Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]

By xTribridx

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Ava Dunbar transferred to Beacon Hills High School after an altercation at her old school. She expected to ha... More

12|Dread Doctors
14|Broken Promises
16|The Nemeton
17|Finding Ava
20|The Pack
21|Rescuing Lydia Part One
22|Rescuing Lydia Part Two
23|Charity Game
25|GoodBye Theo
26|The Pack's Theme Park Adventure
27|Who Are You
28|I wanna be Captain
30|The Bunker
31|Terrible Idea's
33|Jail Cell
34|Two Of Us
35|Merging Worlds
36|Losing Control
39|Brett And Lori
40|Clark Kent
41|Locked In
42|Abandoned Zoo
44|Mrs Finch
51|Chocolates and Roses
Sequel & New Book


6.1K 112 200
By xTribridx

"I don't like you at all. I might even hate you." Ava growled.

Ava hadn't noticed Theo stepping closer to her until she looked up and realised he'd stepped into her room when she subconsciously stepped back. Ava's skin felt like it was on fire as she stared into his piercing blue eyes that were staring back into hers intently. Her heart started beating faster when Theo grabbed her face like he had in the elevator and tilted her head up, pulling her closer to him.

"Are you sure you don't like me?" He whispered against her lips.

Ava licked her lips which suddenly felt dry, her tongue flicked against Theo's lips that were still just barely touching hers.

"I'm sure." She whispered back and pushed her lips more forcefully against his as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Theo let go of her face and wrapped his arms around her waist instead and pulled her forwards so they could feel each other's body against each other. Ava started pulling at Theo's jacket and he quickly began helping and easily slid the material off his arms and then they removed his other jacket that Ava was wearing dropping them both carelessly to the floor. Theo lowered his hands to her ass and lifted her up making Ava wrap her legs around him as he carried her over to her bed. He pushed her down onto the bed and climbed on top of her, straddling her waist.

Ava reached up to pull him closer but he caught her wrists and pinned them down on the soft material of her bed as he began kissing her aggressively. Ava wrapped her legs around him as a way to pull him closer, seeing as her arms were occupied with Theo restraining them with a strong grip that was tightening more every second not that she minded. Ava bit Theo's lip when his tongue invaded her mouth, and she smirked against his mouth when she felt his dick harden between her legs when he thrust his hips forwards.

Theo let go of her wrists to pull his shirt off over his head, whilst he was doing that Ava sat up slightly so she could do the same. Theo grabbed the waistband of Ava's trousers and looked at her questioningly, when she nodded her consent he started pulling her trousers slowly down her legs. Ava lifted her hips to make it easier for Theo to rip them off of her. He started moving down her body, kissing every inch of her from her neck and moving down her stomach.

Ava was moaning with each kiss he planted on her body. Theo seemed to enjoy the noises she was making, as she could hear and feel the groan he let out against her stomach. She could feel his breath move down her stomach and between her legs, she impatiently grabbed his hair to try and get him to do something. The wait was unbearable. Her underwear was already soaked, with her want for him. He chuckled huskily and looked up at her with mischief on his eyes. Ava tightened her grip on his hair as his hands appeared on her hips in a bruising grip as he started to pull down her black, lacy panties.

"Did you ever feel this good with her?"

Ava froze, and so did Theo it seemed when he realised what he just said. It was like she was submerged in icy water. She knew he was talking about Hayden and she had no clue why he would say something like that. She was no longer panting wantonly but growling angrily at the man between her legs.

"Get off." Ava growled and pushed at his bare shoulders. "Why would you say that?"

Theo immediately removed his hands from her body and climbed off of her feeling like a complete prat for bringing up Hayden knowing it would be a sensitive topic for her but he couldn't help himself some times. He didn't even realise he was going to say that and he couldn't always stop himself from blurting out the thoughts in his mind.

All the pleasure Ava was feeling was replaced with anger and disbelief as she pushed him away from her when he tried to reach for her. Ava could feel the regret and self hatred coming off of Theo as he silently watched her, unsure what to do as she angrily pulled all her clothes back on and ran from her room. She could hear Theo shouting her name but she ignored him, when she got downstairs she grabbed his car keys and ran outside. She got in the driver seat of his car and just as she started pulling off from her drive she saw Theo appearing at the front door.

Ava drove to Mason's house and she listened in to see if anyone was awake. She could hear Mason's parents snoring, but she could just make out Corey's voice so she decided to climb up to Mason's bedroom window.

