The Pro's Daughter (Katuski B...

By Xiao_Fang7887

55.7K 2.3K 1.3K

۵"I don't care if your the damn teachers daughter. If I have to put my life on the line for you, so be it. If... More

❦〚The Baby in the Rain〛❦
❦〚The Aizawa Residence〛❦
❦〚Cousin #1〛❦
❦〚Cousin #2 and an Angry Pomeranian〛❦
❦〚Class 1-A〛❦
⚠Bad News⚠
❦〚Back To Class〛❦
❦〚A Declaration of War〛❦
❦〚Small Talk 〛❦

❦〚One Hectic Day〛❦

3.9K 149 41
By Xiao_Fang7887

"You alright (Y/n)-san?" Izuku asked the poor girl as they walked to school together. (Y/n) was looking like a dead body that has washed up on shore, but in a bad way. It was a little great that their paths crossed when going to school, (Y/n) now had someone talk to before school started. "And where is Mr.Aizawa?"

        "Dad thought it would be a better idea if he got to the school sooner due to the media catching wind of Uncle Yagi coming to U.A. to teach our class," (Y/n) yawned while she wobbled forward in her sleepy state. "Please do be careful with whatever you may say to the media, they can interpret anything the wrong way."

        "By the way," Izuku looked over to his friend, a little confused. "Why are you so tired? We didn't see you during the Hero's vs. Villains training course yesterday. Where did you disappear off to?"

        "Dad had sent me over to class 1-H to get a few things fixed for the students hero costumes, like some measurement adjustments and some quick wire fixing," The girl yawned once more. "Also, because I had missed the training session with you guys, dad had me to some personal training. Let me say, I feel like you guys would survive my training sessions, but I don't think you guys could move after a training session like that.

        "Sounds like you really had a rough time," Izuku laughed a little, feeling bad for his classmate. "Well, Uraraka and I won against Kacchan and Iida."

        "Kacchan?" (Y/n) asked. She hasn't heard of that name before. "Is that someone from our class?"

        "Oh, Katsuki Bakugou," Izuku explained. "He and I are childhood friends, and I always called him Kacchan, so now it kinda sticks."

        "Like him calling you Deku?" (Y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow. "I don't think Deku was supposed to be a nice nickname?"

        "You're right there," Izuku let out another nervous laugh. "He uses it as an insult, a way of saying I was useless, or someone who can't do anything."

        "Well that's just rude, don't you think?" (Y/n) asked. "You shouldn't let your past define you. You're here now, in the best Hero School in Japan. If you ask me, if someone was useless, they wouldn't be able to get in." They arrived at the front gates of U.A, and ready to go inside before they were suddenly stopped by the media. "Uh oh."

        "Hey, you two!" A women said, holding up a microphone to Izuku and (Y/n). "How are All Might's classes?"

        "Uh, excuse me, I have to go to the nurses office!" Izuku waved his hands in front of him, being the nervous broccoli he is, did not know how to handle the media.

        "And we have classes." (Y/n) grabbed the boy by the back of his uniform and started to drag him towards the school.

        "Dad," (Y/n) entered the teachers lounge, where her father was currently in his sleeping bag on the floor, tired. "We have a small problem."

        "What's wrong?" Aizawa asked, opening his eyes slightly. Usually he would just ignore whoever comes inside, even his own students in the past, but (Y/n) was a person who couldn't ignore his daughter. He doesn't like to ignore his daughter, unless she's annoying him with someone he said no to about 50 times.

        "The media is asking students about Uncle Yagi," (Y/n) took out her phone and opened up one of the news channels YouTube (idk if Japan has YouTube but let's just role with it) videos and it showed them talking to Uraraka right now. "They're blocking the entrance and started to make a few students uncomfortable. I'm afraid one of them is going to try and get in and activate the schools security system, and that's always a pain to turn off with all those passwords."       

        "What do you want me to do about it?" Aizawa asked. He honestly didn't care what was going on with the students, they could handle themselves when it came to the media.

        "Can you tell them to leave?" (Y/n) asked, blinking a few times. "They might cause some student to have a panic attack, and do you really want to be getting a call from a parent who can't let anything go?"

        "Not really," His daughter had a point. He did not want to deal with that kind of person. He unzipped his sleeping bag and got up. "Come with me."

        "Eh?" (Y/n) asked as she followed her father out of the teachers lounge to go to the entrance of the school. "But why? Shouldn't I be going to class?"

        "Nah," Aizawa shrugged his shoulders as he lead the way. "Besides, there might be a student at the entrance who feels very uncomfortable right now, you'd be a good person to help them. you're good with calming people down."

        "Uncle Mic begs to differ." (Y/n) mumbled.

