Until the Very End | Scorpius...

By _QueenCherry

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Previously: My Forbidden Love - A Lily Potter x Scorpius Malfoy Fanfiction Lily Luna Potter has only ever lik... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 ~ The Beginning of it all
Chapter 3 ~ Two Years later
Chapter 4 ~ The Big Blow-Up
Chapter 5 ~ Letters and Sneaking Out
Chapter 6 ~ Early Weekend Mornings
Chapter 7 ~ Keeping Secrets
Chapter 8 ~ Arguments and Fairy Wings
Chapter 9 ~ Date Night??
Chapter 10 ~ Gone Missing
Chapter 11 ~ Guest Rooms
Chapter 12 ~ Official Permission
Chapter 13 ~ Embarrassment
Chapter 14 ~ Always
Chapter 15 ~ Christmas Break Part 1
Chapter 16 ~ Christmas Break Part 2
Chapter 17 ~ Positive
Chapter 18 ~ Gilmore Girls
Chapter 19 ~ Shopping
Chapter 20 ~ A Child of Prophecy
Chapter 21 ~ Gender Reveal
Chapter 22 ~ New Life and Old
Chapter 23 ~ Until the Very End
Author's Note

Chapter 2 ~ First Classes and Brothers

887 12 5
By _QueenCherry

"This way, 1st years, this way, please!" Our prefects shout, walking down the table.

"OW!" I exclaim as Dom steps on my foot as we stand up to follow them.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited!"

"Here we are!" The prefect-Alexa I think-tells us, "Now, we have to figure out what the password is to the door!"

"Aren't you supposed to know the password?!" Dom asks, confusion evident in her tone and facial expressions. Every one of our family members had said we would have a password to get into the common room, and that the prefects would know it. None of our family members were in Ravenclaw. Except for Luna, but we hadn't seen her in a while.

"Well, the other prefects, yes, but ours is a riddle that changes every day." That causes our eyes to all widen in a bit of fear. "Don't worry, it will get easier, and it helps us learn to share the knowledge. It helps us remember that we learn more together than alone."

"Brothers and sisters, I have none, but this man's father is my father's son. Who is the man?"

We all stand there for a moment, trying to think of what the answer is. "My son!" Pheonix looks at the eagle expectantly.

"Correct!" The eagle replies, and the door opens.

No one says a word as we walk into the common room. It's beautiful, with its countless books, a fireplace with a couch and some chairs, along with a chess table and some other side tables that are probably for doing homework. Of course, there's a banner with the Ravenclaw logo hanging above the entrance.

"Okay, okay." The prefect tells us. "This is the common room, boys dorms on the left, girls on the right. Oh, and that statue is our founder, Rowena Ravenclaw. There's a notice board next to the door that will have notices up for you, make sure to check it often."

All of the first years head up to their dorms; none of us had realized how tired we were before we walked into the room containing three poster beds with blue curtains draped from the top. We all quickly change and go to bed, talking a bit before we all fall asleep.

Once I wake up, I notice Dom passed out with the sun is brightly shining onto her curtains. Getting up, I yank them open and throw a pillow at her. She moans about how she doesn't want to wake up yet in response, and ignore her. "You better wake up, or you're going to be late for our classes," she complains again as I poke her side, heading into the bathroom to shower quickly and get dressed.


After breakfast, we head to our Transfiguration class with Hufflepuff. Phoenix had beaten us there, "Hey Phoenix! We didn't see you when I woke up, or at breakfast this morning."

"Oh, I met my brother outside for a morning jog, then I ate with him at the Slytherin table."

"Oh, cool!"

"Wait, isn't your brother Scorpion?" Dom asks, and I laugh at her mispronunciation of his name.

"Scorpius," she laughs, "Though you can call him Scorpion if you'd like. I'm sure he'd hate it, so I fully support it."

