Until the Very End | Scorpius...

By _QueenCherry

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Previously: My Forbidden Love - A Lily Potter x Scorpius Malfoy Fanfiction Lily Luna Potter has only ever lik... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 ~ The Beginning of it all
Chapter 2 ~ First Classes and Brothers
Chapter 3 ~ Two Years later
Chapter 4 ~ The Big Blow-Up
Chapter 5 ~ Letters and Sneaking Out
Chapter 6 ~ Early Weekend Mornings
Chapter 7 ~ Keeping Secrets
Chapter 8 ~ Arguments and Fairy Wings
Chapter 9 ~ Date Night??
Chapter 10 ~ Gone Missing
Chapter 11 ~ Guest Rooms
Chapter 13 ~ Embarrassment
Chapter 14 ~ Always
Chapter 15 ~ Christmas Break Part 1
Chapter 16 ~ Christmas Break Part 2
Chapter 17 ~ Positive
Chapter 18 ~ Gilmore Girls
Chapter 19 ~ Shopping
Chapter 20 ~ A Child of Prophecy
Chapter 21 ~ Gender Reveal
Chapter 22 ~ New Life and Old
Chapter 23 ~ Until the Very End
Author's Note

Chapter 12 ~ Official Permission

448 7 2
By _QueenCherry

Snow wakes me up by tapping on our window, which I open for her to enter the room and pull the letter off of her leg. After thanking Snow, I pet her and open the message, and I immediately recognize my father's handwriting.

Dear Lily,

I heard about what happened last night. Is everything okay there? You can write back, or not, I'm going to see you soon anyway, but still. I just need to check on you and make sure you're all right.

Now, it's time to stop beating around the bush and just clobber the whole thing at once. I don't like the idea of Scorpious dating you, and I don't like his father. But if he makes you happy, I think I could get used to the idea. I know you probably don't want him anyway, but still. He's a great kid, who's kind, smart, and from what I saw last night, I know he would protect you.

I do have a couple of rules if you do start dating him.

1) No kissing in front of me.

2) Be careful

3) I can add too, delete, or add more rules at any time without any warning.

Lots of love,


I jump on the bed and hit Scorpious. "WAKE UP!"

"Ugh... What do you want?" He moans.

"READ THIS!" I shove the letter into his hand.

"Why? It's too early to read!" He complains.

"JUST READ THE DAMN LETTER!" I yell in response.

"Alright, alright. Just stop yelling so I can read."

"Okay." I give Snow a treat and let her go back to the owlry. "Can you come back tonight? We have to go tomorrow morning, so I need to put you in your cage." I whisper to her.

"LILY!" Scorpious yells after reading the letter, "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER?!"



"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?!" Albus yells from the next room over.

"NO!" I yell in response.

"YES!" Scorpious yells, getting a playful punch from me on the arm, "You want to shut up, actually," He smirks and kisses me.

Pulling back, I have the same smirk he did, "Well, I guess I can be quiet," I respond with a wink, leaning back in. As I did so, he sticks his pointer finger on my lips and shakes his head.

"No, no, no. I have a surprise for you. Anyway, I'm sure you're starving. We'll get some food, I'll show you your surprise, and we can decide what to do from there."

"Okay! To the food!" I chirped in response, "Oh wait.. Uh, I probably should get dressed first." I gave him a peck on the cheek, grabbed a blue sweater and jeggings, and ran into the bathroom. After taking a quick shower, I jumped into my clothing and brushed my teeth. I didn't put on any makeup-I usually don't-so I walked out of the bathroom just as Scorpious was pulling a shirt over his head. After we threw our shoes on, we started walking to the great hall. "Wait." I stopped him.

"What?" He looked down at me.

"Since this whole thing was a secret, wouldn't it be weird if we walked into the great hall together? Also, people are going to know what happened last night, and uhm - how are we going to explain how we became-y'know dating? Like a story or whatever?"

"Hmmm... People are going to look at me and whisper. Albus asked me to bring food back for them, so we can just grab food and get in and out. For a story, we can just say that we liked each other and decided to date since that is what happened, or if you want, we can just not tell people."

"We can tell people. I want them to know your mine, and that story is true, so it works! Okay, let's get in and out." We turn the corner, and he wraps his arm around my waist as we walk into the great hall, and as soon as we walk into it, the place hushes and turns to us, observing us.

Did you hear what happened to his sister last night?

Are they together now?

What about Rose?

Where is his sister? How is Albus not freaking out about this? Wait-where IS Albus?

We walk to the closest table and grab some food. Turning around, we start walking out. As soon as the door closed behind us, I hear the place get loud once again, inevitably talking about us. Suddenly it got louder as the door opens, and looking behind me, I see the one face I was hoping not to find.

"YOU LITTLE SL-" Rose starts yelling at me, only stopping when Scorpious turns around and mutters Silencio, quiet enough Rose didn't hear it. I see her mouth finishing with the "-UT," and I become incredibly thankful for my Ravenclaw mind.

"If anyone's the slut, it would be you. I have NEVER had another boyfriend, and frankly, I didn't steal Scorpius from you. You've had other boyfriends before him, and I've heard you say before that you were going to break up with him not long after he ended it anyway. ALSO, I know for a fact that you have aren't the 'virgin' your dad thinks you are, and I know for a fact that you never did it with Scorp, or before him, because I asked, and Zabini couldn't keep his mouth shut about last Saturday, and not because he enjoyed it. Good luck getting anything from Slytherin, or anyone from Scorp's year. Now, please leave us alone. Bye, bye, Rosie." I take in a breath after finishing. I had used the childhood name that she had always hated just to push her that extra little bit. Turning around, I grab Scorpius's hand and pull him back to the dorm before she could say anything.

"Jeeze Lils." Scorpius is impressed, "Your parents should have named you Venus Flytrap Potter because you totally just ate Rose up and spit her back out. I might start calling you V."

"Please don't," I respond, "Let's get Albus and Phoe's food to them so we can eat ours, and you can give me that surprise," I go up to their door and knock lightly, "Alby, Phoe, I brought you some food." Albus opens the door, and I hand the food to him. "She asleep?"


"Okay. She needs the rest." He nods in response and closes the door. Turning around, I grab my food from Scorpious and scarf it down. I look up at him once I finish and ask, "Can I have my surprise now?"

"Yeah," He grabs me by the hand and drags me into our room. I watch as he opens his suitcase and waits for him to turn around. "Close your eyes and put out your hand," I feel him put a box in it, "You can open your eyes now."

It's a blue and green wrapped box, tearing it open I notice it's a black velvet rectangular necklace box. Carefully, I open it and see a beautiful necklace that has Ravenclaw Eagle with the Malfoy family crest on it.

"Here," He puts the necklace on me, and I look in the mirror, admiring it.

"Thank you so much," I hug him with a broad smile on my face.

"You're welcome."

In response to that, I tilt my head up and kiss him. Pulling away, I smile. "What time is it?"

"11. Why?"

"Since we don't have to go to classes, nobody will be missing us..."

"No, they won't be," he replies and leans back in.

I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him closer to me. Re-connecting our lips, I slide my hand under his shirt and start tracing small circles on his chest as his lips move against mine. He pushes me down on the bed, and soon, he's on top of me. His tongue presses against my lips, asking for an invitation inside, and I respond immediately. After a moment, he breaks away for just a second and quickly takes his shirt off. Following his lead, I throw my sweater on the floor and carefully take my necklace off and put it in its box, which I had set on the side table next to the bed.

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