The Daughter Of Batman •The F...

By TheDevilsQueen21

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REVAMP OF BATMAN'S DAUGHTER*CAN FIND ORIGINAL ON QUOTEV AT @CassandraMalfoyxX #12 in DaughterofBatman catego... More

•Part 1•Meeting Dear Old Daddy
•Part 2• Meeting Young Justice
•Part 3• Undercover work
•Part 4• The Lies Keep Coming
•Part 5• So The Story Goes
•Part 6• Goodbye Titans
•Part 7• We Meet Again
•Part 8• Dont Mess With me... please.
•Part 9• Welcome The Fangorian Crown
•Part 10• Welcome Back...
•Part 11• I've lost myself...
•Part 12• And Breath...
•Part 14• The Orb Of Fangornia
•Part 15• Talk and Talk some more
•Part16• The Mind Test
•Part 17• Shattered
•Part18• We're Back!
•Part19• Utopia???
•Part 20• May We Meet Again...
💗💗Thank You💗💗
Side note

•Part 13• Confessions

24 0 0
By TheDevilsQueen21

(A/N. MATURE CONTENT WARNING. Take note that further down towards the end of this chapter there is Smut/mature sexual content. with Constance and Hank. Feel free to skip over that if you're uncomfortable with it in any way )

Constance's POV
As I woke up today I felt... refreshed. Revamped almost. So sticking with this vibe I decided to pamper myself. I had a long hot sudsy shower. I styled my short hair. I did full beauty treatments and makeup. I even painted my always bare nails a pretty Burgundy red and chose a very nice outfit. Faux leather high waisted pants. A white shirt with a floral skull on it. A lose dark red floor length sweater and dark red heels to match it. Adding some gold necklaces of different lengths. Some gold skull earrings a couple black brackets and some rings. I felt good. Very good. I grabbed my black wallet purse and walked out. I think I'm gonna go into town and pick up some new bedroom decor items for my room here since this is where I'll be permanently living till I find a decent apartment of my own. I walked to the kitchen noticing Artemis Conner Richard Dawn and Hank and Gar all awake and up "morning everyone. " I say as I grab a to go coffee mug and pour my coffee "morni- HOLY CRAP!" Artemis said standing. From her seat. At that everyone turned and gawked "what?" I asked as I finished making the wonderful thing that is coffee "y-you... wow!" Dawn said "what she means is that you look smoking" Hank said makin me laugh "well thanks. I'm going out today. My room here is looking a bit well boring and bare. So I decided I'd get some things to have " I state "do you want one of us to come with?" Gar asked and I thought about it "hmmm no I think I'll manage. But if I need help I'll call and ask! How's that?" I asked as he hugged my side "sounds good. If anything happens alerts us too okay?" Artemis says "got is boss see ya later" I say and walk out not bothering to look or acknowledge Richard at all.

Gotham City

I parked in the mall parking garage in Gotham City. I decided to come here first since Gotham does have a huge mall with good quality home items.
And to my surprise the first theee stores I see are all hole stuff. From bedroom to bath to kitchen and beyond. This is gonna take awhile. But I know what theme I want. I want a very modern look and feel. So here I go... oh boy...
"Hi welcome to. Home Lovers. Can I help with anything?" I cute clerk asked "umm I don't know. I'm looking to make my bedroom more modern but with splashes of red" I say "ah well let's grab a cart and I'll help you out! By the way I'm Amber!" Amber said "Constance " I say back and w evening out journey.
After maybe an hour I left the store with ten bags. Dear god. Onto the next store. This seemed to be more bath stuff which was excellent