        "Um, about All Might..." The lady from earlier said nervously as she was standing in front of a very annoyed Aizawa and (Y/n) with her arms crossed over her chest, also kinda annoyed. "Wow, you're scruffy...What's you deal?"

        "He's not on duty today," Aizawa said, not fazed by what she said. Honestly he could care less about whatever this women had to say about him. "You are disturbing the classes. Please leave." And Aizwa started walking back to the school with (Y/n) following not that far behind.

        "I would like to speak directly with All Might-" The women pressed.

        "I feel like I've seen him before..." One of the camera people said.

        "Don't you think you're too scruffy?" The women asked.

        (Y/n) was about to turn around and beat that women's butt for insulting her father like that, but Aizawa grabbed (Y/n) by her shoulder.

        "They aren't worth it." Aizawa said, and turned back around to go to the school.

        "But she just insulted you." (Y/n) mumbled under her breath.

        "I don't care," Aizawa continued to walk with (Y/n) following not far behind. "They can say whatever they want, doesn't matter to me. As long as they aren't trying to insult the students or the rest of the staff there isn't much we should be worried a-"

        Aizawa was cut off by the schools security system going off. Large walls of metal blocked the entrance and came up around the concrete walls just to give some extra protectoin.

        "It seems they've activated the schools security system," Aizawa sighed. He never liked it when the schools security system went off because it was such a process to turn off. "(Y/n), go to the office and turn the security system off. I think we've given that reporter women enough of a scare."

        "On it." (Y/n) jogged off to the office to turn off the system off.

        "Good work on yesterday's combat training," Aizawa complimented his students. "I saw the video and results. Bakugou, you're talented, so don't act like a kid."

        "I know." Katsuki just looked away, not wanting to be told how he acted.

        "And Midoriya," The green haired boy flinched. "You settled it by breaking your arm again, huh? You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your Quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya."

        "Yes, sir!" Izuku said with confidence.

        "And (Y/n)," Aizawa directed his attention to his daughter. "I know you were sent to get the students costumes all fixed, but you really shouldn't be talking to other students from the other classes, even if they are your upper classman."

        "S-sorry dad." (Y/n) was kinda hoping that her father didn't see the security camera footage of her getting side tracked and talking to other students. Aizawa likes to keep (Y/n) on track, especially during the school year.

        "Now let's get down to some homeroom business," Aizawa turned his attention back to the rest of the class instead of throwing his daughter under the bus. "Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you..."

        "...take another special test?" Most of the students were worried.

        "...decide on a class representative."

        (Y/n) burst out laughing. She always loved it whenever her father made the students look like they were about to poop their pants. "Oh wow that was awesome! Better than last years first years!"

        "Shut up you Alchemy Freak!" Katsuki yelled, which only made (Y/n) laugh even more.

        "I want to be class rep!" A red haired and red eyed boy yelled with both arms up in the air. "Pick me!"

        "Me too!" A yellow haired boy with a black lightning bolt in his hair raised one hand, a little more calm than the red haired one.

        "I want to do it, too." A girl with puple-ish hair raised one hand as well.

        "It's a job made for m-" The flashy violet eyed boy raised his hand, but was obviously cut off by a pink haired and skinned girl.

        "I'll be the leader!" She smiled brightly as she waved her arms.

        (Y/n) just watched the entire encounter, not really caring. If she became class rep, ok she'll be the class rep. If she wasn't, oh well. It's not like she was going to lose much. Being a class rep doesn't make a leader. How you handle things and take the leadership position in whatever rank you may be, that's what makes a leader.

        "Silence, please!" A blue haired and glasses wearing teen shouted, catching everyone's attention. "It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader then we should hold an election to choose one."

        "Your hand is raised the highest!" Most of the students pointed out the obious.

        "I feel like he has the right idea, but it taking it a little too the extreme," (Y/n) had an anime sweat drop go down the back of her head. "He does have a point that it can't be given to just anyone since it is a big responsibility, but sometimes you can find leaders in people you don't think could have the potential to be a leader. Besides, we haven't even know each other for a month, trust doesn't get earned that quickly"

        "Why did you suggest that?" The yellow haired boy asked, who (Y/n) read his files on. Denki Kaminari. He has an electrical Quirk, but his down side is that if he uses too much of it, he turns into a dumbass.

        "We haven't know each other for that long,' A girl with green hair and a froggy looking face said. Tsuyu Asui, her quirk is Frog. (Y/n) thought this girl had the most sensibility, aside from Momo maybe. "So how can we have trust or anything?"

        "I just mentioned that," (Y/n) said. "At least someone is thinking the same thing as me."

        "If that's the case, and everyone votes for themselves..." Ejiro Kirishima, a boy with a hardening Quirk spoke up.

        "Don't you think that is precisely why whoever received multiple votes here can be truly considered the most suitable person?" Tenya Iida, a quirk that boosts the speed of his running, asked the red haired boy. "Don't you think, Mr. Aizawa?"