Ava tiptoed around the back of the house and jumped over the gate, once she was in the garden she began climbing the tree she and Mason used to climb when they were kids. She easily got to the branch that leans over to Mason's window, but Ava had to take careful steps across the branch as it was quite fragile now.

"Shit." Ava gasped when she nearly fell but she managed to catch herself on the window ledge. Ava started banging the window as she hung horizontally in the air barely holding onto the tree with her legs.

The window started opening and Ava reached her hand inside so she had more support. "Mason!"

"Ava?" Mason sounded surprised. "What are you doing?"

"I'm falling." Ava gasped and Mason grabbed her arms and helped pull her inside. Ava stood back up and noticed that Mason and Corey were both shirtless.

"Sorry, guys." Ava said as she went and sat by Corey on Mason's bed.

"It's fine." Mason said honestly and sat on Ava's other side.

"What's happened?" Corey asked her.

"I'm trying not to have sex with Theo." Ava finally admitted.

The two boys were silent for a minute until Mason began laughing hysterically and Corey was grinning looking like he wanted to do the same.

"It's not funny." Ava said and slapped both their arms.

"How did you get here?" Mason asked, knowing she didn't have a car anymore after the second hand one she had kept breaking down so she gave up on it. "Did you run?"

"I stole Theo's car." Ava told them and they started laughing again.

"Start from the beginning." Mason said when he'd finished laughing and pushed Ava and Corey down and climbed between them so they were both laying down on either side of him so he could pull the bed covers over all of them.

"Well, after I rang you to get to the hospital, all the power went out. Then someone I thought was a werewolf apparently wasn't and they tried to shoot me and then Gabe was there trying to shoot me as well. Then Theo appeared from the elevator and he... he kissed me."

"I knew it." Mason smirked.

"Did you kiss him back?" Corey asked, invested in her story.

"Maybe. But that doesn't matter." Ava said. "Okay. I did. I totally did. But, that doesn't mean I like him, right? Because I don't like him."

"You like him." Corey told her.

"You totally like him." Mason agreed. "Does he have an eight pack?"

"Why does that matter?" Ava and Corey asked at the same time, the former exasperatedly and the latter with annoyance.

"I was just curious." Mason said sheepishly.

"Okay, so what did he do that made you come here?" Corey asked her, knowing that Theo probably did something to make Ava angry.

"Well... everything was going good... like, really good. And then he just... ah... he mentioned Hayden. Like comparing himself to her... he said and I quote 'did you ever feel this good with her?' Who says that?" Ava scoffed as she rolled over to face them both and wrapped her arms around Mason.

"He's a guy." Mason explained. "That's what they do. He might be insecure."

"What does he have to be insecure about?" Ava asked confused.

"Well, Hayden was your first real relationship." Mason said.

"And it's not like he's just competing with guys but also girls, too." Corey finished Mason's point.

"It's clear he really likes you. He might even love you." Mason told her.

Ava scoffed in disbelief. "That's bullshit. He probably just wants sex."

"That might be true but if that was all he wanted he'd go after someone else." Mason told her. "He wouldn't take the effort to be your friend if all he wanted was sex."

"That's true." Corey agreed. "When he first brought us back to life, Tracy kept throwing herself at him a few times but he always rejected her advances."

"Really?" Ava asked surprise and suspicion in her voice.

"Yeah. And he threatened us all multiple times to never touch you." Corey said.

"Well, that doesn't mean anything. He was crazy at that point and obsessed." Ava tried making excuses.

"Okay, maybe. But what about when you brought him back from hell?" Corey asked her.

"He was still an ass." Ava pointed out.

"True. But he could have just left town. He didn't have to stay around and help us." Mason reminded her. "Don't forget he helped you get into the Wild Hunt to get to us."

And he sacrificed himself for me. Ava thought to herself.

"Aves, I've known you basically all our lives. So I know you're not the best with expressing your feelings. But I think over time you've actually started to like Theo without even realising it." Mason told her gently.

"I told him about Ryan." Ava whispered.

"Who's Ryan?" Corey asked but he was ignored by the two best friends.

"You what?" Mason asked carefully. "Seriously?"

"Seriously." Ava nodded against Mason's shoulder before she sat up with a startled gasp.

"Oh, my god." Mason spoke Ava's thoughts.

"Oh, my god. Fuck. I like Theo." Ava finally admitted to herself and the two boys.


Theo punched the wall in annoyance directed at himself as he watched Ava steal his car and drive away, most likely going to see Mason or Scott.