"Hi there I'm Adam. Welcome to Bath House. Can I be of service?" Adam asked "I wanna make my bathroom modern with hints of red" I say. Can you tell I have a theme? Since my flames are red I figured it would be a nice Homage to well me. "Sure why don't we start with cabinets and work are way to decor" he suggest "sounds good" I say and we get started. I actually could buy new cabinets and have them delivered but I decided to call Alfred and have him pick em up and take em to the base. Same with a new tub and toilet. I'm going all out. After another out and five more bags I headed to the last store.
"Hi! Welcome Decor and Things. I'm Cami can I help you?" She asked "well Cami. I need a deep red carpet. And a grey toned one too. Some faux red flowers and maybe some paintings that have red in em" I say seeing as that's all I really need now. "Okay well follow me to the red section! The whole store is colorized to make things easier to find" she says and we get to work. I actually picked up way more than what I needed. And I am beat. Time to head back to the mountain. But first. I need to make a call.
"Hello?" Answered Hank "Hank!! I need help!! I bought to much stuff and I can't fit it all in the car!! Help!" I whine making him laugh on the other end "on my way Constance. See you soon" he says and I say bye as I try very hard to organize everything into my car. This. Sucks!
After thirty minutes I gave up. And waited for Hank.
Twenty more minutes go by before he comes. And he laughs at my annoyed state as I try to shove two carpets into my trunk "okay hey one you'll break the car. Two. Please stop" he says making me sigh "I shouldn't have done shopping alone. " I say to him making him laugh. We got to work on fixing up my car. He strapped the carpets to the roof and put the boxes stuff in the trunk and the bags I organized into the back seats "oh wow. You did by a lot. This is all for your room?" He asked me "well for now. But I wanna buy an apartment. A nice one so I wanted to make sure I had stuff. Of course I'll eventually buy more when I move. But this'll do for now. " I say and he nods in understanding. "So since you took a cab. Want a ride?" I asked him "sure. But I'm driving" he says making me smile "deal. I'm to tired to do it anyways" I laugh making him smile we got into the car and he drove us out fo the parking g space and onto the road. "I missed you while you were gone" he says softly after a few mins of driving. "I missed you too. Though I did not miss your workouts" I say making him laugh out loud. "Haha no but for real. I really did miss you. You were always good to defuse the tension between me and Dawn" he says and I raise a brow "Hank? Did something happen?" I asked him and his face went sad for a moment "me and Dawn. We uh. We broke up. For a while there. While you were gone. Her and Richard hooked up. " he said. And that hurt. A lot "t-they... they did?" I asked sadly. "Yeah. They did. It hurt like hell. Everyone was pissed. Specially Batman" he said and I honestly felt like crying. Yes I knew Richard was seeing other people. But Dawn? That hurt. She was liek a sister to me. And that really hurt. I felt Hank grab my hand in support "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything" he said "no no. I needed to know. Maybe now I can... move on from Richard. It's clear he doesn't... have feelings for me the way I do or I guess did for him. It's okay" I say and he nods. "Well how bout this. How bout we pull a lil prank on him?" He suggested. "A prank? Like what?" I asked how curious as to what he could mean. It's hard to pull the wool over a Richards eyes "well how bout we fake is being. A couple? We could say that we've been in contact since you left. You knew about the break up and we started dating. But we say nothing to no one else. Gotta make their reactions genuine too. And just when he's hooked in enough. We let it slip that it's a joke" Hank says and contemplate this. If I did this I could see if Richard still has feelings for me by the way he acts. And it would be a good joke to pull on everyone. They seem to need something to gossip bout. "Okay. Let's do it! Let's see just how many people we can prank. And see how Richard and Dawn react to it" I say and we high five. We plan it all out. We plan to be very "couple-ly" when we get back. Holding hands. Flirting. Sweet talking. Cuddling. The whole Nine yards. Everything a couple would do.

After an hours drive. We get to the mountain. Hank called ahead and asked if Conner Megan, Gar and even Richard could come help unload the car and take it to my room in one trip. Which they all said they'd do. So now we can put the plan in motion. We get there and see them waiting. Hank tells me to get unbuckled but to wait and grab my purse and jacket. To which I do. He opens my car door for me "Mi-lady" he says and I laugh and smile "why thank you my love" I say back playing along and he kisses me cheek with a smirk "hey guys. Thanks for helping us out!" I say as I grab some bags from the back and Megan gets some too "what's uh. Going on with you and Hank?" She asks. Well that was fast "huh? What do you mean?" I ask playing dumb "you know the shopping. Him opening your door? The whole "my love" thing" she says "oh haha that. Didn't he tell you guys?" I ask a bit louder as we got the bags and I closed the door "Hank. Love didn't you tell them?" I asked prenteding to be "confused" while trying hard not to laugh "tell who what baby?" He asks "hi. Whoa pause. Did you just call Constance 'baby'?" Gar asked making Richard and Conner look at us "of course he did. Why wouldn't he?" I asked faking my confusion before pretending to realize something. I smack Hank making him Yelp "you forgot to tell them didn't you!? About us!?" I asked and he took a moment before face palming himself "yup. I did. Sorry bout that guys. But uh me and Connie here have been together for a few months now" he says as he wraps an arm round me and I love one round his waist while the other is on his chest. "I never mentioned it cause I didn't wanna upset anyone the other day. But me and Hank have been in constant contact since I left. He told bout the spilt with Dawn and after a couple weeks he asked me to be his. I of course said yes. And well we've been together since. I'm sorry i didn't mention it" I say lieing easily to them. I see their very shocked faces. Richard was mad. Very mad. We took my things to my room and they all left. After a minute me and Hank busted out laughing. "Oh god. To funny." He says "they genuinely believe us!" I say back among him laugh more "OH!! Idea!!" I say to him "what's that he asks as he unrolls the carpets. "What if you moved to things in here? Think of it as making the prank seem more reliable? That way they can't poke holes in it" I say and he thinks about it. "Sure why not. We can keep your old bed and set it up for Me to sleep in " he says as we get to work on my room "or. You could just sleep in the king bed I bought. There's enough room for both. Of us" I state and he freezes "a-are you sure?" He asks. "Look we're both single anyways. And we are in this prank together. So why not? It's not like anything would happen right?" I say and he nods.
But boy oh boy. Little did I know. I would be sooooo very wrong in the coming weeks that this plan played out ..... so very wrong.