"Come in!" McGonagall says sharply, "Today we are taking a pretest. If you somehow manage to ace it, I will give you another, if you ace that one too, you will be moved up a year for transfiguration. I highly doubt that will happen, but it has before, and it might still."

The pretest wasn't easy, but it wasn't hard either.

"Okay, times up!" McGonagall tells us, "Hand in your tests, finished or not! I will use some simple charms to check them now for you." After a little bit, she continued, "All three Ravenclaw girls got a hundred percent, everyone else, come up here for your grade."

All three of us whisper to each other in celebration, watching the rest of the class. "Okay, you three, come in here after classes, and you will take your second tests. Class dismissed!"

The next classes are all similar. However, we didn't ace all the pre-tests. Phoenix aced the charms one, and the DADA one, while Dom aced Herbology and History of Magic, I aced the DADA one and the Astronomy test we had on that Wednesday. Phoenix and Dom did alright on the potions one, but I failed miserably.

"Wow, I got moved up a year in Defence and Charms. Lily got moved up in Defence and Astronomy. Dom got moved up in Herbology, too bad about that second History of Magic test Dom," she sends a sympathetic look at Dom, "BUT, we all got moved up in Transfiguration!"

"Eh, I don't like History of Magic anyway." Dom shrugs. We all head down to dinner and sit at the end of Ravenclaw's table. As we were sitting down at the table, Phoenix's brother comes by.

"Hey, idiot."

"Hey, seastar," Scorpius responds.

Dom and I watch them as they stare at each other without saying anything, appearing to have a full conversation. "Oh, Scorpius, this is Lily Potter and Dominque Weasley, they're in Ravenclaw with me."

"Yeah, Lil's Albus' little sister," he laughs awkwardly. The laugh reminds me of the time I woke up early in the morning and caught him and my brother half-naked in our kitchen, smacking each other with their brooms. He had used the same laugh when he was trying to defend himself then.

"SCORPIUS!" I hear my cousin Rose bellow from Gryffindor's table.

"That's Rose, I better go." He says quickly and runs off to her.

"Bye, Scorp!" Phoenix yells after him.

"Bye, Phoe!" He yells over his shoulder.

Scorpius' POV

Wow, I've never seen her like this. She's beautiful. Scorpius had thought in his head when he saw Lily on the Hogwarts Express. For their entire short conversation, he stood, thinking the same thing over and over. Wow, she's your best mates' sister, and you have a girlfriend. She's only 11!

Now, he saw his sister had begun hanging out with her. That's going to suck. He had tried prying her head for information, but she had started to get good at blocking him out. Dammit.

"Hey, idiot," Phoenix waved at me.

"Hey seastar," I nod at her in response to her wave.

'I see you're friends with Albus' little sister.' I narrow my eyes at Phoenix, and she shrugs.

'She's nice. Plus, there are only three of us. What did you think I'd make them hate me?'

'True. So what are they like?' I ask.

'Stop prying, Scor. Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?'

I narrow my eyes at her. 'Fine. But you don't want your friends to think you're weird, do you?' I raise my eyebrows and pull off the patented Malfoy Smirk.

"Oh, Scorpius, this is Lily Potter and Dominque Weasley, they're in Ravenclaw with me."

"Yeah, Lil's Albus' little sister," I laugh awkwardly, cursing myself. As I laugh, I notice a weird glint in Lily's emerald eyes.

"SCORPIUS!" I hear my girlfriend bellow from across the hall.

"That's Rose, I better go." I run off to her.

"Bye, Scorp!" Phoenix yells.

"Bye, Phoe!" I yell over my shoulder, going over to Rose.

"Why were you talking to those girls?" she asks me, obviously paranoid. Not what one would call a good look on her.

"Oh, the blonde one is my little sister, Phoenix. Aren't you related to the other ones?" I laugh, shrugging it off, "I just went to go talk to her, see that she's settling into Hogwarts.

"Oh, you're such a good brother!" she replies, and I sit down with her and eat breakfast. Yet, I can't seem to keep Lily off of my mind.

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