Theo thought it was more likely she went to Mason first so Theo started walking to Scott's house after finding Ava's house keys so he could lock the door so her family didn't get robbed. Theo arrived at Scott's house and he knocked the door. A few minutes later Scott opened the door and looked at Theo with confusion.

"Hey, are you... okay?" Scott asked slowly as he opened the door wider for Theo to come inside.

"I'm an idiot." Theo groaned.

"Yeah, but that's nothing new." Stiles said walking down the stairs to see who was at the door.

"What's happened?" Scott asked as the three of them sat around the dining room table. "Where's Ava?"

"I dunno. Probably with Mason." Theo shrugged. "She stole my car."

"She stole your car?" Stiles asked with a wide grin on his face. "I knew there was a reason I loved her so much."

"What did you do?" Scott asked.

"Have you told him yet?" Theo asked Scott and nodded towards Stiles. "I heard Ava tell you about what happened."

"Oh, no. Not yet." Scott said and looked at Stiles cautiously deciding whether he should tell him or not.

"What haven't you told me?" Stiles demanded.

Stiles recognised the look Scott and Theo were sharing and he began shaking his head in disbelief. "No. Nope. Not happening. Scott, how could you let this happen?"

"Stiles, I can't tell her what to do." Scott sighed.

"Yes. Yes, you can. You totally can. You're the alpha." Stiles said frantically waving his hands around. "Oh, my god. That was your jacket she was wearing earlier, wasn't it? Oh, my god."

"Okay, what happened?" Scott asked turning to Theo and ignoring Stiles's disbelief.

"I brought up Hayden." Theo admitted. "Well, not intentionally."

Scott and Stiles verbally winced knowing Theo screwed up big time.

"Oh, well. You had a chance, now you've lost it. Now you move on." Stiles said.

"No. No." Scott repeated himself when Stiles opened his mouth to suggest something else. Scott turned to Theo. "You need to apologise."

"I know." Theo sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "That's what I was planning. I just needed to talk to someone, I suppose."

"Do you really like her?" Scott asked. "Because if you're just going to hurt her, I won't stop Malia from torturing you the next chance she gets."

"Yes, I do. And if I were to hurt her again, not that I'm planning to, then you Stiles can decide how Malia tortures me." Theo negotiated as Scott listened to his heartbeat and he didn't hear any sign that Theo was lying.

"You have one chance. Well, if Ava gives you a chance that is." Stiles finally gave in.

Theo's phone suddenly rang and he grabbed it out his pocket to look at the caller ID. When he saw that it was Ava he put his phone in the middle of the table so Scott and Stiles could see who it was too.

"Answer it." Stiles demanded.


"I'm gonna go." Ava told Mason and Corey who were both grinning from ear to ear.

"Probably a good idea." Corey said.

"Have fun." Mason winked as she left his room.

Ava left Mason's house, through the front door this time making sure to close the door quietly. She got back in Theo's car and started driving back to her house, but she decided to ring Theo first to make sure he was still there. She attached her phone to the handsfree system and dialled Theo's number.

"Hello." Theo's voice came through on the third ringing sound. Ava could also hear Scott and Stiles's muffled voices in the background.

"Where are you?" Ava asked.

"At Scott's."

"Okay, I'll pick you up." Ava told him. "I've just left Mason's."

"Put it on speaker. What's she saying? I don't have wolf hearing. Is she angry?"

"Stiles, stop it. She's nearly here. She's just left Mason's." Scott said in the background.

"I'm not saying anything with Stiles eavesdropping. See you soon." Ava said and ended the call.

It didn't take long for Ava to get to Scott's house and when she pulled up outside his house, the door opened revealing the light from Scott's house, and Theo came out. She could also see Scott and Stiles watching them by the door. When Theo got in the passenger seat, Scott shut his door but she guessed he was trying to listen in purely because of Stiles's insistence.

Neither of them said anything as Ava drove them back to her house in the pitch black, the only sound around them was the cars engine and radio. About 10 silent minutes later, they arrived back at Ava's house. She got out the car and she went to open the door but it wouldn't, and Theo tapped her shoulder. She looked over her shoulder at him and he held her keys out for her to take. Ava raised her eyebrows in surprise that he'd actually taken the care to lock her house up for her after she forgot to take her keys with her when she stormed out and stole his car. She let them both in and locked the door again, and when they were inside she grabbed Theo's hand, which surprised him, and laced their fingers together and pulled him up the stairs with her.