Two weeks later
It's been two weeks since me and Hank started this prank. Almost everyone on the Titans knows. Kory isn't on earth right now so she has no clue. All of Young Justice knows. Dad knows. But he knows it's a prank. I can't ever keep something from him. His like a human lie detector. Quite a few of the League members know too.
Everyone's reactions were funny as hell. Rachel was excited and wanted to know everything. To which we had to make stuff up. Dawn was very confused but said nothing. Gar was still confused on how it happened. Artemis loved it. So did Wally and Kalduar. Dad was against it until we told him it was just a prank. Superman asked if I was dieing. Which was priceless. He thinks I'd have to bring dieing to date Hank. Wonder Woman tried to do some weird "interrogation " thing on Hank at which I laughed my ass off at. And Richard? He hasn't been back to the mountain since that day we told him Gar Conner and Megan together.
Hanks officially moved into my room. Or I guess our room. We've gotten pretty comfortable with the whole thing. We've learned each other's patterns. Like in the mornings hanks goes for a two hour run. So during that time I get dressed and make us breakfast. He's learned that every Wednesday at 5pm I sit down and watch re-runs of my fave shows Vampire Diaries and Teen wolf. And on Friday's I do a pampering day. He actually does it with me. He lets me put a face mask on him and all that jazz. It's been really nice to have someone who does things with me. If I dare say so myself. It's like we've become an actual couple. Even when no one is around he still calls me 'babe' 'love' 'honey' all that. I've gotten use to calling him Hun and babe now.
I had just finished getting dressed. Putting on my left heel before I stepped out of our room.

I walked to the kitchen and stopped when I saw who was there. "Morning" Richard said. His voice deep and husky. "Oh uh. Morning Richard. Wasn't expecting to see you here" I state as I started to get breakfast ready for me and Hank. "Thought I'd come by for a visit. Where is everyone" he asks "Umm Gar and Rachel are out on a raining exercise with Wonder Woman and black canary today. Artemis and Wally took the day off. Conner is spending time with Superman and the others should be waking up soon" I say to him and nods in understanding. "And Hank?" He asks "Hank is out for usual morning run. Takes about two hours. During that time I usually get dressed and make breakfast for us and everyone else" I say "so you've been busy then?" He asks and I nod as he he goes to sit at the table. Soon Megan Dawn Donna Kalduar Megan Jamie, Bart, Tim and Zantana all walk in still in their pjs just as I lay out breakfast "Richard!" Zantana says happily. I've spoken with her a couple times. She's nice but a lil insecure for my liking. Megan hates her. I'm not sure why though. "Hey babe" Richard says and it makes my stomach ache when I hear it. I shake my head just as Hank comes in "morning everyone! Morning love" he says and says to me as he hugs me and kisses me "ew!! No! You're all sweaty!! " I squeal out making him laugh "ah but you love it!" He says "grrroossss!! SHOWER! Now! Go! I'll get your coffee and food ready" I say and push him away "haha alright. You're the best!" He says "damn straight I am" I mumble and get his plate ready. "Wow. You even plate his food?" Richard asks in a sort of taunting way "that's not all. She even knows how he takes his coffe to a T. And he knows every Wednesday is when her fave shows are on and on for days they even do this weird couples spa day" Tim says making everyone chuckle and me blush "so we've gotten to know certain a things. So what?" I asked "sooo it's adorable!" Dawn says. Over the last couple weeks. She's been confused on the relationship but has accepted it and is actually supportive of it. Even if she doesn't know it's fake. "It's nothing really" I say as I place Hanks plate down and his coffee and place my stuff in the spot next to his. Which were both opposite of Richard and Dawn. Hank would be in front of Richard. Me in front of Dawn. "I'm back!" Hank said making smile "already to go" I state as he pulls out my chair "see? Totally cute" Megan says to Richard "I see" he states "hmm perfect every time. How do you do it?" Hank asks referring to the coffee "oh it's not that good I just know what you like in it" I say laughing a bit "yeah but when I do it it sucks. You do it and it's like I'm in heaven" he says with a genuine smile. "God you two are so perfect it makes me sick" I hear a voice from behind and turn "morning Rachel. Hi Gar" I say "morning" they both say and see Richard "yo! What are you doing here man!?" Gar asks him as they hug and Rachel hugs next "he says he wanted to visit" I state "whoa. You two spoke? Like actual words to each other?" Tim asked "well taht is how people have conversations " I say and flick a grape at him "Ha ha very funny" he says.
As we chat and eat I feel hanks hand slip onto my upper thigh squeezing every so slightly. He leans in as I wrap my arms round his and cuddle closer to him "I have to say I'm liking this no shirt and only bra thing you have going on" he says making me blush. I'm wearing a very Lacey bralet. With only a wrap sweater over it. I can see why he likes it. "Shush. Not here" I say softly to him "is that an invite to somewhere more... private?" He asks just as softly but before I can answer we are interrupted by Donna "and what are you two whispering about over there?" She asks us "nothing!" I state. Well more like whine out as I hide the rising blush to my cheeks making Hank laugh and the others as well "oh my hood you're blushing!" Zantana states "I am not!" I say "uh you kinda are baby" Hank says and I smack him. Only to have him pull me onto his lap and then his shoulder as he stands "we'll be fun but we got things to do!" Hanks says "HANK!! OUT ME DOWN YOU OVER GROWN BEAN STALK!! " I yell making everyone laugh "not a chance hot stuff " he says as he begins to walk away "are they like that a lot?" I faintly hear Richard ask "oh yea. Daily. " Rachel says. And soon enough I find myself being thrown onto my bed. "The helm Hank!!" I laugh o it as I hit him with a pillow.

