My new neighbor (Ennaby)

By huney_bunnybunny

985 27 20

NOTE: I didn't like the way 'After The War' is coming out, so I'm making a new book with a plan of the story... More

Dog park and New girl
Abusive boyfriend
Shopping and talking
New person, don't do that

New Neighbor

354 11 8
By huney_bunnybunny

Baby felt herself half asleep, she had to get up to feed her cat, Kit Kat, and her dog, Volt. When she finally got up she went downstairs and saw that Kit Kat as cuddling with Volt, something they do a lot. Baby went into her kitchen to get their bowls and their food. She filled both bowls with their food and gave it to them. Both Kit Kat and Volt started to eat, Baby smiled at them and went back to the kitchen to get some cereal for herself since she didn't eat last night. She pored herself her bowl of cereal and started eating it. She left her phone in her room so she turned on Netflix and continued watching The Office.


Baby was now brushing her teeth and getting ready to go out with her best friend, Ft Foxy. She has a white long sleeve shirt with a red plaid skirt, some fish net socks and black boots with a heel. She kept her make up natural and put her hair in pigtails. She went back downstairs and let both Volt and Kit Kat out into her backyard and put some food outside just in case they get hungry and she's not there. Baby got her phone and her keys, she locked the front door as she got out of her house. She turned around to see one of her neighbors house. They moved out and someone was gonna move in that same day. Baby realized that here was no one there moving their stuff but she ignored it. She got in her car and started it and got out of her drive way and went to the coffee shop Ft Foxy said to met her in.


Once Baby made it to the coffee shop she saw Ft Foxy waiting right there where they always sit. Baby walked over to her.

"Hey Foxy, what did you need?" Baby said waving at her and then sitting down.

"Baby! I really need your help!!" Ft Foxy said

"What is it? Did something happen?" Baby said starting to worry for her friend.

"I'm boreeeeeed!!!" Ft foxy said laying her head on the table.

Baby looked at her annoyed since she thought something bad happen to her "And what am I gonna do? How about you finally tell Fred that you like him, huh? That will keep you distracted" Baby said crossing her hands and laying back on her seat.

"Well, remember! He's dating Ballora right now!! And even though I could probably beat her up I won't try since that would for sure make him think bad of me and that's not what I want, so I called you to see if you wanted to go to the mall before your shift starts" Ft Foxy said hoping Baby would say yes.

"Fine, but tomorrow you take me out to eat at whatever place I want, deal?" Baby said holding out her hand to shake and seal the deal.

Ft Foxy hesitated at first. Knowing Baby, she would pick a very expensive place but still decide to shake Baby's hand and said "Deal!"

"Cool, now let's go!" Baby said getting her bag and getting out of seat.

"Nice, but you drove, right? I came walking" Ft Foxy said

"Yeah, but don't make a mess like last time! Cleaning soda from the leather seats is hard if you didn't know" Baby said walking away

"Heh, I won't!" Ft Foxy said catching up to Baby


"Ok then, see ya tomorrow! And don't forget about our deal!" Baby said waving to Ft Foxy who had some shopping bags with her

"I won't! Be careful though! If some guy tries to hurt you call me, I'll teach the bastard a lesson!" Ft Foxy said having a fist in her hand while getting on to the bus that would take her home

"Yeah don't worry, see ya tomorrow!" Baby said

"Bye CB!"

The bus took off leaving Baby there with some other people waiting for the next bus. She started to walk back to her own car and started hoping that she didn't have to cover anyone's shifts. Baby works at a club as a barista serving drinks but her boss had another idea. Baby is very busty and has very noticeable curves making her a perfect person to work as one of the sex workers they have, but Baby didn't want that job so they decide that she can work as the barista BUT when someone couldn't come in she would cover their shifts. Baby didn't like this but went with it. Baby got into her car, still hoping that she would't have to cover someones shift and drove off to her job.


Baby was now at her job, serving drinks to both men and women. The place was packed with people, but it wasn't out of the normal since the place is known to be one of the best places in town. Luckily, Baby didn't have to cover for anybody since everyone came that day. She saw that someone she never has seen before came in and sat down, waiting for someone to came ask for his drink. Baby went up to him and said 'Hi, what would you like to drink today?' and the man looked up and Baby blushed.

He had white hair with sky blue eyes. He had a piercing on his lip and one of his ear. His shirt was a black button up shirt but was just buttoned up half way. He also had black ripped jeans. He also had some tattos on his neck and his arm but they were covered up. He was handsome. He looked her up and down and just smiled and said "Just a shot of whiskey, I don't need to get drunk on my first night in this place" He said, his voice sounds deep but with a tiny hint of sweetness.

"Umm Sure! hehe.." Baby continued blushing while making his drink. Baby was surprised at herself for blushing. Even though she was basically a man magnet she never grew feelings for someone for some reasons she didn't know herself. But this guy who she has never seen nor known of his existences somehow made the girl blush?

She gave him his drink and said "Here you go sir" while putting it on the counter for him to drink.

The guy looked at the drink and back up to Baby and said "Whats your name, darling?" he asked looking into her eyes

"Oh! It's Baby, why do you need to know that?" Baby asked

He got the whiskey and started to drink it. He quickly finished and said "So I can ask for you to serve my drink next time" He said with a wink at the end.

Baby blushed at what he said and the wink he gave her "Oh, umm ok? What's your name then?" She asked him

"Ennard," He said "It was nice to meet you darling but I got to go, see ya next time" He got up and left. Baby saw Ennard leave the club but Baby's attention towards Ennard quickly was interpreted by the sound of a girl's screams. Baby looked at the stage and saw a guy pulling on Toy Chica's arm. Someone called for security and they got the man outside with the police while they pulled Toy Chica out of the stage and into the back room. Baby sighed and got done with some other customers before she left.


Baby was now back at her house. She went to the backyard to let her pets back in but only Volt came back in, she looked outside but Kit Kat was nowhere to be found. She started to look inside the house hopping to find her but her search for her cat was interrupted by the sound of her doorbell ringing. She went to her door and looked through the peep hole and saw Ennard holding Kit Kat. She quickly opened the door.

"Oh my goodness! Ennard!!" Baby said looking at him

"Oh, why hello darling, is this your kitty?" Ennard said holding Kit Kat

"Yes! How did you find him?!" Baby said

"Well, my dog started to bark out of nowhere so I went to go check what was happening and I saw this kitty in my backyard, everyone told me that the person who lives here is her owner but you weren't here so I waited for you to came back. Either way, here" Ennard said giving Baby Kit Kat

"Thank you, and sorry for the trouble" Baby said taking her cat and putting her down.

"Don't worry, it was nothing" Ennard said "Well if you live here I guess we're gonna be neighbors then" He said putting his hands in his pockets

"Oh, I guess we are, huh?" Baby said looking over to the house that seemed empty this morning but now looks like someone was really moving in

"Well goodnight darling" He said walking of the porch

"Oh! Goodnight then! and thank you again for finding my cat!" Baby said waving at him

"No problem!" Ennard said

Baby was now closing the door behind her. She looked down to see her cat looking at her.

"You are so dead in the morning" She said crossing her arms and looking down at Kit Kat

She went upstairs to get changed in to her pajamas and went to sleep.



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