        "I don't care, as long as you decide before homeroom is over." Aizawa zipped up his sleeping bag, before he fell to the side to sleep. "(Y/N), make sure no one tries to kill one another."

        "You got it." (Y/n) gave her father a thumbs up before he fell asleep.

        "Thank you very much!" Iida thanked.

        The results are in. (Y/n) won with 3 votes, and Izuku won with 2 votes (we're just gonna bump Izuku down one vote).

        "I got two votes?!" Izuku questioned, quite shocked.

        "Why Deku?! Who voted for him!?" Katsuku yelled, trying to find the other people who voted for him. "And how did that stupid Alchemy Freak even get a 3 votes?!"

        "Well, it's better than voting for you." Hanta Sero, a boy with a tape Quirk at his elbows, said to the angry Pomeranian.

        (Y/n) sighed. Was she voted as class rep because of her last name and not wanting to make Aizawa angry? Or did the students genuinely think that she would be a good class rep?

        "Then, the class rep is Aizawa and the deputy class rep will be Midoriya." Aizawa made a formal announcement.

        "S-S-Seriously? Seriously?" Izuku was shaking in his shoes.

        (Y/n) gave a light sigh. "Relax, you'll be just fine."

        "Y-Y-You sure (Y/n)-san?" Izuku asked, calming down just a little.

        "I'm sure." The girl smiled.

        "There are a lot of people today, too!" Uraraka said as she was eating lunch with her three closest friends from the classroom.

        "That's because everyone i the hero course, support course, and management course meals in the same place." (Y/n) said, eating some of her white/fried rice that Lunch Rush prepared especially for her. He knows his niece and her taste buds, so he's gonna treat her to her favorite lunches.

        Uraraka put some rice in her mouth, a wide smile on her face. "The rice is so delicious!"

        "Even thought I've been chosen as deputy class rep, I don't know if I'm qualified for it." Izuku looked down at his bowl full of rice, meat, and some sause (IDK what he was eating to be honest but that's what it looked like to me).

        "You are." Urarak kept her smile.

        "It'll be fine." Iida said, getting a spoonful of rice and curry. "Your courage and judgement at critical moments make you worth following. That is why I voted for you."

        "It was you?" Izuku asked.

        "But didn't you want to be class rep, too, Iida?" Urarak asked the glasses wearing teen. "I mean, you've got glasses and everything."

        "Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues." Iida took out the straw that was in his mouth to speak. "I merely did what I judged to be correct."

        "Iida does have a good point there," (Y/n) put a spoonful of rice in her mouth, and swallowed before she continued to speak. "Sometimes you can find a leader in someone you would never expect. Some people look like they would be the ideal leader through what they say, but it's their actions and their minds is what makes them good. But how I got voted as class rep, that beats me."

        "W-well you did get my vote." Izuku gave a small smile.

        "Was that because I have the last name of our homeroom teacher?" (Y/n) asked, blinking a few times.

        "W-well kinda," Izuku admitted. "B-but even if you didn't have Aizawa-sensei's last name, I still think you would be a good leader. You're really smart and you have a powerful Quirk. You even don't flinch at Kacchan when he yells or calls you an Alchemy Freak."

        "I guess so," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "But I don't think this leadership thing is for me. It's best if we were to give someone else a chance. It's not really fair if I get the position just because of my last name you know. This was something I feared when I joined the school."

        "I've been thinking..." Uraraka changed the subject so Izuku didn't feel guilty for voting for (Y/n) cause of her last name, which the poor boy looked like he was about to cry. "Are you a rich boy, Iida?"

        "Rich...." Iida said, neither confirming or denying this question. "I tried to change how I talk because I didn't want to be called that."

        The two just stared at him.

        "Wait, you guys didn't know?" (Y/n) asked, blinking a few times. She honestly thought they would've heard of the Iida family since they are quite popular. "His family has been heroes for many generations. He's the second son to the family."

        "What?! Wow!" The other two said.

        "Do you know the Turbo Hero, Ingenium?" Iida asked.

        "Of course!" Deku said happily. "He's a really popular hero who has 65 sidekicks working at his Tokyo agency! Don't tell me....!"

        "He is my elder brother!" Iida said with pride.

        "he's telling us straight out!" Uraraka said.

        "That's amazing!" Deku said.

        Iida pushed up his glasses with even more pride.

        "He's a likable hero who honors the rules and leads people," (Y/n) put some of her food in her mouth, and swallowed after chewing for about 5 seconds. "That's what makes him so popular."

        "I set my sights on being a hero because I want to be like my brother," Iida said, thinking about how he'll be like his brother, someone people can like while also being someone they can depend on. "However, I think it is still too soon for me to lead others. Unlike me, Midoriya realized the point of the practical portion of the entrance exam, so he is more suitable for the job." Iida then turned his attention to (Y/n). "By the way, (Y/n)-san, how come you didn't do the practical exam?"