But before I could say anything else I felt his soft lips against mine. At first I'm shocked. Seeing as we've only ever given pecks on the lips
Or on the cheeks. Never anything like this. We pull away and I look at him with confusion "what was that for?" I asked "confession time... I'm totally one hundred percent in love with you Constance Wayne" he says using my full name. Shocking me as I look into his eyes for any type of lie or something. But there's just honesty in them. That's when I really realized that I like him to. A lot. "Me to Hank Hall. Me too" I say softly to him and he soon captures my lips again with his.

Things start to get heated as I rip his white tight t-shirt off. And he removes my wrap sweater from me. I feel him undo my pants before ripping them off leaving me in my lace undergarments. He removes his pants without ever breaking our kiss.
From there I flip us. So he's on the bed on his back while I stratal him. Out kiss deepening and things getting. Hotter. Way hotter.
I remove my bralet and lace underwear. And Hank removes his briefs. We're both completely bare at this point. I start to grind against his shaft as he starts to grip my legs and soon his hands start to travel to my breasts. As I grand on him I can feel him getting hard. His kisses move from my mouth to my neck and then to my breasts. I let out a soft moan and pull a bit on his hair. I feel him adjust me slightly before I feel his shaft penetrate me. I let out a gasp and a moan as our bodies move together.
I ride him hard as we start to move faster. He soon flips us and I land on my back. His shaft never leaving me and he soon begins to thrust inside me as he grips my upper thighs making damn sure I'm not going anywhere. I arch my back as I moan loudly and grip the silk bedding. "Oh Hank!" I let out as he thrusts harder and harder. I pull him closer to me so that my arms wrap round him. He kisses my neck before kissing my lips. The kids deep and lustful. We grind and move together as one. Neither of us wanting to stop any time soon. I flip is once more so I'm on top and ride him as I widen my legs even more so his shaft goes deeper. We moan and groan. Each letting our names slip out as we enter such a euphoric state. Our list for each other growing stronger as we continue on. Not stopping for anything.
At some point we ended up in the shower together. Him pinning me against the wall as the hot water pours down. At another point we end up back on the bed only he's now screwing me from behind. Moans and groans continue to come out of us both.

After hours of intense sexual pleasure we stopped and were completely out of breath at what he had just done with each other...and to each other. We had spent the entire day in here. Not coming out for any reason. It was... amazing...
"How you feeling?" Hank asks me. "I feel... sore... but really good " I say as I lay on his bare chest. The silk sheets just barley covering our naked bodies. One of my legs draped over his as w whist lay there. "That was amazing... it really was" he says still trying to catch his breath. I look up at him and give him a kiss before sitting up and stretching. I remove the sheet from my body. No sense in covering up when he's seen it all. I saunter off towards the bathroom "I'm gonna take a shower. You're welcome to join me... and help... wash me" I say to him in a taunting manner. I hear him growl as I start the shower. I step in just as I hear him get off the bed. He comes into the shower and lathers me up with my body wash. The feel of his hands touching me all over is overwhelming. But I love it. After our shower. We got back to the bed and lay down. Still naked. Hank puts on. A movie and we relax now. After what we did. We definitely just wanted to relax....

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