was surprised for a moment, i hope this wasn't weird. but yeah, i did-- more than anything i just wanted him by my side. i nodded, and he held out a hand to help me up. i took it willingly and followed him to his room. as we got in, he closed his door almost all the way, but left it cracked slightly in case i wanted to get up and leave. i stood by the door and stared at the room blankly as he pulled off his sweatshirt, a t-shirt underneath.

how am i going to sleep like this? i hate going to sleep after a horrible day, i know the late night anxiety will press in on me, resulting in insomnia. tears started forming in my eyes again, as i anxiously took deep breaths. clay looked back at me, noticing, and stepped forward, pulling me into another hug. he looked at me, his eyes telling me it's going to be okay. "come on." he whispered kindly. i followed him and got into bed, there where he held me closely under the heavy, warm blankets.

i listened to the soft breathing and heart beat as it finally led me to sleep.

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