"Ava, I'm sorry." Theo started, as she pulled him into her bedroom and shut the door behind them, and he couldn't take the silence any longer. Not that it was an uncomfortable silence or anything, he just needed to apologise. "I get if you're not over Hayden, I shouldn't have-"

"No. Listen to me for a minute." Ava said and pushed him to sit down on her bed as she started pacing in front of him as she spoke. "As you've probably noticed I'm not good at talking about how I feel. Other than being angry, that's like my go to emotion when I don't know what to do or someone puts me on the spot. It was nothing to do with Hayden, I'm completely over her now. I'll always love her, the same way I'll always love Mason, but we'd never get back together or anything now... we both promised each other we'd move on." Ava paused for a minute and ran her hand through her hair to try and brace herself for what she was about to say. "So, I guess what I'm trying to say... is that... I suppose you were right about the thing you said."

"Which thing?" Theo asked when she gave him a look to say he was no allowed to speak. "The thing about Hayden, because I didn't meant to say-"

"No, the other thing." Ava said avoiding his eyes.

"Oh, about you fancying me?" He asked and she could hear the smirk returning to him.

"Do you have to say it like that?" She asked rhetorically. "But, yes... I guess. Mason and Corey helped me realise it."

"Say it." Theo demanded as he caught her hips when she continued her pacing. He pulled her onto his lap and looked up into her eyes as she became flustered. "Tell me."

"I like you." Ava finally admitted to him in a whisper as she leaned into his shoulder.

"Say it again." Theo ordered with a playful voice as he pushed her back slightly to look in her eyes, but she could also hear the seriousness in his tone.

"Don't push it." She warned as their eyes locked. She felt his cock twitch against her and she realised how much she wanted him, but she'd just been hiding the truth from herself.

Ava's eyes moved to Theo's lips and his did the same, and then they found themselves in the same position they were in an hour or so ago. Ava pulled her shirt off and threw it to the floor and Theo did the same. This time Ava was on top of him as she pushed him to lay back on her bed as she began kissing his neck. Theo began working on her trousers as she started sucking on the skin of his neck making groan, he was pretty sure he felt her fangs grow and slowly tease the already pink skin.

Ava could feel her control slipping as her fangs grew and she trailed them down his neck drawing blood. She felt his dick twitch again at that so she bit into his skin harshly, this made him groan and tighten his grip on her hips. Once Ava was just in her bra and panties, Theo flipped them over and leaned back on his heals so Ava's hands could work on his jeans zipper. Theo began kissing Ava again when his jeans were ripped away and he was given release of the pressure in his groin. Ava blindly reached down into his boxers and wrapped her hand around his dick and slid her hand up and down as she squeezed her hand around him.

Theo could already feel himself losing control from her just touching him, but he wanted to make it good for her too so he grabbed her hand to pause her movements. Theo pushed her arms above her head and agonisingly slowly pulled her underwear down. Ava was squirming against him as she felt his fingers teasing the folds of her sex.

Ava felt his dick at her entrance and she tried to thrust her hips upwards to create some friction but he held her down.

"Are you on the pill?" Theo suddenly asked.

Shit. Ava thought through her dazed and distracted mind. "Top drawer." Ava gasped out.

Theo jumped off of her and opened her dresser to find a box of condoms. He didn't have time to question what she was doing with them. Ava sat up and snatched one of the packets from him and ripped it open. She slid the condom down his length and pulled him back down onto the bed with her.

Theo grabbed her face to make her look up at him.

"You're beautiful." He said and kissed her lips softly as he lined himself up at her entrance. "Are you sure you want this?" Theo asked and pulled back to look in her eyes.

"I want you." Ava said and pulled his head back down to hers.

Theo easily pushed inside of her, with how wet she was in her need for him. She tightly clenched her legs around him and moaned loudly when he thrust inside her for the first time. He stayed still for a minute to let her adjust to him.

"Move." Ava whispered against his lips and started moving her hips to the speed she wanted.

Their hips moved together and their climaxes grew rapidly. Theo's hand moved down in between her legs to find her clit, when he began rubbing that area Ava gasped loudly and began panting heavily as her body shook with pleasure.

Eventually they both reached their climax and they collapsed against each other out of breath. Theo pulled out of her and removed the condom. They both put their underwear back on and Ava pulled the quilt over them both as she leaned against his chest. She listened to the beat of his heart and felt her eyes fluttering shut as he played with her hair.

Ava fell asleep with Theo's arms around her as she cuddled up to him. For the first time in a few months, Ava had a peaceful sleep with no worries about everything that was going on in her world.

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