My Princy~

By killyjoyofyesterday

16.3K 599 232

A Prinxiety fanfic. This is my second fanfic about Prinxiety and both are separate stories. Virgil is Thomas... More

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~The End~


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By killyjoyofyesterday

(Still Virgils PoV

It happened right there and then. My heart broke there and then.Their lips met.  Roman's lips and Alfie's lips closed the gap between them. My heart shattered into a million pieces. I knew I wasn't good enough for him. I couldn't control myself tears streamed down my face making my eyeshadow go down my face a bit. Brandon looked back at me again.  I started to shake I can't believe this. I thought Roman was the one but I'm not for him. He played me. Roman played me. I should of known, nobody would be interested in me. Alfie then looked at me making Roman turn around. His face dropped when he seen me looking directly in his eyes while crying. I really was in love with Roman but I guess he wasn't with me. He said he did. He obviously didn't mean it, did he? No. He didn't. Why would he I'm just an Emo nightmare.

Roman: Virgil-

Virgil: I should have known

Roman: Virgil I promi-

Virgil: Three months Roman. Three god damn months. Did they really mean nothing to you!

Roman: It isn't-

Virgil: Save it. I've already seen it Roman. I loved you Roman. I really did but now I finally see your true colours

Roman: Virgil please liste-

Virgil: We're over Roman

I walked away and headed home. I see people stare at me. Who wouldn't? I'm crying my eyes out, make up running down my face and rushing back home. Roman tried shouting me back but I didn't turn. I'm not going back to him and I never will. I can't believe him! I loved him with all my heart I really did and this is what happens. It always happens.

Romans PoV (of what just happened

I was coming out of the store and I hear people shouting my name. I turned to see who it was. It was Alfie and Brandon. I just waved and was going to walk away but they called me over. I walked over to see what they wanted. What did they want? To make fun of guy I'm in love with. Virgil. They just made fun of him right there and then. They were trying to piss me off and they did it. They name called him and I just couldn't stand them. I just went off on them. I wasn't letting anyone say anything about Virgil like that. Nobody does that to my Virgil. I was there for a good ten minutes with them and just overall trying to get them to stop and try wise up. Brandon looked away then next thing you know he gives Alfie a nudge. Then Alfie pressed his lips against mine. I tried to move but he held me tight. When he let go I was about to  pop off on him but they were looking the other way so I turned around. Oh no. Right there in ground of me was the love of my life. Virgil was crying his eyes out, shaking and looked at me completely broken. It made me so sad to see him in that state. I love him. I tried to speak with him but he didn't let me he was to upset and mad, I totally understand him. I planned to go talk to him after but then he said three words that made my heartbreak more. "We're over Roman". Next thing you know he was on his way home. I shouted on him to come back but he didn't. I turned straight around and faced the other two.


Alfie: What?


Alfie: It's fun


I walked home and a few tears left my eyes. I hated myself so much. I can't believe I let that happen. It's my fault. If I walked on this wouldn't of happened but no I had to do that. I hate myself so much. I got home and walked into the living room. Logan was the only one there.

Roman: Where is everyone

Logan: Patton is with Virgil in his room

Roman: Thanks

Logan: I'm sorry to hear about you and Virgil

Roman: I didn't kiss him he kissed me but Virgil has every right to hate me

Logan: I didn't think you did it. It will get better Roman

Roman: I hope it will but I know it won't, I won't get Virgil back.
Virgils PoV

As soon as I got home I broke down in even worse tears. Patton came to help me. He wrapped me into a tight hugs and comforted me.

Patton: Kiddo what's wrong

Virgil: R-Roman

Patton: What happened?

Virgil: K-kissed Alfie

Patton: Oh no Virgil! I'm so sorry

Virgil: I dumped him

Patton: You really loved him too

Virgil: The thing is I still do but he doesn't feel the same so he is better off without me

Patton: Don't say that Virg! Come on let's go to your room and let's go talk

After that Patton and I talked for a good 2 hours. Then he left. Durning those hours I heard Roman come in. I knew I couldn't avoid him for the rest of my life even though I wanted to. I really love him but I wish that never happened. I wish everything was ok. It isn't though and it never will be. It's me. Nothings goes ok in my life. I didn't sleep due to crying and not being able to relax in any form. I just wanted to be loved by him but that was too much to ask for.

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