        "I went through recommendations with Todoroki and Yaoyorrozu," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "I'll admit, Todoroki was pretty fast when it came to the race, but I was faster."

        "Impressive." Iida said.

        Suddenly, the schools security bell started ringing.

        "An alarm?!" Izuku asked.

        "That's the schools security alarm, meaning something is threatening the school," (Y/n) got up from her seat that was next to Izuku, and started looking around. "But I don't see any threats though..."

        "There has been a Level 3 security breach." The schools PA system said. "All students please evacuate outdoors promptly."

        "What's 'Level 3 security'?" Iida asked the girl who knows the school like the back of her hand, who was about to leave.

        "It means someone is trespassing on school grounds." (Y/n) sighed. "But you three need to get outside right now."

        "But what about you?" Uraraka asked.

        "I'll be fine," (Y/n) said with a small smile on her face. "I know this schools security system like the back of my hand, besides, I wanna investigate. If they were villains, they would have attacked the students first. So it might not be villains but just unwarned attention."

        In a mere matter of seconds, lunchroom was trying to file outside in a panicked state. Of course, that meant shoving, elbowing, and possibly a lot of bruises later. (Y/n) was smart and she took the opposite way, where there would be no students.

        (Y/n) looked around outside, seeing no villains. "I was right, no villains."

        "(Y/n)," Present Mic said, seeing his niece running down the halls. "Are the students alright?"

        "They're fine," (Y/n) confirmed. "They're all just a little shaken up. Most of them are crowding the hallways, so they're going to be stuck there for a while."

        "Give me your observations and conclusions," Aizawa said, walking out of his classroom to see his childhood friend and daughter. "Don't skip out on the details."

        "There appears to be no villains attacking, since there isn't any damage," (Y/n) said, giving her observations. "Even if they didn't aim for the student right away, they would be aiming towards the teachers to bring them somewhere else to get to the students. There is no damage to the building itself, but I haven't been able to see the front gate just yet. My guess, someone managed to get inside by deactivating our systems."

        "Go to the security office and start deactivating our systems. It appears that it is just press who somehow managed to get inside," Aizawa said, already having a guess. "How they got inside, I don't know."

        "On it." (Y/n) ran off.

        (Y/n) typed away on the large computers, entering in many passwords and switching between all the different monitors. One by one, she was turning off the security systems. The alarms, the walls, everything. When she finally turned them off, and let out a sigh. Her poor fingers ached, but she had to check up on all the students. Turning on the camera programs, she saw Iida was stuck on top of the Exit sign while addressing the students about their current situations.

        "It's just the media!" The poor boy's legs were shaking as he was holding onto one of the pipes right above his head. How he got up there, (Y/n) does not know. "There is nothing to panic about. Everything's fine! This is U.A. Let us act in a way befitting the best of the best."

        (Y/n) let out a small laugh, before she turned on the microphone to talk though the PA system. "Attention all U.A students, please return to the cafeteria. The Level 3 security breach is now being handled. There is no danger. Please return to the cafeteria, your lunch time shall run as normal. Faculty members, please report to the teachers lounge for a meeting. I repeat, students please return to the cafeteria and the teachers please go to the teachers lounge for a meeting."

        (Y/n) was standing in the front of the school with Nezu, Midnight, Recovery Girl, and 13. They were examining the main doors of the school, which looked like it was disintegrated.

        "How were the ordinary members of the press able to do something like this?" Nezu asked, looking at the gates. "Someone instigated this. Did someone evil slip in, or was it intended to be a declaration of war? (Y/n), examine the gates please."

        (Y/n) walked over to the gates, and crouched down. She examined it closely, already debunking a few theories she had.

        "Well?" Midnight asked. She was a little impatient due to the severity of the situation.

        "Disintegrated," (Y/n) got up, and picked up some of the remains of the gates, it was practically like dust. "No traces of chemicals. it seems very controlled if it only effected the wall in front of the schools gate instead of doing the entire gate that boarders the school grounds."

        "Can you use your Quirk to repair it?" 13 asked their (yes I am not giving 13 a gender because I know there are some people who are saying that they are a she and some people are saying that they are a he so we're saying they and them to not cause arguments) niece.

        "It's an easy fix," (Y/n) clapped her hands together, and touched both piles of dust, reconstructing the gates. It was just like how it was before, since (Y/n) didn't want to change the makeup of the gates. "We should be alright now."

        "You should get back to class, alright?" Recovery Girl said, smiling softly. "Thank you for taking care of the security system and remaking the gates. Your next class should be interesting."

        "Oh no..." (Y/n) mumbled, having an idea.

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